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Keresési eredmények

  • Stratégiát megalapozó elemzések gyakorlati alkalmazása
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    A környezet növekvő változékonysága egyre nagyobb kihívást jelent a vállalatok, vállalkozások számára. A gazdasági események bekövetkezésének sebessége változó, a bizonytalanság miatti kockázat nő, ami az üzleti vállalkozásoktól új szemléletű tervezési gyakorlatot vár el. Stratégiájuk kialakítása, tervezése során mind a külső és a belső környezet tényezőinek feltárása, mind a versenytársaik elemzése jól megválasztott módszerek alapján történhet. Ezen módszerek áttekintését, a tervezési és oktatási gyakorlatban történő alkalmazását tekintjük cikkünk céljának, melynek során a hazai és a nemzetközi gyakorlatban is alkalmazott stratégiát megalapozó módszereket mutatjuk be, kiemelve a külső és a belső környezetet elemző módszereket. A külső környezet elemzése során a hagyományos PEST analízisre és a Porter–féle öttényezős modellre épülő külső faktor értékelő mátrix felépítését és alkalmazhatóságát szemléltetjük. A belső elemzési módszerek esetén a módszerválasztás szempontrendszerét, valamint az alkalmazható módszerek esetén az erőforrás alapú megközelítésre, kulcsfontosságú tényezők elemzésére, illetve a Porteri értéklánc elemzésre épülő belső faktor értékelő mátrix jelentőségére térünk ki. A stratégiát megalapozó elemzések harmadik pillérét a versenytársak mátrix alapú értékelése jelenti. A módszerek alkalmazhatósága függ a vállalkozás formájától, működési területétől és tevékenységének jellegétől, amit az új gazdasági szférák (pl.: sharing) és az átalakult erőviszonyok megjelenése is bonyolít.

  • Analysis of the Benefits of SAP S/4 HANA Cloud IT/Is Investment in the Case of PT XYZ
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    PT XYZ is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Indonesia. In 2020, PT XYZ implemented a digital transformation to increase its excellence by investing in industry telecommunication and information systems (IT/IS) enterprise resource planning software called SAP (System Application and Processing) S/4 HANA Cloud. The study aims to analyze the benefits of these IT investments made in PT XYZ. The results are carried out using the Comparative Analysis of Financial Statements followed by Business Value and Financial Feasibility Analysis and the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) method between 2018 and 2021. It can be revealed that the SAP S/4 Hana Cloud investment benefits the company's operations, which are identified in the form of 5 sub-categories that fall into required categories based on Ranti's Generic IT/IS Business Value.

  • Analysis of Disinfection Technologies that can Increase the Efficiency of Indoor Logistics Processes, which has been Reduced due to the COVID Pandemic
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    As a result of the Coronavirus, both supply chain and internal logistics processes at factories have changed a lot. In many areas, the effectiveness of the logistics processes has declined because of the restrictions implemented against the virus. The study lists some adverse effects where logistics processes had to be modified due to the changing and protection measures against or negative effects of the virus. The authors also argue that these restrictions decreased the efficiency of logistics processes and workers' productivity. One option to increase the logistics sector's efficiency is to use air purification technologies, like the ones studied in this paper: UV-C, Bioxygen® or plasma-ion decontamination technologies. These disinfection processes can create a safe indoor environment. The authors analyse the examined technologies with SWOT analysis. The analysis results demonstrate which disinfection application is the most beneficial to help in improving indoor air quality for logistics processes.

  • Árelemzési gyakorlatok a sertéságazatok aspektusában
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    A sertéstenyésztés kutatása, ezen belül pedig statisztikai elemzések során egy kifejezetten fontos témakörré nőtte ki magát az értékesítési árak elemzése. A globalizáció által elmondható, hogy napjainkra a világpiac hatásainak folyamatosan kitett ágazatról beszélünk. Ezen felül pedig érdemes kiemelni, hogy más szektorokhoz mérten a külső szabályzás, befolyás hatása kisebb mértékű. Így jelen kutatás célja az volt, hogy azonosítsa az árelemzés témakörében megjelent folyóiratcikkeket és azok alapján megállapítást tegyen a gyakran alkalmazott módszertanokkal összefüggésben, illetve hogy megvizsgálja az árelemzés térbeli elhelyezkedését. A kapott eredmények azt mutatják, hogy az árelemzési gyakorlat főként a piacvezető országokkal összefüggésben történik meg, általában a termékláncot átölelő kérdéskör alapján. A kutatások során elmondható, hogy az utóbbi években egyre összetetteb módszertanok megjelenése tapasztalható, amelyek pontosabb következtetések levonását biztosítják, emellett gyakorlati szempontból a tervezhetőséget is elősegítik.

