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  • Testing Methods of Green Supply Chain, in Particular Supplier’s Selection an Evaluation Tools

    Today, more and more articles have emerged in the field of sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability plays an important role in supply chain management too. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged as a key approach for enterprises seeking to make their businesses environmentally sustainable. The notion of GSCM implies the insertion of environmental criteria within the decision-making context of the traditional supply chain management. Enterprises are increasingly expected to extend their sustainability efforts beyond their own operations to their suppliers and customers to their sustainability expectations. Literature of green supplier evaluation and selection methods number is large, though the number of environmental factors are relatively limited. Recently in supply chain management decision making, approaches for evaluating green supplier performance have used both qualitative and quantitative environmental data. Given this evolving research area, the purpose of this article is to analyse research conducted in international scientific journals focusing on the selection and evaluation of a green supplier. The purpose of this article will answered two questions: Which selection methods are commonly used? What environmental and other selection criteria for green supplier management are popular?

  • Evolution, Place and Role of Controlling in a Business Organisation

    The development of controlling can be traced back to the beginning of 20th century. Thus it has one century of continuous scientific development. Controlling has been applied in fields such as finance, manufactureproduction, and trade sales. In financial accounting different activities have been formed for planning and accounting costs and performance. These activities were integrated by management accounting, which serves the ever growing information needs of the management. In addition to the operational functioning of growing and diversification companies controlling covers even the strategic level. The primary focus of controlling activity at 21st-century businesses is to improve organisational performance. Previously there were differences between the German and Anglo-Saxon trends. According to the German trend controlling is a set of instruments that provides the required information needed for management decision-making and based on it planning, monitoring, and controlling activities could be achieved.  Furthermore, the German trend considers that a particular department is responsible for controlling activities. Conversely, according to the Anglo-Saxon conception controlling is considered as a part of management and managers are responsible for efficient allocation of resources, the so-called „management control”, carrying out planning and controlling tasks at the same time. Some differences can be recognised between the two conceptions about where is controlling placed in companies within the organisational framework. However, it can be stated as a fact, that management and controlling are inseparably linked, and the aim of both fields is to increase the performance of a company.

  • Menedzsment módszerek az Ipar 4.0 tükrében

    The fourth industrial revolution poses major challenges for organisations in terms of technological aspects and from a management point of view, too. Good (effective) management is vital as it can help overcome the difficulties arising from shortages of skilled labour and from cost-cutting pressures, and it can help improve efficiency of resources. Innovations require management methods that support the introduction of industry 4.0. In my review of the literature, I aim to find out how the current level of sophistication in this new field can help managers of SME to better embrace change. Based on the reviewed literature, from management point of view, organisational structure, leadership style and HR practices are key to creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and innovation. In terms of structure, researchers do not suggest one thing to apply, but emphasise that industry 4.0 is characterised by an unstable, changing environment, so it is worth developing a structure that is characterised by decentralisation, few rules, horizontal communication and collaborative teamwork, i.e. much more organic than mechanical. In terms of different leadership styles, it is the transformational leadership that is the most often mentioned, however, in case of industry 4.0, we need even more because it can have various limitations. Even before industry 4.0, literature has highlighted that the recommended leadership style can be defined as the combination of transformational and transactional leadership; research in industry 4.0 in recent years also emphasises that it is the expanded construction of a knowledge-driven leadership style that blends the two, which can best facilitate innovation and learning. Managers can develop employee skills and improve their learning abilities through a variety of HR practices. So the right structure, leadership style and HR prepare the organisation for industry 4.0 by facilitating learning, improving skills and innovation.

