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  • Examination of road sections in Debrecen by noise mapping

    During the research, noise level calculations were performed for 13 numbered roads in and around Debrecen and a noise map analysis was conducted on the roads’ environment. The first examined year was 1995, the last was 2017. In the time interval, annual status was determined based on average daily traffic data. In addition to the road noise values calculated for each section, a noise map was prepared for each survey year. For the evaluation of the results a difference map of the highlighted periods was prepared. Typically, noise level increase from road sources was identified between 1995 and 2017 in a significant part of the studied area (southern and eastern parts of Debrecen and around the newly built roads). Stagnant noise level was diagnosed near the downtown of Debrecen and around the main road No. 4, furthermore in some places noise reduction was caused by the development of the road network (between Debrecen-Józsa and Hajdúböszörmény, between Debrecen and Látókép around road No, 33, and along roads No. 4808 and No. 4814) .

  • The Methods of Determination of Settlement’s Electricity Self-Sufficiency

    The Idea of the Energy Change became in available proximity with the technological development. The change from the fossil energy to the renewable energy sources is a question of the territorial extension’s question now, so the change is available on settlement, regional, or global level. This study analyses the method of those settlement systems, which achieved the 100% renewable energy systems. It categorizes the methods which lead to the all renewable energy supply based system and the current study examines the self-sufficiency level of the Hungarian settlements through the international organizations and case studies and applying its own methods.

  • The Logistics Conception of the Value Chain of Wood

    The importance of the forest management and timber producing is highly determined by the value chain of timber. The forest management and timber producing can basically contribute to achieve the goals of the sustainable development as producing and processing the wood as a raw material. The relationship of the multifunctional forestry management as producing different scale of products and services results that changing a member of the chain might cause the total net alternation of the forestry system’s added value. The added value of the special areas of the appropriate and sustainable forest management is the infrastructural, recreational and touristic services.

  • Quality Indexes of Warehouse Services

    There was a wide range and rapid development in the field of warehouse management in the recent decades as a result of strong and spectacular improvement of establishing and operating warehouses, in addition to increasingly complex logistic processes. In my research, I analysed the complex problems of determining the performance expectedfromoperatingthewarehousetechnologicalsystem. Thisdecisioninvolvestheselection of the essential performance indicators suitable for performance measurement and the determination of the expected performance level based on these indicators through the example of an examined enterprise. During my research, I concluded that the logistic performance measurement of warehouse processes is a very difficult process, because all enterprises have to define and use indexes which adapt to the enterprise profile well and reflect the performance to be measured. This decision is of key importance, since the warehouse system and its operation principles have to be adjusted to this expected performance.

  • Challenges of the Quality- and Change Management in the Context of Upcoming Social-Industrial Changes (5.0) – Conclusion of a Survey

    The upcoming industrial-social revolution, which may be called the 5.0, is emphasizing the coordination of the value-creating work of technology (machine) and man. This approach wishes to move towards sustainability, which deserves a significant role in nowadays through the world empathizing the negative effects of the wolrd. During my research I was looking for the answer that how the extended industry 4.0 and its tone be in Hungary via supply chain of the automotive industry. During my research I was looking for the answer that how the extended industry 4.0 be in Hungary and its tune through supply chain of the automotive industry. I also have examined that which changes are justified regarding management systems in interest of efficiency and emphasizing the human capital by leaders interviewed. As a part of qualitative research in-depth expert interviews were interpreted with help of content analysis based on the methodology of grounded theory. The results demonstrate the need to review and change existing processes in order to ensure that the potential of human capital is not lost and that technological development, even more so, is at the service of human resources in order to achieve its efficiency and effectiveness. Among the possible tools we can find the re-structurizing changes of post tracking processes of the audits in management systems providing quality. Furthermore, the practical implementation of multifactorial statistical process control in the evaluation of processed data, which may be one of the essences of industrial (IoT) data.