  • Teaching the Analysis of Newton’s Cooling Model to Engineering Students
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    To apply mathematical methods to physical or other real life problem, we have to formulate the problem in mathematical terms. It means that, we have to construct the mathematical model for the problem. Many physical problems shows the relationships between changing quantities. The rates of change are represented mathematically by derivatives. In this case the mathematical models involve equations relating an unknown function and one or more of its derivatives. These equations are the differential equations. In this article, teaching the analysis of Newton's cooling model to engineering students is presented as one of the applications of separable differential equations.

  • Analysis of Thermal Degradation in the Annealing Process of Colored Parts Built by Extrusion-Based 3D Printing
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    With the ever-increasing request of light materials, poly lactic (acid) PLA, have got much in consideration. Low-cost PLA materials have risen its use. Those possess some benefits but nevertheless insufficient mechanical strength. The printed PLA objects have a stumbling block for practical applications. Thus, annealing is an interested alternative to make 3D printed objects strong. This thermal treatment can significantly develop investigational studies and offer technical data. Hence the purpose of this paper is study and discuss how to increase the flexural strength through annealing process. Geometry distortions and color degradation will be analyzed. Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Taguchi Method (TM) and variance (ANOVA) were applied as part of the design experiments and analysis. Twenty-seven printed specimens were tested and factors as temperature, time and color were selected.

  • Flexibility Analysis Of Inventory Cost Model With Ergonomics
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    The economic and environmental sustainability issues in supply chain management have integrated by many researchers in the past decades. The ergonomics as a social aspect of sustainability had received a little attention by researchers. Therefore, the aim of the paper is analyzing the flexibility of developed inventory cost model with relaxation allowance and endurance time as a social aspect of sustainability. The effects of distance, unit weight of item and total number of items on relaxation allowance, the total cost of logistics operation and the EOQ model were investigated. The analyzed mathematical model was a single operator-single material model which covered transportation of fixed amount of raw materials from storage plant to production plant by manual material handling with simple cart and picking, storing, pushing and pushing back with empty cart for manual handling of the products. The different parameter values applied for analysis such as total amount of handled items (Q) changes between 500 pcs to 2750 pcs, unit weight of item (w) changes between 0.1 kg to 1 kg, distance of movement by manual material handling for picking and storing motions (d1) changes between 2 m to 3 m and the distance between the storing equipment and the supermarket of the production line for pushing motion (d2) changes between 15 m to 20 m. The results of the analysis indicated that the longer the distance of movement for all motions leads to decrease in savings of the model compared to EOQ model. The increase in unit weight of item is increase the savings obtained from application of our model and decrease the optimal lot size. There was no specific change on savings or optimal lot size as the total amount of handled item is increase. The compared results indicated that an increase in d1 and d2 lead to an increase in optimal lot size and increase in total cost of the model. Consequently, the analysis has shown that a decrease in lot size would be the better way to improve both ergonomic conditions and total cost of production in any different parameter values. Finally, the analysis of the inventory model with ergonomics were proved that this model is suitable for different industrial practices.

  • Generative Design of Articulated Rod of Radial Engine
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    The constant need for improvement drives humans to look for the best possible option in every field. Computer Aided Design (CAD) is no exception, to follow the best method of designing a product and finalizing it, researchers came up with an idea to generate multiple designs using fixed input values and finalizing the most appropriate one. The objective is achieved using an iterative design process based on algorithms by a specific software. Generative design introduces a new experience based on the Integration of machine dynamics in the manufacturing of objects and about experience. In this work generative design method was investigated on an articulated rod, one of the most important components of the rotary engine, to effectively improve the overall working performance of the engine and enhance its performance by decreasing its mass. Since fuel consumption by the machine can be greatly reduced by lowering the mass, so the goal is to minimize the weight of the rod while mechanical characteristics have to be within the acceptable values. Also, finite element analysis (FEA) was investigated on the part as to ensure the reliability of the rod before and after optimization.

  • Mixing Power Requirement Determination in Agitated Drum Using Dimensional Analysis
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    The mixing of granular materials in an agitated drum can be characterized by the dimensionless power equation. The equation was created by dimensional analysis, for which the parameters affecting the mixing power requirement were collected based on the literature. The most important of these are the rotational speed, the drum loading factor, the geometric and physical properties of the mixing drum and the granular materials.  The dimensionless power equation is used to estimate with reasonable accuracy the Power number within the given range of applicability , which has been validated by measurements. From the Power number, the mixing power requirement of the mixed granular material can be calculated, which can be used as operational data for selecting the mixing motor.

