Évf. 8 szám 2 (2023)

Megjelent June 30, 2023



  • Surface Quality of Carbide Metal After Electrical Discharge Machining
    Megtekintések száma:

    Recently, the requirements for machining shape-complex products made of hard-to-machine materials, including carbide, have been increasing significantly. However, their machining is rather problematic. Additionally, a high-quality standard of the machined surface is generally required, not only in terms of roughness but also in terms of the geometric accuracy of the machined surface. All this while maintaining a high level of economy in the machining process. However, meeting these demanding requirements in real technical practice is not always an easy task. Moreover, in combination with modern machining processes, only a limited number of production technologies can meet this requirement. Therefore, due to the high demands placed on today's modern production and the required high standard of the machined surface, progressive EDM technology is increasingly finding its application. And it is through this progressive technology that it is possible to achieve relatively good success in carbide machining. The aim of this paper was therefore to describe in detail the results of an experimental investigation aimed at identifying the quality of the machined surface achieved in terms of the roughness parameters of the machined surface in the electrical discharge machining of selected types of carbides using a wire tool electrode.

  • Ultrasonic Powder Atomization for Additive Manufacturing
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    The following article presents a special case of metal powder production, ultrasonic metal atomization. In this case, ultrasound technology is based on the capillary wave phenomenon. We verify the suitability of the produced powders for 3D metal printing with various tests. In the case of prints with a metal powder bed fusion (PBF), the properties of the raw material of the powder are extremely important. The main results of the tests carried out in the article (SEM images, EDS composition analysis, sieve analysis) were described.


  • The Use of Partial Least Squares to define the Characteristics in the Environment of Higher Education Institutions and their Effects on Entrepreneurial Academic Education, a Case Study: Torreon, Mexico
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    Because university incubators have a favorable effect on student’s entrepreneurial intents, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are essential to the delivery of entrepreneurship education. By analyzing the perceptions of students who received master diploma in management-business fields in Torreon, Mexico in 2021, the aim of the research is to identify the internal and external aspects of the HEI environment and their impact on entrepreneurial education using Partial Least Squares methodology with the help of the SmartPLS software, 156 responses from the statistical tool provided 120 responses. Three of the original hypotheses were confirmed, while four variables—two associated with HEI ecosystem external factors and two with entrepreneurial education elements—had to be removed since they were not accepted. The findings will lead to a better comprehension of the elements influencing master students' entrepreneurial perspective to create stronger relationship with elements of the HEI ecosystem.


  • Közösségi média marketing stratégia elemzése – különböző szinten versenyző kézilabda klubok vizsgálatán keresztül
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    Magyarországon kiemelt figyelmet és támogatottságot élvez a kézilabda, ez nem csupán hazánkra, hanem Európára is igaz, valamint egyre nagyobb teret hódít magának világszerte is a sportág. Az elmúlt két évtized egyik legnagyobb újdonsága minden a közösségi média, ami megreformálta az információ átadással és a hagyományos marketing tevékenységgel kapcsolatos alap stratégiákat. Ezeken a platformokon gyökeresen változtak meg a tartalomgyártás folyamatai, amire minden sportklubnak érdemes figyelmet fordítania, hiszen jelentős előnyökhöz juthatnak mind gazdasági-, marketing-, közösségépítés terén egyaránt, ha képesek jól kommunikálni. Három egymástól eltérő szinten versenyző sportklub került összehasonlításra kvalitatív vizsgálat során a közösségi média marketing stratégia tevékenységüket tekintve, amelyek név szerint a PICK Szeged, a Balatonfüredi KSE – BFKA Balatonfüred és a DEAC kézilabda csapata. Ezen vizsgálati modellnek az alapkoncepciója arra épült fel, hogy a különböző szinteken, különböző sportszakmai célokért küzdő klubcsapatok online marketingkommunikációs tevékenysége miben tér el egymástól, valamint mik azok a fejlődési lehetőségek, szempontok, amivel lehető leghatékonyabban lehet érvényesülni a social média felületeken. A kézilabda klubcsapatok több kutatási kérdésben is egyetértettek, de felfedezhető volt jelentős különbség is egy-egy területen, amiben a közösségi médiáért felelős szakemberek nem értettek egyet, vagy más nézőpontot képviseltek. Eredményeimet tekintve megállapítható, hogy egy sikeres online marketing stratégia mögött mindig komoly előkészületi és tervező munka áll, valamint a tartalomgyártás diverzifikálása kulcsfontosságú a különböző felületeken, mert a platformok fogyasztói közössége is eltérő egymástól.

