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  • The Role of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization in agriculture, Especially in Romanian Agriculture

    The use of robotics, automation, big data, artificial intelligence are growing in the world and in the agricultural sector, which contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural sector.  In the agriculture sector for sustainable development it is necessary the use of opportunities and technologies provided by industry 4.0. For the agriculture sector digitalization means the future, because it helps increasing output meanwhile environmental pressure is remitting, and is not increasing. The aim of these paper is to present the concept of Industry 4.0 in agriculture and to analyse the romanian agricultural sector attitude and conditions towards digitalization.

  • Topology Optimization of Acetabular Cup by Finite Element Simulation

    Hip replacements typically consist of a four-part piece. Our research will focus primarily on the acetabular component. Several different types of materials can be used when creating a hip replacement implant ranging from plastic to titanium. Different materials are used to accommodate for allergic reactions or circumventing potential health risks. Aside from the material, the size of the components plays a factor in terms of durability; a larger diameter head might avoid dislodgement though it could increase wear and tear on the stems through constant friction. A patient’s force applied to the hip replacement is usually measured through a number of physical assessments. Finite element analysis (FEA), a computer-based method of data observation, allows for us to accurately simulate hip forces and their impact on the hip replacements. Through this, it becomes easier to predict and calculate the performance of specific designs. Generative systems can also be used to support performance analysis and optimization through assessing a multitude of cases, many of which apply in real-world scenarios. By applying both systems, we designed and modeled an acetabular cup that when measured decreased the mass from 129 grams initially down to 52 grams, a 60% decrease in total mass. Furthermore, the design we created lessened the trauma on the piece through distributing force across the entirety of the piece rather than specific segments only. This shows an increased durability and life expectancy when compared to usual acetabular cups.

  • Numerical analysis of effects of an open-pit coal mine to groundwater

    In this study we investigated the hydrogeological problems of an open-pit brown coal mine in the Borsod coal basin with Processing Modflow software. The coal mine is located in the valley of the Sajó-river with high transmissivity overburden layer where the traditional dewatering solutions were not encouraging due to inrush risks and low cost-efficiency. A new way of barrier forming was found out and numerically simulated to prove the efficiency of the solution. Since there are several contaminated sites in the surroundings it was a key factor to assure that the new mine dewatering technique has only a negligible effect on the groundwater regime that undisturbs the known contaminant plumes nearby.

  • Home 4.0 – Intelligent Houses

    To understand “Home 4.0” you must know about the industrial revolutions, specially about the fourth one, which is often called “Industry 4.0”. The automatization process and the mapping of mechanisms and resources in the cyber-physical space are getting more and more popular in the households. From there comes the term in the title. Analysation of the currently used smart home technology was made and a model that simulates real life events with smart home criteria was created. The model is controlled by a central control unit, the front panel and program of which is also created. Important features such as lighting, heating, cooling and security system, fire protection, controlled consumer electronics, sprinklers and motors came true.

  • Augmented Reality

    This paper is an overview of augmented reality’s basic concepts and its connection to the logistics field. The paper includes a brief history of the tech and how it differs to the virtual reality. The main goal is to understand how augmented reality is being used in logistics to innovate and enhance services. It refers to how courier and freight companies are taking advantage of this technology to upgrade the warehouses, transportation and enhance value added services. It also analyses how the retail market is modernizing its stores and is using mobile applications for online shopping. Using augmented reality has overall pros and cons and even though is a technology on its early stages it shows a great potential to revolutionize the supply chain in its totality.

  • Examining the Virtues of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) at an SME

    Nowadays, especially in the Eastern region of Hungary, small businesses face an increasing challenge in attracting and retaining a well-qualified workforce that is able to accept and commit to the goals of SMEs. This is due to the promising career prospects offered by foreign-owned large companies locating here. However, if SME employees possess the virtues of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB), they will develop a stronger commitment to the organisation. The aim of our research was to explore the extent to which the five OCB virtues; sportsmanship, conscientiousness, altruism, politeness and civic virtue are present in a small construction company in Hajdú-Bihar county. Our survey was carried out using a questionnaire method, which was analysed as a function of length of service, education and age. The main findings are that there is a strong correlation between the presence of OCB characteristics and age and length of time spent with the firm.

