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  • The Importance of Energy Management in Hungary

    One of the important elements of our everyday life is energy, but the amount of it is constantly decreasing, so it is advisable to include renewable energies in our energy management in addition to traditional energy sources. In the field of energy management, the use of renewable energies deserves attention because their share is increasing, although their percent is small. At present, Hungary and the European Union's energy policy contain guidelines that aim to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources. These directives contribute to achieving environmental and climate protection goals, job creation, territorial and urban development, and the reduction of dependence on energy imports. In my article, I would like to present various calculations in the field of energy management as a result of the previously described information and I would like to explore the energy management contexts that have come to the fore when examining residential energy consumption

  • The Sustain of the Leadership Methodology in Higher Education

    Higher education institutions have to follow the changes of current higher education and market oriented atmosphere. All these changes have to be measured and probably reacted to. Leaders of higher education instutions should have personal skills, which can contribute to the efficiency therefore they can motivate their colleagues. The aim of this study is to unfold the most effective measuring model to determine the leadership competencies, behaviours, properties, which can contribute to the successful operation and to the subsistence of experienced competition in higher education.

  • X/Y emberkép hatása a teljesítményre változó környezetben

    A vezetési stílus kérdésköre kutatott terület, több elmélet és modell is született az elmúlt évtizedekben, ezek közül az egyik legismertebb a McGregortól származó X/Y elmélet, amely nagy múltra tekint vissza, mégis máig foglalkoztatja a kutatókat. Az utóbbi években számos olyan elemzés is megvalósult, amely a stílusnak a szervezeti teljesítményre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálta objektív vagy szubjektív mutatók használatával. Ebben a munkámban az X/Y elmélet alapjainak, a családi vállalkozások meghatározásának és a teljesítménymérésre tett legutóbbi kísérleteknek a rövid áttekintésén túl családi vállalkozások vezetőinek körében végzett empirikus kutatásomat mutatom be. A kutatási kérdéseimmel (K1, K2) arra kerestem a választ, hogy van-e összefüggés a vezető McGregor-i emberképe és a vállalkozás teljesítménye között. A teljesítmény mérőszámaként korábbi kutatások nyomán objektív számviteli adatot, az értékesítés nettó árbevételét vettem alapul, a 2008-as gazdasági válság idején a vállalkozók vezetői is elsődlegesen ebben – az értékesítési forgalom változásában – mérték a válság hatásait. A korábbi, X/Y emberkép hatásait vizsgáló kutatások a válság lehetséges befolyásoló hatásait nem vették figyelembe, indokolt lehet ilyen tekintetben is elemzéseket végezni, ezért az első kérdésemben (K1) az X/Y emberkép és a 2008/2012 -i teljesítmény közötti összefüggést vizsgáltam, ezzel lehetőségem nyílt a 2008-as gazdasági válság induláskori (2008) és a vezetők előzetes várakozása szerint fellendülést hozó 2012-es év teljesítményének összevetésére. A kapott eredmények a korábbi kutatási eredményekhez hasonló képet mutatnak, az Y elmélet képviselői eredményesebbek, amelyet a kereszttábla-elemzés szignifikáns eredményei is megerősítettek. Második kérdésemben (K1) a gazdasági válság időszakának átugrásával a K1-hez képest más időhorizonton (2008/2017) vizsgáltam meg az X/Y elmélet szerinti lehetséges összefüggést. Ez utóbbi (K2) esetben a K1-től eltérően statisztikailag nincs kimutatható összefüggés a változók között, viszont az arányok arról tanúskodnak, hogy az Y emberképpel rendelkezők ebben az időtávban is sikeresebbek forgalomnövelés tekintetében. Az attitűdök nagyon nehezen formálhatók, viszont az X emberképpel rendelkező vezetőknek érdemes lehet felülvizsgálni az emberekről alkotott vélekedésüket, változtatni a hozzáállásukon, mert az eredményekből kitűnik, hogy mérhetően sikeresebb az, aki Y emberképpel rendelkezik. A vállalkozások többségénél aktuálissá váló generációváltás esetében a kapott eredmények tükrében azt is érdemes megfontolniuk a stafétát átadó vezetőknek, hogy milyen emberképpel rendelkező utódra bízzák a vállalkozás további irányítását.

