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  • Labour Market Success of Engineering Graduates

    The study aims to explore the labor market success of engineering graduates. The role of science field in the areas of job search time, earnings and job congruence proved significant. The engineering discipline proved to be outstanding in all the tree tested indicators. The database was GraduatesTracking System 2011-2012 (DPR 2011-2012). The indicators of employ ability could be compared among the young graduates of domestic higher education institutions in the engineering science, and similarities and differences could be highlighted

  • Analysing the Possible Connection Between Dark Triad Personality Traits and Ethical Attitudes of University Students

    In our paper we examined the possible connection between the Dark Triad personality traits and ethical attitudes among university students. The analysis of both topics has become the focus of interest in the past decades. Researchers consider the impact of many factors in the background of ethical attitudes and behavior. Among other things, personality is also a potential factor. The Dark Triad personality means the coexistence of the socially undesirable narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Such people are characterized by self-love, aggression, the lack of guilt or conscience, so they are less likely to have ethical attitudes. In our research, this connection was examined by a questionnaire survey conducted among first year students of University of Debrecen Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology and Faculty of Economics and Business. Respondents completed the validated Dirty Dozen questionnaire which was developed to measure Dark Triad personality and a questionnaire adapted from Lozier's research in which respondents were asked to evaluate school situations whether they are ethical or unethical and to what extent they are unethical. In our research, we were looking for significant relationships between the strength of the Dark Triad characteristics and the ethical judgment of situations. We also analyzed the differences between men and women and students of the two faculties.

  • Ethical Attitudes by Students

    We can read about empirical researches in connection with ethical behavior or attitudes by business students only in few inland but much more foreign papers. These studies examine: which behaviors are ethical or unethical by students and how strictare students in evaluation of situations. This paper aims to explore the attitudes of business students at the University of Debrecen: what they-as future organizational leaders-think about morality of a work situation.

  • Impression Management Strategies Used by Foreign Students

    In this paper, we examined a general human behaviour, the impression management among university students. People are interested in how others think about them. At the organizational level, they can also benefit from being positively judged by others. Effort to create this positive image is Impression Management, which has several measurement options. In this paper, we conducted research on the impressions strategies used by first year international students of University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Administration and Management programme. In our analysis we used the questionnaire consisting of 22 questions developed by Bolino and Turnley. We analysed what strategies are typical for the examined student group and to what extent? Are there differences in the strategies employed by men and women and depending on their cultural background.

  • Ethical Leadership, at the Beginning of a Research

    In this study I deal with the ethical leadership. I give an insight into the approaches of ethical leadership, give a literature review on the concept of ethical leadership, and introduce the measurement methods used in the most important empirical researches related to this topic. I also try to report on the first results of my research (I plan to describe features of Hungarian leaders based on a smaller sample). How does this relate to the challenges of Industry 4.0? I give the answer from the fact that, with the advent of these new technologies (which in themselves have ethical questions), among these new challenges, the focus of the manager's attention will continue to be partly on their employees. If they set an ethical example for their subordinates, they encourage their employees to act ethically, which gives the company a competitive edge in many ways, both in the product/service market and in the labor market too. So, with my study, I would like to draw the attention of executives and managers to the fact that new technologies and the human factor together bring new successes, and that one possible way of doing this is by consciously managing their company ethically and developing an ethical organizational culture.

  • Vocational Training Students’ Self-Assessment in Higher Education

    This paper is intended to clarify the phenomenon that lower achieving students tend to evaluate their own academic performance less accurately than those who are better in their studies. Former studies have found that lower performers generally overestimate while higher performers underestimate their performance. The current study analyses the self-assessment behaviour and efficiency among Hungarian higher vocational education students. We found that the lowest level of higher education students typically overestimate themselves. Over results strengthen the empirical evidences in former studies that higher-achieving students evaluate their performance more accurately than their lower achieving fellows. Furthermore we found that lower-achieving students tend to evaluate their performance less accurate and typically over-assess their examination results than high-achieving students, who generally evaluate themselves more accurate and rather underestimate. We analysed the difference between the two genders too. Compared to female students, male tend to evaluate their results more accurate and overestimate their own performance more.

  • Study on Learning Motivation of Master's Students in Management and Leadership at the University of Debrecen

    The aim of our study is to present the topic of adult learning. To do this, we first define the definitions and importance of learning in a person’s life. We then turn to the historical background and evolution of adult learning. The motivation of adult learning as a function of different motivational theories is presented. In the second half of the study, an initial research focusing on the motivation of adult learning is presented. The subjects of our research are young adults who are pursuing their master's degree in management and organization at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen. We want answers to the extent to which different factors motivate young adults in studying. With the results, we want to give an idea of ​​how the learning motivation of the students can be characterized by both lecturers and human resource professionals working in the private sector. We intend to expand the research to a larger sample in the future.

  • Connection Between Internet Using Habits and Ethical Attitude of Business Students

    In these days we are witnessing a trend of more and more using IT assets and the using of internet too. As teachers at the university we can see that our students also tied with a thousand threads to the IT world. Current research aims to explore the students’ internet using habits, how many times they spend on the web  and why. In our previous work we examined our economist students’ ethical attitudes. In this study we try to connect this two themes. Our research question: are there any connection between our students’ ethical judgment and their internet using habits.

  • Business Students’ Attitude to Social Responsibility

    The companies’ most important goal is the satisfaction of consumers’ needs and the profitmaking. But nowadays the companies have to deal with the activity of corporate social responsibility, too. Therefore it can be interesting to research about the next questions: can ethics be taught? Do we have to teach ethics in the schools and especially in the business schools? What are the students’ attitudes toward the social responsibility? Are students sensitive and open-minded connection with this issues? The aims of the study were to examine responsible management attitudes among business students at the University of Debrecen (Faculty of Economics and Business). We draw their CSR pyramid (based on Carroll model) and present their opinion in reference to business education’s role in social issues.

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