
Strategy and strategy formulation in Hungarian SME practice

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Salamonne Huszty, A. (2007). Strategy and strategy formulation in Hungarian SME practice. Competitio, 6(1), 19-32.

This study deals with the second phase of a two-year research program focused on modelling the lifcycle of small ventures operating in the Hungarian market. The results of the first phase were published in the March 2006 issue of Competitio. The goal of the second phase was to analyze the role of strategic thinking and strategy formulation at small ventures in different phases of ther lifecycles. The strategy making approaches as described by Henry Mintzberg and strategic positioning models of Micheal Porter were used to generate hypotheses. Strategy making practices and typical market maneuvers are described in detail. Key weaknesses and development problems are highlighted. Basic Business models built on srtategic behavior are recommended as a starting point for further research.

  1. Mintzberg, H. - Ahlstrand, B. - Lampel, J. (1998): Strategy Safari. The Free Press, New York, 1998.
  2. Porter, M. (1996): What is Startegy? Harvard Business Review, 1996. november-december 1-18.
  3. Salamonné Huszty Anna (2006): Magyarországi kis- és középvállalkozások életútjának modellezése. Competitio V. évf. 1. szám, 2006. március, 51-68.