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Search Results

  • Dementia and family. The role of Alzheimer cafe in reducing the burden of caregiving families

    In the last years, the international researches have turned towards families caring for elderly people with dementia /see the works of Zarit et al. 1985, 2005; Aneshensel et al. 1995; and Kaplan 1996/. The majority of these researchers analysed the stress burden of the caring family member and its consequences, role conflicts, and the tensions in the caregiving family (Zarit et al. 1985; Aneshensel et al. 1995; Kaplan 1996; Zarit et al. 2005). The revelation that in terms of Romania, we know nothing or almost nothing about the burden of families caring for elderly people with dementia and its effect on the primary carer, played was an important factor in the choice of topic. This is why, in a vast empirical analysis, in Transylvania, 50 interviews and questionnaire surveys were made with people caring for elderly with dementia in their own homes and 50 families whose relatives with dementia have been moved to a long-term residential home in the past 12 months from the time of the survey. Gathering data took three years (2015–2017). The research included the inquiry interview with the primary caregiver family member, in which we assessed the functional barriers and the psychosocial difficulties (Szabó 2000). The analysis of the levels of social skills was built upon this, and it unfolded the main characteristics of self-sufficiency, existing social skills, and social adaptation. This survey pointed out the everyday tasks in which the client requires help. With regard to family care, we have also analysed the independent living ability of people with dementia. These three angles offered the guidelines for the assessment of “objective burden” of the caring family member. Reviewing the distribution of caring tasks within the family is based on this, which helps us finding out who the key persons are, the ones undertaking the primary caregiving duties. For analysing the formation of roles within the family, we have devised our own criteria (Szabó–Kiss 2015). Starting from the objective burden, in regard to the “subjective burden”, we have obtained valuable indications about the emotional effect of caregiving family member. The detailed assessment of self-sufficiency through which we have analysed the measure of functional degradation of people living with dementia, was added to the devices of the analysis (Szabó 2000). The internationally approved scale of memory and behavioural problems (Zarit 1985) is connected to this, which measures the distractive attitude of the person living with dementia and its effect on the primary caregiver. The survey of the primary caregiver’s burdening is also connected (Zarit 1985), and so is the assessment of the negative and positive attitude towards the caregiving tasks (Farran et al. 1999). A six-step focus group is added to the devices of the research, in which the primary caregivers, by hearing each other’s cases and following thematic questions, open up more easily about the critical periods of caregiving and the pivotal factors of institutional placement.

  • Elderly care out from the care system: the challenges of family carers

    The overburdened long term care system increases the role of family carers in taking care of older adults. Undertaking the role of care put a great burden to family carers and cause many negative effects to the family roles, the field of employment and to the carers’ personal physical and mental health too. The formal care system solely focuses for the need of care receivers and hardly find services targeted to family carers. This study, using the analisis of ten family caregiver interviews, overlaps the main difficulties they are facing.

  • The Role of Elderly Generation in Generational Turnover of Family Farms

    One of the greatest risks of a family farm is the succession of the farm. It is also backed by the fact that 2/3 of the companies do not survive the generational turnover. However, several farm risk their survival by not planning succession. Predecessors play a major role in the succession process. Thus, the aim of the study is to examine the role of the elderly generation in generational turnover of family businesses based on earlier empirical research. The predecessors continue to play a symbolic role after succession and thus have a profound impact on corporate culture, values and performance. The predecessors have extensive farming experience but are inexperienced in succession. Several of them contemplate on retirement, but few actually get to action. In conclusion, the core benefit of family farms is that, ideally, they remain in the control of a family for generations, thus allowing tens of years of experience and knowledge to be concentrated in the leader. Therefore, we should not forget that the silver generation is worth gold!

  • Alzheimer's disease in the context of social work from the perspective of family caregivers

    In the context of rising quality of life and improving living conditions, as well as improving health care, people are now living to a higher age than in the past. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in European countries. As a result of the development of the disease, individuals are often dependent on the help and care of other people, in most cases family members. This care interferes with the functioning of the family, so monitoring the needs and assistance for family members is essential.

  • An exploratory metaphor analysis on the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging

    Purpose: The aim of this study was to reveal the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging through metaphors.

    Methods: The basic qualitative research design was used to evaluate the metaphors of nursing students regarding the concept of aging from their perspectives. The study sample consisted of 104 senior nursing students at Aksaray University in the 2021-2022 academic year. A purposive sampling method was used. "Metaphoric Perceptions Data Collection Form", which was prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, was used as a data collection tool. The form consists of two parts. In the first part, the demographic characteristics of the students were investigated. In the second part, the sentence “Aging is like … because … ” was given to reveal students' metaphors regarding the concept of aging. The metaphors developed by the students regarding the concept of old age were analyzed and interpreted with Metaphor Analysis. Metaphor analysis has been associated with content analysis.

    Results: The mean age of the students participating in the study was 21.65±0.99 (min: 20, max: 25). Of students, 68.6% were female, 33.3% lived in city, and 84.3% had nuclear family. About half (50.0%) of their grandparents lived in their house. Of the students, 39.2% thought about living with your parents when you start a family in the future; 52.9% lived with older adults aged 65 and over until now; 92.2% cared for an older patient during clinical practice; and 74.5% wanted to work in a health institution serving the elderly after graduation. Students produced a total of 102 valid metaphors for the concept of aging. Four main themes were obtained from the data. The main themes were aging as an ending story, a need for care, attention, and support, a new beginning, and a source of life.

    Conclusion: Nursing students' metaphors about aging are generally negative, but also contain expressions of respect.

  • Social security and safety of older adults in Poland

    Poland’ population will be ageing at a fast rate in the coming decades. It is projected that in 2070 the Polish ratio between people aged 65 and over and those aged 15-64 years will be 62.6, the highest among EU-27 countries. Population ageing appeared in the public debate in Poland as a separate subject in the 1990s, following a negative natural population increase and the looming impact of the massive withdrawal of baby boomers from the labour market on the pension system. One of the reasons for older persons’ growing interest in retirement was pension system reforms planned by successive governments.

    The announcement of the year 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations (decision no. 940/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2011) contributed in Poland to the emergence of a senior policy from a social policy and initiated major legislative, institutional, and organisational changes at the national, regional and local levels of government. It also inspired the redefinition of measures used hitherto in line with the evolution in the perception of older people from social care recipients to active members of their communities entitled to education and economic, social, civic and political activity. In 2013, the Senior Policy Council was established as a consultative and advisory body to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and then similar councils supporting regional and local authorities were organised.

    In order to encourage greater activity among seniors, a special governmental programme was created in December 2013, which grants funds on a competitive basis to projects concerning social activities, education, and intergenerational cooperation submitted by informal and formal groups of seniors.

