Management Sciences
The Top 5 e-commerce Competitive Advantages in Hungary
Copyright (c) 2022 Szikszai Tamás

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Tamás, S. (2022). The Top 5 e-commerce Competitive Advantages in Hungary. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 7(2), 128-139.
Received 2022-04-21
Accepted 2022-10-14
Published 2022-10-14
Accepted 2022-10-14
Published 2022-10-14
Abstract. In my article, I map out the key competitive advantages that are essential to online commerce, online store sales, success, and popularity. There is a wealth of literature on the subject. Year after year, more and more research and surveys are conducted on customer value, shopping habits, consumer behavior, digital transformation, which I would like to summarize and articulate, and highlight the main elements without which online sales would not be effective.
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