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    The consumer asserts that his or her decisions are consistent and rational. Basically, we must distinguish between real and presumed awareness. Real awareness is rooted in the knowledge of consumer rights, while presumed awareness exists only in the consumer’s belief in himself. The purpose of my research is to assess the level of consumer protection knowledge of the respondents and to draw conclusions about the consumers’ awareness, i.e. to measure awareness in terms of consumer protection on the online markets. I can state that the rules of the 14 day period of withdrawal without stating reasons when shopping
    online and the VAT and customs duty obligations of foreign webshops are less known by online customers.

  • Capacity to handle complexity – The importance of contextual awareness in healthcare communication in English as a lingua franca

    Hungarian healthcare providers – as most of their colleagues around the world – engage in interaction with foreign patients, whom they do not share a mother tongue with, in English as a lingua franca (ELF) most of the time. These communicative situations pose great challenges to healthcare providers, as they have to be capable of adjusting their language use to their patients’ cognitive, linguistic and communicative-pragmatic schemata which often differ from their own. In order to develop such a capacity, ESP classes must focus on improving health science students’ awareness in exploring various ELF contexts which form ground for making informed decisions on the use of terminology. The present research aims at showing the complex dynamic nature of these ELF contexts based on empirical data collected via interviews with Hungarian healthcare providers who have extended experience in working with patients in international environments. The results can inform the everyday practice of ESP teachers in the field of the health sciences.

  • Empirical Research on Business Awareness Concerning Workplace Crèches

    Our objective with the empirical research was to learn about the opinion of business leaders about the new form of care, and to get an explanation why the opportunity to create a crèche in the workplace is not being used by today's companies, despite the facilitating state environment (financial funding for tender funds and favorable personal conditions). Our further goal was to formulate suggestions for business leaders to raise awareness of workplace crèches.

  • Analysing of the health awareness of soft drinks among young adults using an eye camera test

    The megatrend of striving for healthy nutrition is a constant and indisputable reality. In our pilot research, we investigated an essential but often overlooked area of nutrition for consumers, focusing on the well-known players in the hydration field: soft drinks. Our study involved a group of 30 high school graduates aged 18-19, who represent a real purchasing power in the food market, and therefore the understanding of the mechanisms behind their purchasing decisions is a key issue. Our primary research was structured along two main pillars, the first was to understand the internal unconscious influences, which we investigated using a fixed eye camera. The second pillar consisted of a questionnaire survey, in which we asked participants about their background, their individual preferences and questions about what they saw during the eye-camera study. Monitoring gaze tracking enabled us to examine what participants were focusing on when they looked at the front or information side of a beverage package. Our research also included an eye-camera analysis of promotional posts on social media platforms. We compared the data collected using the eye camera with the subjective health awareness of the participants and created groups. For each group, aggregated heat maps were created, which provide a visual representation of the distribution of gaze in each image.

  • Identi ty Awareness in the ’Melti ng-Pot’ - The Sociological Questi ons of the Identi ty of the Croati an Minority in Hungary

    In our research we have applied sociological methods in the investi gati on of the Croati an minority communiti es, of their values or scope of acti ons and their identi ty preservati on methods in the 21st century. As an interesti ng fact of the research, in Vas County communiti es we have found identi fi cati on and diff erenti ati on in and between classical and cultural nati on percepti on. We have investi gated the approach of identi fi cati on and as a result we can state that nati onal symbols are important elements of identi fi cati on. There are associati onal symbols originated from the nati onal past in the communiti es’ collecti ve mind (like fl ag, coat of arms, crown, and anthem). In the aspect of belonging to Hungarians, these dimensions appeared again in the research, but in this evaluati on the abstract concepts are too strong (for example: identi ty, cultural awareness). There was no signifi cant diff erence regarding the judgment criteria as regards who belongs to Croati an or Hungarian communiti es. Belonging to Croati an communiti es is realised by less perceivable abstracti ons.
    Beyond the cultural nati on concept, belonging to Hungarians’ natural elements are the form and traditi on (border, ‘I was born in Hungary’, nati onality).
    These parameters fi t bett er into the state nati on percepti on. These traditi ons are stronger presented among senior citi zens and under-educated populati on.

  • Strategy of Educational Culture Change

    The true measure of a nati on’s standing is how well it att ends to its children – their health and safety, their material security, their education and socialization, and their sense of being loved, valued, and included in the families and societi es into which they are born. This article is a strategy. How possible to change educational culture in Hungary.