  • „Return to the Countryside” – a Qualitative Approach of Students’ Opinions About Rural Life

    Nowadays, the research of rural areas’ specific features is one of the most interesting part of sociology. Within these studies the rural areas ability for survival and to retain forms an important basis. A pillar of these, that the youth from rural areas become sufficiently motivated to stay at or to return to their homeland and be able to redound development. We were looking for answers, that how university students, who participated in our current research are thinking about the hungarian countryside, in their opinion what are it’s advantages and disadvantages and it’s possible potentials. In addition, we examined those factors, which are contributing to that respondents who are studying in large cities want to stay there, but at the same time we wanted to explore the opposite factors, those that make tudents to return to the countryside. Last, but not least we investigated a very interesting topic, the relations between the respondents and the rural elite.

  • Servant, Ethical and Authentic Comparative Analysis of Leadership Styles in the Light of the Challenges of the BANI World

    In a globalised and accelerated economy, managers are under increasing pressure to reconcile organisational goals that are independent from human being with the reality of human relationships. The human being, as a being with intellect and senses striving towards happiness, is the focus of positive leadership styles and is their major concern in the field of management theory. In this article, three such positive styles, authentic, servant and ethical leadership principles and their operating conditions are compared using international literature. The literature time span of about two decades shows that the evolution of the ethical leadership literature has slowed down, while the authentic and servant leadership literature has continued to evolve and is still evolving today. The comparative table that appears in this study highlights both commonalities and distinctions, in that, in addition to high moral and ethical standards, the authentic style focuses primarily on the person of the leader, the ethical leader on the ethical standards of the organisation, while the servant leader focuses on the development of the well-being of the subordinate, the other person, even through self-sacrifice.  We intend to use the results of this research to investigate measures of positive styles, preparing the scientific ground for future primary empirical field studies.

  • The Impact of Optical Character Recognition Artificial Intelligence on the Labour Market

    Because of present day information technology, there is neither need to plant complicated computers for more millions price if we would like to process and store big amounts of data, nor modelling them. The microprocessors and CPUs produced nowadays by that kind of technology and calculating capacity could not have been imagined 10 years before. We can store, process and display more and more data. In addition to this level of data processing capacity, programs and applications using machine learning are also gaining ground. During machine learning, biologically inspired simulations are performed by using artificial neural networks to able to solve any kind of problems that can be solved by computers. The development of information technology is causing rapid and radical changes in technology, which require not only the digital adaptation of users, but also the adaptation of certain employment policy and labour market solutions. Artificial intelligence can fundamentally question individual labour law relations: in addition to reducing the living workforce, it forces new employee competencies. This is also indicated by the Supiot report published in 1998, the basic assumption of which was that the social and economic regulatory model on which labour law is based is in crisis.

  • Topology optimization and rim design

    A goal of this article is to show the development of the car wheel rims along with the progress of the manufacturing technologies over the past few years. To achieve this goal, topology optimization and generative design usage have been reviewed in this work. The research has focused on the main factors, which affect the life of car wheel rim, and it has shed the light on the effect of the topology optimization and the generative design on the manufacturing of the car wheel rims. Since the main factors above-mentioned are the: forces, material preferences and topology optimization, the study has covered the results of the studies made on each part along with the technology progress. Moreover, the article has explained the methodology main steps of the topology optimization and the generative design and their principles.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Optical Industry Produced Grey Water, Proposal For Treatment Technology

    Our research we investigated Carl Zeiss Vision Hungary Kft. grey water from laundry. Our research aims to provide the optical industry produced grey water quality and quantity parameters to obtain a comprehensive picture. The quality parameters for additional aim was to test, whether it is worth tut collect grey water produced in the optical industry to the place of origin. Subsequently, the development of a treatment technology that economically it would be valuable for the company. It has been observed that it is not necessary tut collect grey water from washing machines and cleaning machinery, since it is similar to the organic load them. It was based on a financial assessment of the grey water treatment technologies in two technologies: coagulation-flocculation and aerobic bio membran technology. Investment and maintenance costs in respect of the implementation of the aerobic clearly bio membran technology proved to be more economical.