  • The Top 5 e-commerce Competitive Advantages in Hungary

    Abstract. In my article, I map out the key competitive advantages that are essential to online commerce, online store sales, success, and popularity. There is a wealth of literature on the subject. Year after year, more and more research and surveys are conducted on customer value, shopping habits, consumer behavior, digital transformation, which I would like to summarize and articulate, and highlight the main elements without which online sales would not be effective.

  • Application of Mathematics in Physics and Chemistry in Secondary School

    In the frame of the project EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 „Debrecen Venture Catapult Program" a material was elaborated in which I summarize the most important applications of high school mathematics in physics and chemistry. It is important for the students to see that teaching mathematics is not self-serving but it can be applied in many problems in different natural sciences.

  • Finite Element Software for Rubber Products Design

    Automotive rubber products are subjected to large deformations during working conditions, they often contact with other parts and they show highly nonlinear material behavior. Using finite element software for complex analysis of rubber parts can be a good way, although it has to contain special modules. Different types of rubber materials require the curve fitting possibility and the wide range choice of the material models. It is also important to be able to describe the viscoelastic property and the hysteresis. The remeshing possibility can be a useful tool for large deformation and the working circumstances require the contact and self contact ability as well. This article compares some types of the finite element software available on the market based on the above mentioned features.

  • Sections of Hungarian Contemporary Architecture and Fine Arts

    In my study I have examined the sections of Hungarian contemporary architecture and fine arts. In the historical overview it has become clear that two turning points have influenced contemporary arts: the total art work (Gesamtkunstwerk) of the Ghotic and Baroque styles. I listed the sections in three categories: metamorphosis, relationship and section. The sections are the highest level of these categories. I explained my research in detail by analyzing these sections, at János Megyik's art and his Gate statue at Life Science building and library at the University of Debrecen.

  • Innovation, Artificial Intelligence in Contingent Work-Force Management

    In recent years, the global use of contingent workers is rapidly increasing despite the increasing quantity of artificial intelligence applications in business. The question is "how these companies leverage the use of artificial intelligence to enhance contingent workforce's management?". The ideal goal of this paper is to develop a purely conceptual application of innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) adjacent to contingent workforce management(CWM). The researcher used qualitative information gathered from various authors and observations to reinforce the usage of AI. One of the critical tools to integrate with contingent workforce management for reduction of time spent on human resource administrative tasks is AI. There must be a transformation of thinking, accepting positive organizational change, utilization of technology and openness to new technology to foster  AI. Along with that, integrating contingent workforce management with AI reduces risks and costs, increases efficiency and quality of work. Innovation and Artificial intelligence have been used in five pillars performance of contingent workforce management to mitigate the challenges associated with it.

  • The Correlation between LGBTQ Tolerance and Economic Development in Europe

    This study analyses the relationship between LGBTQ tolerance and economic development. It uses various indices measuring tolerance and economic data of 48 European countries. Based on previous literature I outlined how economic progress is supposed to have an impact on the social inclusion of marginalised groups. Also, a number of empirical reports are cited providing substantial evidence that tolerance can too shape economic performance. The main aim of this paper is to confirm that these findings in fact hold water in Europe. Having examined the regression analysis of GDP per capita and tolerance, as well as HDI and tolerance, I found that the modernisation theory proved valid on my sample. The other component of my analysis focusing on the sway of social inclusion over FDI showed that more tolerant states attract more foreign capital. These results led me to believe that economic progress and LGBTQ inclusion are interrelated, thus the latter should be considered upon forming policy.