    The national government’s key documents on senior policy, one for the period from 2014 to 2020 and the other spanning the years until 2030, are Resolution 238 of 24 Dec. 2013 by the Board of Ministers on the Adoption of Long-term Senior Policy in Poland for the Years 2015-2020 and Resolution 161 of 28 Oct. 2018 by the Board of Ministers on the adoption of Social Policy Towards the Older Persons 2030. Security-Participation-Solidarity. In 2015, the Polish Parliament passed the elderly people act, which requires institutions in charge of the well-being of older persons to monitor and report on their situation. The reports submitted by the institutions are used by the Ministry of Labour to compile and present an annual evaluation of the status of the older population in Poland.

    The regional governments’ senior policy is reflected in their social policy strategies. The strategies’ operational goals started to address needs specific to older people since 2002, focusing in particular on improving their quality of life, developing round-the-clock care services, at-home care services, and rehabilitation services, and on reducing social exclusion and marginalization of seniors.

    Social security and the safety of older adults are progressively improving in Poland, but the greatest progress has been made in the area of active ageing. Social care services for the elderly still require improvement, because the predominant family care model is inefficient in many ways due to:

    • limited financing of care services by public institutions,
    • the growing proportion of single elderly persons,
    • the increasing number of people aged 85+ (the so-called double population ageing),
    • social insurance disregarding long-term care to an elderly family member as an insurable risk,
    • a lack of legislation allowing employed people to seek a long-term leave to give care to an older family member,
    • the informal expectation that women who retire at the age of 60 years will take care of the oldest family members.

    While neither the scale nor the quality of home care services given to older persons is regularly surveyed in Poland, it can be presumed that the scale of care services is insufficient and that they excessively burden families with a member in need of care. Between 2010 and 2018, the number of persons aged 65+ increased in Poland by over 1.5 million, the number of the users of attendance services and specialised attendance services by 29,000 (from 99,000 to 128,000), and the number of residences in homes and facilities providing assistance to aged persons by 7,000 (from 20,000 to 27,100.)

  • Családi (informális) gondozást segítő rendszerek Magyarországon

    The member states of the European Union have to face the challenge of demographic aging. Taking the demographic characteristics of the member states, there are no essential differences in either the current or in the expected future development of the proportion of elderly people. Ageing affects several areas of the welfare regimes, but it is usually the health and pension systems and personal services that are highlighted. This paper deals with a special area of personal services, the family (informal) care and the support of carers in Hungary. The study introduces definitions of the informal care, welfare policies on family caregivers, the systematization attempts of the care policy in the member states, it analyzes the recent past and currently perceived care policy processes and ideologies, and finally describes the specific situation in the former Communist countries through an example of a Hungarian care policy. The basic idea of the article is that although the demographic challenges are similar, but the service policy and the development of the institutional systems show significant differences in each country. In addition to the underdeveloped institutional service system in the different countries, the post-Communist countries lack the supporting tools of the caring family members.

  • Satisfaction with the implementation of developmental tasks in the course of life and the sense of well-being in late adulthood

    The subject of the sense of psychological well-being in people in late adulthood and its determinants has been of great interest for several dozen years among researchers and broad social groups, including people of senior age.
    The aim of the presented research was to explain the relationship between coping with life challenges, which are developmental tasks culturally assigned to successive periods of adult life, and the sense of well-being in the last period of life. The study also drew attention to the importance of selected socio-demographic variables for the sense of well-being of people in late adulthood, namely gender, age, level of education, family situation and material (financial) condition. In line with the positive psychology approach, these factors were expected to be of limited importance for the sense of well-being.
    155 people aged over 65 (late adulthood) took part in the study, 53% of whom were men and 47% of women. The author's questionnaire was used to examine satisfaction with the implementation of developmental tasks (Liberska, 2019), the Mental Wellbeing Questionnaire (L.Wojciechowska, 2008) and a questionnaire collecting basic sociodemographic data. The analysis of the research results showed significant relationships between the implementation of developmental tasks and the sense of well-being. Age of the respondents did not differentiate the sense of well-being.
    People's sense of well-being in late adulthood is related to coping with developmental tasks in adult life and the current family and economic situation.
    1. the results of the statistical analysis did not show statistically significant differences between men and women in the level of psychological well-being: t (152) = -0,63, p = 0,52 (women – M = 87,25, SD = 12,73; men – M = 88,52, SD = 12).
    2. people with higher education had a higher level of the general indicator of the sense of well-being than people with secondary (Z=-2.04, p=0.041), vocational (Z=-3.52, p=0.001) and primary education (Z=-3.22, p=0.01)
    3. financial status differentiates the sense of well-being of people in late adulthood: people with good economic status have a higher sense of well-being than people with average status (Z = -3.23, p = 0.001) and below average (Z = -2.03; p = 0.043)
    4. the results of the statistical analysis showed that people with different marital status differ in the level of mental well-being: married people in late adulthood have a significantly higher level of mental well-being than widowed people (Z=-3.18, p=0.001).
    5. among the six dimensions that create mental well-being, the highest value was obtained on the self-acceptance subscale; ANOVA shows significant differences between the subscales of the sense of well-being; F= 7829,05; p< 0,001; η2=0,99).
    Generally, this result confirms the importance of self-acceptance for the general psychosocial condition of a person (see Ryff, 1989).
    Liberska, H. (2019). Żródła satysfakcji z życia w starości. W: M.Kielar-Turska (red.), Siła umysłu w starości. Starość: jak ją widzi psychologia (s. 537-552). Kraków: Akademia Ignatianum.
    Ryff, C. D. (1989). Happiness Is Everything or Is It? Explorations on the Meaning of Psychological Wellbeing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 1069-1081;
    Wojciechowska, L. (2008). Style starzenia się a subiektywny dobrostan kobiet w późnej dorosłości, studiujących na uniwersytecie trzeciego wieku. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 2, 106- 123.

  • Early recognition of dementia within the family

    The awareness of communities with dementia in Western Europe has moved closer to recognizing priority issues such as the environment or climate change. Dementia-friendly communities how have a history of 30 years and have achieved significant results through their work, both for those affected by the disease and those not directly affected. It probably affects many families, the topic is also getting into the spotlight in Hungary.

    Without specific and detailed statistics and databases, dementia currently exists in the latent zone. The vast majority of the literature defines dementia as a diesease for which there is no treatment or cure. The effect of dementia is considered primarily as problems in the brain that negatively affect clear thinking, memory processes and result in additional emotional turbulence. Dementia is known as an age-related condition.

    In general, dementia is identified as senility, incorrectly. Dementia can occur in different areas and at different levels in individual patients. As a result, families affected by the disease often face serious difficulties in identifying the disease. Without proper and detailed knowledge of the diagnosis, many families struggle with the situation of self care solutions at home. This personal involvement not only imposes a significant financial and emotional burden on the family but also often leads to separation and isolation, which can have additional negative effects on the disease itself and even on the mental health of the patient’s family members.