  • Comperative Economic Analysis of the Determining Leagues of European Clubfootball

    Nowadays sport is not just all about entertainment, or about social cohesion but also it has serious economic and business aspects. Sporteconimics is an individual concept and sector. Sport businesses are contributing  more and more to national incomes. Football business are specially important parts of this complex system called sporteconomics. The aim of my research is to create an economic and also comparative analysis of the five top European football leagues, also called as the “Big5” which are responsible for 74% of the total football revenue in Europe. By the analysis of the 2019 UEFA report it can be stated that in these leagues more than 60% of the competing clubs achieved positive operating profits, but the structure of their revenues warns them to look for opportunities to increase their operating revenues. According to the data it is clear that wage cost is the most significant cost element in the industry as they cover 53-68% of their total revenue. These statements set the course for the economic development of European football. The management of these outstanding football clubs may give example to the ones falling behind including Hungarian football businesses.

  • Determination of the Differential Equations of a Dynamical System using Dual Description

    The paper deals with the description of a mathematical model of a mechanical system using the so-called energy-based approach. The model is created using both generalized displacements and generalized momenta. The latter prescription method is less common in practice, due to its complexity. The two ways are presented through the same example mechanical problem, and a control task is also solved with the help of a PID block.

  • Development of Entrepreneurial Skills Among Engineering Students

    Education is the major contributor to the development of culture, including entrepreneurial culture as well. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and how can be developed the initiative and entrepreneurial competence through education. The task of the education is to help young people develop qualities that are the basis of entrepreneurship. Such is creativity, initiative, responsibility, risk-taking and independence.

  • Home 4.0 – Intelligent Houses

    To understand “Home 4.0” you must know about the industrial revolutions, specially about the fourth one, which is often called “Industry 4.0”. The automatization process and the mapping of mechanisms and resources in the cyber-physical space are getting more and more popular in the households. From there comes the term in the title. Analysation of the currently used smart home technology was made and a model that simulates real life events with smart home criteria was created. The model is controlled by a central control unit, the front panel and program of which is also created. Important features such as lighting, heating, cooling and security system, fire protection, controlled consumer electronics, sprinklers and motors came true.

  • Examination of Labor Market Demand in the Case of the Construction Professions

    Tanulmányomban megvizsgálom az építőipari termelés és azon belül is a lakásépítést befolyásoló tényezőket 1921- től napjainkig. Ezen számok tükrében az építőiparban dolgozók számának folyamatos változásait értékelem, illetve hogy a vizsgált körülményekre hogyan tud reagálni a munkaerőpiac. A cikkben célom rámutatni, hogy a különböző hatásokra a szakemberek száma nem tud rugalmasan változni. A nagyobb  beruházási években, illetve a jobb kereseti lehetőség miatt kivándorolt szakemberek hiánya komoly gondot okoz. Ennek ellentétes pólusa, amikor a gazdasági válság éveiben a beruházási kedv hiányában munkaerő  többlettel rendelkezik az építőipar.

  • The Fire on the Körönd By The Eyes of an Engineer Part. III. The Second Time of Averting of Life-Danger, Preparation on Conservation

    The roof and the closing floor of the building located Andrássy Street 83-85. damaged by the fire on the Körönd. We describe the damages caused by fire, and present the state of the building after damage caused by fire.

  • Comparison of the information content of the notes on the accounts between information technology services and sports activities

    Annual accounting statements are an important source of information within business relations amongst companies. However, it should be noted that due to their aggregate nature, the necessary information and through that the necessary knowledge can only be obtained from the two fundamental parts of the annual statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) if the notes on the account contains the information that contributes to the more comprehensive interpretation of the other part of the annual statement. Beyond that, the notes to the financial statement have to help the presentation of a reliable and realistic overall image. In the notes to the financial statement, depth and detail of the disclosed information are not specifically stated, therefore their professional evaluation is left to the given enterprise. My basic purpose is to illustrate a comparison of the information content of the notes on the accounts between information technology services and sports activities. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act.

