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  • Connection Between Human Excreta and Global Warming

    Our study would like to draw attention to an insufficiently investigated question: how human excreta and its different treatment methods are related to climate change. Human excreta is part of the biological cycle. Its CO2 content gets released to the atmosphere to some degree according to the treatment methods used. 40 55% of faeces’ and 11-17% of urine’s dry matter content is carbon (in the form of organic compounds). According to this, approximately 21-57 g/person carbon bound in organic compounds is produced daily, which means an emission of 58-183 million tons of carbon in the world annually in the form of human excreta. The environmental load of the widely spread flush toilet based water infrastructure is significant. However, neither the degree of CO2 emission caused by collection and treatment of waste water, nor wasting of organic and nutrient content of excreta are properly studied. Our study highlights the emission of CO2 caused by the energy demand of sewage water collection and treatment, by the oxidation of organic compounds of human excreta and by burning of methane produced as a result of anaerobic treatment of waste water sludge. Finally the possibility of utilization of human excreta by direct composting is presented, which technology has not significantly spread in the world yet.

  • Examination of Sports-Related Expenditure by Competitive Sportsmen and Women

    The economic role of sport has grown worldwide in recent decades, and Hungary is no exception. Sport is one of the most important industries, offering significant economic benefits to the country. Accordingly, the sports economy is attracting increasing attention and playing an increasingly important role in both the international and domestic economy In the study, we looked at how much people spend on sport activity. A questionnaire survey was conducted. In addition to demographic data, we asked about their sporting habits and their willingness to spend on sport. The majority of respondents are competitive athletes, mostly competing in team sports. The results show that respondents who compete in team sports have a much higher expenditure, on a monthly basis, than people who compete in individual sports.

  • Ultrasonic Powder Atomization for Additive Manufacturing

    The following article presents a special case of metal powder production, ultrasonic metal atomization. In this case, ultrasound technology is based on the capillary wave phenomenon. We verify the suitability of the produced powders for 3D metal printing with various tests. In the case of prints with a metal powder bed fusion (PBF), the properties of the raw material of the powder are extremely important. The main results of the tests carried out in the article (SEM images, EDS composition analysis, sieve analysis) were described.

  • Greywater Treatment with Oxidative Agents

    In our research we pretreated synthetically produced greywaters with filtration on various filters, then we treated the samples with oxidative agents. We characterised the quality of greywater samples with several parameters. We investigated these parameters on the untreated, pretreated, and oxidated samples as well. We evaluated the efficiency of the treatments by measuring the characteristic parameters. In addition, we investigated the changes on the filter media’ surface with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was shown, that the most effective treatment combination for the greywater’s preparation for reuse is the filtration on silica sand or activated charcoal and silica sand combined filter media, then oxidation with hydrogen peroxide (10 mmol/dm3).

  • Application of Heutagogical Methods in Entrepreneurship Education

    According to Kuit and Fell (2010) the educators’ task is to develop the learners’ lifelong learning skills to be able to apply their skills and competences in and efficient and creative way in new situations in a constantly changing environment. Kamenetz (2010) argues that neither the pedagogical nor the andragogical teaching methods are suitable for performing well in their job, but more and more a self-directed and self-determined approach is needed in which the learner reflects on what and how he learned, and the educator teaches the learner how to teach himself. The concept of heutagogy provides such principles and practices which can give an answer for the above-mentioned challenges in higher education. The authors examined how the heutagogical methods can be adapted at entrepreneurial courses and how the students evaluated these courses.

  • COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Employees’ Physical Activity

    Globalization and the recent explosive development of technology have significantly changed people’s lifestyles resulting in an increase in the number of people living a sedentary lifestyle. COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation and created an unprecedented situation in the world. In the present study, we investigate changes in the physical activity and sedentary behavior of adult workers caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In our online cross-sectional research, we used snowball methodology. The target group of the survey was adult workers. 108 people filled in the questionnaire, the majority (73.1%) are women, the average age is 37.18 years and most of them have higher degrees (Diploma: 74%, PhD: 14%). The present study revealed a decrease in physical activity and an increase in sedentary time for the employees in our study. Despite respondents detected a decrease in their physical activity, an increase was reported in the proportion of online training participants. The majority of respondents partially, or totally switched to work from home during the pandemic, which may further increase their sedentary lifestyle. We did not find significant differences among the domain of work and leisure time or occupational physical activity patterns. The workplace is a great opportunity for promoting physical activity and reducing sedentary time in the adult working population, therefore it would be important for organizations, decision-makers and health professionals to work on the design of strategies to these goals.

