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Keresési eredmények

  • Alzheimer's disease in the context of social work from the perspective of family caregivers
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    In the context of rising quality of life and improving living conditions, as well as improving health care, people are now living to a higher age than in the past. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in European countries. As a result of the development of the disease, individuals are often dependent on the help and care of other people, in most cases family members. This care interferes with the functioning of the family, so monitoring the needs and assistance for family members is essential.

  • A comparative analysis of the community-based care and program for the elderly in the Seychelles and Mauritius Islands
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    The World Health Organization describes an elderly person as someone who is aged 60 years and older and further predicts that by 2030, the number of older people will rise by 1.4 billion (WHO, 2017). This phenomenon has not spared the Small Island Developing States (SIDS); according to the United Nations (2023), they anticipated growth from 6.5 to 14.0 million older persons between 2021 and 2050. Undoubtedly, these figures are indicative of significant growth in the aging population across the world, and this is merely the chronological age; needless to say, numerous physical, psychological, and environmental factors can impede longevity and healthy aging.

  • Mental health of older adults living in nursing homes in Slovakia – Results of a preliminary study
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    Loneliness is a serious public health problem of an ageing population. The prevalence of loneliness in elderly population was estimated to rise from 10% to 45%. In elderly population, loneliness is considered as a risk factor for mental health disorders, especially depression. Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health disorders worldwide and their prevalence is increasing, especially among seniors who are hospitalised and living in nursing homes.

  • An exploratory metaphor analysis on the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging
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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to reveal the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging through metaphors.

    Methods: The basic qualitative research design was used to evaluate the metaphors of nursing students regarding the concept of aging from their perspectives. The study sample consisted of 104 senior nursing students at Aksaray University in the 2021-2022 academic year. A purposive sampling method was used. "Metaphoric Perceptions Data Collection Form", which was prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, was used as a data collection tool. The form consists of two parts. In the first part, the demographic characteristics of the students were investigated. In the second part, the sentence “Aging is like … because … ” was given to reveal students' metaphors regarding the concept of aging. The metaphors developed by the students regarding the concept of old age were analyzed and interpreted with Metaphor Analysis. Metaphor analysis has been associated with content analysis.

    Results: The mean age of the students participating in the study was 21.65±0.99 (min: 20, max: 25). Of students, 68.6% were female, 33.3% lived in city, and 84.3% had nuclear family. About half (50.0%) of their grandparents lived in their house. Of the students, 39.2% thought about living with your parents when you start a family in the future; 52.9% lived with older adults aged 65 and over until now; 92.2% cared for an older patient during clinical practice; and 74.5% wanted to work in a health institution serving the elderly after graduation. Students produced a total of 102 valid metaphors for the concept of aging. Four main themes were obtained from the data. The main themes were aging as an ending story, a need for care, attention, and support, a new beginning, and a source of life.

    Conclusion: Nursing students' metaphors about aging are generally negative, but also contain expressions of respect.

  • Physical Restraint Use within Maltese Long-Term Care Settings
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    The holistic study looked at the locally unexplored environment, providing a platform of knowledge base and information on physical restraint use. The project secured relevant information focal to the older person residents, health care providers and policy makers within long-term care settings.

  • Bölcs öregedés az életút alkonyán
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    A tanulmány rávilágít arra, hogy a megtett életút minősége, milyen lenyomatot képez időskori énünkben. Az öregedés folyamatának komplex bemutatásával árnyaltabb diagnózist lehet felállítani az időskor sokarcúságáról, ezáltal hatékonyabb prevenciós-, és gondozó tevékenységet lehet folytatni. A tanulmányban vázolt pozitív életfilozófia alkotóelemeinek megismerése és gyakorlatban való alkalmazása, hozzájárul az időskori mentális egyensúly fenntartásához.

    Gyakorlati relevanciák: A kutatás eredményei elsősorban gondozóintézetekben idősotthonokban és nyugdíjas klubokban hasznosíthatók. Hatékonyan segíthetik az idős emberek testi - lelki - szellemi gondozását és problémás élethelyzetük elfogadását. A tanulmány felhasználható az alap és középfokú andragógiai képzéseken és szaktanfolyamokon (szociális munkás, szakápoló, terapeuta).