    The global extent of dementia is generally known only to experts in the field, and to this day there is still a lack of adequate representation in the wider social dialogue. There is a unique and innovative incentive in Gyöngyös where Matralab’s integrated care centers offer day-care activities and solutions to support and provide experts advice to families with dementia. The project is implemented at the regional level, where 25 municipalities start monitoring the conditions and impacts of dementia in the region. As dementia is a prevalent and identifiable condition, affected families need help and support at the widest possible level.

  • Attitudes of Roma adults towards the care of their elderly relatives

    Caring for the elderly is a challenge for any society even if it is a family or institution related issue (Bánlaki 2006). Numerous researches on the care of the elderly have been published, which help to make the care of the elderly as effective as possible (Djellal, Gallouj 2006). Within the framework of our research, we undertook to examine the attitudes (Arlotti, Aguilar-Hendrickson 2017) and experiences of the Roma towards elderly care.
    Our aim was to explore the opinions of adult Roma people on the topic, as well as to identify possible cultural peculiarities in this issue (Hajime et al 2006; Da Roit 2010; Kehusmaa et al. 2013; Szabóné 2018).

    We have selected Roma adult people living in Budapest as our target group, most of them perform manual labour, who in the near future are likely to face the issue of caring for their elderly relatives or are already facing it in the capital. We have chosen this target group because there is a wide range of social services in the capital, and this gives us an insight into the confidence or lack of confidence in the social care system. The situation of the Roma elderly in the Hungarian social context is discussed with a nuanced approach based on Roma studies. The opinions and thoughts of 20 Roma adults are highlighted in our presentation, with whom we interviewed. We compiled a semi-structured set of questions for the target group. We tried to capture the attitude of the Roma towards elderly care along different dimensions (Allport, Lindzey 1960; Örkény, Vári 2009): individual responsibility (Nárai 2019) patterns of the family (Bánlaky 2001), financial and other resources (Bourdieu 1999) - assistance, trust in the social care system, readiness for elderly care (Heimlich 2008). Our research was carried out in November 2021 in compliance with the measures associated witht he COVID-19 situation. The interviews took 40-75 minutes long on average per person.
    We compare international trends within formation on elderly care in Hungary and data on the health status of elderly Roma in Hungary (Kodner, 2006).

    The uniqueness of our research lies in the fact that we present the strategies of the Roma related to care in the Hungarian social reality, we identify practical problems and challenges, which can even be a breeding ground for future social policy measures (Schwiter et al. 2015). Poverty among the Roma, as well as discrimination and lower life expectancy compared to non-Roma (KSH, 2015) all contribute to the decision-making of Roma adults regarding the care of their elderly relatives, which is confirmed by the answers found in the interviews and the possibilities and strategies formed by the elderly care system (Kovács 2006). Our results showed that access to various social benefits, such as home help and public health care among others is affected during elderly care, and also has a key role to play, but also information among the Roma. In addition to trust in the social care system, financial means or lack of the influence coping strategies for elderly care. The results obtained can be used even for prevention projects aimed at local health preservation, or for any program aimed at improving the health status of the Roma.

    Allport, G. W., Vernon, P. E., Lindzey, G. A. (1960): A study of values, 3rd ed., Boston, Houghton.Mifflin.
    Barbara Da Roit (2010): Strategies of Care. Changing Elderly Care in Italy and the Netherlands. Care and Welfare
    Bánlaky Pál (2001): Családszociológia. Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola, Budapest.
    Bánlaky Pál (2006): A család belső működése – A családon belüli kapcsolatok dinamikája. In: Czibere Ibolya (szek.) (2006): Családszociológia szöveggyűjtemény. Debrecen.
    Bourdieu, Pierre (1999): Gazdasági tőke, kulturális tőke, társadalmi tőke. In: Angelusz Róbert (szerk.): A társadalmi rétegződés komponensei. Budapest, Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó, 156-177.
    Faridah Djellal, Faïz Gallouj (2006): Innovation in care services for the elderly. The Service Industries Journal. Volume 26, 2006 - Issue 3
    Hajime Orimo,Hideki Ito,Takao Suzuki,Atsushi Araki,Takayuki Hosoi, Motoji Sawabe (2006): Reviewing the definition of “elderly”. Geriatrics Gerontology, Volume 6, Issue 3 149-158.
    Helmich K. (2008): A generativitás fogalma és a nemzedékek egymásrahatása. In: Gyáni G., Láng M. (szerk.): Generációk a történelemben. Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesülete és a Nyíregyházi Főiskola Gazdasági Társadalomtudományi Kara, Nyíregyháza (2008) 115-120.
    Karin Schwiter, Christian Berndt, Jasmine Truong (2015): Neoliberal austerity and the marketisation of elderly care. Social & Cultural Geography Volume 19, 2018 - Issue 3: Placing care in times of austerity
    Kodner, D., and C. Spreeuwenberg. 2002. “Integrated Care: Meaning, Logic, Applications and
    Implications – A Discussion Paper.” International Journal of Integrated Care Vol. 2 (October-December).
    Kovács Éva (2006): Mari ésaz ő „cigánysága” – avagy a narratíva helye és ereje az etnicitás kutatásában. Tabula, 2006 9 (I):41-52.
    KSH Statisztikai Tükör (2015). A hazai nemzetiségek demográgiai jellemzői. (Utolsó letöltés ideje: 2021. 11. 03.)
    Marco Arlotti, Manuel Aguilar-Hendrickson (2017): The vicious layering of multilevel governance in Southern Europe: The case of elderly care in Italy and Spain. Social Policy Administration, Volume52, Issue3, May 2018, 646-661.
    Margaret McAdam (2008): Frameworks of Integrated Care for the Elderly: A Systematic Review. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
    Nárai Márta (2019): A lokális társadalmi szerepvállalás, felelősségvállalás szereplői – egyesületek, alapítványok a helyi közösségek/helyi társadalom szolgálatában, Ünnepi tanulmánykötet a 70 éves Gáspár Mátyás tiszteletére, Magánkiadás, 151-161.
    Örkény Antal – Vári István: Szempontok és kérdőjelek a magyarországi roma kisebbség tanulmányozásához. Fundamentum, 2009. 2. szám, 5-15.
    Sari Kehusmaa, Ilona Autti-Rämö, Hans Helenius, Pekka Rissanen (2013): Does informal care reduce public care expenditure on elderly care? Estimates based on Finland’s Age Study. BMC Health Services Research 13, 317.
    Szabóné dr. Kármán Judit (2018): A magyarországi cigány/roma népesség kulturantropológiai és orvosantropológiai megközelítésben. Romológiai füzetek 2. DRHE, Debrecen, 5-76.

  • Staff Training and Stress in Long Term Care Facilities Special Care Units for Alzheimer's Elders

    Special Care Units (SCU) in long term care health facilities are named to indicate "unique to diagnosis" or a level of care. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions among caregivers and licensed nurses in selected nursing homes in Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York, as they pertained to the differences in care to Alzheimer's elders in SCUs. It examined the education and experience of staff and the satisfaction of this staff as it pertained to stress and wages.