  • Sustainability Assessment of a Special Water Management Practice in a Hungarian River Basin

    The purpose of the study is to assess the sustainability of the current water management practice of thermal water usage for bathing. The methodological approach is material flow analysis since it allows to achieve results without regular or online measurements. The current river base management plan recorded the quality status of certain reaches of river Kösely and its tributaries - the receiving water bodies of the used thermal waters - regarding salt content as good and moderate. The ecological status is recorded as moderate and weak, respectively. Since the Water Framework Directive prescribes to achieve the goal of good ecological status, water management measures must be implemented to meet this objective. Since there is no BAT for salt removal from used thermal waters, the possibility to reduce salt loads remain the only feasible measure. The purpose of the study in the frame of a PhD study was to assess with calculations the yearly variations of water and salt flow in river Kösely and its tributaries in order to assess the sustainability of the practice of thermal water management in the river catchment. The result of the calculations is a flow scheme provided with numerical data of yearly water- and salt flow and a subsequent calculation of necessary rate of reduction of usage and discharge of thermal water

  • Proposition of Enhancing the Significance of Green Infrastructure in the Smart City Concept

    The aim of the paper is -in accordance with the goals of the research team called „ Sustainable Integrated Settlement And Regional Planning” within the project EFOP-3.6.1-16 – to compile a comprehensive expert material on smart city. In accordance with my personal assignments within the teamwork, I studied first of all how sustainable urban water management issues are managed in the corresponding smart city documents, how the smart city concept which is evidently one possible way of sustainable urban development involves the strategy of sustainable stormwater management along with the elements of green infrastructure which are the inevitable segment thereof. The basis of the study were Hungarian official methodological guides and one university textbook published so far in the topic. Contrarily to the expected results the two notions of smart city and sustainable urban water management are not harmonized despite their common overall goals.  Therefore I make a few suggestions in order to harmonize to some extent the criteria and indicators developed for the two notions - smart city and sustainable urban water management including green infrastructure - promoting sustainable cities. The overall goal is to ensure that green infrastructure is not neglected while smart cities are realized.

  • The Importance of Energy Management in Hungary

    One of the important elements of our everyday life is energy, but the amount of it is constantly decreasing, so it is advisable to include renewable energies in our energy management in addition to traditional energy sources. In the field of energy management, the use of renewable energies deserves attention because their share is increasing, although their percent is small. At present, Hungary and the European Union's energy policy contain guidelines that aim to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources. These directives contribute to achieving environmental and climate protection goals, job creation, territorial and urban development, and the reduction of dependence on energy imports. In my article, I would like to present various calculations in the field of energy management as a result of the previously described information and I would like to explore the energy management contexts that have come to the fore when examining residential energy consumption

  • Staying Employed and Employing Others: Leadership Styles and Management Strategies of Proprietors of Micro Enterprises in Developing Countries

    This study sought to find out the leadership style and management strategies of the proprietors of micro enterprises that have enabled them to stay in business this long and offering employment to several others in the midst of unfavourable economic conditions in developing countries. Management strategy and leadership style are complementary in pursuing organizational goal. Though, literature on the subject reveals that not much research has been done on the survival of micro business on the African’s continent regarding owners’ management strategies and the leadership style. We used mix methods in data collection and purposive samplings of thirty (30) micro enterprises’ proprietors were interviewed. The result reveals that owners of micro business practice multistrategies in their organizations. The Study found out that the Laissez Faire or Free Rein Leadership and the Bureaucratic Leadership were not practiced by any of the research participants. However, Authoritarian Leadership with strict instructions dominated Democratic Leadership and appeared to have been very effective and yielded result in most micro businesses.

  • The Influence of Employment Stress On the Academic Performance of Working Students: Perspectives from Pakistan

    One must grasp stress's intricacy to develop and implement stress-reduction strategies. Employment-related stress on academic performance is becoming an acute concern for psychological and mental health in Pakistan. The current research focuses on how employment-related stress interferes with graduate students' academic performance in Parachinar, District Kurram Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This investigation applies quantitative methods—the Govt. Postgraduate College Parachinar, District Kurram, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, completed a standardized questionnaire to 180 students from various academic disciplines.

    The findings illuminate stress's intricacy. It may be utilized to establish and encourage more efficient and achievable strategies or techniques that improve academics and job satisfaction, inspiration, and effectiveness at the individual and organizational levels.

