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  • Digitalization Trends and Their Possible Implications to SME Performance: Comparative Study Between Hungary and Azerbaijan

    This comparative research intends to find similarities and differences in the digitalization level of Hungary and Azerbaijan. Following the state of art in digitalization, further focus is on the digitalization of small and medium enterprises in both countries. The secondary research is done through several international reports and databases collected for years 2018-2022, depending on the availability. The comparison is performed based on four subcategories of digitization areas defined by the European Commission. The study holds its uniqueness due to the absence of comparative research between the mentioned two countries and the indicators used. The results contribute to the awareness, existing knowledge and provide future research insights into digitalization trends of both countries.

  • Food Industry 4.0 Readiness in Hungary

    In terms of production value, the food industry is the third-largest in Hungary, the first in Hungary in terms of the number of employees, and the first in Europe in the processing industry, as well as a significant user of resources. The research examined the state of art of digitalization readiness, focusing on I4.0 technologies, which supports the management to operate more efficiently the enterprise and to make better decisions. So the focus was on integrated enterprise information systems, management support systems, business intelligence systems, industry 4.0 technologies, and issues related to their application. The analysis based on an online questionnaire survey the request sent to 4.600 enterprises, the response rate was 5% which was representative of the branches of production, covered the Hungarian food and beverage manufacturing sectors in 2019. The companies were asked the most critical technologies in development, going towards Industry 4.0. The research tools were LimeSurvey, Mailing List Server, Excel, Power BI (Desktop, Publishing Server to distribute the results). The used analysing methods were making calculations, pivot tables, models, dasboards. We found that a significant portion of businesses, 78 %, use mobile devices in the manufacturing process. The three most relevant digital technologies are geolocating (GPS, GNSS), cloud computing, and sensor technology. The current level of digitalization and integration cannot be said to be high, but respondents are very optimistic about expectations. Improvements are expected in all areas in the next 2-3 years in terms of digitalisation and integration. Vertical integration involves, first and foremost, cooperation with partners in the supply chain. Horizontal integration means close, real-time connectivity and collaboration within the company. Unfortunately, between 6% and 15% of SMEs (approximately 9% on average) and large enterprises, 36% have a digital strategy. According to the survey, the sector needs significant improvement and creating a digitalization strategy.

  • The Role of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization in agriculture, Especially in Romanian Agriculture

    The use of robotics, automation, big data, artificial intelligence are growing in the world and in the agricultural sector, which contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural sector.  In the agriculture sector for sustainable development it is necessary the use of opportunities and technologies provided by industry 4.0. For the agriculture sector digitalization means the future, because it helps increasing output meanwhile environmental pressure is remitting, and is not increasing. The aim of these paper is to present the concept of Industry 4.0 in agriculture and to analyse the romanian agricultural sector attitude and conditions towards digitalization.

  • The Situation of Digitization in the Hungarian Food Processing Industry

    Thanks to various technologies, such as nanotechnology, the next decades will completely transform the individual production processes and sectors. With the rapid advancement of information technology, the digitalization and automation of industrial processes pose new challenges for food business operators. Hungarian food companies will be able to keep up with their competitors and be the winners for the next decades if they can successfully adopt these technologies. However, this requires a strong focus on digitization, digital strategy, and directing investment, technology change and R&D activities in this direction. Digitization is one of the decisive directions of the future, which is why I felt it essential to study the level of digitization of Hungarian food companies, IT infrastructure and Internet usage, the use, and role of enterprise management systems, decision support and business analysis tools, and business readiness, Industry 4.0 technology change. Based on the 205 evaluable responses to the questionnaire, it can be said that only a tiny proportion of Hungarian food companies have a digital strategy and only a few have digital transformation.

  • Implementation of Lean management Practices in Azerbaijan (on the Example of a Private Company)

    Organizations are facing crucial modifications as global market and conditions change day after day. To keep up with fast changing realities, it’s important to apply innovation decisions to the current stage of organizations. Lean management consolidates tools and techniques to revert from traditional way of operating to the new human oriented one. In the carried-out research its outlined, human resources management plays a big role in spreading and supporting lean initiatives. It was suggested that, Lean and Human resources management are compatible and should work together to obtain sustainable success by implementation of an innovation approach such as Lean.  Both lean management and human resource management focus on the same goals with different methods in terms of control of businesses. All positivist approaches and practices are included in these approaches and practices, which are developed with a focus on the interests of the community, in order for the process to be concluded positively. The employee-centred management approach of human resources management is crucial to lead and maintain good environment in the teams. For this reason, in the lean management philosophy, it is aware that the corporate structure has responsibilities in terms of training the employees, eliminating their problems and supporting them in struggling with the responsibilities they undertake. This paper is quantitative, online survey has been conducted with employees of a private company in Azerbaijan and results were analysed in statistical analysis software SPSS and relevant suggestions and recommendation were given for reorganization to enable lean friendly environment on a sample of the given company.