  • Development of Gait Recognition in NI LabVIEW

    Nowadays, one of the most significantly improving area in security is the world of biometric identifiers. Within the biometric identifiers, the research group is working with the gait recognition speciality. The research group realized a complex gait recognition system in NI LabVIEW, that can detect more reference points simultaneously with a universal camera and is capable of suiting predetermined curves on the detected points. Moreover, the program can compare the functions suited on the reference curve and the actual curve and evaluate if the two gait images are the same or not. In the program there is a saving and a reloading function which contributes to the production of the reference gait image. The foot analysis program before the gait recognition is designed to improve accuracy. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested on more persons and the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) was zero.

  • Structural Investigation of Granular Composites by Modern Methods

    Structural investigations of polymer-based particulate composites were carried out using modern test methods. We had composite sheets with different compositions and different injection molding speeds. In the polypropylene matrix, three types of glass beads were mixed in three weight percentages. In our investigations, the granular composites were studied with a widely used examination equipment, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and industrial computer tomography (CT) as a modern diagnostic tools. The purpose of the study was to investigate the distribution and interfacial adhesion of glass beads.

  • Changes in the financing of domestic research and development

    Nowadays, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place at an incredible speed, with innovation at its heart. Of this, R & D funding is of paramount importance, which is directly or indirectly one of the most important tools for increasing corporate competitiveness. The study examines trends in domestic R & D expenditures over the past one and a half decades. It focuses on the extent to which the financial crisis has affected the amount of funding resources and their structure. From an international comparison, Hungary and the European Union spend much less on research and development than those in the global competition. The impact of the crisis is reflected in the decline in the growth dynamics of R & D expenditures, but it has not been solved solely as a result of the crisis. Changes in the domestic structure of expenditures in recent years are encouraging and are in sync with the change in attitude that is considered desirable in R & D funding. If we examine the domestic statistical data more thoroughly, we can no longer be very satisfied. However, from trends in data from recent years, it becomes apparent that neither Hungary nor the European Union will achieve the 1.8 and 3.0 per cent of GDP R & D spending by 2020.

  • Egy hazai vállalat szervezeti magatartásának vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a motivációra

    A XXI. században a globális versenyképesség jelenti a vállalkozások számára az egyik legnagyobb kihívást. A vállalkozásnak magas színvonalú és kiegyensúlyozott működést kell megvalósítania ahhoz, hogy meg tudjon felelni a globális kihívásnak. A cégeknek erre a jelenlegi helyzetre kell minél hamarabb jól működő stratégiát kialakítani, mielőtt az összes tehetséges szakmunkás külföldre vándorolna a jobb remények érdekében, még nagyobb munkaerőhiányt okozva ezzel a piacon. Tanulmányunk célja az volt, hogy a vállalaton belül megvizsgáljuk a szervezeti magatartást, illetve a motivátorokat, és javaslatot tegyünk a fejlődési lehetőségekkel kapcsolatban. A szervezet elemzéséhez először a szervezetben dolgozókat soroltuk be a generációs elméleteket alapul véve. A baby boom generáció számára motiváló tényezőként jelenik meg a magas munkabér, a növekvő béren kívüli juttatások, a jó munkatársi kapcsolatok, illetve az önálló munkavégzés. Az X generációnak is a magas munkabér és a jó munkahelyi kapcsolatok a legfőbb motiváló tényezők, illetve a modern technikai berendezések. Az Y generációt leginkább a jó munkahelyi kapcsolatok, a magas munkabér, valamint a béren kívüli juttatások növelése ösztönzi. A cégnél dolgozó legfiatalabb generáció szinte hallani sem akar a felelősségi kör bővítéséről és az előléptetési lehetőségről. Számukra is meghatározó a biztos munkahely.

  • Historical Aspects of the Internationalisation of the Higher Education as Historical Examples of Innovation and Knowledge Transfer

    The internationalisation of the higher education is one of the most actual topics of the education management nowadays. It can bring a solution for the problems of the Hungarian higher educational institutions caused by the demographically expected decrease of the number of students. The internationalisation of the higher education is not a new-fangled phenomenon however it became much popular in the last decades and it has been spread globally. The aim of this article to show the historical aspects of the internationalisation in higher education based on literature review and research.