  • A telemedicina szolgáltatás térhódítása a pandémia idején
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    A COVID világjárvány idején az info- és telekommunikáció szerepe az egészségügyi ellátásokban különösen felértékelődött. A kapcsolattartás alternatív módját tették lehetővé az orvos és páciense között az online kommunikációs formák és a mindennapi használtban elterjedt eszközök azokban az esetekben, amikor nincs feltétlenül szükség közvetlen személyes találkozásra, illetve a vészhelyzetben megelőzheti a szükséges személyes találkozást a távkonzultáció. Ebben a szituációban újszerű felelősséget és etikai terhet jelent az orvos számára a diagnosztizálás. Ezt ugyan könnyíthetik a laboratóriumi, a képalkotó diagnosztika korábban elkészült leletei, a közvetlen kommunikációt teremtő online rendszerek, de egy új diagnózis kialakításának vannak érzékeléssel megerősíthető feltételei is. A koronavírus okozta pandémia idején az alap- és járóbeteg ellátó rendszerben a járvány megfékezése céljából – központi protokoll ajánlására – a személyes orvos-beteg találkozások számának minimalizálására törekedtek. Azokban az esetekben, ahol már korábban kialakult egy személyes kapcsolat az orvos és a beteg között, ismert a beteg kórtörténete, és kénytelenek a telemedicinát használni, éppen a legjobb értelemben vett hivatásukat gyakorolják. A telemedicina hasznosságát a pandémia idején bizonyította, további fejlesztése nagy kihívás mind az informatika, mind az orvostudomány számára.

  • Interdisciplinary collaboration in geriatrics: implications for social work profession in Nigeria
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    With age comes the rising demand for health care and even more peculiarities to care giving. In addition to biological changes are socioeconomic factors that impact the health and treatment of the elderly population. The dynamics involved in providing adequate care for the elderly population as seen in developed societies reveals that there is no watertight compartment to knowledge and the need for interdisciplinary collaborations.

  • Barriers of Accessing Elderly Care Services in Bangladesh
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    Approximately one in ten persons in Bangladesh is over 60 years old and it is estimated that this figure will increase to 21.5% in 2050. This huge proportion of the population often faces barriers in terms of accessing elderly care services.

  • A városi zöldterületek szerepe a demenciával élők és gondozók jóllétének megőrzésében
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    Empirikus kutatásunk célja annak feltérképezése volt, hogy a városi lakókörnyezet zöldterületein tett séta hogyan járul hozzá a demenciával élő betegek és az őket gondozó családtagjaik jóllétének megőrzéséhez. A vizsgálatban 3 gondozó-gondozott diád vett részt, a gondozók a rendszeres közös sétákról egy hónapon keresztül (2021 április-májusban) készítettek naplóbejegyzéseket. A naplóírás mellett egy kvantitatív kérdőív kitöltése is a gondozók kutatótársi feladatának részét képezte, amelyben a gondozók értékelték saját és demenciával élő hozzátartozójuk mentális és hangulati állapotát, valamint a kettejük együttműködését a séta előtt, alatt és után. A 39 sétáról beérkezett kérdőívek értékelései alapján a gondozottak és a gondozók esetében is az eredmények szignifikáns javulást mutattak a mentális állapot és hangulat tekintetében, illetve a kettejük együttműködésének alakulásában is a séta hatására. Ezt a tendenciát a naplóbejegyzések szöveges tartalmai is alátámasztották, magyarázták. Kis mintás kutatásunkban sikerült tehát igazolni, hogy az általunk vizsgált gondozó-gondozott diádok esetén a városi zöld környezetben tett séta mindkét fél hangulati és mentális állapotára, valamint kettejük együttműködésére is kedvező hatású volt. Eredményünk jelentősége abban áll, hogy hazai mintán is alátámasztja a városi zöldterületek egészségmegőrzésben betöltött szerepét krónikus betegek és gondozó családtagjaik körében: a séta a természetben ily módon egy alacsony költségű, általánosan pozitív hatású és relatíve könnyen és sokak számára elérhető, mégis nagy hatású intervenciónak tekinthető.