    The research study concluded that 81.67% of male students suffered from employment stress. Student stressors include workload (31.67%), lack of time management (9.44%), interpersonal conflicts (20.00%), high study load (21.11%), and financial problems (17.78%), and the coping strategies being adopted by these students; Moral support (13.89%), Social support (30.00%), Financial support (45.00%), and Job enrichment (11.11%). The research concludes that addressing the highlighted concerns, counselling, and other successful coping strategies may alleviate academic and employment stress.

  • Vezetési stílusok egykor és most

    The throughputs of Management sciences have always been in the middle of interest for its 105 years long history. Analysing the management styles is a prospering and actual scientific approach of leadership research. In the following, I present the throughputs of the researches which are applying this approach: I introduce both the „classical”management style models and the new ones. As for„classical”models, I introduce the decision-making oriented typologies, the personality oriented typologies and the situational leadership theories. By „new”theories I introduce the feminin and masculin management styles, the transactional and the transformational leadership and the participative management style. In the article I summarize the internal and external factors that influence the management style, and the same time introduce the outcomes of researches studying the topic.

  • The Governance of Sports Organizations in Morocco: the Case of the Royal Moroccan Federation of Judo and Related Martial Arts

    Governance is crucial for effective sports organization management, particularly as sports organizations increasingly adopt business models. Research inquiries into suitable governance practices in sports have grown, reflecting the evolving landscape of sports management. This qualitative research examined the governance of the Moroccan Judo Federation through semi-structured interviews and analysis using Voyant Tools. Stakeholders, including the vice president, board members, coaches, athletes, referees, technical committee members, and financial manager, provided insights on key aspects of governance. The findings emphasized the importance of strong leadership, effective decision-making processes, transparent governance structures, stakeholder engagement, and ethical conduct. However, challenges were identified in decision-making, stakeholder engagement, conflict resolution, and financial management. Stakeholders highlighted the need for inclusive decision-making processes and transparent and accountable governance practices. By addressing these challenges, the federation can strengthen its governance, support judo's growth, and foster fairness and inclusivity.

  • Survey of the Service Offer of Fitness Clubs for Group Classes in Debrecen

    The economic and social importance of the fitness sector is steadily increasing. The range of services provided by fitness centers is expanding and the popularity of fitness clubs is constantly growing. Fitness workouts are easily accessible for everyone, and there are numerous types of fitness centers which can play an important role in everyday physical activity. There are many factors that can influence the choice of fitness consumers for the gym, also fitness professionals play a key role in this regard. It is essential for fitness clubs in order to remain competitive on the market, to employ fitness instructors with the optimal personality and expertise, but in many cases, there is a lack of verification of qualifications. In our study, we conducted interviews with 20 fitness instructors who work in a fitness center that offers group lessons to consumers. The questionnaire included questions about consumer preferences, fitness facilities, trainers qualifications, and activities. Our study was made among eleven fitness clubs in Debrecen. The number of fitness clubs is constantly changing, with each year closing, opening or rebuilding fitness centers, which vary widely in size and number of services offered. The majority of respondent trainers are women as are the participants women in group lessons. Most of the interviewed trainers have OKJ qualifications, but the results reflect that fitness providers have not checked their qualifications at all before applying them. Fitness professionals play an extremely important role in leisure sports, contributing in maintainance and development of the fitness consumers’s health. Their work has a particular responsibility, as they can influence the physical and mental health of others in both positive and negative ways. Not only to avoid the risk of injuries, but also to prevent long-term health damage, fitness professionals play an important role. Controlling the qualifications also be in the interest of fitness clubs, not only avoiding accidents, but also increasing attendance at group classes by employing reliable, excellent personal trainers.