  • The Manageable Development is a Lean Basis for a Small Organization

    The lean approach is based on the buyer, while eliminating losses, in addition to value creation and efficiency gains, it determines the direction of developments in the process. To successfully build and maintain lean, engagement and development is indispensable, but it is not as simple as changing past behaviors and attitudes. The company also realized that changes were needed, as the increased number of employees in the company, and the increase in production and the profits associated with it, made it clear that organizational development is needed. The organization development was started by SWOT analysis, and along with Ishikawa's assay, I discovered whether LEAN was necessary for the company. With Gemba, I took a look at the problems and then categorized them to designate development points.

  • Healer Architecture - the Survival of Industrial Buildings

    Protection of industrial buildings can be observed in Western Europe from around the 1970s, technically it was born on the concept of industrial heritage. Industrial archeology was created in Anglo-Saxon areas, which is getting a deal with valued lying areas of the city, related to „rust zones”. [1] The industrial buildings have particular historical value, nevertheless, this day will be very tight space within the scope of protection of monuments. However, often the monument protection does not guarantee the survival because of the lack of investor demand, money and the pursuit of rehabilitation. It’s become a big deal with rehabilitation that the most of us considered the abandoned industrial buildings as ruins.

  • About Gamification & What Do We Use for Nowadays

    By the widespread increase of new technologies, Internet has become an essential element for generation Z, however, this is not particularly surprising given the fact that over recent years different IoT solutions have become widely available, well-known and increasingly cheaper. Thus the grown up of Net Generation brings innovative solutions to the fore by which motivation is not forced to students anymore but there will be a real internal demand from their side in accordance with the age of Motivation 3.0. If this will be the case, the social issue of Homo Ludens will be also appeared in parallel to gamification [1]. Gamification nowadays is a method that become more widely used depending on field of use, thus it may meet needs of businesses and also educational institutions. The term of gamification is understood to mean those technics and methods when game elements are used in non-gaming environments [2]. Since we do not concentrate on learning during games, students will find learning a pleasure rather than an imposition and it means many could improve their skills or receive information without realizing they are actually studying. Moreover, despite the traditional learning method, the knowledge acquired this way can be used for a long time during seminars and later on labour market. Gamification plays an increasingly important role in business and also in education [3]. Students may learn more effectively and with a lower effort using gamification. As a result, this innovative approach of learning has been becoming more and more popular internationally, furthermore, motivation shortage problems also could be solved by this method [4].

  • Return of Ethics into Business Activities – From Utilitarianism to Conscious Consumers (review)

    According to the common understanding of economic science people following their own preferences looking for ractional decisions which might bring the biggest advantage available. General economic models take this pre-condition as an axiom, however while analysing real processes and motivation, human side, ethics and values cannot be ignored. Business ethics has always been part of economics though having a diminishing role occasionally. Current developing movements of conscious consumers reveal the importance of the topic, highlighting personal creed and moral principles. Analytical frameworks incorporating ethical considerations are albeit more complicated hence offer more realistic interpretation of economic activities and therefore practical benefits at the end. Our study is a general review on this phenomenon.

  • How Does Public Debt Change when the Next Crisis Comes - and It Will Come!/the Expected Evolution of Greece's State Debt in the Next Crisis Period/

    It has recently been announced that Greece may withdraw from the Euro-Zone permanent rescue fund's aid program because it has successfully met the conditions imposed on it. Creditors and credit qualifiers also agreed that the Greek economy was on a good growth path. That is why there is a chance that by 2030 the current sovereign gross debt of 182.7 per cent of GDP will fall to 123.3 per cent. The author finds this statement unfoundedly optimistic. He argues that the Greek debt ratio – despite the current optimum economic fundamentals – does not seem to be sustainable. He sees greater probability that in the near future it will again be necessary to release some of the Greek debt. Debt reduction will also mean a new orderly state bankruptcy. The study seeks to highlight how vulnerable and risked the sustainability of current Greek debt financing. Using a macroeconomic model, it shows and justifies how the Greek sovereign debt changes in the case of a crisis that is only half the extent of the previous subprime crisis. If this happens, by 2023, the state debt will rise to more than double the national product, and by 2030 only to the present, otherwise critical, level. It follows that the high risk of financing Greek state debt remains unchanged.

  • Liquidation of Public Procurement Due to Operative Regulations

    The aim of new Public Procurement law is to ensure the efficiency of appropriation public money. On new lwgal regulation public procurement procedure sbecome significantly faster and transparency and competition are increasing. Hence forward the rules of procedures under Europian Union limit won’t be standard. Innational pro curement procedures the rules are differentiated from estimate value. Important change in connection with valuation base dont he lowest price is succeeded by the method of proportion price and value.