    Long-term caregivers often experience stress, resulting in "burn-out" as a consequence of limited training, levels of care required, cognitive decline of elders and family expectations. The caregivers, on SCUs, environmentally designed for the elders with cognitive decline, need specialized training in the physical and mental dimensions of the various forms of dementia, Alzheimer's type.

    The study used a qualitative research design with a survey questionnaire and one-on-one interviews with administrators and human resource directors. A pilot study of SCUs in Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York was initiated. The population was the employees of these SCU. The levels of employees questioned included: Executive director/Administrator, nurses, nurse aides, housekeepers and activities staff, laundry and social service workers. The procedure was standardized to enhance the reliability of the data. The respondents were notified in advance of the specific application of their answers and were afforded the opportunity to receive a monetary donation to the SCU of their respective facilities.
    An Eden Alternative Home, with a program of goals and missions characterizing enhancement of an elder's life, a home-like environment and family-centered staff and care, in a very rural area of Pennsylvania, was also engaged to contrast and compare the hypotheses of the study.

    On the SCU, less than 5 percent of the staff had received training specific to the care of the Alzheimer's elders. In the Eden Home, 100 percent of the staff had received training specific to the care of the Alzheimer's elders. On the SCU, less than 18 percent were satisfied with the quality and quantity of specialized and extensive training. In the Eden Home, 100 percent of the staff was satisfied with their specific training. On the SCU, using a Leiken scale, more than 55 percent felt that they should receive higher wages. In the Eden home, the results were the same. However, the longevity of the employees was 13.5 years as opposed to only 3.25 years in the SCU in other homes.

    These findings suggest there is a need to examine, expand and intensify the training of all caregivers on a special unit for the elders afflicted with dementia, Alzheimer's type.

  • Active, Creative Aging II. – Flow

    Background and aims: In our research, we examined the flow and antiflow experience that older people experience in different life situations (loneliness, time with family and friends, domestic work, leisure or creative activity).
    Methods: In our study, we used a questionnaire examining flow and antiflow experience (anxiety, boredom, apathy) by Oláh A.
    Results an discussion: Overall, creative activity and other leisure activities provide greater flow and less antiflow experience than doing housework. The flow experienced in the family circle is higher in the elderly than in the group of friends. Those engaged in creative activity reported higher flow and lower antiflow experience during loneliness than the control group engaged in other leisure activities.

  • The rights of psychiatric patients, especially in the field of dementia care

    Given the demographics of Hungary's population, the aging process and the change in the age composition project an increasingly worrying future. In an aging society, both the provision of care within the social sector and the provision of specialist care within the health sector are facing an ever-increasing anomaly. The growing number of people over the age of 65, including mostly demented people, as well as people who are limited in self-care and need professional help, must be provided to an increasing extent by the care systems. We are facing a current problem that has affected almost every family directly or indirectly. It is not only the provision of professional care that must be solved for the family members, but also the knowledge of the legal regulation of the special situation during the care, the knowledge of the rights and obligations for the care provider, as well as for the patients and their relatives.

  • Palliative and Hospice Social Work Roles in the U.S.

    Palliative care services worldwide continue to grow, primarily in response to a human rights approach and to respond to the aging of the population, increasing prevalence of chronic illnesses and cancer mortality. While there is recognition in the WHO definition of palliative care that not only physical, but also psychological, social and spiritual aspects of care must be part of services provided, how these are addressed varies greatly by country and region of the world.
    In the U.S., social work services are mandated to be provided by hospice organizations seeking funding from Medicare (governmental insurance for people over age 65) and supports the tenets of the palliative care philosophy to provide person-centered holistic care. The role of palliative and hospice social workers is highly aligned with the values of the profession centered on the dignity and worth of all humans and the commitment to improving quality of life throughout life and especially at the end of life. Older adults make up the overwhelming majority of hospice recipients in the U.S. and attention to their daily needs and those of the family caregivers is essential to maximize quality of life.
    This presentation will focus on the roles of social workers in the U.S., particularly with older adults, in various palliative care settings and how this may compare to roles across the globe.

  • Gerontology Days 2021. International Scientific Conference - Programme of the Conference

    Gerontology Days 2021

    The Faculty of Health at the University of Debrecen organized the yearly International Scientific Conference on 25-26 November 2021.

    Language of the Conference: Hungarian (25. November), English (26. November)


    Program Committee

    Dr. habil Marianna Móré, Dean of the Faculty of Health of the University of Debrecen

    Dr. Ágnes Bene
    Dr. Katalin Papp
    Dr. László Patyán
    Ágnes Stomp Hengspergerné
    Anita Rusinné Dr. Fedor

    Scientific Committee
    Dr. Marianna Móré University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Prof. Dr. Betul Tosun Hassan Kalyoncu University
    Dr. László Patyán University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Dr. Katalin Papp University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Prof. Dr. Mihály Fónai University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Dr. János Endre Kovács University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Dr. Anita Szemán-Nagy University of Debrecen
    Dr. Győző Pék University of Debrecen
    Dr. Katalin Balázs University of Debrecen
    Dr. István Hidegkuti University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Dr. Adriána Csinády University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Dr. Ágnes Bene University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Zsuzsanna Judit Kőműves University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Józsa Tamás Józsa University of Debrecen Faculty of Health
    Luca Zsuzsa Nagy University of Debrecen

    Operative support:
    György Kirilla
    Károly Séfer
    Zsoltné Varga
    Judit Buczi
    Gábor Kiss
    Lajos Sajtos
    Kinga Bácsi
    Vivien Hudák
    Adrienn Németh
    Réka Virág


    Programme of the Conference
    26 th November Friday (online)

    Dr. Katalin Papp (University of Debrecen Faculty of Health)
    Language: English
    Time zone: (CET)+1; (UTC) + 1

    Webex link:

    Opening Ceremony
    Dr. Anita Rusinne Fedor general and scientific vice dean,
    University of Debrecen Faculty of Health


    Covid, lockdown, elderly. Experiences of the follow up reserach among active older adults 2020- 2021.
    Dr. László Patyán
    (University of Debrecen)


    9:50 – 10:50 MORNING SESSION

    Dr. László Patyán (University of Debrecen Faculty of Health)

    Webex link:

    The good practice of inclusion in action - the proposal of program based on the Human Rights
    Marzanna Farnicka PhD.
    (Family Psychology Unit, Institute of Psychology Zielona Góra University, Poland)

    Quality of life for social care centre clients
    Alondere Linda
    (Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia)

    Spiritual care in Slovenian nursing homes: a quantitative descriptive study
    Igor Karnjuš
    (University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia)

    10:50-11:00 Coffee break

    11:00 – 12:20

    Webex link:

    Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil PhD
    Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk,
    Győző Pék PhD
    ret. Associate Professor, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology

    Șerban Olah, PhD Associate Professor, University of Oradea, Romania
    Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil, PhD Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk, Poland
    Győző Pék, PhD ret. Associate Professor,
    Adrienn Kaszás, PhD student,
    Balázs Őrsi, Assistant Professor,
    University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology

    Győző Pék, PhD ret. Associate Professor, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology

    The severe cases of Covid 19 in Europe. A comparative analysis using SHARE data base
    Șerban Olah, PhD Associate Professor, University of Oradea, Romania

    How to convince the undecided - communication with the elderly and attitudes towards vaccination COVID-19 in Poland
    Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil, PhD Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk, Poland

    Introducing an international project. Aims and beginnings
    Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil, PhD Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk, Poland

    Survey on unvaccinated Hungarian elderly people during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Győző Pék, PhD ret. Associate Professor, Adrienn Kaszás, PhD student, Balázs Őrsi, Assistant Professor, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology

    12:10 – 12:25 Discussion

    12:30 Closing of the Symposium

    12:30-13:00 Lunch time

    13 - 14:10 AFTERNOON SECTION

    Webex link:

    Host: Dr. Katalin Papp
    (University of Debrecen Faculty of Health)

    Subjective Assessments of the Disease Seriousness in the Population Aged 60+
    Jitka Doležalová
    University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

    Prelevance of falls in seniors hospitalized on gerontopsychiatric department, their risk factors and possibilities of preventive interventions
    PhDr. Libová Ľubica
    (Vysoká školazdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Bratislava; FZaSP sv. Ladislava, Nov Zámky)

    Domestic Violence and its Impact upon Reproductive Health during Corona Virus Pandemic among Women Attending Primary Health Care
    Dr. Iqbal Majeed Abbas
    (Baghdad College of Medical Sciences - Nursing Department)

    Virtual Poster

    Postoperative rehabilitation after total knee joint replacement
    PhDr. Mgr. Vavro Michal
    (Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Bratislava; FZaSP sv. Ladislava, Nové Zámky)

    14:10-14:20 Coffee Break

    14:20-16:20 Parallel sections

    14:20-16:20 Parallel sections


    Webex link:

    Host: Dr. László Patyán
    (University of Debrecen Faculty of Health)

    Revealing the Concept of Aging in Turkish Nursing Students: An Exploratory Metaphor Analysis
    Assoc. Prof. Emel Bahadir Yilmaz*,
    Assoc. Prof. Arzu Yüksel**
    (* Giresun University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Turkey.
    ** Aksaray University, Faculty of Health Science)

    Attitudes of Roma adults towards the care of their elderly relatives
    Irén Godó, Dalma Tóth
    (University of Debrecen)

    Local community practices to improve healthy aging in the North
    Dr. Elena Golubeva, Dr. Anastasia Emelyanova
    (Northern Arctic Federal University, Arkhangelsk (Russia))

    Staff Training and Stress in Long Term Care Facilities Special Care Units for Alzheimer's Elders
    Dr. S. Jean Szilagyi
    (St. Joseph College of Maine
    Ohio Department of Health)

    Hospice and Palliative Social Work Roles in the U.S.
    Dr. Ellen L. Csikai
    (University of Alabama, School of Social Work)

    Determining the Reasons of Older People for Choosing a Nursing Home: A Comparative Study

    Assoc. Prof. Arzu YÜKSEL*, Assoc. Prof. Emel BAHADIR YILMAZ**, Nurse Cansu Esra KESEKCİ***
    *Aksaray University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Turkey.
    **Giresun University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Turkey.
    *** Silivri State Hospital, Children's Service, Turkey.

    Growing Ageing Population and European Policies
    Rehana Sindho Kabooro
    University of Debrecen

    Virtual Poster

    Satisfaction with the implementation of developmental tasks in the course of life and the sense of well-being in late adulthood
    Hanna Liberska
    Faculty of Psychology Kazimierz Wielki University Bydgoszcz, Poland



    Webex link:

    Ágnes Bene PhD.
    (University of Debrecen)
    Andrea Ferenczi

    Education In Old Age In The Experiences Of Polish Euro Grandparents
    Prof. Jolanta Mackowicz, Ph.D and Joanna Wnek-Gozdek, Ph.D
    Institute of Educational Sciences, Pedagogical University of Krakow

    A step forward with the help of a friend of older persons
    Susan B. Somers
    president, INPEA – International Network for the Prevention Elder Abuse

    Action for Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments
    Willeke van Staalduinen
    CEO AFEdemy Vice-Chair and Grant Holder COST Action

    16:50 Closing Ceremony


    25 Th. November (hibrid)
    Levezető elnök
    Bene Ágnes PhD.

    Az előadások nyelve: magyar

    Webex link:

    9:00 Megnyitó
    Dr. habil. Móré Marianna, dékán
    Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar

    9:20 Köszöntő
    Jászai Menyhért alpolgármester
    Nyíregyháza Megyei Jogú Város

    Plenáris előadások
    Fizikai aktivitás és civilizációs betegségek különböző életkorokban
    Prof. Dr. Tóth Miklós
    egyetemi tanár, Testnevelési Egyetem, Semmelweis Egyetem;
    elnök, Magyar Sporttudományi Társaság

    COVID -19 pandémia Magyar oltatlan idősek oltási attitűdjei, pszichológiai és demográfiai jellemzői
    Dr. Pék Győző ny. egyetemi docens, Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Pszichológiai Intézet

    10:50-12:10 Párhuzamos programok: Kerekasztal és Szimpózium


    Webex link:

    Levezető elnök: Dr. Patyán László (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)


    Résztvevő képzési szakemberek:
    Kisdi Réka, Szalai Eszter
    Családbarát Magyarország Központ Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.
    Dr. Leleszi-Tróbert Anett Mária
    Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségügyi Közszolgálati Kar Mentálhigiéné Intézet
    Dr. Patyán László
    (Debreceni Egyetem, Egészségügyi Kar, Gerontológia Tanszék)

    Résztvevők idősügyi referensek:
    Pálinkásné Balázs Tünde (alpolgármester, idősügyi referens, Dabas Önkormányzat)
    Sarkantyús Rita Szidónia (szakmai vezető, Veresegyház Kistérség ESÉLY Szociális Alapellátási Központ)
    Szűcs Ágnes (idősügyi referens, rendezvényszervező, Szepes Gyula Művelődési Központ)
    Újhelyi-Török Alexandra (egészségügyi ügyintéző, Szolnok Megyei Jogú Város Polgármesteri Hivatalának Egészség- és Családügyi Osztály)

    SZIMPÓZIUM A DOSZ KTO társszervezésével

    Webex link:

    Levezető elnök: Bene Ágnes PhD. (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar Gerontológiai Tanszék)

    Harmadik Kor Egyeteme a Dél-Csehországi Egyetem Egészségügyi Szociális Karán
    Valérie Tóthová, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Institute of nursing, Midwifery and Emergency Care
    Jana Šemberová, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences,
    Institute, Institute of Humanities in Helping Professions