  • Sustainability, sustainable supply chain management

    With the rapid development of the world economy, the growing scarcity of natural resources and the degradation caused by pollution, environmental protection has become a major concern for countries and regions of the world. Sustainability is a common subject in many parts of the world and the various research areas among policy makers, journalists, scientists, universities and social debate. It is generally accepted, that companies also play an important role in addressing the challenges of sustainable development. In this role, making a key challenge to balance often conflicting pressures caused by sustainable development, that is, the level of corporate economic performance against environmental deterioration and social disruption. Effective integration of sustainability principles into companies requires action beyond the borders of organizations. The issue of sustainability is becoming more and more prominent in corporate governance. One of the most important area of supply chain management is for companies to gain a competitive edge in the market. This has a significant impact on the natural environment, and there is a growing need to integrate environmental thinking in supply chain management and processes, which is why companies are increasingly focusing on sustainable development, taking on more CSR initiatives and achieving a greener supply chain. Sustainable and green supply chain management practices have been developed over the past decades, trying to integrate environmental considerations into organizations by reducing unwanted negative consequences for the environment of production and consumption processes. In this article, I have examined the issues of sustainability and sustainable supply chain management, mainly based on descriptive secondary literature.

  • Changeable requirements & Answers With a dynamic system in order to continual improvement of the environmental performance of a rubber industrial big company

    The topic of this article is the analysis of the changeable environmental requirements for the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) of the companies. The strengthened environmental criteria of the 21st century creates new challenges for the participants of the business sphere. In order to satisfy the criteria of the stakeholders, it is necessary to build out a - by the top management - preferred and proactive EMS that can contain also a life cycle thinking method. This logic is supported by the new ISO14001:2015 standard, too. In the first part of the article the stakeholder conception and the new standard model is presented based on literature analysis. The second part of the article presents an environmental management tool developed by a multinational, tyre company. The model combines the stakeholder conception, the requirements and the life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to respond to the new environmental management challenges. The last part of the article closes with the new development possibilities of the presented environmental management tool worked out by the author.

  • Compare the Most Frequently Used Models of Risk Management

    The successful risk management is based on the company can recognize and treat the risks well and effectively. Nowadays there are several techniques for risk management. Each technique breaks the risk management steps on its own logic. In this article we compare four different risk management models, accordingly what are the similarities, and what are the differences between the four models.

  • Impression Management Strategies Used by Foreign Students

    In this paper, we examined a general human behaviour, the impression management among university students. People are interested in how others think about them. At the organizational level, they can also benefit from being positively judged by others. Effort to create this positive image is Impression Management, which has several measurement options. In this paper, we conducted research on the impressions strategies used by first year international students of University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Bachelor in Business Administration and Management programme. In our analysis we used the questionnaire consisting of 22 questions developed by Bolino and Turnley. We analysed what strategies are typical for the examined student group and to what extent? Are there differences in the strategies employed by men and women and depending on their cultural background.

  • Investments and Their Financing Risks and Risk Management Trends in the Last 10 Years

    The purpose of our literature review was to understand the state of research related to management of risk of corporation’s investments and their finance within the past 10 years. Nowadays the risk management and problem solving are characterized by holistic approach and complexity - and these tendencies we can see clearly. We need to examine the likvidity, financing and investment questions together, because of the interactions between them. They can influenced the corporate value together. The role of risk management in the investments is the  cash-flow smoothing (we mean: cash-flow generated by investment). The field of corporate finance is noticeably inseparable from other areas of business science (at least in the empirical analyses), and even technical issues, like risk management, have long been considered suitable appropriate in an integrated form. The financial and operational hedging has become indispensable elements of the managerial toolbar. The consequence of crisis (from 2007) promotes the birth of many studies that justify it. The researchers are paying close attention the transaction costs, such as costs of contracts or agent costs, and the losses due to information assimetry. The statements of behavioral finance connection with managerial decisions mean important additives in this field.

  • Business Process Development with the Application of Simulation Technique

    The object of our work to increase production efficiency with the use of cost-efficient development tools at a Hungarian small enterprise. We apply data gathering techniques besides process modelling and diagnostic methods to reduce the total process time of the assembly process so as to induce cost reduction in the production. In this respect we investigate and rank root causes of wastes by cost-effective process development tools, like timebased FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis) as well as the 5 whys method. With the use of Monte-Carlo simulation companies can evaluate the change in the process, therefore, they can decide whether they want to carry out corrective measures or not. The accomplished changes can generate increasing competitive edge in the long run.

