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  • The State of the Bulgarian Agricultural Sector in the First Period (2007-2013) of the EU Membership

    With Bulgaria joining the European Union in 2007, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has become a decisive factor for the Bulgarian agriculture. The introduction and implementation of the CAP is far from optimal; positive and negative effects are both present. The performance of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria is not living up to its potential. Despite the subsidies received by the sector (more than 4 billion BGN), and the increasing national contributions between 2007 and 2013, its efficiency and profitability indicators have declined, and it remained at a low level of competitiveness. The processes of land concentration have accelerated. The SAPS subsidies are disproportionate and they prevent the shift to market orientation. The SAPS system caused
    structural disharmony in the sector; the production of cereals and oilseeds has become predominant to livestock and fruit, and vegetable production. These problems can hardly be solved by the new CAP.


    Nowadays healthy lifestyle and physical activity are receiving more and more attention around the world of which regular exercise and proper nutrition are an essential part. Physically active lifestyle plays a significant role in maintaining physical and mental health. The growth of physical activity in the last ten years can be detected both at the domestic and European Union level. Today most of the people spend increased time on active and passive sports activities. Demand for sporting goods, various live sporting events and broadcasts has also increased significantly. The aim of our research is to assess the passive sports consumption habits of young people, around the students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen, based on the earlier mentioned facts. The topicality of the topic is unquestionable as the University of Debrecen provides more opportunities for its students to do active and passive sports activities than ever before.

  • The key to rural development, startup - a new and innovative environmental solutions business search engine

    In the 21st century is a difficult task that just completed a tertiary education institution whether it can be college or university. The theoretical part of the school to learn their profession, but it is possible that the future work over the years to acquire the practice. Environmental and agricultural development specialists’ undoubtedly great expertise, which is great emphasis on research, and the resulting innovation that is present several areas. With the new technologies work more effective, energy efficient and become more conscious. By a recent graduate professionals startup business can achieve even greater success, not only in his country but also abroad supports not only the Hungarian economy by this, but also enhances the reputation of the country. Institution of higher education in the region Szolnok completed by 100 persons completed a quantitative research, which is very interesting information can be obtained.


    Performance assessment - assessment of the financial and economic performance of companies - is of particular importance both in determining the performance of individual companies and in comparing companies. There are numerous different frameworks and different methods of performance assessment in the scientific literature and in business practice. With the expansion of globalisation and the emergence of a new economy, the focus on this topic is even more prominent. The aim of the present article is to review the literature on performance assessment and to describe two selected frameworks in more detail.

  • Energy Resources of Unmanned Aircrat Vehicle

    Aviai on is the quickest and most praci cal way of locomoi on, to which people have been paying at eni on for thousands of years. Today – on account of air traffi c, energy crisis and environmentalism – the power source of the aircrat became a key issue. In addii on to fl ight safety, there is a growing emphasis on environmentally friendly operai on. The ineffi cient burning of fossil fuels comes hand in hand with the signifi cant pollutant emission and noise pollui on which bother even those living far from the airports. Nowadays the most important objeci ve of researchers and developers is to create an effi cient, clean and quiet airplane, thus as a new idea they at empt to ui lize electricity in this form on board the aircrat . The ari cle presents some various energy resources through some example of unmanned aerial vehicle.

  • Kunhalmok védelmének helyzete Békés megyében

    Cumanian mounds, „kurgans” have a great importance in the history of the Carpathian Basin from cultural and nature conservai on, landscape, archaeological, botanical and zoological viewpoints. The kurgans are more thousands years nai onal values heritages. In Hungary these appear with the highest number in the fi eld of Great Hungarian Plain. Their size and relai ve height about 1-12 m. Unfortunately, the diff erent agricultural aci vii es resulted in their coni nuous degradai on and their number also decreased over the past centuries. There were remarkable changes in agricultural regulai on concerning Cumanian mounds in the EU – and in Hungary too – in 2010. They were declared protected landscape elements therefore they became part of cross-compliance. In our research we will check the results of the new regulai on in relai on to the changes in the state of Cumanian mounds in Békés County.

  • Trends in the Construction Industry and in Building Public Utilities

    If one hears the word construction industry, one probably associates it with building a house, but the concept of construction industry covers a much larger area and can be divided into colourful periods. Architecture is the transformation of the built environment. On the one hand it is one of the branches of arts (applied arts), on the other hand it is one of the branches of engineering and technology disciplines. Nowadays, more and more environment-friendly technology is used in the construction industry, and already in the design stage a considerable emphasis is put on the use of renewable energy resources, in particular the use of solar cells. To measure the trends in the construction industry and in the building of public works we have also prepared a questionnaire which was filled in by 100 managers of enterprises.

  • The Presentation of the Initial Support Subproject and the Emphasis on the Major Variances Compared to the Tenders Invited Previously for Young Farmers

    In the new framework which came into force from 2014 the main directions of rural development are determined by the protection of the environment, the struggle against climate change and innovation. In addition, within the framework of EU programmes is a more careful attention is paid to young farmers. In the 2014-2020 programme the support of young farmers will also receive a prominent role.

  • Women’s Buying Habits in the Case of Cosmeti c Products

    In our present study we wish to point out the peculiariti es of women’s cosmeti cs buying habits. In our interview examinati on we have tried to get a closer picture of the characteristi cs of women’s buying habits and their atti tudes to cosmeti cs. The topicality of our research has been supported by several phenomena. On the one hand, the most frequent associati on with women is ‘beauty’; a woman always has to be well-groomed, prett y, and beauti ful according to the expectati ons of society. On the other hand, the appreciati on of the role of the body appears as a general trend in society, which means that each product or service, which serves bodily culture and care, play a more and more important role. Many other authors (Davis-Rigaux 1974, Popcorn- Marigold 2001, Pólya 2012) have already discussed women’s cosmeti cs buying habits, fi rst of all their decision making role within the family, but because of the topicality of the theme we have considered it important to conduct further, empirical examinati on.

  • Air and Ground Maintenance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Human error will pose a threat to the operati on of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), just as it does in other fi elds of aviati on. If UAVs are to be permitt ed to operate in the Nati onal Airspace System (NAS), it will be necessary to understand the human factors associated with these vehicles. The aim of this arti cle is to give recommendati ons for the safe and effi cient airport operati ons management methods, processes, and examines of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles gained over the past use of air and ground experience.