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  • The health status of people living in Roma settlements in Nyíregyháza

    Some former research have shown that Roma people living in settlements in Hungary generally rate their health status worse than the majority society, and do not really feel they could do anything to improve their health status. Our research, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods, was done in two settlements in Nyíregyháza with the aim to examine the subjective health status and health behaviour of people living there. This study presents the health status of the Husar and Eastern settlements and these data are compared with that of the general population of Nyíregyháza. The health status of persons in the sample was significantly impacted by their disadvantageous socialeconomic situation which must be tackled. Therefore further targeted and special health promotion programs of high priority are needed.

  • Egészségfejlesztő, iskolai programok a Nyíregyházi járásban működő Egészségfejlesztési Iroda tevékenységében

    In the current strategic documents focusing on improving the health status of the Hungarian population, the implementation of community health promotion programs to prevent diseases affecting children is highly recommended. School health promotion plays a key role in terms of the health of the younger generations and the health of the staff of educational institutions. That is why the Health Promotion Office (HPO) in the Nyíregyháza district treats the health promotion activities implemented at the school setting as a priority area of its work, which supports the implementation of the comprehensive school health promotion (TIE) concept as a EFI task. The purpose of this manuscript is to present the magnitude of the work carried out by HPO for school-aged children over the past five years, in the period between 2018 and 2022. The analysis of the data was based on HPO's self-edited event summary. The Office, which started operating in March 2018, served 29,076 clients with school-based health promotion community programs until December 2022 and provided opportunities for children attending educational institutions in the Nyíregyháza district to improve their health and raise health consciousness on 1,070 occasions. The employees of HPO developed and implemented 55 programs with different professional content, which primarily reflected the needs, and secondarily the local needs. The recorded data are not suitable for measuring the long-term effectiveness of the intervention, but it shows the magnitude of the work carried out in the field.

  • Az egészség komplex megközelítése, mint az egészség-szociológiai vizsgálatok elméleti kerete

    The health indicators of the population are worst in the whole Central and Eastern European region, and thus in Hungary as well. The health status of Hungarians is not possible, it is not a unique phenomenon. The state of health of the Hungarian society is one of the worst in the European Union. To advance the understanding of the situation, it is necessary to conduct complex interdisciplinary studies that combine health and social science models.

    In our study, we present a complex approach to health, its social embeddedness, with the aim of providing a theoretical basis for a study we have designed to target Hungarian health characteristics.

    The theoretical overview emphasizes the context of the definition of health used in certain disciplines of the social sciences, the presentation of the explanatory factors of health, and the theses and models. Outlining our present work and future research cannot be without tracking the changes that have taken place that determine health, so we will first analyze this. In laying the theoretical foundations, we return to the complex approach to health, in which we present the presentation of biomedical and bio-psycho-social models in detail, and then we describe the economic and social models of health. We also deal with health determinants that determine the health of the individual and society.

  • Ötven év felettiek egészségi állapota és egészségmagatartása

    This study presents the results of mapping health status, health behavior and nutritional habits onto a group of aging adults. The data was collected in 2021 using a questionnaire with 684 individuals at the age and over the age of 50. Results indicate that one third of the respondents suffer from some chronic disease and that one out of four is overweight. The health awareness of the group was good. Health literacy showed a significant correlation with education, gender, subjective health, and the presence of a chronic disease.

  • Characteristics of risk behaviour in segregated areas of Nyíregyháza

    This study examines some risk behaviour characteristics in the segregated areas of Nyíregyháza. Up to 271 respondents filled in the questionnaires of the research which also involved a focus group examination on public security. Our results have shown that in these areas, where most of poorest households are crammed, health impairing behaviours aggravate health status influenced by other factors. The rate of three times as many daily smokers has negative impact not only on adult population but due to expectant mothers’ smoking habits it is likely to cause health impairment in children and foetuses alike. Although alcohol and drug consumption issues are a taboo in the examined community, these health impairing habits and subsequent addiction are obviously present. The examined risk behaviours show correlation with straining life events in childhood and, in a sense, they are related to health quality.

  • Fogyatékossággal élő serdülőkorú fiatalok tápláltsági állapota és testképe Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg vármegyében

    From the point of view of learning a healthy lifestyle, adolescence is a very sensitive period, characterized by risk-seeking behavior and risk-laden period. This period is characterized by the appreciation of peer relationships, which can also be observed in children with disabilities. An incorrect lifestyle, obesity/overweight is a predictor of adult health. Persons with disabilities often live with co-morbidities and can count on a shorter lifespan. The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status of young people aged 12-18 with disabilities in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. According to the results, two-thirds of young people have an inadequate nutritional status, more than 30% are overweight or obese. Obesity/overweight occurs at a lower rate among children of families with above-average financial status.