  • Sustainability Goals - Can we Reduce Malnutrition?

    Nowadays, some parts of the world hunger still exists. One of the milestones of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is eradicating hunger. These goals include a road map for progress and documenting specific steps to combat hunger. Another type of hunger that has been very common in these days is hidden hunger. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger is still an illusion. The number of people living in extreme poverty and malnutrition has fallen slightly in recent years. Measuring hunger is a very complex issue. The Global Hunger Index is a tool to comprehensively measure and monitor hunger at global, regional and national levels. Despite noticeable improvements, the question remains: will the world achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the eradication of hunger, by 2030? Despite these efforts, even in economically developed countries, hunger or food insecurity still exist.

  • Examination of Sports-Related Expenditure by Competitive Sportsmen and Women

    The economic role of sport has grown worldwide in recent decades, and Hungary is no exception. Sport is one of the most important industries, offering significant economic benefits to the country. Accordingly, the sports economy is attracting increasing attention and playing an increasingly important role in both the international and domestic economy In the study, we looked at how much people spend on sport activity. A questionnaire survey was conducted. In addition to demographic data, we asked about their sporting habits and their willingness to spend on sport. The majority of respondents are competitive athletes, mostly competing in team sports. The results show that respondents who compete in team sports have a much higher expenditure, on a monthly basis, than people who compete in individual sports.

  • Situation Report of European Club Football (2017 – 2019)

    The most professional and profit oriented sector of the sports industry is football. International summary analyzes of the sector show a steady increase in revenue over the last 20 years. Yet the real turning point in terms of the profitability of European club football was in 2017, when the aggregate result of the clubs playing in the top European leagues were realized as a profit. However in recent years, the sector has faced serious competitors. The esport industry draws attention to itself with the growth rate of the base of its’ followers and related revenues. Also the fitness sector outperformed the football sector in 2019. In this article I reviewed european football between 2017 and 2019, in order to explore the characteristics of the football sector, to ascertain its revenue-generating capacity, its change in its revenue structure, and to answer the questions that if this sport will maintain its dominant position in the European sports market. My research method was document analisys of annual reports published by UEFA and Deloitte, which allowed me to examine data from more than 700 clubs in 55 countries. In overall it can be stated that the european football industry is maintaining it’s position, but it should allocate resources to stabilize its follower base instead of fearing the endagerment by other sports.

  • Building’s Constructions and Structures. Part I. The Classification of Buildings by Supporting Structures

    In the paper we deal with the structures interpreted among the buildings constructions. In the present, first part we classify the buildings constructions by their functions. Two main groups can be formed. Analysing supporting construction group can be shown that the building can be well classify by supporting constructions. The classification based on vertical supporting constructions like wall and column gives fourelement classification: wall frame, column frame, mixed frame and frame without vertical supporting constructions. This classification is very simple. Take into consideration of the buildings technology of walls and columns there can be given a classification whit more elements. Different subgroups can be interpreted using connections of walls and columns with floor construction in the certain groups.

  • The Analysis of the Seasonal Changes of Microbial Communities in the Activated Sludge of Small and Large Wastewater Treatment Plants

    In our research the seasonal changes of the microbial communities in the activated sludge of one large and two small wastewater treatment plants are observed and analysed. During the research, 14 months of data were processed. After the sample analysis and data processing, the research revealed the efficiency of the ecological system, and also showed the seasonal changes of the community structures. The results of the statistical analysis show, that the seasonality is less observable in the case of the larger system. Presumably, the larger bioreactors have more stable microbial composition. In addition, we searched for more connections between the components of the ecological system, the changing in the weather, and also in the efficiency in the process for treating wastewater.

  • Testing Methods of Green Supply Chain, in Particular Supplier’s Selection an Evaluation Tools

    Today, more and more articles have emerged in the field of sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability plays an important role in supply chain management too. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged as a key approach for enterprises seeking to make their businesses environmentally sustainable. The notion of GSCM implies the insertion of environmental criteria within the decision-making context of the traditional supply chain management. Enterprises are increasingly expected to extend their sustainability efforts beyond their own operations to their suppliers and customers to their sustainability expectations. Literature of green supplier evaluation and selection methods number is large, though the number of environmental factors are relatively limited. Recently in supply chain management decision making, approaches for evaluating green supplier performance have used both qualitative and quantitative environmental data. Given this evolving research area, the purpose of this article is to analyse research conducted in international scientific journals focusing on the selection and evaluation of a green supplier. The purpose of this article will answered two questions: Which selection methods are commonly used? What environmental and other selection criteria for green supplier management are popular?

