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  • The Children’s Role in the Food Purchase Decision-Making Process

    In our present paper we wish to give a closer picture of store, product and brand choice in the food purchase decision-making process. We examined the role played by children in the family purchase decision-making process, especially in store, product and brand choice at daily and big shopping. In our research we applied - apart from bibliography review and secondary research - primary qualitative (deep interview) research. On the basis of our qualitative research findings children play an important role in the family purchase decision-making process, but this role is not dominant. According to our research findings children play a bigger role in the store choice at big shopping and in the product choice when they choose the product for their own consumption.

  • The Mother’s Role in the Health Conscious Consumer Socializati on of Children

    In our research we were looking for a relati onship between childhood obesity and the mother’s body type, lifestyle. We have examined the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of respondent mothers with the use of Cramer’s V coeffi cient. The opinion of respondents does not refl ect the reality in Hungary. The Cramer’s V coeffi cient, which measures the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of mothers was medium: 0.519, which means that the respondents cannot assess their own BMI and body type. The body type of children perceived by their mothers was also inaccurate. According to our research we can state that body type of mothers exercises infl uence on the body type of children. The extent of infl uence depends on the age of children (3.6 – 8.5%).

  • The Examinati on of Children’s Buying Habits

    The family is the smallest unit of society. According to the classical, ideal interpretati on of family it consists of a father, a mother and at least of one child. According to the traditi onal model the father id the breadwinner, he supports the family; whereas the mother runs the household, she brings up the children; the children’s task is studying, perhaps helping the mother with running the household. On hearing the word ‘family’ ‘unity’ and ‘harmony’ come to mind, whereas each family member has diff erent personaliti es with more or less sameness. They try to solve the problems arising in the family together, but every family member can have their own problems. Family members infl uence one another’s decisions, which can involve economic decisions, too. The number of children exercises the greatest infl uence on economic decisions. In our fast, modern, consumer society children wield the most signifi cant purchasing power. Their needs usually defi ne the family’s purchasing habits. Today children demonstrate their own needs in the market.

  • Strategy of Educational Culture Change

    The true measure of a nati on’s standing is how well it att ends to its children – their health and safety, their material security, their education and socialization, and their sense of being loved, valued, and included in the families and societi es into which they are born. This article is a strategy. How possible to change educational culture in Hungary.

  • Role of Children in the Case of Parental Food Store Choice

    Family as a primary decision making unit of society have a significant role in purchase decision making processes of individuals. It has a significant role in consumer socialization and in the process how children become consumers. It is a frame, within what children learn to behave as consumers, acquire all
    competencies concerning to purchase and consumption, and hence become competent to other consumers. Change of children’s role within the family is in the air in the last period, and this has an effect on purchase decision making processes within the family maybe on food store choice too. 


    The main motive why the “Living Values Education” international program was establish to make alive our goodness/our inner values, to make them the part of our life, in order to show our children a values-system which makes their life qualitative. The program is first of all for teachers, for parents, for grandparents (who are directly around the children) and for children. The article is about experiences of the students and the Teacher who facilitated the curse with the title: “Inner tools of Teachers: Our inner values through our personalities as Teachers” in the frame of “Living Values Education” on Teacher Training Faculty of John von Neumann University in the second semester in 2017-2018 school year.

  • The Examination of the Factors Influencing the Tween Segment’s Consumer Behaviour and Attitude towards Advertisements

    The importance and the relevance of the topic based on consumption psychology and advertising psychology can be approached from several aspects. The actors of business life managed to achieve that young people have become one of the most important target markets. Namely nowadays children and youngsters have been the most preferred target market, they are the  future (consumers). Apart from this we live in a consumer society where goods are characteristically not only the tools of need fulfilment, but important influencing factors at the same time that form the basis of the formation of social status differences. In our present paper we examine that in 2015 in the web age how members of generation Z approach the subject of advertisements, what type of attitudes they have, and how these formulate their consumer behaviour or what are the motivating factors influencing nowadays’ teens when a customer decision is made. Hence our aim is to examine the consumer and media usage behaviour, the influencing factors, the motives, brand priority and attitudes towards advertisements of the tween segment living in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.