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  • Community development role of renewable energy projects

    The spread of utilization of renewable energy resources is primarily motivated by objectives of energy policy and climate protection. However the rural and community development role of the new investments had got a greater significance in the past years. In the last years or decades the different renewable energy sectors became an important objective of regional policy. In parallel with these changes the renewable energy sources aroused the interest of potential investors. The low population density and relative richness of natural resources in rural areas provide favourable conditions for location of these investments. On the base of local economic development aspects was designated as positive effects that the investments utilize the internal resources of these regions. However in practice it raises different significant questions. What is the role of local financial resources, professional skills and sufficient number of customers in renewable energy investments? We cannot imagine authentic and successful rural development projects without considering the interests and participation of local communities. Our research focuses on requirements of prosperous and long-term sustainable renewable energy based community development solutions following Hungarian and European examples.

  • The appearance of the conditions of sustainable development in the values of the population of Nagykörű: The results of a Qmethodology research

    One of the aims of sustainable development is to keep the local communities, to ensure their local welfare, which is essential to eliminate or mitigate negative consequences. In our research, we looked for the answer, how the local population relate to sustainable development. What preferences do they have regarding the place of residence? Do they see any inherent risks, threats? How long horizon they think and what problem solving techniques do they see? How do they think about sustainability issues? The responses were looking for with Q-methodology for which we have defined 46 claims in eight topics: local attachment; local cooperation; willingness to act; management; horizon; threats; solutions The Q methodology handles the respondents into factors, according to which claims they prefer more or less. The results are very well suited to understand the attitudes to the sustainability problems.


    The study has thoroughly presented the classic and new trends of economic gr owth, and on this basis, it can be stated that this is a complex system, and its analysis is almost always relevant, mostly because of the rapidly changing global systems and networks of contacts. The economic growth is extremely important in the 21st cent ury as well, but with a new approach. Two very important factors appear: sustainability and social development. Albeit the economic growth and
    the social development are in the opposite directions, not serving the basic idea of sustainable development at all. In this study, we aimed at portraying the complexity of this system and the range of factors influencing it.

  • The Impact of Green Marketing Strategies on Employees Green Performance: An HRM Perspective

    The rising concerns of the influence of human actions on the environment has resulted in a growing focus in the field of management science, particularly Human Resource Management (HRM). The right direction of going green must be directly linked with Environmental, Economic, and social performance Also, the field of Green Marketing has recently gained significant interest from researchers and practitioners in the realm of consumer behavior. Marketing and HR are fundamental departments in any organization, and their collaboration is essential for the success and resilience of a business, especially if the focus on sustainable development. This research aim to identify the impact of GM on employees’ green performance (GP). Also, to enhance research efforts, and improve the search process for other researchers seeking relevant paper and future research. The research problem has been formulated with the question: Can green marketing impact employees’ green performance by adapting, implementing, and promoting environmentally conscious behavior and corporate sustainability. This article provides a systematic Literature Review of existing research as a methodology. This research found that business can use GM strategies to impact the employees GP. Therefore, promoting and encouraging environmentally conscious practices in the workplace and incorporating a “sustainable culture” will help employees feel healthier, more motivated to finish their work, easily communicating their ideas about best green practices, and more satisfied with the company.


    Special literature sources have been discussing the concept of sustainability and the feasibility options only for about three decades. Sustainable development has several definitions; it is defined both in narrow and wider sense. The definition of sustainability is regarded inevitable because the sustainability of agriculture can be interpreted only within this fixed conceptual framework. Our study is primarily dealing with issues of sustainability in farming practices being peculiar to countries, regions of the European Union. In frames of current research, we are providing the analysis of the ability to produce value added within the agricultural sector, the intensity of farming, the non-renewable external input use, farm structure as well as the European-level relations being directed towards the preservation of land productivity.

