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Search Results

  • The health status of people living in Roma settlements in Nyíregyháza

    Some former research have shown that Roma people living in settlements in Hungary generally rate their health status worse than the majority society, and do not really feel they could do anything to improve their health status. Our research, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods, was done in two settlements in Nyíregyháza with the aim to examine the subjective health status and health behaviour of people living there. This study presents the health status of the Husar and Eastern settlements and these data are compared with that of the general population of Nyíregyháza. The health status of persons in the sample was significantly impacted by their disadvantageous socialeconomic situation which must be tackled. Therefore further targeted and special health promotion programs of high priority are needed.

  • Health state and health education

    In our study, we present the results of a survey, presented among the roma local group living in settlement conditions; concerning their health state, health education and health awareness behaviour. The study explored the quality of life of these disadvantaged groups in several dimensions. According to our results health state and health education need a multilevel intervention, focused on emphasising the preventive functions of the primary health care; in order to gain a long term, positive change among the related social groups.

  • Egészségügyi dolgozók sportolási szokásai az Észak-alföldi régióban

    The health of those working in health care institutions is at risk from several aspects. However regular physical activity may play a role in counteracting these adverse effects. During our research, we examined the sporting habits of employees in one of the largest healthcare providers in Hungary. The survey was conducted in a voluntary and anonymous manner using a questionnaire method. 45.1% of the 987 respondents does sport on a regular basis, at least twice a week. We also examined the differences between the various work groups – doctors, health workers, employees of other sort – and those related to gender.
    Based on the results it can be stated that health consciousness still needs to be improved in the region, and an especially important element of this can be the organized health promoting activity of the health care institutions.

  • Characteristics of risk behaviour in segregated areas of Nyíregyháza

    This study examines some risk behaviour characteristics in the segregated areas of Nyíregyháza. Up to 271 respondents filled in the questionnaires of the research which also involved a focus group examination on public security. Our results have shown that in these areas, where most of poorest households are crammed, health impairing behaviours aggravate health status influenced by other factors. The rate of three times as many daily smokers has negative impact not only on adult population but due to expectant mothers’ smoking habits it is likely to cause health impairment in children and foetuses alike. Although alcohol and drug consumption issues are a taboo in the examined community, these health impairing habits and subsequent addiction are obviously present. The examined risk behaviours show correlation with straining life events in childhood and, in a sense, they are related to health quality.

  • Incidence and characteristics of risk behaviours in a sample group who living in settlement conditions

    Roma people living in settlement conditions generally consider their health to be worse in Hungary. They feel less able to influence and act to improve their health. Risk behaviors are present at a higher rate in Roma, than in a majority population. In our study, we present the results related to the risk behavior of a local Roma living in settlement conditions in 2021. The results were analyzed using the SPSS software. 11.6% of the respondents (n = 220) declared themselves to be in poorer health. The proportion of daily smokers reaches 70% (70.3%). According to the self-report, 2.1% of the men in the sample consume alcoholic beverages every day and an additional 2.1% drink 1-2 times a week. 24.2% of respondents know of a close acquaintance (at least one person) who is addicted to substance use. The issue of multiple fruit consumers is a significant gender difference (8%) to the detriment of male fruit consumption (female: 18.1% vs. male: 10.6%). 57.4% of men and 33.5% of women were overweight and a further 20% were obese (male: 19.1% vs. female: 33.5%). The interventions are urgent.

  • Measurement of physical activity in youth: a comparative study

    Due to the inadequate quantity and quality of physical activity, more and more young people suffer from chronic illnesses. The aim of this study was to measure the health behavior of 5th, 7th and 9th grade students in a Hungarian (Tiszafüred) and a Romanian (Oradea) institution with special regard to physical activity. A total of 206 students participated in the study. The questionnaire included questions related to socio-demographic data and physical activity habits. Differences between the mean scores of continuous variables were assessed by Mann-Whitney tests, and the frequency differences between categorical variables were evaluated by Fisher exact tests. Most of the Hungarian students (88%) think that they do enough exercise, while this rate is 81% in the Romanian school. No significant difference was found between the two institutions relating to the frequency of out of-school physical activities (p = 0.304), and the opinion on doing exercise (p = 0.267). Based on our results we can say that doing exercise out of school is popular among students in both the Hungarian and Romanian schools.