
Investigating the judgement and using of creative accounting

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Hamad, M., Soós, R., & Tömöri, G. (2024). Investigating the judgement and using of creative accounting. Economica, 14(3-4), 23-33.

We have chosen creative accounting as the subject of our study, which many people associate with fraud and illegal methods. We asked professionals in the field how they interpret this phenomenon and whether they use it in any of its aspects. To do this, we created a 16-question questionnaire, which we sent out exclusively to accountants and professionals, and closed the door to responses on 8 October 2023, with 134 completed. In this paper, we have focused on the perception of creative accounting, but we have also touched on its application, but we were aware that respondents would be reluctant to answer questions that were too personal and direct. One of our research questions was about perceptions of creative accounting, one was about the importance of accounting principles and two sought to find correlations between the responses. The aim of this study, by sending out the questionnaire, is to improve the perception of creative accounting and to raise awareness of the importance of its use, within a legal framework of course. We would also like to encourage professionals to think that their accounting service should not consist of simply carrying out routine tasks, but that they should consider for each of their companies what activities, and possibly changes in their choices, could help them to achieve optimum operation, tax payments and thus a higher rate of profitability for their company.

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