  • Revealing the Concept of Aging in Turkish Nursing Students: An Exploratory Metaphor Analysis
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    This study aimed to reveal the perceptions of nursing students about the concept of aging through metaphors.

    The study was carried out in a qualitative research design. The study sample consisted of 104 senior nursing students at Aksaray University in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the study, "Metaphoric Perceptions Data Collection Form", which was prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, was used as a data collection tool. In order to collect the data, each student was asked to fill in the blanks of the sentence: "Aging is like … because …" .
    The analysis of the data was carried out in five stages: (1) Coding and sorting phase, (2) Sample metaphor image compilation phase, (3) Main theme and sub-themes development phase, (4) The stage of ensuring validity and reliability, and (5) Transferring the data to the computer environment.

    Students produced a total of 102 valid metaphors for the concept of aging. The metaphors revealed the students' perceptions of the concept of aging, and four main themes and 11 sub-themes were collected. The main themes were aging as an ending story, as a need for care, attention, and support, as a new beginning, and as a source of life. Sub-themes were acceptance, no turning back, approaching the end, deprivation, helplessness, being dependent, rooting, starting, guiding, being a building block, and being valued.

    Nursing students' metaphors about aging are generally negative, but also contain expressions of respect.

  • Determining the Reasons of Older People for Choosing a Nursing Home: A Comparative Study
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    This study was conducted as a descriptive and comparative study to determine why a nursing home was chosen for the elderly.

    The population of the descriptive study consisted of older people living in a community-dwelling or a nursing home in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. The sample consisted of 342 elderly individuals who agreed to participate in the study between October and November 2019 (nursing home: n = 79, community-dwelling: n = 263). After obtaining the permission of the ethics committee (no: 2019/04-03), the data were collected by “Questionnaire Form for Individuals Living in Nursing Homes” and “Questionnaires for Individuals Living in Community-Dwelling."
    The Chi-square Test analyzed data, and the descriptive characteristics were presented as numbers, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum.

    The average age of the elderly living in a nursing home was 77.35±7.40 (min: 66, max: 97), and the average age of community-dwelling older people was 70.90±5.57 (min: 65, max: 88). Before coming to the nursing home, 38.0% lived with their spouses, and 35.4% lived alone. 81.7% of community-dwelling older people lived with their families. There was a difference in terms of some sociodemographic variables between both groups. Elderly people staying in nursing home; 26.6% were in the 76-81 age group; 26.6% did not have children; 38.0% had no income; 16.5% had a physical disability; 82.3% used dentures; 13.9% couldn’t do their daily care; 22.8% had low self-confident; 62.0% had sleep problems; 67.1% had no social activity; 35.4% were smokers; 88.6% of them had not visited a nursing home before (p < 0.05).

    Compared to the community-dwelling older people, the elderly living in a nursing home were more senior, lonely, had a lower income, had higher physical disabilities, had lower social activity and self-confidence, had more sleep problems, and smoked.

  • The correlations of resilience of the geriatric population in Botswana: A cross sectional study
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    According to Botswana's Current statistics for 2021, people aged 60 and above would make up 8.9% of the population. As people age, they face a plethora of challenges; mental, legal, social, health, economic, environmental, and political, in addition to ageism and marginalization. Therefore, they need resilience to deal with these challenges that emanate from the aging process, the development of care needs, and the depletion of resources. However, in Africa, there is anecdotal evidence that some older people cannot cope with their lives, let alone carer responsibilities caused by HIV related death and other risk factors. For older people to flourish, they need resilience to achieve, endure, develop and sustain their health and well-being in the face of adversity. The degree of success and impact on their resilience is undocumented. The research will therefore determine the correlates with resilience and establish ways to curb the risk factors.