Gépészeti és járműmérnöki tudományok

  • Component Development Using Topological Methods
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    The article aims to briefly summarize the design aids which can be used nowadays, such as topology optimization and generative design, which are common in integrated CAD systems. A case study is used to present the results and comparisons provided by the previously mentioned methods.

  • On the Torsional Rigidity of Orthotropic Beams with Rectangular Cross Section
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    The paper deals with the torsional rigidity of homogenous and orthotropic beam with rectangular cross
    section. The torsional rigidity of the considered beam is defined in the framework of the Saint-Venant theory of
    uniform torsion. Exact and approximate solutions are given to the determination of the torsional rigidity. The shape
    of cross section is determined which gives maximum value of the torsional rigidity for a given cross-sectional area.
    The dependence of torsional rigidity as a function of the ratio shear moduli of beam is also studied.

  • Mixing Power Requirement Determination in Agitated Drum Using Dimensional Analysis
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    The mixing of granular materials in an agitated drum can be characterized by the dimensionless power equation. The equation was created by dimensional analysis, for which the parameters affecting the mixing power requirement were collected based on the literature. The most important of these are the rotational speed, the drum loading factor, the geometric and physical properties of the mixing drum and the granular materials.  The dimensionless power equation is used to estimate with reasonable accuracy the Power number within the given range of applicability , which has been validated by measurements. From the Power number, the mixing power requirement of the mixed granular material can be calculated, which can be used as operational data for selecting the mixing motor.

  • Potentiodynamic Study of the Effects of Nickel on The Electrodeposition of Zinc from Chloride Media
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    Abstract. The potentiodynamic experiments of the nickel effects on the zinc electrodeposition have been done to understand the impact of Ni impurities on the electrowinning of Zn from spent pickling liquor. The nickel chloride solutions of Ni concentrations 90 and 1 g/dm3 were used as the electrolytes. The latter was also mixed with 90 g/dm3 Zn in the experiments. All the runs were carried out at room temperature with 40 mV/s continuous polarization speed and with 1/s sampling rate. It was observed that nickel electrodeposition from chloride media containing 90 g/dm3 Ni started with the generation of hydrogen bubbles, entirely blocking the cathode surface. Only a slight current development was observed until the polarization potential ~ -0,8 V. The visual observation showed bubbles also formed at the anode, which may represent chlorine and/or oxygen evolution. While, in the electrodeposition of nickel with only 1 g/dm3 Ni concentration in the electrolyte, metal deposition was hardly observed, but visible hydrogen bubbles constantly blocked the cathode surface. A similar tendency was observed in the mixed-solution electrolysis cell; the initial tiny bubbles accumulated at the cathode surface more than in the pure Zn solution. The enhancement of H2 evolution indicates how nickel deposition may contribute to the loss of useful current in the process of Zn electrodeposition. The mass of nickel deposited from the mixed solutions significantly decreases as the Ni concentration decreases in the electrolyte, while the mass of deposited zinc is relatively constant. It means that the purity of the produced Zn is appreciably higher – with respect to Ni – if nickel is efficiently eliminated from the solution before electrowinning.

Természettudományok és mérnökpedagógia

  • Mérnöktanár-képzés – Taneszközök kiválasztása
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    A mérnöktanár-képzésből kerülnek ki a szakképzés leendő tanárai. A diákoknak a tanulás javítása érdekében megfelelő oktatási eszközökre van szükségük, melyek elősegítik az interakciót és ösztönző tanulási környezetet biztosítanak.  Jelen cikk a leendő mérnöktanárok taneszköz választásával és használatával foglalkozik a szakképző iskolákban folytatott tanítási gyakorlat után.

  • Teaching the Analysis of Newton’s Cooling Model to Engineering Students
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    To apply mathematical methods to physical or other real life problem, we have to formulate the problem in mathematical terms. It means that, we have to construct the mathematical model for the problem. Many physical problems shows the relationships between changing quantities. The rates of change are represented mathematically by derivatives. In this case the mathematical models involve equations relating an unknown function and one or more of its derivatives. These equations are the differential equations. In this article, teaching the analysis of Newton's cooling model to engineering students is presented as one of the applications of separable differential equations.

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