  • Quality of Life of Patients with Arrhythmia

    Introduction: Quality of life must be perceived in two levels - objective and subjective. Heart arrhythmia is a disease of the cardiovascular system that, by its subjective and objective symptoms, can affect the individual's life physically, mentally, and also socially. It can limit a person in his or her everyday activities or in activities that make them happy or satisfied.
    Objectives: The aim of the research was to map the quality of life of patients with arrhythmia and to verify whether the duration of arrhythmia has an effect on the quality of life of patients with arrhythmia.
    Methods: A standardized ASTA (Arrhythmia - Specific Questionnaire in Tachycardia and Arrhythmias) questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. The research group consisted of adult patients diagnosed with hearth arrhythmia, hospitalized at the Department of Cardiology of the Ceske Budejovice Hospital (Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s.). A total of 127 valid questionnaires were used for data processing.
    Results: The research revealed that the most common symptom of arrhythmia in 58% cases was rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, and a sense of heart failure. Most respondents agreed with the claim that heart rhythm disorder makes it impossible for them to perform work, study, and perform daily life activities. No statistically significant differences were found in the evaluation of the influence of the arrhythmia duration on the patients' quality of life.
    Conclusions: Arrhythmia duration in the selected sample does not affect the overall health status and quality of life measured by the ASTA series questionnaires. Arrhythmia restricts the patient to perform work tasks, study, and perform daily life activities.

  • A szülői gondoskodás formái – az anyaság gyakorlatának elemzése a helyi társadalom kontextusában

    A szülői tapasztalat és szülői identitás témáját növekvő figyelem övezi az elmúlt 20-25 évben a családszociológiai kutatások terén. A szülői gondoskodás gyakorlata mellett mind fontosabbá vált annak megismerése, hogy hogyan látják a szülők magukat szülőként, hogyan konstruálódik meg a szülőség tapasztalata. Számos egészségügyi, szociális, etikai, pszichológiai probléma, folyamat jelenhet meg ebben a keretben, s a különböző tudományterületekhez kapcsolódó kutatások mint egy nagyítóüveget használhatják a szülői tapasztalatot e jelenségek tanulmányozása során. A szülői szerepkör diverzitást mutat annak tükrében, hogy milyen értéket társítanak az eltérő szülői státuszokhoz. Az anyává válás például centrális pozíciót eredményezhet a családon belül, ám a társadalmi kontextusban inkább jár együtt izoláció megélésével és perifériára kerüléssel. Ez a szakadék hatással van a szülőség megélésének minőségére. Tanulmányunk célja az, hogy bemutassuk hogyan formálódik az anyaság tapasztalata és a szülői gondoskodás megélése különböző lokális terekben.

  • Lifestyle and socio-economic inequalities in diabetes prevalence in Madadeni Township, South Africa

    Rapid urbanization, social inequalities, sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy eating habits are contributing factors to the increasing prevalence of diabetes in South Africa. Data was collected from 99 residents in Madadeni, South Africa. The analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) V.29. The sample had a mean age of 67.4±9.4 years, with 73.74% females and 26.26% males. Majority had Grade 10 as their highest level of education (31.31%) and were retired (51.52%). The average number of household members was 6.35±2.57. The average estimated total income was R5681.82±R2585.73 per month, with 2.13±0.92 members contributing to household income. Majority (72.72%) had T2DM, while 27.27% had T1DM. The quantitative results highlight the importance of increasing awareness and providing health education to empower the affected population with self-management knowledge.

  • Research at the Husar and Eastern settlements in Nyíregyháza – Methodology of the research

    This study contains the methodology description of settlement research carried out in Nyíregyháza. A description of geographical location and distinctiveness of the two surveyed places, Husar and Eastern settlements, is followed by an introduction of the main block of the questionnaire used in our research. The surveyed sample is described by its geographical distribution then by the main socio-demographic indicators. 271 households were examined at the two locations by questioners. 69% of the respondents were women, 31% of them men, the average age was 43.5, and rate of those with completed 8-grade primary school was prominent. The majority of the respondents lived in cohabitation or were unmarried. It is estimated that our data collection covered the 25-35% of the population in the two settlements. Regarding gender, age, level of education, marital status and economic activity there were no statistical differences between the two settlements.