  • Generative Design of a Mechanical Pedal
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    Nowadays, there are various tools that support the initial stages of design available to use for engineers, the traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has been implemented in the engineering components design and replaced manual drafting. However, with the advances and the rapid technology development, new trends emerged to cope with this evolution, namely, Generative Design, Topology Optimization, and Generative Engineering Design. The method is based on numerical algorithms that generate a variety of design and modelling options based on the criteria and constraints set by the designer to allow further design exploration. Proposed in this paper is an implementation of the generative design of a mechanical pedal with further finite element analysis.

  • Using the Photostress Method to Determine the Residual Stresses
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    Strains and stresses in loaded and photoelastically coated structural members can be determined using the PhotoStress method. The quantitative values of variations in the principal strains (stresses) and their directions could be employed to get the strain or stress components field on the entire coated surface. In the PhotoStress experiment, isochromatic fringes give qualitative and quantitative information. It provides a source of information on the directions and magnitudes of principal strain and principal normal stress on the surface of photoelastic coated parts. This article reviews the principle of using PhotoStress analysis to measure the residual stress and provides the boundary condition of using this method.

  • Enhancing Customer Experience in Car Servicing: Insights from Indian Markets
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    This descriptive research has attempted to assess customers' satisfaction with services offered by car servicing firms in India. The researcher administered a structured questionnaire to 300 company customers, selected using the Systematic Random Sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS, applying the analytical tools of Frequency, Percentage, Mean, factor analysis, cluster analysis, Chi-square and Correspondence Analysis. Results of the study have revealed that the caring nature of servicing staff, the quality of services and service personnel, and the convenience and comfort offered to customers have been identified as the most important factors affecting customer satisfaction. 

  • Structural Analysis of Carbon Fiber-reinforced Thermoset Composite
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    Materials are usually stronger in fibrous form than in bulk form. Composites are made from bonding two materials, where the reinforcement contributes with the outstanding natural properties and the matrix supports the fibers by transferring the loads between them, besides protecting the fiber from the environment hazards. Consequently, creating a strong composite that can be used in various applications and situations. In this academic work it is going to be analyzed how the composite made from carbon fiber and epoxy thermoset matrix behaves in specific situations, by making them in two different manufacturing methods. In addition, the analysis is going to be made in the laboratories of the university and then compared with computer analysis. So, the first phase of this academic work is being presented and highlighted below.

  • Composition basics and analysis of visual language of the product
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    The analysis of the visual language of the product demands deeper analysis of the user’s profile and built behavioral patterns. There is an existing group of factors that have relatively constant nature - gender differentiation, age differentiation, belongingness to specific group – social status, place in hierarchy, race, religion, people with special needs, etc. The analysis of the visual language of the product can be done by analyzing the basic arsenal of the composition - the means of composing form shaping: scale –related to the correct size of the products and their components; proportions –associated with organizing the form plastical and visual order of the whole and its parts; contrast - related to the shape of the product, semantical or bounded to past experience; color –bounded to both formal characteristics and plasticity, as well as to contrast and its meaningful designation; plastic of the form - linked to the proportions and scale, which determines not only the structural and formal characteristics of the products, but also the meaningful reading of the forms. The analysis of the individual composite devices is demonstrated by Ingo Maurer’s lighting fixtures.

  • A nemzetközi kávékereskedelem hálózatának vizsgálata
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    A kávé az egyik legtöbbet fogyasztott ital a világon. Az árucikkek kereskedelmében második helyet foglalja el a kőolaj után. Számos fejlődő ország gazdasága és politikája szempontjából döntő fontosságú, mivel termesztése, feldolgozása, kereskedelme, szállítása és forgalmazása munkahelyeket teremt emberek millióinak. A hálózati kapcsolatok és struktúrák elemzése elsősorban a szociológia területén vált népszerűvé, innen ered a társadalmi kapcsolatháló-elemzés (Social Network Analysis, SNA) kifejezés is. A módszer kiválóan alkalmas bonyolult társadalmi struktúrák komplex vizsgálatára és azok modellezésére. A kapcsolatháló definíció szerint társadalmi szereplők véges számú készletéből és a közöttük lévő kapcsolatokból áll. A komplex hálózatok modellezése ma már számtalan helyen előfordul a közösségi médiától a gyógyszeriparon át a gazdasági és kereskedelmi folyamatokig. A tanulmányunk a nemzetközi kávékereskedelem változásait vizsgálja kapcsoltháló-elemzéssel. Bemutatjuk az általunk vizsgált komplex hálózatokat, melyek rávilágítanak a nemzetközi kávékereskedelem fontosabb változásaira.

