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    Performance measurement is of fundamental importance in all sectors of the national economy. However, this is especially true for agriculture because more efficient management is becoming increasingly important in this sector as well as well to supply the population with adequate food. The study examines the performance of Romanian and Hungarian agricultural companies. A total of 5,390 companies were selected for the analysis database, of which 3,789 were Romanian and 1,601 were Hungarian. In the performance analysis, the companies’ efficiency was examined between 2018 and 2020 using the Data Envelopment Analysis method. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the Romanian agricultural companies operate with statistically significantly lower efficiency than the Hungarian ones. However, it can also be concluded that the average efficiency of enterprises is very low in both countries. The performance is low, even considering the averages of the sub-sector efficiency coefficients. There is no year when the average efficiency ratio in any sector exceeds 50%. On the other hand, the sub-sector analysis of Oilseeds and Cereals shows that, especially in Romania, the proportion of companies with an efficiency coefficient below 50% is very high. Similar conclusions can be made regarding the poultry and egg production subsector. Further research is needed to reveal the reasons more precisely for the low efficiency of agricultural companies.

  • Resources for increasing management performance and efficiency

    The aim of the paper is refer to resources how to increase management performance and efficiency in field of industrial companies. We try to refer to opportunities which could be useful and applicable and should lead to performance improvement. The paper also discusses about factors effecting organizational and management efficiency.


    Entering the digital age, business conditions have changed. The social and economic effects of Industry 4.0 surround humanity. Systems that work together in the cyber-physical space move companies and create value. Naturally, the management wants to evaluate these processes and wants to see reports about them. New times, new winds, that is, the activities of a company based on digital technology require a new kind of reporting technique and methodology. The study briefly introduces the tools we use for this purpose. These tools (methods) also raise a number of ethical issues, while controlling and reporting must also meet the pressure of efficiency, that is, we have to increase the efficiency of reporting.

  • Analysis of the ways of efficiency enhancement of transportation services in tourism

    Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing fi elds of the world economy. Owing to the relai vely low-cost capital investment necessary to set up and develop tourism business, high levels of payback rates, constantly rising magnitude of demand for tourist services, tourism business has recently been drawing the at eni on of not only its poteni al customers, but also of entrepreneurs. 

  • The Economy Contexts of the Modern Growing of Corn

    The cereals are the most important and most determining cultivated plants of the world and our homeland. Their importance manifests itself in the fact that corns in the ear and corn occupy collectively 50%- of the world's tillage areas and 66-68% of the tillage areas of our homeland. The competitiveness of the cultivation to a great extent depends on the modernity of the production, which is especially valid for our homeland. So I intended to analyse the economic situation of one of the most important cereals, the corn through the activity of a family economy working well. I examine the modern corn growing technology in my work. I present the operations belonging to the technology applied by the economy and I outline the operation norms. I calculate the expenses arising in the interest of corn growing, I define the material costs incurred, the personal expenses, the amortisation and other expenses. I calculate the income from the sales of corn growing with and without support and I also calculate the main capital efficiency indicators.

  • Investigation of the trends related to the electric car industry

    Our World tries to modernize and make environmental friendly the car industry. Related to this the electric cars have been modernized significantly. As a result the efficiency and the demand of these types of cars have grown. Many domestic consumers would change their cars for an electric type, however their financial budget is not big enough to afford it. In the spirit of this the government created its own supporting system to help the consumers. In my investigation I compare the domestic and some other european supporting systems. In addition I show the pro and cons related the electromobility, the new market trends and I also show where the electric car industry stands.

  • The Comparison of Aircrafts’ Maintenance Strategies from the Viewpoint of Change Management

    A new aircraft has appeared at the flying troops of the Hungarian Defence Forces which also brought about the emergence of a new maintenance strategy. The new strategy meant a switch of the operating technology at the same time, and it also posed a set of management problems, especially in certain stages of the conversion process. The morphostatic or morphogenetic nature of the change has been brought up as a fundamental question; the successful realization of this change requires various management procedures. In the present study I make an attempt to compare the two operation strategies that are simultaneously present, from which it may emerge that what processes are affected by the changes and at what level they are affected. In my view the usefulness of the analysis lies in the fact that the efficiency of integrating a new aircraft into the system may considerably increase in the future.

  • The Opportunities for the Profit Producing Ability of Subsistence Farms

    In order to be able to prepare accurate calculations we had to determine the area and number of plants both in the case when the seeds were sown in the field and when they were in seedling transplants. The time requirements of the treated areas and also material used associated with the different modes of propagation varied. There are significant differences between the field and forcing technologies as for construction-related costs. The expense and cost calculations were based on the operation. The calculation includes the operating natural inputs (labour, material used), and are expressed in monetary value: the costs (wages, cost of materials). Costing does not count with the common charge, since the production process has not been completed yet. In this calculation the cost of labour is recognized. We calculated the area which can give enough profit to support the farmer and his family.