  • A Domestic Investigation of Online Banking

    Nowadays, the spread of digitalization is constantly increasing. The current rising generation is already a “digital native”. As part of digitalisation, mention should be made of the Internet, which has been given a prominent role in our daily lives. We search for information on the Internet, we communicate, we buy. Due to these factors and the pandemic in 2020, internet administration has become a priority. Banks need to constantly adapt to meet their needs, promoting convenient, home banking. In the course of our research, we focused on this continuous adaptation and the resulting improvements. The research focused on the Internet and mobile banks of large Hungarian banks. Sampling took place over 2 periods. Among the primary research tools, we chose document analysis, and netnography. In the research, we compared the functions available on the platforms, the consumer perception of mobile banks and other variables. Based on the results obtained during the research, it can be stated that domestic banks are constantly developing their application along different trends and trying to adapt to changing needs. Serious changes had to be made in the mobile banks of most large banks, even with the permanent elimination of their former mobile banks. Changes can have a strong impact on consumers, who are often more likely to have a negative view of them. Digitalisation is also particularly important in this sector. The study contains the details of the course work prepared for the Scientific Students’ Associations Conference.

  • Development Lies in Corporate Processes

    Nowadays, our rapidly evolving world is characterized by constant change. Organizations need to be prepared and responsive to these systematic changes to compete in the marketplace. Today nothing is constant or predictable because the organization is driven by the "3 C" force (customers, competition, change). Rapid adaptation to ever-changing circumstances requires companies to move from structured organizations based on traditional functions to process-based management. By using state-of-the-art process management procedures, organizations can be made transparent, analysable, measurable, and continually improving, and help companies increase their performance and organizational flexibility, and reduce costs. It also helps to recognize when it is necessary to change a process for an effect. In the event of creating well-organized processes, companies are more responsive to changes in the market, allowing them to operate more efficiently, and to carry out development activities easier. Nowadays, development as a new framework focuses primarily on digitalisation, which is challenging for companies to adapt but without this, they would be left behind in the competition. These challenges require radical changes and transformations in the lives of many organizations, which are difficult to achieve. With the development of  process-based enterprise management, not just multinational companies can improve their operation, but small and medium-sized enterprises can also move towards digitalization thus inducing development for not only their own but for the economy as a whole.

  • The Top 5 e-commerce Competitive Advantages in Hungary

    Abstract. In my article, I map out the key competitive advantages that are essential to online commerce, online store sales, success, and popularity. There is a wealth of literature on the subject. Year after year, more and more research and surveys are conducted on customer value, shopping habits, consumer behavior, digital transformation, which I would like to summarize and articulate, and highlight the main elements without which online sales would not be effective.

  • Impact of Digitalization on Domestic Trade Strategies

    The aim of our study is to reveal the fit of digital space into current and future trade and to assess the effects of digitization on Hungarian trade strategies. The information gathering and purchasing habits of consumers have changed dramatically in recent years. Consumers today make buying decisions based primarily on convenience, effectiveness (fast and convenient access to products at adequate price/value ratio), and experience. Adjusting to these trends, traders developed novel trading strategies, and the use of achievements of digitization is an integral part of these strategies. One aspect of digitization is the increasing global development of e-commerce. The Hungarian online commerce have also been expanding significantly from year after year: based on 2018 data, domestic and foreign online sales volume have passed 1000 billion HUF. The Hungarian online consumers buy on the Internet more and more often and at greater and greater value. The online shopping on virtual reality platforms may make this purchase mode more experiential. Webshops have to meet new consumer needs, and deliver the ordered products as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours. An increasing number of parcel delivery options has begun becoming more and more popular (e.g., automatic parcel terminals, pick pack points). However, traditional channels should not be buried, either. Their obvious advantage is that consumers can take their choice based on multiple senses and it also gives them more room for impulse buying. Combined with the digital technology compliant with contemporary requirements, this can offer a complete shopping experience. Nowadays, recognizing this need online and traditional channels have been mixed in several cases (e.g., multichannel, omnichannel, cross-channel sales) and offer several options for consumers during the purchase process. The sales area optimization of traditional shops and the buyer paths aided by digital technology (e.g., digital shelf labels) are designed for the buyers’ convenience. The newest innovations imply automation of the buying process making the whole process more convenient and more personalized with the use of sensors (e.g., Amazon Go) or robots (e.g., Pepper). In our future purchases, digital personal assistants will appear as digital versions of sales personnel.

