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    A jelenlegi koronavírus világjárvány bebizonyította, hogy mennyire sérülékeny az emberi populáció a fertőző betegségekkel szemben. Az emberiség történetében az egyik legrégebben jelenlévő, számos nagy járványért felelős vírus az influenza. Alapbetegségként is, illetve a hozzá társuló másodlagos fertőzések okán is az egyik legnagyobb fertőzésveszély-forrás, amely hosszú története során több millió ember haláláért felelős. Korábbi kutatásaim során sikerült bizonyítanom a beadott influenza elleni védőoltások és az influenza megbetegedések előfordulása közötti összefüggéseket. Jelen tanulmány célja annak bemutatása, hogy a Magyarországon alkalmazott influenza elleni védőoltások milyen kapcsolatban vannak, illetve milyen hatást gyakorolnak az egészségügy egyéb területeire és ezáltal hogyan hatnak az életminőség alakulására. A felhasznált adatok egzakt statisztikai forrásokból származnak, a felhasználásukkal elvégzett számításokból levont következtetések pedig bizonyítják, hogy az influenza elleni átoltottság mértéke kimutathatóan pozitívan befolyásolja a különböző betegségtípusok előfordulásának gyakoriságát, illetve lefolyásának súlyosságát. Ezen kívül szignifikáns hatással bír a várható élettartam alakulására is.


    The current coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated the vulnerability of the human population to infectious diseases. Influenza is one of the oldest viruses responsible for many major epidemics in human history. It is one of the greatest sources of risk of infection, both as a basic disease and as a result of secondary infections, which has been responsible for the deaths of millions of people throughout its long history. In my previous research, I have been able to demonstrate correlations between administered influenza vaccines and the incidence of influenza. The aim of the present study is to present the relationship between influenza vaccines used in Hungary and their impact on other areas of health care and thus on the development of quality of life. The data used are from exact statistical sources, and the conclusions drawn from the calculations performed using them prove that the degree of influenza vaccination has a demonstrably positive effect on the frequency and severity of different types of disease. It also has a significant effect on life expectancy.

  • Women’s Buying Habits in the Case of Cosmeti c Products

    In our present study we wish to point out the peculiariti es of women’s cosmeti cs buying habits. In our interview examinati on we have tried to get a closer picture of the characteristi cs of women’s buying habits and their atti tudes to cosmeti cs. The topicality of our research has been supported by several phenomena. On the one hand, the most frequent associati on with women is ‘beauty’; a woman always has to be well-groomed, prett y, and beauti ful according to the expectati ons of society. On the other hand, the appreciati on of the role of the body appears as a general trend in society, which means that each product or service, which serves bodily culture and care, play a more and more important role. Many other authors (Davis-Rigaux 1974, Popcorn- Marigold 2001, Pólya 2012) have already discussed women’s cosmeti cs buying habits, fi rst of all their decision making role within the family, but because of the topicality of the theme we have considered it important to conduct further, empirical examinati on.

  • Empirical Research on Business Awareness Concerning Workplace Crèches

    Our objective with the empirical research was to learn about the opinion of business leaders about the new form of care, and to get an explanation why the opportunity to create a crèche in the workplace is not being used by today's companies, despite the facilitating state environment (financial funding for tender funds and favorable personal conditions). Our further goal was to formulate suggestions for business leaders to raise awareness of workplace crèches.