
Economics or Economic Science? A 20. század legfontosabb eredményei

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Moczar, J. (2008). Economics or Economic Science? A 20. század legfontosabb eredményei. Competitio, 7(2), 5-34.

The fundamental question of this article is whether economics is a science, and if so, then can it be viewed as an independent science? The search for an answer begins with the most important economic results of the last century. The author comes to the conclusion that the mainstream economic theories of our times can be traced back to the works of Ramsey, Neumann and Haavelmo. The results of mathematics and natural sciences, especially physics greatly contributed to its emergence as a science. All this is proven by means of Roy E. Weintraub’s so called historical reconstruction and Imre Lakatos’ rational reconstruction methods.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: B23, C10, C20

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