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    Nowadays, our country is characterized by active monetary and fiscal political decisions, however, the crisis caused by the coronavirus and the Russian-Ukrainian war and its inflationary consequences would lead the economic policy decisions in the opposite direction, which is unsustainable in the long term. In my study, I examined the relationship between fiscal and monetary policy and the labor impact of the economic crisis based on macroeconomic data, the Hungarian National Bank, and European Union forecasts. Significant progress was made in economic policy after 2010, thanks to which there was a fiscal balance and monetary policy ensured price stability, the labor market situation showed a gradually improving trend in recent years. The independent but constructive harmony between the two economic policy sub-areas after 2013 resulted in a permanent improvement of the macroeconomic processes of our country. However, the emerging crisis situation required a quick reaction, which fundamentally changed the short-term economic policy goals. Thanks to the consistency of monetary and fiscal policy, the Hungarian economy performed well even in the pandemic period compared to the European Union average. In the emergency situation caused by the coronavirus and the war, economic policy has found itself in a difficult situation, recovery from the crisis justifies economic recovery, while monetary tightening is needed to curb inflationary difficulties.


    The quickly increasing of economic and social inequalities are the most prominent territorial process. Economic disparities between the regions of the European Union are of constant concern both for policy and economic research. Romania is one of the European Union countries within regional inequality is high. The purpose of the study is to present the evolution of the economic and income disparities in the romanian regions by examining the period of 2014-2018.

  • Historical-Conceptual Synopsis of the Vocational Training Policy of the European Union : történeti-konceptuális áttekintés az EU szakképzési politikájáról

    According the latest educational statement of the European Union, the EU wants to become the most competitive area of the world as soon as possible. The economic, social and educational indicators of the EU prove that this goal is far away at present. Consequently, to implement the objective, it is necessary to redefine the policy on education, particularly of the vocational training system in the European Union. The essay would like to give a short survay of the Vocational Training Policy of the European Union in the last 25 years.

  • Community development role of renewable energy projects

    The spread of utilization of renewable energy resources is primarily motivated by objectives of energy policy and climate protection. However the rural and community development role of the new investments had got a greater significance in the past years. In the last years or decades the different renewable energy sectors became an important objective of regional policy. In parallel with these changes the renewable energy sources aroused the interest of potential investors. The low population density and relative richness of natural resources in rural areas provide favourable conditions for location of these investments. On the base of local economic development aspects was designated as positive effects that the investments utilize the internal resources of these regions. However in practice it raises different significant questions. What is the role of local financial resources, professional skills and sufficient number of customers in renewable energy investments? We cannot imagine authentic and successful rural development projects without considering the interests and participation of local communities. Our research focuses on requirements of prosperous and long-term sustainable renewable energy based community development solutions following Hungarian and European examples.

  • Back to the World of Work: On the Way to Public Employment in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

    In the autumn of 2008 the world economic crisis erupting in the United States of America dealt the economy and labour market of Hungary a hard blow. The economic crisis strengthened the adverse labour-market situation in the country’s more backward eastern areas, above all in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County. With the aim of reduction of the increasing unemployment the Hungarian Employment Policy applies a number of labour-market tools. Public employment is one of the most important labour market tools. In my research I examined the role of public employment in the reduction of unemployment. In my thesis I looked for the answer to the question if public employment is able to handle unemployment efficiently and to reduce long-term unemployment. In my thesis I examined two of the most important public work programmes – between the period of 2009 and 2011 – which employed the highest number of workers in comparison with earlier programmes. I prepared the comparative analysis of the two programmes based on my own aspect system highlighting the strong and the weak points of these programmes. My research is based on scientific literature, various studies in this field, scientific and international professional journals and Internet sources.


    The central thought of this article is the relationship between the stability of public finances and the sustainable economic development of the country. The paper aims to find an answer to the question to what extent the outer and inner conditions of the social and economic functioning have contributed to, and hindered the domestic development in the quarter of the century after the change of the regime. The article proves that stability and growth are predisposed to strengthen each other. In absence of financial stability, we cannot talk about competitiveness as a prerequisite for the sustainability of growth, or in a wider sense, the realization of the public good. The latter can be observed basically in the fact that the interests of financial stability and growth are in equilibrium and the satisfaction of socio economic needs is realized in the frame defined by them.