  • Online facilities for German language learning

    Our fast-moving, globalised society is trying to use the achievements of scientific and technological developments in all fields of life in order to make people’s lives easier and provide them with more flexibility. This is why e-learning has also entered the teaching-learning process, foreign language teaching included. By using this method, students can manage their own time or even save money (no travelling costs, fixed times). The teacher’s presence is not absolutely
    necessary as students can check the exercises and tasks performed through the internet. This is the ideal method for lifelong learning. The seminar called ’Online facilities in German language learning’ started at Bethlen István College for Advanced Studies is aimed at improving the efficiency of language learning and making it more enjoyable for students. A summary of the teaching and research work related to the seminar is given below.

  • The Regional Features of Tourism in Russia: the Formation of Clusters

    In the present study we draw attention to the urgency of the problem related to the formation of tourism clusters. Then we describe the current state and the specific features of the object of study. We expand upon the scientific basis of the proposed research methodology. Finally we offer recommendations on the practical application of the expected results. The organizational model of the regional tourist cluster based on a two-element core, in the case of its practical
    application will improve the efficiency of the formation and development of clusters in a variety of service industries, and adapt them to the high variability of the environment. The improvement of scientific and methodological tools, the connection of economic and administrative resources provide a solid foundation for the development of the tourism sector, increase the investment activity of economic entities and increase the investment attractiveness of the economy at the regional level of government.

  • The State of the Bulgarian Agricultural Sector in the First Period (2007-2013) of the EU Membership

    With Bulgaria joining the European Union in 2007, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has become a decisive factor for the Bulgarian agriculture. The introduction and implementation of the CAP is far from optimal; positive and negative effects are both present. The performance of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria is not living up to its potential. Despite the subsidies received by the sector (more than 4 billion BGN), and the increasing national contributions between 2007 and 2013, its efficiency and profitability indicators have declined, and it remained at a low level of competitiveness. The processes of land concentration have accelerated. The SAPS subsidies are disproportionate and they prevent the shift to market orientation. The SAPS system caused
    structural disharmony in the sector; the production of cereals and oilseeds has become predominant to livestock and fruit, and vegetable production. These problems can hardly be solved by the new CAP.

  • Measuring intellectual capital through a company example

    Our research aims to examine the “invisible value” found at UPC Magyarország Kft. Since Vodafone Magyarország Nyrt. announced the acquisition of UPC Magyarország Kft. in 2020. Our research is aimed at using different methods to determine the invisible assets, intellectual capital, and added value, which cannot be determined directly from the financial statements of UPC Magyarország Kft. Since the financial statements prepared based on accounting principles follow the principle of prudence, many assets (mainly intangible assets) are not shown in the financial statements, so they only become visible after the moment of acquisition. Three different methods were used to measure intellectual capital, then the results were compared. The three methods use different points of view to measure intellectual capital and approach the concept of intellectual capital from other points of view. The CIV method shows us the lack of intellectual capital in relation to the industry or the surplus value; The EVA indicator explicitly shows us the intellectual capital size; and the VAIC method the efficiency of intellectual capital.

  • The Management and Development of Regional Clusters in the Russian Economy

    The present paper draws attention to the urgency of the problem related to the formation of tourism clusters. Then the current state and the specific features of the object of study are described. Then we expand upon the scientific basis of the proposed research methodology. Finally we offer guidelines on the implementation of the expected results. The development of initiative in the implementation of cluster projects in the territories of the administrative-territorial and municipal entities of the Russian Federation has been intended to promote the concentration of existing and attracted resources that will improve the efficiency provided for socio-economic measures.

  • Profitability of exponential and simple moving average crossover strategy and the profitability of trend trading

    The study focused on trading based on the signals of indicators, specifically examining a strategy using moving average crossovers. One of the main purposes of the paper was to analyse the efficiency differences between the simple and exponential moving average crossover strategies. Additionally, the study explored the impact of trend-following trading on the performance of indicators. The research tested the performance of indicators using the example of companies with the highest market capitalization. The main conclusion of the article is that there was no superior indicator in cases of the examined stocks. Furthermore, during periods of predominantly rising trends, the buy-and-hold strategy outperformed the active trading strategy based on indicators.

  • The health resort sphere in Russia and evaluation of its potential for development

    The article deals with the historical aspects of the sanatorium-resort complex formai on in Russia and it presents the assess of its current state; the main sources of funding of sanatorium- resort treatment for Russian citizens are described; tendencies of development of the market of SPA-services were shown; it includes informai on about the ways how to improve the services compei i veness; methods of the evaluai ng for poteni al of development in sanatorium-and-SPA services sphere are presented.

  • The Labour Market Study of Women Participating in Adult Education in Miskolc

    In our study we would like to present the effect of adult education on the situation of women in the labour market in the subregion of Miskolc. During our research we developed several hypotheses that we proved by analysing the literature, by statistical data, and a questionnaire on this subject. Women over the age of 18, who are economically active and are living in the subregion of Miskolc were selected for the research. Altogether 200 people completed the questionnaire. We used IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and Microsoft Excel 2007 software to examine the data. The aim of our research was to prove that regarding the inhabitants of the subregion of Miskolc adult education is not effective enough to change the situation of women in the labour market. The results of the questionnaire showed the interest in adult education, but supply does not meet demand, since the state either does not support the education or the unemployed or the job-seeker cannot find a suitable education that would match her qualifications. We would like to recommend solutions for the development of this area, for the decrease of unemployment, for the improvement of the situation of women in the labour market and for increasing the efficiency of adult education.