  • Wearable technology usage among students of the University of Debrecen

    The lack of physical activity and the growing prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle are urgent public health problem worldwide. The problem is also typical of the young population, especially university students, who spend most of the day in a sitting position. Technological development is one of the catalysts for the rise of a sedentary lifestyle, nevertheless, thanks to this, many devices have appeared on the market that can be used to encourage physical activity. The widespread of wearable activity tracker devices – wristwatches, wristbands – among the population shows a constantly increasing trend, with a parallel increase in the amount of data collected about ourselves (step count, calories burned, heart rate). The main goal of the present study derives from the recognition of the gap in this field in the domestic sports science literature therefore our focus is on modern information technology tools in the dimension of physical activity. The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes of the university student population towards activity-tracking devices. We conducted a cross-sectional online quantitative survey (questionnaire) among DE GTK students. 340 people filled out the questionnaire correctly. In addition to descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric tests (Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, t-test, Mann-Whitney test) were used to examine the relationships. The results of the statistical tests were considered significant if p<0.05. We performed the distribution of the variables using the Kolgomorov-Smirnov test. The majority of respondents (55%) have already tried some kind of wearable device that measures physical activity. Every third student (34%) are currently using their device. Those who have not tried these devices so far indicated the price as the primary deterrent. 32% of the students plan to invest in such a device in the future. 39% of device users use an activity tracker bracelet, while 61% use or used a smartwatch. In terms of sex, we did not find any differences in asset ownership. The primary goal of the students (66.8%) was to track their physical activity. The most frequently used function was tracking the number of steps, indicated by 81% of the respondents, followed by heart rate measurement (67%). Most of them (69%) set some kind of goal regarding their number of steps. According to every third student, they moved more as a result of the device and managed to maintain the increased level of physical activity. 44% of the students claimed that their physical activity did not change despite using the device. Students tend to disagree with the positive statements related to the devices in connection with a healthy lifestyle. Although the present study suggests that wearable devices have an impact on students and they track their measured data, it is questionable whether the devices themselves are enough of an incentive for students to develop a healthier lifestyle.

  • Exploration of Labour-Market Attitudes Towards Migrants Among University Students

    The aim of this article is to present attitudes towards migration, migrants based on the results of a questionnaire filled out by university students. The definition of the migrants is followed by the results of the study. The results of the survey show that the students who consider themselves basically tolerant are rejecting migrants in action. The answers related to the educational level of the migrants have shown that basic qualification and professional knowledge can be assumed of the migrants, unless the respondents took the view that migrants have no measurable school education. The migrants’ attitudes towards work are generally wrong according to the respondents. Perhaps that is the reason why the people who filled out the survey would not work together with or employ migrants.

  • Operating a Webshop in Rural Areas

    The importance of e-commerce in Hungary is unquestionable. 66% of the population is regular internet users (I3), every fourth person uses it on a daily basis. Online sales have increased from 137 billion HUF in 2010 to 427 billion HUF in 2016, while offline sales were not able to reach this growth (I1). Undoubtedly, online sale has become a very valuable market. The age group really valuable as consumers spends about 6 hours a day online, out of which 3 hours are active usage (I2). The Internet is also the most important source of information and keeping in contact, as 41% of the population uses it method. The availability of the Internet in Hungary is literally independent of the geographic location, thanks to the Digital Renewal Action Plan in Hungary's current strategy, as one of its main chapters is "Enhanced and Secure Infrastructure for All." (Botos 2013) plan. There are many unfavorable processes in Hungary's rural areas. Of these, emigration and the abandonment of the local economy are outstanding. To stop these processes, the "National Rural Strategy" (2012-2020) was created. Its most important areas are employment growth, balanced and diverse land and forest management, production structure, restoration of local food production and food markets, local energy production, strengthening the local communities, improvement of population patterns and conservation of natural systems and the biodiversity. The integration of rural economies into the on-line marketplace and their linkage to different DBEs not only vertically but horizontally can be one of the keys to their survival and development. The situation of businesses on the on-line marketplace in the countryside is very special. On the one hand, they are more favourable in many aspects of their operation, but in some cases they have disadvantages that fundamentally threaten their survival. The purpose of this article is to get to know this environment, map its benefits and drawbacks. For this, we use the results of in-depth interviews conducted with businesses operating on an on-line market in rural settlements.