  • Application of bioeffector soil inoculation method development in a pot experinment with tomato

    Fertilizers, pesticides, soil disinfectants and other agrochemicals enormously have increased the agricultural productivity recently. Beside the well-accepted positive yield-effects, however, the structural soil-degradation, acidification, decrease of soil life and soil health is also known. Alternative technologies are urgently needed to develop for the sustainable agri-, horti-, viti- and silvicultural productions. The beneficial microorganisms, used as biofertilizers, biopesticides and/or soil-vitality products can reduce those disorders; therefore their use is increasing simultaneously. Bioeffector (BE) products, containing vital strains of the beneficial microorganisms might improve the qualitative and quantitative properties of the plants. The effects of BE1 - Trichoderma harzianum T-22; BE2 - Pseudomonas sp.; BE3 - Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Rhizovital 42 F1 were tested in large-pot experiment of using tomato (var. Mobil) in 4 replicates. The BE-s were applied according to the instructions of the producers, in 1 step with the sewing. Before the emergence of the tomato seedlings the BE products was enhancing primarily the growth of the weeds, which is known to develop much faster, than the host. Among the tested bioeffectors, the BE 3, known to enhance P-uptake proved to be the most efficient, both as single and as combined inoculums. Result was comparable with the fertilizer (triple-superphosphate) addition. Study has shown, that the application of BE products might be accompanied more seriously with the used agricultural technology and the physiological properties of the living biofertilizer strains. A second inoculation after the seed emergence and/or the plantation could be highly suggested mainly with BE 3, which might mobilize the hardly available phosphorous in the soil.

  • The Problems of Adaptive Tourism’s Development in Russia

    In the article the problems of development of tourism for people with disabilities. Special attention is paid to the organization of transportation and accommodation services. Integration into society of persons with disabilities is part of the implementation of social responsibility of the tourism business.

  • The Role of Fair Trade Products in Hungarian Retail Trade

    The expression ‘fair trade’ may have many interpretations. In economics it means an ‘untraditional’ form of trade. It means a trade partnership, which is different from the usual interpretation of international trade. The real primary aim of fair trade is to ensure a predictable and sustainable, long-term development under more advantageous conditions for underprivileged producers and to introduce fair trade products into the trading systems of developed, ‘northern’ countries. Trade becomes ‘fair’ when it hinders the destruction and the exploitation of human and natural resources and in this interest it achieves the modificati on of standards and it does not intend to change the structure of traditional international trade. Fair trade refers to a special approach of commercial activity, which gives priority to the needs of producers with the help of a new producer – vendor agreement.


    The central thought of this article is the relationship between the stability of public finances and the sustainable economic development of the country. The paper aims to find an answer to the question to what extent the outer and inner conditions of the social and economic functioning have contributed to, and hindered the domestic development in the quarter of the century after the change of the regime. The article proves that stability and growth are predisposed to strengthen each other. In absence of financial stability, we cannot talk about competitiveness as a prerequisite for the sustainability of growth, or in a wider sense, the realization of the public good. The latter can be observed basically in the fact that the interests of financial stability and growth are in equilibrium and the satisfaction of socio economic needs is realized in the frame defined by them.

  • Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility in Hungary

    The concept of corporate responsibilty has been around for many decades, yet its application and supplantation into practical usage has not been highly successful in Hungary. This study is an assessment of recent developments and the current performance of companies.

  • The development of an agricultural trade portal and the marketing of the Social Media

    In conclusion, it can be said that with the rise of the Internet/Mobile Internet and the advent of smart devices, it is only possible to keep pace by being visible online. In my opinion, with the use of Social Media a sustainable sales growth can be achieved at minimum cost both short and long term. With the help of Google Analytics, we are always up to date with the success of the company's marketing campaign. Finally, I want to develop a mobile version, Facebook application or renew the web store.

  • Common Aim - Seperate Way? posztszocialista átmenet Európában

    The study analyses the transition of the East-Center-European and Baltic Countries after the change of the regime up to now. It tries to place these countries in the presented mixed economic models and examines how they comply with the conditions of the sustainable development. The extent of state involvement in the economic and the social processes is key issue because its determines economic growth. The author of the study concludes there is no economic growth without an adequate institutional system and the stability if the state budget. Another conclusion makes it clear that the countries mentioned above cannot be grouped and have met the criteria of sustainability in a specific way so far.



    Technical and economic professionals have to expect serious challenges if they want to take the insurance of the sustainable development of the natural environment into co nsideration. Apart from the professional difficulties they especially have to prepare for the fact that mainly the proponents of ecology make their work difficult. They have to hold their ground in the field of force where the politicians of green organiza tions and the environmental science are dead set
    against each other. Further on we do not intend to get entangled in this incoherent system of relations. We would rather look into its ethical connections and the history of its origin.