  • Analysis of Social Media Activities - Through the Examination of Handball Clubs Competing at Different Levels

    In Hungary, handball enjoys special attention and support, this is true not only for our country, but also for Europe, and the sport is gaining more and more space worldwide. One of the biggest innovations of the last two decades is certainly social media, which has reformed the basic strategies related to information transfer and traditional marketing activities. The processes of content production on these platforms have radically changed, which every sports club should pay attention to, as they can gain significant advantages in terms of economics, marketing and community building if they are able to communicate well. Three sports clubs competing at different levels were compared during a qualitative study in terms of their social media marketing strategy activities, namely PICK Szeged, Balatonfüredi KSE – BFKA Balatonfüred and DEAC handball team. The basic concept of this research model was built on how the online marketing communication activities of club teams fighting for different professional goals at different levels differ from each other, as well as what are the development opportunities and aspects that can be used as effectively as possible on social media platforms. The handball club teams agreed on several research questions, but a significant difference could also be discovered in one area, in which the professionals responsible for social media disagreed or represented a different point of view. Looking at my results, it can be concluded that behind a successful online marketing strategy there is always serious preparation and planning work, as well as the diversification of content production on different platforms, because the consumer communities of the platforms are also different from each other.

  • Global Inversion of Pressure Dependent Acoustic Velocity Data Based on a New Rock Physical Model

    In this paper with the further development of our previously published single exponential model, the new multiple exponential model describing the pressure dependence of acoustic longitudinal wave velocity is presented. Since with increasing pressure in the rock several relaxation mechanisms at the same time can cause the increasing propagation velocity, the new model can handle two or more physical mechanisms (e.g. the closure of pore volume or microcracks or friction on grain boundaries etc.). The previously applied linearized inversion procedure can trap in a local minimum, so during laboratory measured longitudinal velocity-pressure data processing a global optimization method was used to find the absolute minimum. Using the developed model equation as response equation in a Simulated Annealing algorithm the petrophysical parameters of the model can be determined. Inversion results proved that the calculated data using the new model and algorithm matched more accurate with measured data on a rock sample.

  • The Effect of Player Transfers on Football Companies Valuation

    Transfer seasons are one of the most highlighted periods in world of football. The market of player rights forces the greatest european clubs with their enormous budgets to compete with each other in order to aquire the most talented and most succesful players. It is not uncommon to sign players for tens of millions of euros, to this extent these expenditures are seriously affecting clubs bottom line. However, despite the expenditure nature of player transfers the value of these clubs increase, based on the best known measurer for companies valuation: the stock exchange. In my research the effect of player transfers ont he valuation of football corporations are presented through market value development of stock market listed clubs namely Juventus and BVB Dortmund. Based on my results if the examined clubs were signing players according to a player transfer policy considered as succesful the value of examined clubs had increased through stock market price independently of player transfer balance. Moreover the effect of coronavirus could had been noticed, since both clubs valuation decreased heavily in the 2020 summer transfer window probably due to the revenue loss caused by the pandemic.

  • Investigation of application and development of precision irrigation technology

    Due to the extreme weather conditions irrigation is nowadays considered an increasingly necessary factor. After evaluating the water requirements of the plant and the available water resources is necessary to decide what irrigation method to use. One of the most commonly used methods in field conditions is rain-type irrigation, of which there are several types (eg linear, winding drum). The uniformity of the field nozzles can be characterized by the Christiansen uniformity factor (CU%) and the distribution uniformity factor (DU%). The coefficients can be derived from the volume of water captured by the rain gauges. Our investigations were carried out in July and August 2019 at the University of Debrecen's Vision Plant Experimental Plant and at a linear irrigation equipment of a Nyírbátor company. The aim of the study was to compare the uniformity of water dispersion applied by conventional linear technology and precision linear irrigation technology. In addition we examined the intercept values of maize.