  • Quality Management System Requirements

    The quality management system requirements were changed in 2015. Organisations are granted a threeyear transition period after the revision has been published to migrate their quality management system to the new edition of the standard. The aim of this research is to analyze the differences between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 requirements, and to identify that part of system elements which are not neccesary to change.

  • Quality Indexes of Warehouse Services

    There was a wide range and rapid development in the field of warehouse management in the recent decades as a result of strong and spectacular improvement of establishing and operating warehouses, in addition to increasingly complex logistic processes. In my research, I analysed the complex problems of determining the performance expectedfromoperatingthewarehousetechnologicalsystem. Thisdecisioninvolvestheselection of the essential performance indicators suitable for performance measurement and the determination of the expected performance level based on these indicators through the example of an examined enterprise. During my research, I concluded that the logistic performance measurement of warehouse processes is a very difficult process, because all enterprises have to define and use indexes which adapt to the enterprise profile well and reflect the performance to be measured. This decision is of key importance, since the warehouse system and its operation principles have to be adjusted to this expected performance.

  • Examining the employees and sectors of the economy according to the digital competence in the EU memeber states

    In this study, the challenges of digital development and its sectoral effects were examined between 2015 and 2017 in the EU Member States, based on data of OECD, Eurostat, and the World Bank. The connection between the countries' digital development and sector dominance was analyzed. I found - in line with international research - that in countries that belong to the developed group, the high value-added service sector is dominant. The statistics of developing countries’ supported the assumption, that industry is the engine of the economy. The analysis of the underdeveloped countries revealed that agriculture and industry are the most important sectors compared to other countries. Measuring the demand of developed countries for ICT professionals, I examined the relationship of individuals with different digital competencies to one kind of self-education. In line with international research, my database showed that digitally unskilled people are the least likely to take advantage of online courses. As a continuation of the research, it would be worthwhile to carry out this study in other economic areas as well. Especially in areas where salaries for high-digital occupations do not differ significantly between countries in the region.

  • The Role of Health Protective Effect in the Food Purchase of the Population

    In our homecountry just like in other developing countries, civilization diseases can be realized not only as individual costs but also through social security expenditures and from the expenditure side of the national economy. The main risk factors for the spread of civilization diseases include inadequate food consumption, lack of physical activity and genetic conditions. The topic of this research is the role of health food in daily nutrition and in buying food for the population, which addresses current issues and concerns as described above.

  •  The Construction History and Photo Scanner Survey of the Minorite Church in Nyírbátor

    The medieval Minorite church of Nyírbátor  suffered serious damages and became abandoned at the end of the 17th century. In the 18th century, the baroque reconstruction of the church began, and later a second period of Baroque modifications took place. After this, the church remained untouched for a long time. Then, in the 20th century once again renovations were deemed necessary, because of its poor condition at the time. During the 19th and until the end of the 20th century, several restoration works and archaeological excavations took place, which focused on certain aspects of the church. In this article, I would like to present a summary of the notes concerning the construction history of the church and the results and methods of the photo scanner survey I carried out.

  • Connection analysis of an x-zero-type helical gear pair

    We designed a helical gear pair, after we prepared the CAD models of the elements. Using of these models connection analysis will be done in case of the application of different torques. The established stress, strain and deformation values will be analysed on the connection tooth surfaces and the fillet radiuses in case of teeth connection.

  • A numerikus számítások szerepe a műszaki modellekben

    Application of numerical methods and stochastic approach should have a bigger role in the Mathematics programme of the secondary schools. Studying economic and engineering problems leads to better understanding of the significance of mathematical models in practice. In our mini-course we introduce several topics related to mathematical modelling of systems and processes to present the applicability of mathematical  calculation methods in the everyday life.

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