  • Vocational Teacher Training – Self-Evaluation of Prospective Teachers

    Teacher Training Programmes provide teachers of Vocational Education and Training schools.  At the end the training the students wrote self-evaluation about their most significant experiences. The article deals with the self-evaluation of prospective vocational teachers’ progress after their practical pedagogical training in Vocational Education and Training schools. The students reported on their progress in their various skills. According to the results the students believe that practical pedagogical training makes an essential contribution to their education and future profession.

  • Design of Chip Conveyor

    The following article examines the design methodology of screw conveyors. The most significant steps are discussed concerning the design of the apparatus and its use in machine tools as a service component is explained.

  • Ethical Attitudes by Students

    We can read about empirical researches in connection with ethical behavior or attitudes by business students only in few inland but much more foreign papers. These studies examine: which behaviors are ethical or unethical by students and how strictare students in evaluation of situations. This paper aims to explore the attitudes of business students at the University of Debrecen: what they-as future organizational leaders-think about morality of a work situation.

  • Classical and applied mathematics in secondary school

    In a secondary school I wrote a test with similar abilites student. In one class students had to solved applied mathematics exercises, in other class there were pure mathematics exercises. I anayzed the results.

  • „Return to the Countryside” – a Qualitative Approach of Students’ Opinions About Rural Life

    Nowadays, the research of rural areas’ specific features is one of the most interesting part of sociology. Within these studies the rural areas ability for survival and to retain forms an important basis. A pillar of these, that the youth from rural areas become sufficiently motivated to stay at or to return to their homeland and be able to redound development. We were looking for answers, that how university students, who participated in our current research are thinking about the hungarian countryside, in their opinion what are it’s advantages and disadvantages and it’s possible potentials. In addition, we examined those factors, which are contributing to that respondents who are studying in large cities want to stay there, but at the same time we wanted to explore the opposite factors, those that make tudents to return to the countryside. Last, but not least we investigated a very interesting topic, the relations between the respondents and the rural elite.

  • Examination of Sports-Related Expenditure by Competitive Sportsmen and Women

    The economic role of sport has grown worldwide in recent decades, and Hungary is no exception. Sport is one of the most important industries, offering significant economic benefits to the country. Accordingly, the sports economy is attracting increasing attention and playing an increasingly important role in both the international and domestic economy In the study, we looked at how much people spend on sport activity. A questionnaire survey was conducted. In addition to demographic data, we asked about their sporting habits and their willingness to spend on sport. The majority of respondents are competitive athletes, mostly competing in team sports. The results show that respondents who compete in team sports have a much higher expenditure, on a monthly basis, than people who compete in individual sports.

  • The Effect of Player Transfers on Football Companies Valuation

    Transfer seasons are one of the most highlighted periods in world of football. The market of player rights forces the greatest european clubs with their enormous budgets to compete with each other in order to aquire the most talented and most succesful players. It is not uncommon to sign players for tens of millions of euros, to this extent these expenditures are seriously affecting clubs bottom line. However, despite the expenditure nature of player transfers the value of these clubs increase, based on the best known measurer for companies valuation: the stock exchange. In my research the effect of player transfers ont he valuation of football corporations are presented through market value development of stock market listed clubs namely Juventus and BVB Dortmund. Based on my results if the examined clubs were signing players according to a player transfer policy considered as succesful the value of examined clubs had increased through stock market price independently of player transfer balance. Moreover the effect of coronavirus could had been noticed, since both clubs valuation decreased heavily in the 2020 summer transfer window probably due to the revenue loss caused by the pandemic.

  • Artificial Intelligence Possibilities in Vehicle Industry

    There have been several attempts during the last decades to extend the ranges of application of artificial intelligence. The aim of the development for AI is to replace human intelligence and experience. The ultimate aim for machines and vehicles is to run much more efficiently and with higher reliability than ever before. The Artificial Techniques (AI) used a wide range of expert systems to optimize problems. Hybrid intelligent management systems have become increasingly influential in artificial intelligence during the last decades. As a result, maintenance and fleet management systems have undergone significant development. By choosing adequate maintenance or operating strategy and taking user behaviour into consideration, these systems can not only increase the reliability and efficiency of vehicles but can also result in financial savings. The paper tries to discusses the applications of AI techniques in predictive maintenance and vehicle industry.

