Vol. 1 No. 1 (2008)

Published April 8, 2008



  • Common Aim - Seperate Way? posztszocialista átmenet Európában

    The study analyses the transition of the East-Center-European and Baltic Countries after the change of the regime up to now. It tries to place these countries in the presented mixed economic models and examines how they comply with the conditions of the sustainable development. The extent of state involvement in the economic and the social processes is key issue because its determines economic growth. The author of the study concludes there is no economic growth without an adequate institutional system and the stability if the state budget. Another conclusion makes it clear that the countries mentioned above cannot be grouped and have met the criteria of sustainability in a specific way so far.


  • Theoretical and Practical Problems of Local Tax

    The local tax revenues constitute a considerable item in the budget revenues of the Hungarian economy. My paper gives an insight into the local tac policies of some Eu Countries, and also into the Hungarian local tax revenue opportunities. Besides the theoretical approach I describe the role of local taxes in the budget of the town of Szolnok.

  • Access in the Systematic Approach of Customer Service

    The term 'customer service" can illustrate the basic activity: customer service = service for the customer. The most important features in one of the definitions of customer service are to satisfy the customers, market orientation,  complexity, long term participation in the market and the double meaning (both activity and organization). To manage the relations and characteristic features of customer service into a system assist the effective operation and control of customer service : the customer service is a particular system (system part) to integrate and permanently coordinate the technological work to satisfy the customers. The dynamical interaction of the customer service and marketing is illustreted by the marketing - customer model (MV); which is suitable for the assessment of the effect of the customer service on the elements of the model.

  • Educational Tourism: a Conceptual Framework

    Though educational tourism has already emerged in the early times in Europe, the theoretical analysis of educational tourism is relatively recent. The firts books on educational tourism were only published in 2003. In Hungary the weight of educational tourism is not hight - less then 1% of tourism arrivals and less than 4% of total tourism spending - but per capita spending is the highest among tourists arrivinh in Hungary with educational purposes. Surprisingly  tourists arriving for longer than one day with an educational purpose had more than 100% higher spendig during the last couple of years than tourists arriving for more than one day with business purposes. Because this high spending educational tourism is very important for the towns, where foreign students pursue their studies. Not only foreign student mobility can be regarded as educational tourism but internal student movement as well. Students who live other towns and who come to a town to entrol at a university have important contribution to the economy of this town - just like the non-educational, traditional tourists to do.

  • Significance of Retail Services, Their Connection to the Geographical Location, Retail Services in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Country: kiskereskedelmi szolgáltatások szerepe és földrajzi előnyök kapcsolata : mi a helyzet Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyében?

    Nowadays the question as to wgat can make the customers satisfied and loyal to a shop is getting more and more important. One of its potential tools is the introduction of retail services, which has a significant role in the increasing importance of services, too. Not only retail, but also services are part of our everyday life and pervade it. Retail satisfies aour needs and demands throught buying. In concentrated retailing, the competitions among competitors is becoming more and more intense. In this competition, a retail service  can become a relative competitive edge. These services have to follow customer demands as well as have to be  hard to copy by competitors, i.e they have to be sustainable in the long run. The quality and standard of a specific retail service depends on the place/area of requistion, the exact retail unit, the current employee and his/her level of compensation in the organistation.

  • The Relationship between the Strategy of Change and Controlling

    Present papers - as a preliminary study to a subsequent one- describes a research programme, which examines the system of connections of change and controlling embracing several companies. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the role of strategic controlling in the implementation of company strategy, avoiding an unsuccessful strategy, defining reversible processes and points of intervention, and also in providing feedback, while devoting a special attention to the formation of strategy-oriented organisation.

  • The Logistics Branches of international Flower Trade

    The present study discusses the logistics interdependencies of internatioanal flower trade. It describes the characteristics of floral wholesales trade peculiar to Hungary analysy the activities of a particular company. The author was awarded the 1st place for this study of hers at the conference organised for scientific student circles of colleges of economics in 2008. 

  • Three hundred years of the Hungarian external trade

    The essay would like to describe the development and the history of Hungarian foreign affairs relationship and foreign trade in the last three centuries. The study, which can be used like an educational study-aid, is the result of long tutorial and research career of the author.

  • Historical-Conceptual Synopsis of the Vocational Training Policy of the European Union : történeti-konceptuális áttekintés az EU szakképzési politikájáról

    According the latest educational statement of the European Union, the EU wants to become the most competitive area of the world as soon as possible. The economic, social and educational indicators of the EU prove that this goal is far away at present. Consequently, to implement the objective, it is necessary to redefine the policy on education, particularly of the vocational training system in the European Union. The essay would like to give a short survay of the Vocational Training Policy of the European Union in the last 25 years.

  • Examination of the Travelling Habbits of Students Majoring in Sports and the Examination of their Satisfaction with the Elements of the Ski Camps at Eszterházy Károly College: a sportszakos hallgatók utazási szokásainak, és a sítáborozás kínálati elemeivel való elégedettségének vizsgálata

    In our paper we would like to give some information in connection with winter tourism and ski camps at Eszterházy Károly College. In our research we wanted to give answers to the following questions: We wanted to find out the students' travelling habits. We wanted to know which activities are the most typical during the students's trips. We would like to get to know if their trips are induvidual or are organised by a travel agency or any other organisation. We examined the number of student trips per academic years. We analysed the students's satisfaction with the different kinds of elements of ski campus. We analysed the data (frequency, percentage, average, mean, despersion figure, Pearson Chi Square, correlation, histograms with normal curve) with SPSS software. 

  • Institutional Identity and Face Analysis of Miklós Bercsényi Secondary Grammar School: a törökszentmiklósi Bercsényi Gimnázium praxisának példája

    An educational institution transmits not only knowledge, but also customs, morals, science, oppertunities; it teaches self-reliance and insures the country's social and economic development - thus is important to deal with this area from a different point of view than what we got used to. Each undertaking and institution can archieve their long-term aims set by corporate structure if they develop their face and identity consciously. While creating its identity and the feeling the togetherness, unity; safety and confidence take shape within the institution and with the external partners alike.