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  • Iskolavezetők és vidéki elitszerepek

    The study is based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2017-2018. It analyses the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland (n=238) based on two main aspects in the topics that determine the everyday school work and leadership: (1) the relationship between school and local society and (2) the social context. The importance of this topic is indicated by the changes in the role of schools, teachers and school leaders in the 21st century, which have created different challenges for rural schools and areas compared to urban ones, and which can be addressed in new ways. These new processes require a change of approach in school management, which is not only a matter of school management and education, but also of rural development. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the relevance of this process by referring to the literature and by analysing the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland.

  • A pedagógus – szülő közötti kommunikáció akadályozó tényezőinek vizsgálata pedagógusi vélemények alapján

    Pupils’ educational achievement is affected by many factors. Although pupils’ individual abilities, motivation, quality of education, family and school environment has a great impact on student’s educational achievements and school career, the teacher – parent relationship and the underlining communication between teachers and parents play a very important role. This study reports the results of a semi-structures interview research on the communication barriers between teachers and parents conducted in a rural area (Harghita county, Romania).

  • Szülői segítségnyújtás az iskolai tanulmányi feladatok teljesítésében - Szülői kommunikáció – II. Rész

    Efficient communication between school and family is prerequisite and an essential part of developing effective parent-teacher partnerships. The study analyzes that the five parental communication patterns (active-positive; active-negative; passive-positive, passive-negative, communication-literate and flexible parents) created by Palts and Harro-Loit (2015) how and in what extenr is present in teacher-parent communication in the Kászon region. The passive-positive and passive-negative parent types are the most common in the study area.

  • Szülői segítségnyújtás az iskolai tanulmányi feladatok teljesítésében – Szülőtípusok a házi feladatok teljesítésébe való bevonódás alapján - I. rész

    In recent years academic researchers have increasingly recognized how important the assistance of parents is concerning children’s home learning activities. Parental involvement has a positive effect on students’ achievements and character. Moreover, in this way parents have the possibility to take a closer look at the life of the school and to form partnerships with the teachers. This paper examines how many kinds of parental models are present in a rural Szekler village concerning parents’ involvement in their children’s homework. I will emphasize that parents have a crucial role in their children’s school achievements. The most common Types of parent are: ,,protective”, ,,hard-working”, ,,partner”, ,,authoritative” and ,,networking”

  • Migránsok gyermekeinek szocializációja

    Tasks related to the inclusion of migrant children pose significant challenges for teachers. Our study's focus is on the research question, what factors play a role in the successful integration process of migrant children? We aim to present integration challenges, statistical data related to the topic, and provide a comprehensive overview of the factors that help students' school integration. We can state that diversity promotes synergy in the community and positively impacts effectiveness. At the same time, the school is less effective in solving social problems. Problem management adjusted to the school's operation can also contribute to the reorganization of pedagogical practice and, in the long run, to social effectiveness. We consider a new type of service system for school social work to complement the pedagogical process. In our opinion, the content elements of training should be extended to describe the helping methods in the inclusion of migrant children.

  • A hátrányos helyzetű tanulók nem-kognitív problémamegoldó készségének fejlődése a tanodában

    In contrast to cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills play a key role in shaping an individual's life course, yet the development of non-cognitive skills attracts insufficient attention. This study explores the contribution of study halls today to address the social disadvantage inherited by students in the area of non-cognitive problem-solving skills. The results of our exploratory study in five study halls in cities with county status in the Northern Great Plain region showed that study halls play a prominent role in mitigating the skills deficits of the mainly upper primary disadvantaged students included in the study. As a result of the developmental work of the study hall, problem-solving skills showed improvements mainly in the reduction of problem sources, in the problem-solving instruments and in the form of problem solving. As a result of the intervention of the study hall, the students' acquired social disadvantages were reduced and their inclusion in school, later in the labour market and in society was reinforced.