  • The Individual, Education or Work Environment Influences the Quality of Graduates’ Employment?

    In this paper I examine what has an effect on the quality of the graduated students’ employment. The quality is measured by the the discrepancy between the educational attainment of workers and the educational requirements of their job. On the base of this I can distinguish matching and overeducated workers. The latter category can be divided into two other groups, so called genuinely overeducated, who are not satisfied with their mismatch, and apparently overeducated, who are satisfied with their mismatch. Using multinomial logit model I try to identify those individual, educational and workplace’s characteristics that influence being matching, apparently, or genuinely overeducated using the database of students graduated in 2007 and 2009 in the University of Debrecen. I try to test those factors that were determined in the literature like mobility and commuting propensity, market rigidity, career mobility, job tenure.

  • Organisational Culure and Academic Performance of Technical Management BSc Students

    Our study analyses the connection between perceived and ideal organizational cultures and academic results. A modified, self-managed OCAI questionnaire was used to measure perceived and ideal organizational cultures among engineering management students of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering (N = 114). Our results reveal weak positive linear correlations between academic performance and perceived or ideal level of clan culture. In case of other culture types we did not find any consistent relationship. Based on our results students who consider clan culture ideal can expect better results than those who prefer other types. Among students who visit at least 61% of the classes those who reported fitting (or better fitting) perceived and ideal cultures tend to perform better in their studies.

  • The presence of stress and leisure sports in the life of today’s people

    Today's people are extremely busy with a lot of things, such as work, family, learning, so they try to spend their free time with activities that promote them in relaxation, reassurance, recreation. It can be said that the people of today's world are burdened, more stressed and nervous, trying to do the best they can to live properly. A lot of people have a hard time communicating, community life. There are a lot of people who are forced to work from home, as projects and weeks' deadlines don't wait. Besides, there are many things to be done, children need to be dealt with, you have to have fun, you have to pay attention to health, you have to run a household, etc., so there is little time for people to do what they really love. In my research, I assessed the leisure habits of the inhabitants of Romania and Hungary, but their attitude to active reclamation activities (N=273) was their activity in sport. The results show that passive leisure activities (watching TV, reading, listening to music, internet) are still the most popular among people, although most of us do sedentary work. People who play sports in their spare time felt more refreshed, and they had a better mood, more positive. The sports that people can play outdoors and in parks come to the fore.

  • Analysis of the Causes and Effects of Noise from Rail Transport

    Noise emissions from rail transport are a major concern, as they affect both the environment and people's health and quality of life. Among the many sources of noise emissions, rail vehicles and infrastructure are a major factor. With regard to rail noise emissions, it can be concluded that noise effects are influenced by a number of factors. These factors include train speed, track condition, traction technology and the noise abatement methods used. The negative effects of noise exposure include sleep disturbance, stress and mental health deterioration. It also affects the quality of life of people in urban areas and property prices. It should be emphasised that reducing noise emissions from rail transport is key to creating a healthier and more sustainable urban environment. To achieve this, it is important to use modern noise abatement technologies, improve infrastructure and implement noise abatement actions effectively. Transport authorities and railway companies should work together to achieve a more noise-free rail transport, to improve people's quality of life and to protect the environment.

  • Design and Implementation of BHN Testing Equipment To Measure Remaining Stress Of Wheelset Parts (Tie Rod and Stabilizer Bar)

    Nowadays in the automotive industry both production and service, requires accurate lifetime calculations. Today we have big amount of theoretical background and nowadays the importancy of technical and industrial databases become more and more important. By materials scientific and fracture mechanics aspects are well covered, but the remaining stresses which are present in every step of production, we can not clearly identify the origin of them. There are different paralell methods to mesure them, but the application of different methods are depending on the engineers, and their expreiences at the company. This part of the analysis is not standardised yet, so there are differences even in the same company. 

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