  • Analysis of the Supply of Sport Services by Organizational Aspects

    The spread of consumer societies has led to the commercialization, and the emergence of profit-oriented operating frameworks in the fields of sport. The sports enterprises, involved in the operation of competing groups on professional, spectator fields of sport have already been examined from legal, economic, organizational points of view by a number of international and Hungarian researchers. In this article, we attempt to cover and summarize the Hungarian research approaches on this subject. The motive behind our investigation is that we should launch an organizational examination of the Hungarian profit-oriented sports suppliers in the near future. We plan to analyse the property, financial, income, organizational, management and labor management related situation of these sports enterprises. In order to ground the research, the review nature summary of domestic economic, organization science related secondary examinations is essential, which allows the development of the appropriate research methodology and the comparison of our results with the antecedents.

  • The Special Aspects of Leasing as Long-Term Asset Financing Method in Hungary

    Leasing has become widespread in the world in the 1970s, while in Hungary the first leasing firms appeared in the 1990s. The authors in this article introduce the most prevailing and most often used forms of leasing and their main characteristics in Hungary. Based on the statistical data of the 2008-2015 period the authors analyse the performance of investments, the volume of trade in the total leasing market and the course of the amount of capital assets and new capital investments on the level of the national economy. The conclusion of the current article is that the changes of the investment’s performance in the national economy and the EU development funds influence greatly the course of the Hungarian leasing market.

  • Examining the Virtues of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) at an SME

    Nowadays, especially in the Eastern region of Hungary, small businesses face an increasing challenge in attracting and retaining a well-qualified workforce that is able to accept and commit to the goals of SMEs. This is due to the promising career prospects offered by foreign-owned large companies locating here. However, if SME employees possess the virtues of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB), they will develop a stronger commitment to the organisation. The aim of our research was to explore the extent to which the five OCB virtues; sportsmanship, conscientiousness, altruism, politeness and civic virtue are present in a small construction company in Hajdú-Bihar county. Our survey was carried out using a questionnaire method, which was analysed as a function of length of service, education and age. The main findings are that there is a strong correlation between the presence of OCB characteristics and age and length of time spent with the firm.

  • Opportunities in circular agriculture

    Water is the source of life. For the long-term preservation of water resources it is very important to develop sewerage and sewage treatment. Sewage sludge is not primarily a waste that needs to be disposed of but also a secondary raw material or a renewable energy source. Municipal sewage sludge, and sewage sludge composts, contain relatively large quantities of organic matter, so agricultural utilization can be a major potential of its use. The transition to sustainable agriculture is becoming more urgent and increasingly important as it can provide a solution that looks to the future. Sustainable agriculture should work according to natural law, so it should be self-sustaining, that means, cycles, where in to one process the waste created can be used as raw material in the other process. The beneficial effects of sludge on soil include increasing soil organic matter content, increasing soil fertility, nutritional capacity, microbiological activity, and complex fertilizing effects. However, when is applicated, there is always a problem with the occurrence and accumulation of toxic elements and drug residues. The traditional model of economic activity is the linear model. This model ignores the high economic social, and environmental costs of exploiting, transforming and removing of the resources therefore it is not sustainable in the long term. The circular economy offers an alternative model in which the products materials and resources are maintaned as long as possible and the amount of waste is significantly reduced or lost. It is also possible adapt the overtuned ecological, biological balance of agricultural production systems, with a closed loop circular model. According to this model, the development of tillage technologies and the restoration of organic materials and nutrient supply are possible.

  • The Location of Energy Plantations in the Sowing Structure and Its Evaluation with Linear Programming

    The research is examining traditional arable crops and woody plants on the basis of their marginal contribution. Calculations of income, expenditure and revenue were made on the grounds of sectoral technologies, which were the basis of the value of marginal contribution of the given sectors. As the linear programming model is quite comprehensive, we used this method for our calculations. To compile our model, we have gathered all the necessary information from farmers of the region of the Northern Great Plain. The missing data was completed from the databases of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), Institute for Agricultural Economics Research and Information Technologies (AKII) and the Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). In some cases, we also used data of the Agricultural Administration Office and the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development. Our goal is to compile a 12-year production structure that suits for the characteristics of the region of the Northern Great Plain by achieving the maximum marginal contribution of a feature-farm.

