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  • The Design Respects of Engineers for Planning Agricultural Machines

    The present study acquaints the reader with the designer behaviour of product designer engineers, which is very useful for agro-technical, operati onal, and agro-marketi ng experts who strive for value-based purchases and is of novelty for industrial product developers and designers. The designer-engineer has an integrati ng personality. He gives a signifi cant added value to the product. He is responsible not only for the outer appearance of the product, but also for the harmony of functi on, form, and technical content. The purpose of the present study is to investi gate the following types of behaviour: industrial view, materialisti c view, systemic planning, eco-planning, ergonomic planning, bionic planning, communicati ve planning, marketi ng-centred planning, and formal planning.

  • The examination of the representation of the landscape in the domestic rural development documents

    The author of this article carries out researches on that, how a planning approach from the landscape perspective could support the rural development planning. As a part of the research process the author reviewed the rural development plans on national level from 1999 and on the local level in four pilot areas in the last planning period. As an outcome of this review it was found that the landscape is one of the main categories and an often used concept of the rural development planning both on national and on local level in Hungary. However, as the documents reflected, the interpretations of the concept „landscape” are very different, so it needs to be clarified and unified. Nature, society and culture, as well as economy manifest themselves in the landscape. The documents in question deal with landscape mostly as it were only a visual, natural phenomenon. Therefore, following the horizontal principle of sustainability, it seems to be a good approach to develop a planning system, which is able to treat landscape as a whole (nature, society, culture including economy). However, the landscape diversity points out the constraints of application of a general planning method in rural development. The other main outcome of the review is that there is a conflict between the complex national objectives and the mosaic-like projects carried out on the local level. A solution can be an organic application of the national objectives on the local level considering the concrete landscape with its specific attributes where the planned projects were parts of a complex local development plan in a synergic and successive way.


    This article is about developmental stages of strategic thinking, detailing the era of strategic planning and strategic management, and their differences. 

  • Financial Planning in Diff erent Household Life Cycles

    Households are characterised by diff erent life cycles with diff erent income structures and expenses. They have to be considered and planned in ti me, so that their fi nancial background can be ensured. Regarding effi ciency households are able to make their opti mal choices from diff erent alternati ves on the basis of their own system of objecti ves. In many cases households are unable to make these eff ecti ve decisions, which is usually due to the low level of their fi nancial culture. There are certain points in people’s lives when it is useful to have a large amount of savings. One of these points is the old age when people cannot earn a suffi cient amount of money. The other one takes place when someone starts his or her career or a family and when they make a living so as to be able to support themselves. One alternati ve of household life cycles is to set up their own business and operate it. Even during the operati on of  interprises we can diff erenti ate several life cycles. Households taking up enterprises are usually able to plan the necessary fi nancial background to launch their businesses and to prepare business plans for a profi table operati on as well as adjust them to changes, which is not an easy task. In our research we write about savings and we describe their roles in given life cycles. This writi ng includes some important elements of our research.


    Nowadays healthy lifestyle and physical activity are receiving more and more attention around the world of which regular exercise and proper nutrition are an essential part. Physically active lifestyle plays a significant role in maintaining physical and mental health. The growth of physical activity in the last ten years can be detected both at the domestic and European Union level. Today most of the people spend increased time on active and passive sports activities. Demand for sporting goods, various live sporting events and broadcasts has also increased significantly. The aim of our research is to assess the passive sports consumption habits of young people, around the students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen, based on the earlier mentioned facts. The topicality of the topic is unquestionable as the University of Debrecen provides more opportunities for its students to do active and passive sports activities than ever before.

  • Financial Management, the Savings of Life Cycles in Everyday Life

    ‘Money rules the world’ (BALYÓ, 2004, p. 3.) – it is an often used slogan which really determines our life. From an early age we realize how essential money is for us. It accompanies all our life. The quality of our life depends on how we can deal with our budget to be able to put aside as well. We can buy all the necessary items for everyday life but we have to manage well in order to be able to achieve our objectives, too. During our life our individual and common goals are also essential. The right and appropriate decisions have a great share in using our money. There is outstanding importance of being conscious, sober-minded, and precise and up-to-date during planning. We have to take into consideration the opinion of all the family members. Decisions need to be made together if possible. In this study we would like to emphasize the role of self-care in different life cycles as well as show the result of our related primary research.

  • Trends in the Construction Industry and in Building Public Utilities

    If one hears the word construction industry, one probably associates it with building a house, but the concept of construction industry covers a much larger area and can be divided into colourful periods. Architecture is the transformation of the built environment. On the one hand it is one of the branches of arts (applied arts), on the other hand it is one of the branches of engineering and technology disciplines. Nowadays, more and more environment-friendly technology is used in the construction industry, and already in the design stage a considerable emphasis is put on the use of renewable energy resources, in particular the use of solar cells. To measure the trends in the construction industry and in the building of public works we have also prepared a questionnaire which was filled in by 100 managers of enterprises.

  • Controlling characteristics of SMEs in the Észak-alföldi Region

    Since the regime change in Hungary, the main federal task has been to strengthen the small and medium-sized ventures. The size of the category plays an important role in the employment as well as in the GDP production. Those areas that make businesses strong and reduce the risk of their activities are in the center of attention in this hardly predictable economic era. One of those areas is the views and methods of controlling which is still hardly adoptable to most of the CEOs in businesses. The introduction and the use of these operations give concrete results within a relatively short period of time, making the decision makers’ job easier at the companies. The study includes the examined SMEs, the design of business characteristics, the valuation of suppliers and customers, the production and the prime costs of the service. The vision of SMEs that characterizes the application of the tools and methods of controlling are also included.

  • CAD/CAM Systems Educati on in the 21st Century

    Educati on of engineers’ excellent knowing tools, theory and practi ce of computer-aided design is very important for the universities and colleges. They give for graduate students’ specializati on for CAD/CAM which profession is one of the most competi ti ve in the job market. Academic training courses combining the design, producti on and technology is only possible in this directi on by using the most modern equipment and with the modern thinking people involved in this field of science.

  • HELP! What should i do? -the lack of financial knowledge in hungarian households

    Financial planning, the propensity to save and self-caring habits effect not only the households' financial management, but they effect the economical, political, social and cultural situation of the whole country. The intellectual skills of hungarians are undeveloped, which stems from the lack of financial literacy of individuals. More and more people realize the need for economic and financial knowledge since the 2008 economic crisis, and that the development of financial culture is essential. In our research we examined, how the financial awareness and the willingness to save of individuals and households can be influenced.

  • Product design with a marketing approach

    An engineer and creative artist of an industrial product – the designer – conveys significant added  value into his object. Not only with respect to its appearance but concerning its functionality, technical and even economic, sales promoting content as well. In our paper we are investigating the nature of this process. We try to show that the promotional approach is one of the dominant features of design. It aims to create a product that is capable of selling itself. As the examples of the classics, H. Ford and R. Loevy had proved a hundred years ago, it does not render advertising superfluous but forces it to the background. A special feature of designer products is that they do not only formulate our angle but can be sold at extra profit. The modern attitude of „use it and discard it” is being replaced by more concerned consumer behaviour. It is creating a new quality. Just consider the environments (of V. Panton), the designer hotels, the „dream car designs” and today’s trends in vehicle design.