  • Monitoring of the Corporate Competitiveness Effect of Tourism Support

    Today the tourism is without doubt strategic of importance in the world. In Hungary's case can be related, that contributes to the performance of the economy largely, and its role is very important in the employment, too. Because of national economic weight it is suitable to analysing, but for the sake of complexity the consideration of economic performance, competitiveness exceptionally complicated task. The two sections are attached most directly, the performace is measurable through the accomodation service and hospitality. Present study does not intend to measure the performance of whole tourism section, the aim is from a corporate side, measure the corporate competitiveness from accountancy datas, the examination of part. The object of the actual examination is monitoring of the profitability effect of tourism supports through the example of 8 companies.

  • Investments and Their Financing Risks and Risk Management Trends in the Last 10 Years

    The purpose of our literature review was to understand the state of research related to management of risk of corporation’s investments and their finance within the past 10 years. Nowadays the risk management and problem solving are characterized by holistic approach and complexity - and these tendencies we can see clearly. We need to examine the likvidity, financing and investment questions together, because of the interactions between them. They can influenced the corporate value together. The role of risk management in the investments is the  cash-flow smoothing (we mean: cash-flow generated by investment). The field of corporate finance is noticeably inseparable from other areas of business science (at least in the empirical analyses), and even technical issues, like risk management, have long been considered suitable appropriate in an integrated form. The financial and operational hedging has become indispensable elements of the managerial toolbar. The consequence of crisis (from 2007) promotes the birth of many studies that justify it. The researchers are paying close attention the transaction costs, such as costs of contracts or agent costs, and the losses due to information assimetry. The statements of behavioral finance connection with managerial decisions mean important additives in this field.

  • Determination of the Accumulation of the Heavy Metal Content of the Sediment of River Danube by Plants

    In these days, the surface waters and their floodplains and oxbow lakes are operating as ecological corridors, although their touristic role is not negligible. The monitoring and saving of these wetlands need for sustain these areas for the future generations. The environmental parameters of floodplains and oxbow lakes is revealed with the analyses of the quality of the water and sediment. The main sampling place of our research is a sediment dump was created by excavation from the Open Beach of Dunaújváros in 2009. In 2010 the whole sediment dump was planted with trees, and many kinds of weeds were also grown here. The main aim of this research is to analyse the heavy metal content of the sediment dump in Dunaújváros. Furthermore, the heavy metal content of the parella (Rumex obtusifolius L.), perennial rye-grass (Lolium perenne) and riparian sedges (Carex riparia) which are growing on the sediment dump were also analysed. The distribution and the accumulation of the heavy metals inside this plant can be also determined with these measurements.

  • Comparative Analysis of the Notes on the Accounts Of Information-Technology Servicing Companies in Hungary

    In the globalized and accelerated world of our time, challenges can only be met by companies that possess the necessary information and are able to convert it rapidly into organizational knowledge. Annual accounting statements are an important source of information within business relations among companies. The necessary information can only be obtained from the two fundamental parts of the annual statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) if the notes on the account contains the information that contribute to the more comprehensive interpretation of the other parts of the annual statement. Decision-making based on inadequate knowledge further increases economic risks that are already high. In our research, we examine whether the notes on the accounts of companies include the information, which could help obtain necessary financial knowledge concerning the partner companies. For the analyses, we used the notes on the accounts of companies, which have information-technology services (Hungarian NACE No. 62) as their main line of business. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act.

  • Development Lies in Corporate Processes

    Nowadays, our rapidly evolving world is characterized by constant change. Organizations need to be prepared and responsive to these systematic changes to compete in the marketplace. Today nothing is constant or predictable because the organization is driven by the "3 C" force (customers, competition, change). Rapid adaptation to ever-changing circumstances requires companies to move from structured organizations based on traditional functions to process-based management. By using state-of-the-art process management procedures, organizations can be made transparent, analysable, measurable, and continually improving, and help companies increase their performance and organizational flexibility, and reduce costs. It also helps to recognize when it is necessary to change a process for an effect. In the event of creating well-organized processes, companies are more responsive to changes in the market, allowing them to operate more efficiently, and to carry out development activities easier. Nowadays, development as a new framework focuses primarily on digitalisation, which is challenging for companies to adapt but without this, they would be left behind in the competition. These challenges require radical changes and transformations in the lives of many organizations, which are difficult to achieve. With the development of  process-based enterprise management, not just multinational companies can improve their operation, but small and medium-sized enterprises can also move towards digitalization thus inducing development for not only their own but for the economy as a whole.

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