  • Sport Consumption, Fan Engagement, Sport Statistics – Post-specific Passing Characteristics in Football

    Digitalization and the explosive development of technology have led to significant changes in football. Due to the increasing amount of data available through various sensors and other data collections, we can observe the rise of data-centric, analytical and statistically oriented thinking in football, which is also of interest to fans. Digitalisation is also closely linked to sports consumption, which is why we have seen significant changes in this area in recent years. The pandemic has further amplified the speed of digital transformation in the sports industry. One of the most important contents for sports organizations and their fans is the in-depth sports statistics and analysis that enhances the consumer experience. In our study, we examined the most common performance indicator in football, passing. Our goal was to examine the position-specific pass characteristics in detail, therefore we also examined different pass properties in our research. As a model for our analysis, I chose the premier league, which has the highest UEFA coefficient. The three rounds (rounds 30-32) of the championship season 2019/2020 have been recorded and analyzed in terms of passes. there was a significant difference between the average number of passes per game between defensive and offensive players (t=7,988, p<0.05). There is also a gradual decrease in the number of passes attempted per match and the accuracy of the pass in the examination of the middle positions when examining the positions in the depth of the pitch. For both pass accuracy and average pass count, the decreasing ranking corresponds to the position of positions on the pitch (order: 1, central defender 2, defensive midfielder 3, inside midfielder 4, attacking midfielder 5, striker). In the value indicator of the position for passes, offensive positions performed more effectively than defensive positions. The extreme positions also stand out among the attacking positions, where in the case of the position value per pass number, 23.3% of the total test was completed and 14% of the amount of the established position value indicators was provided by these posts. Overall, our study points to post-specific pass characteristics and, knowing this, we can state that the comparison of players' passing performance is relevant if the players are in the same or related positions.

  • The Challenges of the Labour Law and Economic in the Future Labour Market

    The aim of the study is to examine how the effects of globalization affect the global labor market, and how high-level automation and digitalization affect the expectations of labor market actors and the world of labor law. We analyze the legal framework and the economic and social utility of acquiring competences for new challenges in the industry. We will look in more detail at the future of the low-skilled labor force in a changing labor market as a function of acquiring new competencies. We believe that changes in the labor market and novel processes will also pose new challenges for employers and employees. Changes in the labor market raise the question of what kind of benefits an outgoing worker will receive until he or she acquires new competencies. Is the social welfare system in the current sense capable of supporting lifelong learning, or is it necessary to explore alternatives such as basic income? All this needs to be done in the light of the legal and economic scrutiny of the concepts of efficiency and economy. This is because acquiring competences for the new employee also brings new added value.

  • Employment Challenges in the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Virus from a Corporate Perspective

    The changed market conditions caused by the Covid-19 virus forced companies to rethink their strategy and structure and to optimize their processes. The aim of my research is to shed light on the changes in the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic that have had a significant impact on the operation of businesses and presented them with significant challenges. For the study, I used the results of a previous questionnaire survey (Pirohov-Tóth 2020; Pirohov-Tóth, Kiss 2021), which were supplemented with a literature analysis and statistical data from the database of the Central Statistical Office. Furthermore, compared to the first wave of the virus, I examined how job productivity changed in the second wave of the virus. Finally, corporate crisis management options have been presented in my analysis, the practical application of which can contribute to re-emerging from the crisis. It can be stated that the acceleration of digitization and the widespread expansion of advanced technological tools and methods can be considered as one of the biggest positives of the viral situation, which can also mean survival for companies in this pandemic situation.

  • Digitalization of Ancient Sculpting Models and 3D Design Using Photogrammetry Methodology

    The digitization of ancient sculptures is particularly relevant and necessary in relation to the preservation of the cultural heritage. And the studied ancient models have their unique identity in terms of their visual and functional qualities. In parallel, the study aims to optimize the technological process related to photogrammetric measurements and calculations, technological tools and specialized software applications such as Autodesk ReCap, Blender and MeshMixer. The used models in the article are for re-presentation of popular ancient models & artifacts from city of Varna (by the ancient name Odessos). By using a 3D print device, one of the resulting digitized models of an ancient angel will materialize by applying specific techniques to redesign its geometry. The completed 3D printed item of re-designed model of ancient stone angel is only for personal and non-comercial use. One of the main point in the article is to show advanced computer techniques for teaching and studying. The information in this article has been built for helping other specialist working in digital field regarding photogrammetry. Also the material can be useful for designers, engineers, archaeologists and others in their work for the publicity of ancient treasures.

  • Digitalization Process by Agricultural Companies, or the Results of a Questionnaire Survey

    The term “information society” first appeared in Japanese social science in the early 1960s (Z. Karvalics, 2007). The interpretation of the concept has undergone significant changes over the past decades, showing that dynamically developing societies, which are undergoing constant changes due to the rapid development of information, information management and the dynamism of the digital world. The close relationship and connection between information and information technology has become a fundamental factor in the societies of today, the organizations life, which generates inevitable, sometimes serious debates and profound changes. Economic operators must necessarily be resilient to technological change. We should think of the time of the Industrial Revolution, when modern weaving machines flooded the factories. Otherwise, a resilient organization will not survive in an evolving and ever-changing dynamic economic environment. Of course, this is true of agriculture as well, just as it is for other sectors of the national economy. On the one hand, my assumption on the basis of which my questionnaire was compiled was that enterprise management systems are increasingly used by enterprises in agriculture due to the diversification of activities. At the same time, I assumed that the size of a business could influence the use of information technology (hereinafter IT), so I hoped that my research would provide reliable data on this as well.

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