  • TDK részvétel motivációi a Debreceni Egyetem Tehetséggondozó Programjában résztvevő hallgatók körében

    Recognition and support of outstanding students are among the most important tasks of higher education, as they can thereby be motivated to pursue a career in academia. In our study, we examined the willingness of members of the Talent Management Program (DETEP) at the University of Debrecen to participate and present at scientific student conferences. Our research was based on a questionnaire survey. The sample consisted of respondents who had previously participated in local TDK conferences (n=128). Based on our results, we can conclude that students who have participated three or more times in TDK events are considering a future career in academia. Respondents who have participated only once mainly participate for the purpose of the competition According to the results between achieving the ranking and the experience of participating in the TDK, participation is experienced as a positive experience if they manage to achieve a ranking at the local conference. Additionally, achieving a ranking also affects the feeling of gaining an advantage during studies and faculty recognition among the respondents.

  • Speciális Olimpia mozgalom Kölyök Sportoló programjának állapotfelmérő-eszköze a gyakorlatban

    The study provides a snapshot on the adaptation process of Special Olympics Young Athletes global motor assessment tool in Hungary. The research was conducted with the involvement of the experts leading groups of Young Athletes in Hungary. Its aim is to have the special educators try and comment on the Hungarian version of Young Athletes Motor Skills Assessment Check List, assisting with its establishment in the Hungarian praxis.

  • „Nem tudom, hogyan lehet rájuk hatást gyakorolni...” Pedagógusok a roma tanulók oktatásáról

    In our study we analyse a specific aspect of the mass presence of Roma pupils in schools: the context in which the social environment of Szeklerland creates the context for the schooling of Roma pupils. After outlining the characteristics of the regional social context, we present some classroom situations which for teachers bear the challenges of confronting the cultural difference of pupils. The research method is interviews with teachers in Roma-majority classrooms. Our research shows that a significant part of the work of teachers in Roma-majority classrooms is not about teaching, but about managing cultural difference. In the context of the specific social conditions of the Szekler region, in addition to the social approach (extreme poverty) and the search for methodological solutions in the education of Roma children, it is also useful to pay attention to the social relations as a frame of the educational process.

  • A technológiai fejlődés hatása a nemek közötti munkamegosztásra az egészségügyben, a robotasszisztált sebészet területén

    Technological progress has always played a key role in the development of the economy and society throughout human history. Their impact on society is multifaceted and constantly transforming our world. One aspect of social impact is the impact on the sexual division of labour. As a result of these processes, the labour market may undergo significant changes. The impact of technological development on the division of labour between sexes or genders is complex and multifaceted, therefore it can be examined from several aspects. Although technology offers opportunities for gender equality between women and men, the extent and direction of this depends on many factors, including cultural, social and economic circumstances. The present study focuses on an important sector of the economy, healthcare, which is significantly affected by technological development. Among the technological changes taking place in the sector, it examines the emergence of robotic surgery, with a particular focus on its impact on the gender division of labour within the surgical professions.

  • A digitális egyenlőtlenség vizsgálata a társadalmi kirekesztődés szempontjából

    My research, which is part of a doctoral thesis, was made in Bereg the most backward subregion of Hungary in 2017. I examined the risk of poverty and social exclusion concerning the children of the age of 14 living here. I looked at this risk from a new angle, the angle of digital inequality. I looked for the answer whether the usage of the modern multi-media devices and the internet can help in the development of this subregion, the future generation will be able to meet the exigencies of the time, find a job in the digitalized labour market. Or else, the lack of these devices and the disability of using them make their position worse. I unveiled the students’ sociodemographic, socioeconomical features, the degree of the supply concerning multi-media devices, the purpose of their usage, their attributes and the factors causing digital inequality. I scrutinized the degree of ICT usage at schools, the relationship between the usage of the internet and the school achievements, the students’ relationships and their future prospects. In this article I would like to introduce the first part of my research in which I examined the socioeconomical background of the degree of supply with multimedia devices.

  • A rurális közegben élő szülők IKT-attitűdjei, nevelési stílusai - Az olvasóvá nevelés digitális kihívásai

    The present paper is a continuation of a sociological study on reading - published in 2023 (Néma, 2023c) -, in which I present the results of my research in a rural setting in Transylvania (Parajd, Harghita County), focusing on the challenges of literacy education. The study, conducted in the autumn of 2022, aimed to gain narratives from graduate mothers, using a semi-structured interview method (10 interviews) to approach their children's literacy education in the context of increased digitalisation. In order to get a handle on parental digital literacy, I captured the perception of ICT tools along parenting styles. In parallel to identifying the spatial digitalisation context, I also subjected parents' ICT perceptions by content analysis. From the set of ICT-related statements (232 opinions) extracted from the narrative, I also identify a set of references reflecting on reading to explore the reasons for the passivity towards reading - as a research goal for my PhD dissertation research, too.