  • Servant, Ethical and Authentic Comparative Analysis of Leadership Styles in the Light of the Challenges of the BANI World

    In a globalised and accelerated economy, managers are under increasing pressure to reconcile organisational goals that are independent from human being with the reality of human relationships. The human being, as a being with intellect and senses striving towards happiness, is the focus of positive leadership styles and is their major concern in the field of management theory. In this article, three such positive styles, authentic, servant and ethical leadership principles and their operating conditions are compared using international literature. The literature time span of about two decades shows that the evolution of the ethical leadership literature has slowed down, while the authentic and servant leadership literature has continued to evolve and is still evolving today. The comparative table that appears in this study highlights both commonalities and distinctions, in that, in addition to high moral and ethical standards, the authentic style focuses primarily on the person of the leader, the ethical leader on the ethical standards of the organisation, while the servant leader focuses on the development of the well-being of the subordinate, the other person, even through self-sacrifice.  We intend to use the results of this research to investigate measures of positive styles, preparing the scientific ground for future primary empirical field studies.

  • Sport Civic Society – Approaches and Facts

    After the change of regime in Hungary in 1989, the domestic civic sphere started to improve, and after numerous change in the legal regulation, currently the Act on Civic Organizations (Act 174/2011.) rules the operation of the sector before all, supplemented by additional legal background. The vital component of the new regulation is possibility of the appearance of the novel organizational form, the civic society, which is quite odd even considering the past and even on international level. The database enabling the statistical overview of the domestic nonprofits publish the end of 2019 provides no information on the data and operational features for this organizational form, which provides a thorough reason for the researcher to be interested in the topic and the organizations. Through the possible secondary data, a primary database of a lately done sports civic organization related research includes such basic data (even its sample height is small), which may be considered as a starting point at the examination of the specifications of the sports related civic societies.

  • Food Industry 4.0 Readiness in Hungary

    In terms of production value, the food industry is the third-largest in Hungary, the first in Hungary in terms of the number of employees, and the first in Europe in the processing industry, as well as a significant user of resources. The research examined the state of art of digitalization readiness, focusing on I4.0 technologies, which supports the management to operate more efficiently the enterprise and to make better decisions. So the focus was on integrated enterprise information systems, management support systems, business intelligence systems, industry 4.0 technologies, and issues related to their application. The analysis based on an online questionnaire survey the request sent to 4.600 enterprises, the response rate was 5% which was representative of the branches of production, covered the Hungarian food and beverage manufacturing sectors in 2019. The companies were asked the most critical technologies in development, going towards Industry 4.0. The research tools were LimeSurvey, Mailing List Server, Excel, Power BI (Desktop, Publishing Server to distribute the results). The used analysing methods were making calculations, pivot tables, models, dasboards. We found that a significant portion of businesses, 78 %, use mobile devices in the manufacturing process. The three most relevant digital technologies are geolocating (GPS, GNSS), cloud computing, and sensor technology. The current level of digitalization and integration cannot be said to be high, but respondents are very optimistic about expectations. Improvements are expected in all areas in the next 2-3 years in terms of digitalisation and integration. Vertical integration involves, first and foremost, cooperation with partners in the supply chain. Horizontal integration means close, real-time connectivity and collaboration within the company. Unfortunately, between 6% and 15% of SMEs (approximately 9% on average) and large enterprises, 36% have a digital strategy. According to the survey, the sector needs significant improvement and creating a digitalization strategy.