    Hírös Szabadegyetem - idősödő generáció az iskolapadban
    Dr. Fülöp Tamás, főiskolai tanár, Neumann János Egyetem
    Dr. Sági Norberta docens, Neumann János Egyetem

    Suttogó idősek és nyitott fülek
    Nagyné Hermányos Zsuzsanna, vezető, Nyíregyházi Szociális Gondozási Központ

    COVID előtt, COVID közben, COVID után - a Milton Friedman Egyetem szeniorképzési rendszerének helyzete
    Dr. Jászberényi József (főiskolai tanár, felnőttképzési igazgató, Milton Friedman Egyetem Kommunikáció- és Művelődéstudomány Tanszék)

    11:50 Diszkusszió

    12:00 A Szimpózium zárása

    Virtuális Poszter

    A Sóstó Gyógyfürdők ZRt. kínálata az idősödő generációknak, a gyógyturizmus piacának generációspecifikus jellemzőinek tükrében.
    Helmeczi Gabriella (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    12:10-13:00 EBÉD SZÜNET Helyszíni állófogadás

    12:30 VIRTUÁLIS KIÁLLÍTÁS Takács Lászlóné Katika világjáró kézimunkáiból
    Webex link:
    A Kiállítás a helyszínen megtekinthető a Konferencia mindkét napján.

    13:00 SZEKCIÓK

    Webex link:

    Levezető elnökök:
    Rusinné Dr. Fedor Anita
    (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)
    Dr. Sárváry Andrea
    (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Az idősek szociális kapcsolatai és szabadidő eltöltése
    Rusinné Dr. Fedor Anita, Ungvári Sándor, V. Balla Petra (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Az életmódok változásának időbeli trendjei és társadalmi okai – időskori életstratégiák
    Szabó Árpád (Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi – Demográfia és Szociológia Doktori Iskola)

    A 60 év feletti korosztály Tokaji borfogyasztási szokásai, jövedelem és borértés alapján szegmentálva
    Dr. Szakál Zoltán (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    14:00-14:10 SZÜNET

    Időskori életminőség, jóllét és idősödéssel kapcsolatos attitűdök vizsgálata
    Ferwagner Anna (Debreceni Egyetem Humán Tudományok Doktori Iskola)

    A városi zöldterületek pozitív hatása a demenciával élők és gondozóik jóllétére
    Dr. Fekete Márta (MDRG Kft.)

    Időskori panaszok és a gyógynövények kapcsolata
    Pászk Norbert (Miskolci Egyetem, Egészségtudományi kar, Elméleti Egészségtudományok Intézete)

    Cukorbetegek háziorvosi ellátásának minőségvizsgálata
    Törő Viktória, Takács Péter, Kósa Zsigmond, Radó Sándorné, Szelesné Árokszállási Andrea, Sárváry Attila (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Webex link:

    Levezető elnök:
    Dr. Patyán László (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Modern családformák és a nagyszülői korosztály kapcsolata
    Dr. Boga Bálint (vendégelőadó, Milton Friedman Egyetem)

    A magyar lakosok egészségi állapota, egészségmagatartása 2020-as SHARE Corona Survey (Covid-19) adatainak tükrében – Hagyományos statisztikai és rough set alapú elemzés
    Dr. Takács Péter, Dr. Takács Péter – Prof. Dr. Láczay Magdolna – Dr. Szakál Zoltán – Dr. Varga Levente – Nádasdi Kristóf Zsolt – Paulikné Varga Barbara – Tóth Kitti – Helmeczi Gabriella (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Idős hozzátartozót gondozó családtagok erőforrásai a COVID-19 idején
    Dr. Leleszi-Tróbert Anett Mária - Bagyura Márton – Dr. Széman Zsuzsa (Semmelweis Egyetem, Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont, Semmelweis Egyetem)

    14:00-14:10 SZÜNET

    Az idősek nappali ellátása és az aktív idősödés lehetséges kapcsolata - Problémák, nehézségek, jó gyakorlatok a COVID-19 járvány tükrében
    Vajda Kinga (Semmelweis Egyetem, Mentális Egészségtudományi Doktori Iskola)

    Az oltásbizonytalanság és az oltásellenesség néhány jellemzője a koronavírus-járvány idején erdélyi magyar felnőttek körében
    Bárdos Tímea (Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem, Marosvásárhelyi Kar)

    Az időskori depresszió
    PhDr. Mgr. Kollár Lívia (Vysoká školazdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Bratislava; FZaSP sv. Ladislava, Nové Zámky)

    Cukorbetegek háziorvosi ellátásának minőségvizsgálata
    Törő Viktória, Takács Péter, Kósa Zsigmond, Radó Sándorné, Szelesné Árokszállási Andrea, Sárváry Attila (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Webex link:

    Levezető elnök:
    Dr. Móré Marianna
    (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Idősödő rendvédelem
    Ambrusz Alíz (Debreceni Egyetem Humán Tudományok Doktori Iskola Pszichológia Doktori Program)

    A projektmenedzsment oktatásának szerepe az aktív idősödés jógyakorlatainál
    Dr. Asztalos Bernadett - Dr. Ládonyi Zsuzsanna (Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségügyi Közszolgálati Kar Mentálhigiéné Intézet)

    PKSZAK MAJÁLIS- a generációk évében
    Rajzik Alexandra (Pécs és Környéke Szociális Alapszolgáltatási és Gyermekjóléti Alapellátási Központ és Családi Bölcsőde Hálózat /PKSZAK/)

    14:00-14:10 SZÜNET

    Különböző közegben végzett progresszív balance tréning hatékonyságának vizsgálata nyugdíjasok körében
    Miszory Erika Viktória (Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egészségtudományi Doktori Iskola)

    Hogyan érdemes időskorban táncolni?
    Bene Ágnes PhD., Dr. Móré Marianna (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Társadalmi innováció a DEAC-ban, az idősek fizikai aktivitásának fokozása érdekében
    Lenténé Dr. Puskás Andrea (Debreceni Egyetem, Sporttudományi Koordinációs Intézet)



    Webex link:

    Levezető elnök:
    Nádasdi Kristóf Zsolt
    (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Az IKT használata az aktív és egészséges időskor támogatásában és az idősgondozásban
    Tóth Anikó Panna (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Telemedicina jelentősége a pandémia időszakában
    Paulikné Varga Barbara (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Képzési, oktatási ökoszisztéma Kecskeméten az 50 pluszos korosztály számára
    Molnár Szilárd (CédrusNet Kecskemét Program)

    14:00-14:10 SZÜNET

    A hazai idősek online fogyasztási potenciálja
    Stumpf-Tamás Ivett, Bene Ágnes PhD. (Debreceni Egyetem Egészsségügyi Kar)

    Idősek az infokommunikációs térben – lehetőségek és kihívások
    Nádasdi Kristóf Zsolt, Győri Anita (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    „Tanulom a korom” Interaktív tananyag fejlesztése időskorúak aktív életvezetésével kapcsolatos témakörben
    Réti Éva (Pannon Egyetem)