    Warranty is the essential tool in consumer protection. We can presume that consumers know the most important rules of warranty regulation because everyone is affected by it. I think if the consumer has no accurate information on the warranty in this case, consumer awareness can be questioned. According to my research (sample size is 2182 persons) the respondents are convinced that an obligatory guarantee shall be due on a HUF 4,999 technical product (hairdryer). Only 19.7% of the respondents knew this was not really the case. It is striking that only 56.3% of the respondents were able to say that the mandatory legal guarantee period for a technical product (television) was 12 months. All kinds of figures appeared in the responses relating to the warranty period (6, 18, 36, 60 months). We can state that the knowledge of consumer rights is very poor in Hungary.


    Building upon the results of my dissertation, in the course of my research I studied that how households know and take advantages of tax benefits of Voluntary Mutual Funds. It is im-portant to find out the reasons why it is losing its relevance and why the households are not making better use of the related government grants. In my present article I discuss the ac-quaintance of Voluntary Mutual Funds Account, with its advantages and disadvantages. Also the functions of households in the Budget, or in other words, what unexploited opportu-nities are there, that are worth utilizing in every household with the appropriate financial knowledge. I examine the answer to the question to how the households could be influenced, or influenced better to take advantage of several government grants, or to do that more effi-ciently. In the interest of this it is necessary to develop people’s financial culture on the ap-propriate level. Government regulations are not enough. It cannot reach its aim properly, if there are problems with the flow of information in the course of coding or decoding, prevent-ing the appropriate communication.


    Territorial determination of the tourism development areas is crucial for professionals responsible for destination management. The direct motives are (1) the available financial development funds, (2) the expansion of tourism supra- and infrastructure, (3) the evolvement of destination image, however induced factors can be (1) the involvement of ancillary services or (2) using single communication. Main concern of the tourism supply is to provide sufficient information to the potential travellers, although the question arises how demand is able to follow the iterative changing in determinations. The fact that a narrower area is periodically associated with a different tourism development area and thus has different communication generates a degree of uncertainty in the tourists’ travel decision. Current article introduces a section of a research project for the assessment of the awareness of current tourism development areas by tourists. After the clarification of concepts paper details the results of pilot testing which makes foundation for a large-sample market research. Findings are instructive not just in terms of measurement correction, but for further considerations.

  • The characteristics of business slang usage: the presentation of a pilot study

    The presentation aims to impart the results of research carried out in a pilot study. The purpose of this study was to assess the awareness and use of expressions relating to business slang for the BGF PSZK students and professional economists. Based on the responses, I wanted to explore the frequency of business slang usage and the presumed causes of the differences between professionals’ and students' opinions. The respondents' language attitudes, language knowledge,
    and subjective approach to the language were the focus of the study. In this way I could explore the relationship between the respondents’ usage of business slang terms and achieving actual success in the business world.

  • HELP! What should i do? -the lack of financial knowledge in hungarian households

    Financial planning, the propensity to save and self-caring habits effect not only the households' financial management, but they effect the economical, political, social and cultural situation of the whole country. The intellectual skills of hungarians are undeveloped, which stems from the lack of financial literacy of individuals. More and more people realize the need for economic and financial knowledge since the 2008 economic crisis, and that the development of financial culture is essential. In our research we examined, how the financial awareness and the willingness to save of individuals and households can be influenced.

  • Investigating the judgement and using of creative accounting

    We have chosen creative accounting as the subject of our study, which many people associate with fraud and illegal methods. We asked professionals in the field how they interpret this phenomenon and whether they use it in any of its aspects. To do this, we created a 16-question questionnaire, which we sent out exclusively to accountants and professionals, and closed the door to responses on 8 October 2023, with 134 completed. In this paper, we have focused on the perception of creative accounting, but we have also touched on its application, but we were aware that respondents would be reluctant to answer questions that were too personal and direct. One of our research questions was about perceptions of creative accounting, one was about the importance of accounting principles and two sought to find correlations between the responses. The aim of this study, by sending out the questionnaire, is to improve the perception of creative accounting and to raise awareness of the importance of its use, within a legal framework of course. We would also like to encourage professionals to think that their accounting service should not consist of simply carrying out routine tasks, but that they should consider for each of their companies what activities, and possibly changes in their choices, could help them to achieve optimum operation, tax payments and thus a higher rate of profitability for their company.

  • The possibilities of companies how to reduce their emmisions

    The sustainability and its key element, the environmental awareness has been known for decades, however in general can be said that in the decision making the short term economic profit is still more dominant both on the individual and company levels. In last few years the rapid growth of CO2 emission is now not just risking the human life but the flora and fauna is in heavy danger. The concerns pay more attention on their short-term profits instead of the environmental protection. First of all with the change of the leadership attitude can reach the environmentally conscious organization that can support the reduction of the emissions, so the improvement of the atmospherical CO2 concentration. In my study I’m going to present what possibilities do the companies have to reduce their emissions and how these improvements could be harmonized with the profit interests (with the reduce of electricity-, water-, and gas consumption).