  • „Forradalmi” változások a menedzsment területén

    Development of the Science and practical application of the results created big changes in the nontradicional areas too. The „Health industry” was developed. The results of the physics, chemistry, biology and mikroelektronics etc. helped to develop some new methods of diagnosis, operation etc. The „money industry” was developed too. Our opinion is, that the most important cause of the economic crisis is a non regulated well of the „money industry”. The „knowledge industry” was developed too. The „knowledge industry” contains all level of teaching and Research + Development + Innovation. Our analyze shows that the Innovation is the most important factor of the economic Development of Society. The new scientific results created big changes in area of the Management. The „Management Science” was developed as an independent area. Some management specialists developed some management methods (eg. Value Analysis, Risk Management, TRIZ, Lean methods etc.) for efficient allocation of sources.

  • Development Lies in Corporate Processes

    Nowadays, our rapidly evolving world is characterized by constant change. Organizations need to be prepared and responsive to these systematic changes to compete in the marketplace. Today nothing is constant or predictable because the organization is driven by the "3 C" force (customers, competition, change). Rapid adaptation to ever-changing circumstances requires companies to move from structured organizations based on traditional functions to process-based management. By using state-of-the-art process management procedures, organizations can be made transparent, analysable, measurable, and continually improving, and help companies increase their performance and organizational flexibility, and reduce costs. It also helps to recognize when it is necessary to change a process for an effect. In the event of creating well-organized processes, companies are more responsive to changes in the market, allowing them to operate more efficiently, and to carry out development activities easier. Nowadays, development as a new framework focuses primarily on digitalisation, which is challenging for companies to adapt but without this, they would be left behind in the competition. These challenges require radical changes and transformations in the lives of many organizations, which are difficult to achieve. With the development of  process-based enterprise management, not just multinational companies can improve their operation, but small and medium-sized enterprises can also move towards digitalization thus inducing development for not only their own but for the economy as a whole.

  • Study on Learning Motivation of Master's Students in Management and Leadership at the University of Debrecen

    The aim of our study is to present the topic of adult learning. To do this, we first define the definitions and importance of learning in a person’s life. We then turn to the historical background and evolution of adult learning. The motivation of adult learning as a function of different motivational theories is presented. In the second half of the study, an initial research focusing on the motivation of adult learning is presented. The subjects of our research are young adults who are pursuing their master's degree in management and organization at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen. We want answers to the extent to which different factors motivate young adults in studying. With the results, we want to give an idea of ​​how the learning motivation of the students can be characterized by both lecturers and human resource professionals working in the private sector. We intend to expand the research to a larger sample in the future.

  • The Logistics Conception of the Value Chain of Wood

    The importance of the forest management and timber producing is highly determined by the value chain of timber. The forest management and timber producing can basically contribute to achieve the goals of the sustainable development as producing and processing the wood as a raw material. The relationship of the multifunctional forestry management as producing different scale of products and services results that changing a member of the chain might cause the total net alternation of the forestry system’s added value. The added value of the special areas of the appropriate and sustainable forest management is the infrastructural, recreational and touristic services.

  • Importance of quality indicators in the healthcare – in case of musculoskeletal rehabilitation –

    Nowadays the term of management is so popular. It has an essential role in the professional life, moreover in the every day life too. Creating and using the quality indicators (one of the qualiy management tools) contribute to the improvement of the operation of the healthcare system and to the development of the quality of healthcare services. The aim of the paper is to define service quality and its dimensions in healthcare and to highlight the role of quality indicators. The research calls attention to the absence of indicators measuring the different aspects of quality directly, the difficulties of measuring service quality and the need of establishment of more specific measures in healthcare. A special area of healthcare, there habilitation of musculo skeletal diseases will be discussed. As a research my approach is to define all the indicators that are already used in this area of the healthcare. This examination is extremely important because one of the most commonailments are the musculo skeletal diseases and their number is just increasing.The paper is mostly descriptiv and follows analitical methods based on the international and Hungarian professional studies, informations. To access databases I was helped by the OSAP (National Statistical Data CollectionProgramme). Besides the importance of quality indicators the research calls for the need for more specific measures. On the other hand, the value of the paper lies in collecting the problems, defaults and improving areas of a specific healthcare field.

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