    15:00 - Párhuzamosan: SZIMPÓZIUM ÉS KEREKASZTAL


    Webex link:

    A Szimpózium elnöke: Dr. Szemán-Nagy Anita
    (egyetemi docens, tanszékvezető, Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Pszichológia Intézet, Személyiség- és Klinikai Pszichológiai Tanszék)

    15:00 A Szimpózium megnyitása, bevezetés

    15:05 Időskori depresszió az alapellátásban
    Dr. Rekenyi Viktor (Debreceni Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Családorvosi és Foglalkozás-Egészségügyi Tanszék)
    Dr. Kolozsvári László Róbert (Debreceni Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Családorvosi és Foglalkozás-Egészségügyi Tanszék)

    15:20 A Test Your Memory (TYM) teszt alkalmazhatósága háziorvosi szettingben demencia és enyhe kognitív zavar kiszűrése érdekében
    Dr. Garbóczy Szabolcs (Debreceni Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika)
    Dr. Kolozsvári László Róbert (Debreceni Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar, Családorvosi és Foglalkozás-Egészségügyi Tanszék)

    15:35 Kognitív hanyatlás vagy integráció? – módszertani megközelítésben
    Dr. Kondé Zoltán (Debreceni Egyetem Pszichológia Intézet, Általános Pszichológiai Tanszék)

    15:50 A testmozgás szerepe a demenciák és az időskori depresszió prevenciójában
    Dr. Csinády Adriána (Debreceni Egyetem Pszichológia Intézet, Klinikai Pszichológiai Tanszék)

    16:05-16:10 A Szimpózium zárása


    Webex link:

    Levezető elnök: Dr. Takács Péter (Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar)

    Szigorúan 60 év felett
    Ferenczi Andrea
    elnök, MNKSZ

    Barátunk-e a média? - Torz a tükör, vagy csak homályos? Idősek, Covid, Média.
    Hajós Katalin
    média szakértő, MNKSZ

    Lépést tartani a digitalizációs világgal, egy többgenerációs kihívás
    Modláné Görgényi Ildikó
    szakképzési és felnőttképzési szakértő, MNKSZ

    15:50-16:10 Diszkusszió
    16:10 A Konferencia első napjának zárás

  • Quality of life for social care centre clients

    There are approximately 60 million people over 60 years of age in the world. The United Nations predicts that by 2050 the number of people aged 60 years and older could be around 2 billion (Zaļkalns, 2015). In Latvia, every fourth inhabitant is a pensioner. Given Latvia's socio-economic situation, social and health care options for older, lonely people are becoming increasingly less accessible. A large part of the population of Latvia cannot provide themselves with quality of life in old age. If there is no family or, due to various circumstances, relatives cannot take care of the elderly, the only option is social care institutions (Slokenbeka, Zepa, 2013). The quality of life of an elderly person remains an issue when he or she is in a social care centre. Quality of life is a complex, interacting set of objective and subjective indicators in different areas of life. The World Health Organisation defines quality of life as “the perception of an individual's personal life position in the context of the cultural and value system in which the individual lives in relation to the individual's goals, expectations, standards and concerns. It is a broad concept that is influenced in complex ways by a person's physical health, psychological state, personal beliefs, social relationships and key environmental factors” (Scester, 2012).

    The Aim of the study:
    To analyse the quality of life for social care centre clients.

    Materials and methods:
    Quantitative research method was chosen to obtain the results. A questionnaire with 25 questions was developed. The participants of the research were clients of two social care centres (hereafter SAC) (SAC “X”, n = 50; SAC “Y”, n = 50).

    The majority of SAC respondents have lived in the institution for more than four years (SAC “X” = 54%; SAC “Y” = 70%). In both groups, the predominant reason for being in SAC is “I am lonely, I cannot take care of myself” (SAC "X" = 62%; SAC "Y" = 58%). On the questions about the frequency of meals and the quality of food in the SAC, the data show that 78% of clients in SAC “X” and 94% in SAC “Y” are satisfied with the frequency of meals, while on the quality of food the dominant answer is “the food is satisfactory” (SAC “X” = 54%; SAC “Y” = 32%). The questions on living conditions show that SAC clients live both alone and in pairs (mainly spouses). The relationship with the roommate is described by 52% in SAC “X” and 38% in SAC “Y” with the phrase “we get along peacefully, without quarrels”. 26% of respondents in both groups describe their relationship as “very good and friendly”. SAC clients describe their financial situation as “modest”. Emotional support is received from other residents, staff and family members/relatives. Emotional uplift is also provided by various activities in the SAC and by doing things that they enjoy and find interesting, e.g., handicrafts, crossword puzzles. SAC clients note that they try to attend all events organised by the SAC, especially concerts by amateur groups and famous artists. The “feeling of security” in the SAC is prevalent in both groups of respondents (SAC “X” = 56%; SAC “Y” = 70%). Although there is a feeling of security, both groups of respondents report that they “miss the feeling of home” when living in SAC (SAC “X” = 24%; SAC “Y” = 34%).

    Clients in the social care centre are satisfied with the quality of life in the physical and social spheres, but are partially satisfied or dissatisfied with the quality of life in the emotional and area of independence. The participants often feel lonely and sad and experience longing and anticipation. Respondents in both social care centres never or rarely experience feelings such as love, joy and happiness. Respondents indicate a lack of independence, acknowledging that they have limited autonomy and that they cannot be who they are because they have to adapt to the existing regime.

    1. Zaļkalns J. (2015). Novecošana – aktualitātes un problemātika. Retrieved 25 January 2017 from problematika.ppt
    2. Slokenbeka A., Zepa D. (2013). Vecums – liktenis, izaicinājums, dāvana. Rīga: RAKUS Atbalsta fonds. 96 lpp
    3. Šķestere, I. (2012). Pētījums par dzīves kvalitātes izvērtējuma metodēm un instrumentiem. Rīga: ES Eiropas Sociālais fonds. 43 lpp.

  • Összefoglaló - AGE Platform Europe Policy Statement. Carer’s leave and reconciling work and family life for older workers

    Szerző: AGE Platform Europe 2016. február
    Az eredeti állásfoglalás forrása:

    Az AGE Platform Europe egy nemzetközi n szervezet, mely az Európai Unió döntéshozatali mechanizmusaiban az idősek érdekeit igyekszik képviselni. A Gerontológiai Tudományos és Koordinációs Központ – mely a Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Kar Gerontológiai Tanszékén működik 2011 óta a szervezet teljes jogú tagja. A nyilatkozat a gondozás és a munka összeegyeztetésének nehézségére, valamint a gondozók támogatásának szükségességére hívja fel a tagállamok figyelmét.

