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  • SWOT analysis on management information system of University of Debrecen

    In 2009, an SAP-based management information system (MIS) has been implemented at University of Debrecen (UD). After the introduction of the system, in 2014, MIS Centre – the organisation responsible for operation – has been established. The MIS of UD operates functionally, however, it has wider range of uses and the opportunities offered by the system have not yet been fully exploited. In our paper, SWOT analysis was used to present the currently unused functions of MIS and based on the results, we propose suggestion for development.

  • The Health Status of the Romani Population in the Context of Societal Crisis

    The Romani population in Central Europe is fighting with many societal problems. Societal crises appear in connection with employment, housing, demographic development and backwardness in education. All these factors have a negati ve impact on the health of the population: the health status of the Romani is worse than that of the non-Romani population living around them. The compensati on of these disadvantages does not solely depend on providing equal opportunities. The Romani people’s special diseases originating from their special genetic characteristics and their way of life distinguish them from the non-Romani population. A uniform treatment does not offer a solution. In their healthcare we should consider and give priority to the Romani specific
    diseases, such as founder mutati ons common in the Romani populati on as autosomal recessive disorders. Whereas the mutati ons frequently observed in the Romani groups are sporadicin other, non-Romani populati ons worldwide. Thus the founder mutati on analysis is important for predicting the incidence of certain rare diseases not readily thought about in non-Romani, yet possibly present in the local Romani populati ons, especially when diagnosti c problems appear. The research of these diseases is especially important in terms of populati on genetics, public health, and also economically due to the expansive existence of the Romani populati on. The identification of these diseases allows a rapid diagnosis and in some cases it also delays the onset of symptoms. It can have a great impact on public health intervention as it makes the planning and the implementation of targeted preventative measures possible.

  • CAD/CAM Systems Educati on in the 21st Century

    Educati on of engineers’ excellent knowing tools, theory and practi ce of computer-aided design is very important for the universities and colleges. They give for graduate students’ specializati on for CAD/CAM which profession is one of the most competi ti ve in the job market. Academic training courses combining the design, producti on and technology is only possible in this directi on by using the most modern equipment and with the modern thinking people involved in this field of science.

  • Application of decision-tree on wellness tourism visitors~ health behaviour changes

    In the case of social science research, the link between observation and theory can cause difficulties for researchers. Direct observation and measurement are rarely possible. Because the processes are constantly changing, it is possible to observe the phenomena once. Some of the models of mathematical, statistical methods are made in uncertain circumstances, which take into account the more important factors, but also the probable variables can be expressed. The technique used to make such a model is the decision tree method, which is a graphical model used in decision making, in which several choices are available and their outputs are uncertain. The study illustrates the use of this model, focusing on the health behavior of individuals involved in health tourism travel.

  • Lessons of the Value Assessment

    IThe students going into vocati onal schools generally present a poor performance in the primary school, they experience much failure, because they have to repeat classes or their study achievements are hardly bett er than 2 (a pass). According to the results of research works, vocati onal school students are exclusively those, who have been forced into this area by the harsh social determining factors. Their value-orientati on/value-selecti on are greatly infl uenced
    by their starti ng point (family environment). Most of the children admitt ed to vocati onal schools come with signifi cant social and educati onal disadvantage. Most of the gypsy pupils suff er from such a failure at the very beginning of their school studies that they drop out. The failures are expressed in their defi ciency in studies but the sensiti vity, the lack of ability to tolerate failures are also important in case of the gypsy children. Sti ll, the further educati on is the channel of social mobility. Major questi ons of the assessment: can the underprivileged situati on of these young roma people be eliminated using this unique value training programme applying its various teaching mean; will the secondary citi zen feeling be reduced or eliminated through collecti ve work and learning the instruments and methods to be used for promoti ng personal advancement; will the value-programme solve the existi ng confl icts between the young ones, who treat the school as a strange insti tute and the teachers, who consider the young ones who disapprove of the existence of school if they mutually accept the status of being diff erent; will the special value training programme provide enough knowledge to give chance for the parti cipants to be
    competi ti ve on their life. The answer of the four-years assessment is that these young roma ones can be changed.

  • The Current State of the Educational Service Market in Ukraine

    The level of educai onal service development is the precursor of economic status and social well-being of society. The issue of improving the system of teri ary educai on in Ukraine and the quality of vocai onal training poses an important socioeconomic problem, the solui on of which is possible on condii on of complying with the socioeconomic requirements of market economy.