  • Munkaerő-piaci mutatók elemzése az Észak-Alföld régióban 2018 és 2022-es években
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    Tanulmányomban az Észak-Alföld statisztikai régió munkaerőpiaci mutatóit elemzem a 2018 és 2022-es évekre vonatkozólag, hogy feltérképezzem a területi munkaerőpiaci sajátosságokat a mutatók alapján. Az elemzés egyik módszere a Beveridge-görbe. Ez az összetett elemzési módszer a vizsgált térségre jellemző munkanélküliségi ráta és a betöltetlen állások aránya közötti kapcsolat időbeli alakulását szemlélteti grafikus formában. Az elemzés eredményei felhívhatják a figyelmet a térség munkaerőpiacának esetleges problémáira. A szekunder statisztikai adatokat a fellelhető kapcsolódó szakirodalommal együtt párhuzamosan vizsgálom. 


  • Az európai klubfutball meghatározó bajnokságainak összehasonlító elemzése
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    Napjainkban a sport már nemcsak a szórakoztatásról szól, már nemcsak egy társadalmi összetartó erő, hanem komoly gazdasági és üzleti vonatkozásai is vannak. A sportgazdaságról különálló fogalomként, ágazatként beszélhetünk. A sportvállalkozások egy-egy állam nemzeti jövedelméhez egyre nagyobb mértékben járulnak hozzá.  A futballvállalkozások rendkívül fontos részei ennek a szerte ágazó és összetett rendszernek, a sportgazdaságnak. Vizsgálatomban az európai futball árbevételének 74%-át adó Big 5 bajnokság gazdasági elemzésére, illetve összehasonlításukra vállalkozok. Az UEFA 2019-es pénzügyi jelentésének elemzése alapján megállapítható, hogy a nagy bajnokságok mindegyikében legalább a klubok 60%-a pozitív eredménnyel zárta a 2017-es évet, de a bevételek összetétele arra figyelmeztet, hogy a jövőben a kluboknak a működésükből származó bevételeikre kell nagyobb figyelmet fordítaniuk. Az adatok alapján nyilvánvaló, hogy az ágazat legmeghatározóbb költségeleme a bérköltség. A top5 ligában az árbevétel 53-68%-át ezek a költségek fedik le. Ezek a megállapítások kijelölik az európai labdarúgás gazdasági fejlődésének irányait, illetve a kiemelkedő labdarúgó klubok gazdálkodása példát adhat a tőlük még elmaradottabbaknak, köztük a magyar futballvállalkozásoknak is.

  • Why Public Sector Projects Fail or Succeed in Pakistan- A Model for Evaluating Impact of HR Management Practices on Project Success
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    Employees are the most important assets of an organization. As quality human resources become scarce, companies need to pay more heed to the satisfaction and motivation of their employees. If employees are motivated towards work, then it is likely to yield better results. This study will examine the role of Human resource management (HRM) practices upon New product development (NPD). NPD involves technical, marketing, and financial risks organizations undertake for developing new products and services. Effective project planning and control are valuable for decision-making. The analysis of the impact of HRM practices on NPD, project success, and organizational benefit is based on data collected using a cross-sectional design via a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of items related to HR practices, New product development, Project Success, and Organizational benefits adapted from previous studies. Respondents working in 10 large-scale public sector projects executed by National Database & Registration Authority, Pakistan were selected for the study. Therefore, the results of the study can be generalized to similar projects executed by the public sector in Pakistan. From the findings of data analysis, it has been concluded that there is a significant association between HR practices and project success, but no significant relationship has been established between new product development and organizational benefit. Therefore, it can be concluded that HR management practices have a significant impact on public sector project success in the case of Pakistan.

  • Ultrasonic Powder Atomization for Additive Manufacturing
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    The following article presents a special case of metal powder production, ultrasonic metal atomization. In this case, ultrasound technology is based on the capillary wave phenomenon. We verify the suitability of the produced powders for 3D metal printing with various tests. In the case of prints with a metal powder bed fusion (PBF), the properties of the raw material of the powder are extremely important. The main results of the tests carried out in the article (SEM images, EDS composition analysis, sieve analysis) were described.

  • Analysis of Structural Strengths Applied the Cableway Group
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    This paper will present the analysis of structural strengths for the cableway group. Three loading scenarios were analyzed. Each of these scenarios will be presented on the cableway group and explained with the intervening forces.