  • Early recognition of dementia within the family
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    The awareness of communities with dementia in Western Europe has moved closer to recognizing priority issues such as the environment or climate change. Dementia-friendly communities how have a history of 30 years and have achieved significant results through their work, both for those affected by the disease and those not directly affected. It probably affects many families, the topic is also getting into the spotlight in Hungary.

    Without specific and detailed statistics and databases, dementia currently exists in the latent zone. The vast majority of the literature defines dementia as a diesease for which there is no treatment or cure. The effect of dementia is considered primarily as problems in the brain that negatively affect clear thinking, memory processes and result in additional emotional turbulence. Dementia is known as an age-related condition.

    In general, dementia is identified as senility, incorrectly. Dementia can occur in different areas and at different levels in individual patients. As a result, families affected by the disease often face serious difficulties in identifying the disease. Without proper and detailed knowledge of the diagnosis, many families struggle with the situation of self care solutions at home. This personal involvement not only imposes a significant financial and emotional burden on the family but also often leads to separation and isolation, which can have additional negative effects on the disease itself and even on the mental health of the patient’s family members.

    The global extent of dementia is generally known only to experts in the field, and to this day there is still a lack of adequate representation in the wider social dialogue. There is a unique and innovative incentive in Gyöngyös where Matralab’s integrated care centers offer day-care activities and solutions to support and provide experts advice to families with dementia. The project is implemented at the regional level, where 25 municipalities start monitoring the conditions and impacts of dementia in the region. As dementia is a prevalent and identifiable condition, affected families need help and support at the widest possible level.

  • Preventív geriátria – A XXI. századi társadalom új lehetősége
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    Az idősödés globális jelenség, a modern társadalmak számára mind nehezebben megoldható financiális és szociális problémát jelen. Azt, hogy az öregedés= betegség azonosságot elfogadjuk, az a probléma megoldását nem segíti, csak a költségeket növeli. A fekvőbeteg osztályokon így is jelentős a 65 év felettiek száma. A megoldási lehetőség az, hogy az öregedést dekompenzációnak tekintjük, egy olyan folyamatnak, amelynek részei és beavatkozási lehetőségei vannak. Amennyiben a dekompenzációs folyamat hullámvölgyeiben beavatkozunk a megfelelő eszközökkel, a dekompenzáció csökkenthető, az egészségben eltöltött életévek növelhetők. A cél az önellátó képesség minél további megőrzése. Ahhoz, hogy ez ne egyedi vásárolt szolgáltatás legyen, rendszert kell kialakítani. Áttekintettük azokat a jelentősebb kísérleteket, amelyek a világban zajlottak, s alkalmasnak tűnnek a kérdés megfelelő kezelésére. Ahhoz, hogy eredményt érjünk el, azonban nemcsak struktúra, hanem szemléletváltozás is szükséges.

  • Contributing to the Decade of Healthy Aging in the Nordic-Russian Arctic
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    NCM-funded project and expert network “Indigenous and non-indigenous residents of the Nordic-Russian region: Best practices for equity in healthy ageing” will be introduced.

    The Arctic population is ageing, albeit at various speed across the regions and to a different degree of “healthiness” and “inequity related to healthy ageing” across the life-course. The aim of the research is to contribute to a multidisciplinary understanding of circumstances and patterns of healthy ageing in the Nordic-Russian Arctic and share examples of new solutions as components to the Arctic member states’ national policies and in accordance with the principles of WHO “Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020–2030”.

    We will focus on a broad evaluation of opportunities the region can bring in to carry activities,  building on the principles of the WHO Global Strategy on Ageing and Health, the United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, and aligned to the timing of the United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We will identify best practices at the regional/community levels among Non- and Indigenous older residents, using comparative approach: 1. How we think, feel and act towards age and ageing, 2.Communities fostering the abilities of older people, 3.Delivering culturally safe and person centred care and health services responsive to older people.

    The project complements our on-going activities under the UArctic Thematic Network “Health and Well-being in the Arctic” and a “Development of a Think Tank Functions of the Northern Dimension Institute”.

  • Befriending Services for the Elderly
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    I would like to briefly introduce befriending services based on a literature review, focusing primarily on services provided to the elderly.