  • Changes in digital skills of seniors during and after covid-19

    Since 2014, the Senior Academy of Pécs helps people over 60 with tools for active and successful aging. The activity of the academy was cut short by the COVID-19 epidemic, our work was relegated to the online learning space. Our research examined how the digital skills of our seniors changed during and after the quarantine, in 2021 and 2022. The study was carried out by online questionnaire (n=118, n=123). The survey revealed that the digital skills of 45% of the respondents improved, mostly in online shopping and administration. Most of the seniors learn ICT knowledge from their family members or friends. During the quarantine our students spent their time mainly reading and learning online, watching TV takes only 4%. 10% of them clearly experienced the epidemic situation as a loss: "the daily rhythm is missing". 6% of the respondents considered the current situation to be an advantage: their attitude towards learning improved, they were more forced to self-directed learning. The advantages of online education: flexibility in space and time, participation is safe, lectures can be watched any time. The most typical negatives are: the lack of community and discussion, and the fact that online education does not reduce loneliness.

  • 70+ new role in online space

    As a case study, the author uses his own example to show how a new role can bring positive changes in the life of a retired person. In his case, the activity in old age is a family inheritance. His father worked as a proofreader and multi-lingual translator until he died at the age of 83. His grandfather won a competition for modern methods of teaching physics when he was 82.
    After retiring as an electrical engineer, at the age of 65, the author became known on the Internet, mainly among young people. Based on his somewhat sad smile he was given the name Hide the pain Harold, the internet users started making funny memes from his photos. Initially, he did not accept his new role, tried to fight it. It took several years to realize that what he could not change, had to be at the forefront of it. At the age of 72, he created a website for his fans. He started working to replace the not always positive message of the memes to carry a positive point of view. The basic idea of his philosophy, that is the smaller or bigger annoyances of life should not be taken too seriously, they should be overcome with a sad smile, resonated among young people. He already has more than half a million followers worldwide. The popularity gained in this way has changed his daily life. Through invitations, he visited many countries around the world from Siberia to South America. His previously more introverted personality became more open to public appearances. Keeping up with the events of the world, new technical possibilities and the way of thinking of young people mean a steady occupation for him. His history is one-off and unrepeatable, but it provides an example of the positive consequences a career change in old age.

  • Participation of an NGO in international scientific cooperations

    The AWCDH has set itself the goal of recognizing, understanding, fostering and honoring the need for women’s career development in the family and beyond. We help women find career opportunities by providing information, advice and training so that with their newfound knowledge, talent, and female values specific to them, they can make meaningful contributions to the business, academic and non-profit spheres.

  • Összefoglaló - Help wanted? Poviding and Paying for Long term Care. The Impact of Caring on Family Carers

    Az eredeti jelentést az OECD adta ki 2011-ben.

    A jelentésben az OECD a családtagok, rokonok, ismerősök, barátok, szomszédok által nem fizetésért végzett gondozási tevékenységek gazdasági és társadalmi jelentőségére hívja fel a figyelmet a szervezet.

  • Activity in old age, active and successfull aging

    Background and aims: The aim of our research was to qualitatively examine the attitudes of older people towards aging, the activity available and implemented from it, their community involvement, and their lay perceptions and opinions of successful aging.
    Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted during the research, and the interviews were evaluated by content analysis.
    Results an discussion: According to the elderly, successful aging mainly requires physical or mental health, maintaining activity, an active lifestyle, a positive outlook on life, a good family environment, social relationships, financial security, goals, motivation, successful life, advance planning, and social support.

  • The good practice of inclusion in action - the proposal of program based on the Human Rights

    Rapidly changing time is a problem: are we able to deal with all challenges in a humanistic and peaceful way? Is it possible? Do falling barriers to trade have led to a rapid change in social life and in the movement of products and labor? With these exciting transformations also came great challenges and threats, at a time when we seem to like each other less and less, with partisan affective polarization on the rise in a country after country.
    The paper presents definitions of phenomenon of marginalization and exclusion from European perspective. The main idea of its lecture and planned project is the presentation the intervention program among seniors based on heritage of work the French Research Committee on Violence, Crime and Delinquency, who published 40 years ago a document Society against Violence. The document contained analyses on the occurrence of social problems and their determinants, as well as guidelines to reduce risks and reduce the sense of threat and insecurity in modern society. Based on the conclusion included into Report “Society against Violence” the special training was prepared. The theoretical assumption of the project is Levinian model of changes in society and his methodology of action research. The aims of program are to change attitudes in the field of knowledge and attitudes towards the used violence and to improve the skills to react in situations of confrontation with institutional or press aggression or the so-called manifestations of "hate speech" in education institutions. Because of Coronavirus lockdown only idea and first step of implementation (the realisation was stopped) is possible to presentation.

    Maybe the program is in a primary stage but we believe that modern societies should relay and based on the idea of Human Rights and spread them elsewhere and that violence in modern societies should be reduced by human rights and democracy education.
    The document became the basis for the reflection on public debate on violence in international communities and psychological practice against violence in interpersonal and social meaning. The article presents the possible directions of research and psychological interventions in this area especially among seniors. This perspective is worth to be underlined because it is a part of wider trend in preparation social support programmes focused on inclusion adults from a difficult sociocultural environment. Such programmes could improve competencies to protect social capital of societies. The content and scope of these programmes should be drawn from knowledge of the relationships between the various risk factors, protective factors and developmental processes in groups and societies and combine knowledge, practical useful skills and good psychological experience by continue containing with life.

  • Családi gondozók izolációjának veszélye - a gondozásból fakadó megterheltség kapcsolati dimenziói

    Elöregedő társadalmunkban az ellátórendszerek fokozódó terheltsége miatt erősödik a családtagok gondozási szerepe. Az idősgondozást végző családtagok (családi gondozók) helyzetét nemzetközi szinten évtizedek óta vizsgálják. A gondozás jelentős megterhelődést (burden) okoz, amely számos tényezővel összefüggő, komplex jelenség (Liu - Heffernan – Tan, 2020).  Káros fizikai és pszichés hatásokkal járhat, pl. csökkenő ellenálló képesség, izoláció, fizikai és pszichés kimerültség (Ducharme - Lebel – Bergman, 2001). Bár a családi gondozók száma jelentős hazánkban (500 ezer főre becsülik, Gyarmati, 2019), kevés rájuk vonatkozó vizsgálat zajlott (pl. Jeneiné Rubovszky, 2017, Patyán, 2018). 2018-as adatfelvételünk jelentős gondozási terheket igazolt (Tróbert - Széman, 2019).  A COVID-19 idején a kutatást folytatva (Tróbert – Bagyura - Széman, 2020) a pandémia negatív hatását tapasztaltuk a gondozási folyamatban.

  • Self-independence of oncological geriatric patients in the home environment

    Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases in the world. Family plays an important role in managing this disease. It provides home care for the patient, helps to increase and maintain the patient's self-sufficiency. A number of factors influence the patient's self-sufficiency, such as the age of the patient, the type of illness, the method of treatment, the patient's psychological state, the environment in which the patient is located, etc. Self-sufficiency in patients contributes to their self-esteem and to a positive perception of themselves.