  • Health behaviour of 18-29 year-old youngster living in settlement conditions in Nyíregyháza (Focus group interview)

    Besides being at economic, educational and cultural disadvantage, Roma people prove to be a highly disadvantageous social layer in health care, as well. The most disadvantageous ones reside in settlements. Although health is a basic value and activity potential for everybody, it is unlikely to develop and function well without sufficient knowledge on health and individual responsibility, or when the right to access to health care and the principle of equal treatment are damaged, or when comprehensive social policy development programs are incomplete, but most of all when the majority does not show an inclusive attitude towards Roma people. The present study reveals the health behaviour of young Roma adults of 18-19 years of age through a focus group interview.

  • The role of social and psychological factors in high school students' smoking and alcohol consumption

    The study aimed to research background factors and motivations for smoking and alcohol consumption among Hungarian adolescents. 501 students from Debrecen participated in the survey. Among the social variables, the best friend's smoking (EH=16.72; p<0.001) and alcohol consumption (EH=22.77; p<0.001) as well as the harmful passions of peers acted as risk factors in the sample. Among the psychological variables, high self-esteem is a risk factor (alcohol: EH=1.04; p<0.05), while shyness (alcohol: EH=0.97; p<0.01; smoking: EH=0.97; p<0.05) and the feeling of loneliness (alcohol: EH=0.96; p<0.001) also proved to be protective factors. The behavior of psychological variables is explained by the primary role of social variables. The results highlight the importance of teaching young people how to behave assertively in social situations, avoiding peer pressure, before they start using drugs for self-strengthening and coping.

  • Az oktatói személyiség sajátosságai a vasútszakmában

    For decades, researchers and practitioners have been searching for the answer to the question, which is still relevant today, of what makes a teacher "good", that is, effective and efficient. The solution is also to be found in the instructor's personality. In the course of our research, we aimed to examine the personality of railway instructors. In addition to the analysis of general personality traits with the Big Five model, our sub-goals included the study of the instructor's assertiveness, basic attitude towards people, influence technique and conflict management method. We conducted our own research using a questionnaire method and widely used tools at four different organizations. Analysis of variance was used to examine differences between groups. Based on the results, the instructors have the right foundations to create a positive atmosphere. They are characterized by openness, friendliness and an above-average level of assertiveness, and Machiavellianism is present only to a small extent. In conflict management, compromise, problem solving and avoidance are the most typical styles. Based on the results, we recommend further increasing the level of openness and assertiveness, and instead of seeking compromises, we recommend the use of complex problem solving more often.

  • Lemorzsolódás - Magyar tapasztalatok a szakiskolai képzés területén

    Az alacsony iskolai végzettséggel rendelkezők aránya továbbra is jelentős Magyarországon, ami nemcsak megnehezíti számukra a jelenlegi munkaerőpiacra való belépést, hanem hosszú távon tartósan kiszorulnak onnan. A növekedést kiváltó egyik leggyakoribb ok a lemorzsolódás. A megelőzés, mint meghatározó intézkedés választ adhat erre a problémára. A tanulmány a középiskolai lemorzsolódás kérdéskörére fókuszál kérdőíves felmérés és félig strukturált interjú módszereket alkalmazva. A tanulmány célja, hogy feltárja a szakképzésből való lemorzsolódás körülményeit, valamint a kompenzációs intézkedésekhez kapcsolódó eredményeket. A kutatás eredményei rámutatnak az iskola és a család jelentős hatására, beleértve a korábbi iskolai tapasztalatokat, a lakóhelyet és a munkaerő-piaci helyzetet. Az eredményekből levont következtetések gyakorlati módon foglalkoznak a témával, és lehetőséget adnak egy esetleges cselekvési terv kidolgozására a lemorzsolódás megelőzése érdekében.