  • Dynamic Tests on a Series Wound DC Motor. Simulation of the Braking of the Vehicle Driven by the Motor

    In the following we present the role and contribution of vehicle dynamics simulation to vehicle development in the University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering. We present the input technical parameters which are necessary for the simulation of the series wound DC motor – which drives the vehicle – and also the procedure for their measurement together with the results of dynamic test measurements on the motor. The latest version of our vehicle dynamics simulation program –which is capable of the simulation of braking too – is also presented here.

  • Simulation of Hot Rolling by Cellular Automata

    Our research is focusing to one of the most complex and important production step of flat rolled products that is the simulation of hot rolling. During hot rolling two phenomena as work hardening and the process of regeneration of crystals has strong influence for physical properties of microstructure of aluminium alloys. It needs to be taken into account in case of rolling technology steps and development. When we talk about aluminium the dynamic softening in fact it is dynamic recovery that is followed by dynamic recrystallization. It goes in the same order of magnitude rate. But in steels the recovery has only a minor effect. Hot rolled and newly modified grain structure is influenced by these dynamic phenomena. Hot rolled grain structure goes through significant changes under further production steps like cold rolling and heat treatments. But aside from these intermediate production steps the microstructure that we get after hot rolling has significant effect for mechanical and grains structure of the final flat rolled product. Proper technology planning is essential that for cellular automata simulation method can ensure useable and good solution for the simulation of recrystallization.

  • Macroeconomic Analysis of Expenditures on Education as Human Capital Investments

    The importance of actions on adaptation to economic change associated with the knowledge-based economy has continuously grown both regional and national level. Individuals' flexibly adjust and the knowledge acquired in all forms of education is very important factors in the evolving knowledge-based economies. We examine the fiscal and private expenditures on education among OECD countries between 2005 and 2013, and we analyse the development of education expenditures with particular attention to Hungary.

  • Comparison of R&D innovation indicators of the visegrád group

    Innovation is a crucial strategic issue not only for businesses to maintain and improve competitiveness, but also has paramount role at a macroeconomic level how a national economy is able to contribute to the national division of labour. Innovation and research and development are particular and even more crucial in post-socialist countries which are trying to catch up with Western Europe in an economic point of view. We compared countries in the Visegrád Group in the study regarding their innovation indexes, R&D indicators and corporate innovations. These indicate that countries in the Visegrád Group are lagging behind the European Union. The Czech Republic ranks the first place in almost each aspect among the countries in the Visegrád Group. As for time series indicators, there is a steadily improving tendency in R&D. Regarding measuring innovation and R&D, it can be concluded that perfect method and scorecard are not available, indexes based on varying methods may generate different results and decision taking only one index into consideration cannot be made in business practice. In my opinion, R&D indicators are dominant to a large extent in comprehensive innovation indexes that might be misleading in the assessment of innovation (particularly in corporate innovation).

  • Local Annealing of Cold Rolled Aluminum Sheets by LASER Treatment

    LASER treatment widely used in material processing technologies. The annealing is not the typical application of the LASER treatment, but this is possible to apply in case of cold deformed metals. In the article a cold rolled EN AW 8006 aluminum sheet is annealed by LASER treatment. The microstructure of the annealed sheets is observed by optical microscopy. An existing cellular automata simulation of recrystallization process is modified to study the LASER annealing. The observed microstructure and the simulated results are compared to determine the further development of the developed automaton.

  • Development of Analysis of Loss Sources of Vehicles

    Vehicle fuel consumption can be significantly influenced by various types of losses such as loss from bearing, aerodynamic drag and rolling drag. It is important to highlight that fuel consumption reduction can be only achieved when those losses are reduced that are induced during the operation.

    The aim of our work group is to define the calculation method and the magnitude of the losses of the vehicles. These parameters are intended to be serve as input parameters for future energetic modelling of vehicles.

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