  • Vállalati stratégia a lineáris tevékenységelemzés modelljében
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    Azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a lineáris tevékenységelemzés módszere mennyiben támogatja a különféle stratégiák vállalati bevezetését. Elemzésünk fókuszába a piaci nyitottságot, a lean menedzsmentet és a környezetvédelmi stratégiát helyezzük. Megmutatjuk, hogy a lineáris tevékenységelemzés, elsősorban a folyamatoptimalizálás problémájának hatékony megoldása révén, alkalmas a lean menedzsment döntéseinek támogatására, és további célkitűzések vállalati stratégiába illesztésére. Ilyen további célkitűzés lehet bizonyos termelési kultúrák megőrzése a későbbi fejlesztés céljából, vagy bizonyos versenykorlátozó stratégiák követése. Megmutatjuk azt is, hogy az egyes stratégiai célkitűzések költsége miként számszerűsíthető a lineáris tevékenységelemzés modelljében.

  • New Research methods of Sales-Marketing Interfaces
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    The energy invested in research in this topic is justified by the fact that the lack of optimal integration between SM (sales-marketing) can negatively affect overall corporate efficiency. The aim of this article is to present possible research methods that can reveal the impact of selected indicators, such as information exchange, coordination, vision and communication, conflicts, on the operation of the SM interface, according to Hungarian and foreign employees of international companies, and how they affect sales and marketing collaboration between pharmaceutical companies (PMC) and non-pharmaceutical companies (NPMC). It also attempts to demonstrate how the Partial Least Square (PLS) path modeling technique can provide valuable information on the consequences of management activity, and how the methods provided by Voyant Tools provide further research through quantitative analysis of qualitative data on the marketing sales interface (SMI), they can open up opportunities. The PLS-PM modeling technique was used to explore the relationships between the selected factors and possible hidden variables. These results clearly demonstrate that there are factors that influence SM collaboration that operate differently in PMCs and NPMCs, and that nationality differences can have a significant impact on how employees evaluate factors that affect SM collaboration. Of the methods we selected by Voyant Tools, the t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding) tool proved to be the most sophisticated analysis, allowing the deepest analyzes by exploring relationships between groups of terms.

  • Optimization of the Sheet Metal Base of a Toggle Clamp Using Finite Element Method
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    Optimization relates to the ultimate yield strength and the maximum stress incident on the current model under critical working conditions and finds through iterative processing a way to compensate for the strength requirement without going beyond the desired mass limits. In this paper, the horizontal sheet metal base of a horizontal toggle clamp is optimised for mass reduction using the finite element analysis in the computer aided design software. The sheet metal base material is the ANSI32 Steel. In the design software, it is designed with the thickness of 7 mm and it is intended to support a workload of up to 750 N. The constraints were a fixed point added at all the holes and at the bottom surface of the sheet metal base. A number of iterations were made for the 750N loading force across the base plate to run the simulation. For optimization, the aim was to minimize the mass of the base plate. The design parameters  were Von Mises, factor of safety and displacement. The variables were the slots’ width and material thickness along the mid-surface of the sheet metal. The mass was reduced by more than thirty per cent overall.

  • The Impact of Sales Promotion, User Interface and User Experience Design on Shopee App Users' Repurchase Intentions
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    By 2022, Gen Z and millennial consumers dominated Shopee usage in Indonesia. Similar e-commerce platforms are forced to constantly innovate to remain competitive in the market due to increasing competition. Therefore, the primary focus of e-commerce platform development should be on the user interface, user experience design, and promotions that are appealing and easy to access so that potential customers are inclined to repurchase. This research aims to determine the influence of UI design, UX design, and promotions on the repurchase intention of users of the Shopee application. The sampling method used was systematic sampling. Ninety-six respondents are included in the sample. This study uses descriptive analysis, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression, and hypothesis testing for data analysis. SPSS Statistics 28.0 was used for data processing. The study found that user interface design, user experience design, and sales promotions statistically impact the repurchase intention of users of the Shopee application. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of repurchase intent in e-commerce.

  • Utilization of 3D Printing in Replacement of Basic Plastic Workpieces
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    In the experiment, a 3D printed cogwheel is made using the FDM technology to replace a broken part in a sewing machine. The aim of the project is to examine if a 3D model can be created and manufactured using only entry-level technical knowledge and tools. By the end of the article, it will be apparent that creating functioning plastic parts with a hobby 3D printer and basic CAD experience is very much possible.

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