    This paper highlights the philosophical and sociological aspects of safety and the economic aspects of security. Although catastrophic potential inherent in (post-)modern risks is not the main cause of the rise of security debates nowadays, these have only gone viral as universal societal problems in the late 20th and the early 21st centuries. Actually, political discourse has always operated with the safety concept from the Roman rhetors to modern state leadership, often using it for manipulative purposes. Security-focused policy campaigns target the ancient, visceral fear of deaths like magic, rites, and religions providing false promises to satisfy our desire for safety. However, this desire shares the utopian character with such notions like freedom, equality or justice: all of them are unattainable. No government or institution can guarantee our safety but our security. While safety is a public or private good which is not for sale as it only has an ideal value, security is a common ware which has its price. Security is the economic aspect of safety. It is a commonplace that safety is costly, but lack of safety could be even more costly. Measuring costs of lacking safety and willingness-to-pay for security measures are crucial for the economic aspects of  safety. 

  • Skills related to EU Projects

    Our country with its accesion to the European Union in 2004 became eligble to use EU funds for its national developments. More than 7,8 billion Ft had already arrived in Hungary during 2007- 2013. The allocation and the use of EU funds represent a unique and never returning oppurtunity but also a great responsability for Hungary. While infrastructural projects (e.g roads, urban rehabilitation, fulfillment of derogation obligations) has dominated the 2004-2006 and 2007-2013 periods, the Széchenyi 2020 National Development Programme focuses mainly on economical development, 60% of the 8 200 billion Ft allocated EU funds will serve the cause of reviving and boosting the economic growth. Besides this, environmental protection, employement, innovation and the knowledge economy will represent also main focuses for the use of EU funds in Hungary. Where ever we look we see the the multitude of results of EU funded infrastructural, human, and research projects. In the 2014-2020 period even young professionals graduating from Szolnok College will be able to become potencial applicants for EU funds. During the course „Projects, from application to materialization” iniciated within the Bethlen István Specialized College
    students were able to get acquainted with the basics of project writing, project terminology and project management.

  • The impact of freedom ensured by the accounting principles on a realistic assessment of economic management processes

    The information system of accounting serves as a constant source of information to entrepreneurs concerning the state of their assets, financial and profitability conditions. By fulfilling their reporting commitments and ensuring public accessibility the business environment can also draw on this source. In order to operate the single system the fundamental rules are set by the Act on Accounting. The core principle of the regulation prescribes the keeping of such a registration system and the application of such asset and resource evaluation rules which can help entrepreneurs to form realistic and reliable picture of their asset situation. In reality, accounting cannot be applied isolated from the environment; the special features must assert themselves in registration, asset evaluation and the income and financial processes alike. Because of the differing market and other conditions – and specifically in order to achieve the basic objective of the Act – flexibility must be ensured. To facilitate adaptation to the environment the Act on Accounting defines only principles and within their framework ensures a certain level of freedom for the entrepreneurs. The formulation of internal rules takes place through the accounting policy which must be worked out by everyone affected. A primary goal of the auditing procedure is to check whether the entrepreneurs have made correct use of the opportunities or bent them according to their needs falsifying the figures in their reports.

  • Scenarios of global climate change in Europe

    One of the latest new directions in futures studies is interactive simulation modeling. This type of modeling is able to create complex alternatives for the future. This methodological research trend entirely fits this study. It shows how the interactive climate model is scientifically developed. Using the Java Climate Model, it is possible to display the social and the economic consequences of climate change. Using this model, analyses of comparative climate change scenarios can show the possible effects of economic policy on the environment in the short and long term. It also provides data on various regional levels. This study shows two possible non-extreme alternative scenarios for the European continent’s economy and climate, and their consequences. A study has been done by the author recently, showing two extreme alternatives, focusing on the best and worst options, respectively. These new alternatives presenting in this study, however, give realistic options for professionals.


    In recent years, the circular economy has become an important objective of the environmental protection and economic policy of the European Union. As part of this, waste processing and disposal has a cardinal feature due to the reduction of the environmental load, in the same way, the trends of the consumer society pose a serious challenge to the reduction of the environmental load. The present study looks for the answer to what kind of relationship can be identified between the generated waste, the solvent demand and the concentration of residential health by analyzing the generated household waste and individual welfare indicators. To establish this, the authors use concepts accepted and applied in international statistical life, as well as statistical tests performed on primary data.