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  • Doubtful questions in connection with the effectiveness of insurance contracts

    The dispensation of justice most often makes decisions in legal disputes about contract law on the basis of the general rules of contract law. The freedom of making contracts and the dynamism of contract law have resulted in an agreement that the conditions of the contract and the general rules should generally be considered to an increasing extent rather than the special regulations referring to the given contract. However, there are some contracts which theme, subjects and content require the application of special rules that result in solutions hard to interpret for parties inexperienced in law and that are radically different from those recommended by the general rules of contract law. Insurance contracts are those type of contracts, where the rules determine when the contract comes into existence and effect and when the services are due. These regulations are based on a logic that is radically different from the general rules, so they can often lead to serious misunderstandings. It is discernable in the judiciary practice that the dispensation of justice respects the specific features of insurance contracts, but tries to interpret the rules in a way that draws near to the general rules of contract law. The decisions of the Hungarian Supreme Court give priority to the interests of the insured parties and allow in fewer cases when the insurance company is exempted of its obligation of payment. However, judiciary practice has little effect on the content of insurance law. It seems justified to make insurance companies work out as detailed and clear conditions as possible and make them disclose the orders basically concerning their obligation of running risks.

  • Some current practical issues on preventive restraining orders in cases of intimate partner violence

    Act no. LXXII of 2009 on restraint at a distance for the purpose of violence between relatives (Act on Restraining Orders) has been amended a total of eight times since its entry into force on 1 October 2009. Some of the amendments were made to remedy shortcomings in practice, while others were made to comply with EU law. In the light of the almost one and a half decade that has passed since the entry into force of the Act, it is appropriate to review how, beyond the amendments, the practice of applying this Act has evolved. The present paper aims to briefly describe the judicial practice of preventive restraint, mainly in the Curia, and to discuss the key elements in the assessment of the concept of violence between relatives, the findings of the courts, in particular the Curia, in the context of restraint and parental custody and the use of the home, and the applicability of the Criminal Code.

  • The psichological aspects of the false facts of the case in the sentence

    Psychology plays a main role in the criminal procedure. The psychological methods started being used only in the 19th century. During the legal proceedings the autorities must deal with people. The behavior of the people is very different. The authorities must know the basic rules of the psichology to understand the accused people and witneses. The human memory has a lot of regularity. The knowledge of these regularities make easier the efforts of the authorities to get the truts. The importance of the pschichological knowledge in the legal occupation is unquestional. Overbearing police methods creat too high risk of false confession and are not likely to yield factually reliable information from the accused. A significant number of confessions that result in wrongful convictions are obtained through coercive questioning. This paper examines false confessions and discusses the psychological and social factors that influence the verdict in criminal procedure and how often do false confessions lead to miscarriages of justice. In determining the admissibility of confession evidence, the courts have to considere factors such as mental abuse in addition to physical force and threats.

  • Is the COVID-19 Really a Technical Question on the Part of the Attorney?

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our daily lives in spring 2020. Many of the effects of the closures and home-working practices that accompanied the epidemic are still being felt in civil procedure today, whether positive or negative. On the positive side, the courts and authorities have recognised the potential of online communication, so that some of the proceedings can be moved online even in periods when there is no epidemic, saving time and energy. There are mixed views on the benefits of the fact that courts are ordering more only written preparation for the commencement of civil litigation proceedings than in the past. Lastly, it is negative that, to date, no satisfactory solution has been found for dealing with cases of absence due to sudden illness. This study examines the practice in the field of sickness absence: on the basis of an order of the Hungarian High Court (Curia) of February 2021, issued under the specific circumstances of a case of emergency, it seeks to shed light on the real content and role of the right to representation (and the substitution of the attorney) in civil proceedings.

  • Rethinking principles of civil procedure - expectations and experiences:

    The central topic of the present study is certain features of the principles re-regulated during the codification of the Hungarian Code of Civil Procedure. It can be said that the number and content of the principles have also become more concentrated as a result of codification.

    The Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure (hereinafter “CPC”) brought a number of conceptual changes, which can also be observed in terms of principles. The principles chapter of the CPC has been renewed, some principles that are not yet known in Hungarian civil procedure law have been laid down. The present study reviews these changes and also seeks to take a position on the content of the principles, with a separate examination of the Principle of Concentration of Proceedings, which has also been identified as a priority objective by the legislator.

    The paper analyzes the academic debates on the principles and attempts to answer whether the experience of the period since its entry into force has met some of the expectations for the reform of the principles. The study examines the changed regulations that have led to opposing views in the literature.

    An important topic of the study is that, in line with the divided structure of the proceeding, the court's intervention activities have also changed. This change can also be observed in the principles, as the Principle of Court's Obligation to Intervene has emerged as a new principle. Some features of the Principle of Truth-telling and Principle of Good Faith are also analyzed.

    The study seeks to shed light on the fundamental issues of civil procedure through foreign examples, in which certain elements of German legislation are mainly mentioned.

  • A nemzetközi kereskedelem hatékonyságának növelése: A Blockhain technológia akkreditívre gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata a jelenlegi jogi keretek tükrében

    Az akkreditív egy fontos dokumentum az nemzetközi kereskedelemben, elsősorban fizetési célokra használják, és ennek következtében jogokat és felelősségeket ró az érintett felekre. A fizetés és az kötelezettségek teljesítése az összes szerződés legfontosabb szempontjai közé tartoznak. Nemzetközi tranzakciók esetén az érintett feleket számos kérdés foglalkoztatja, beleértve a tevékenységükkel kapcsolatba hozható más országok jogi, politikai és gazdasági tényezőinek jobb megértésére irányuló igényt. A nemzetközi tranzakciók fizetési módjai közül az akkreditív kiemelkedik, mint a legmegbízhatóbb és legjelentősebb módszer sajátos jellemzői miatt. Az akkreditív bevonásával a bankok megfelelően képesek garantálni a vevő és az eladó érdekeit, csökkentve ezáltal a tranzakcióból eredő bizonytalanságokat. A nemzetközi kereskedelem fejlődése következtében fontos azonban figyelembe venni az újonnan megjelenő technológiák hatását a nemzetközi üzleti kapcsolatok fizetési módjaira. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy feltárja a blokklánc-alapú akkreditív felhasználására vonatkozó legújabb kutatási eredményeket, és átfogó elemzést nyújtson a szabályozási keretekről ezen a területen. Az akkreditív blokklánc-szerkezetének részletes leírása és az okos akkreditív felhasználási lehetőségeinek vizsgálata után a tanulmány arra a következtetésre jut, hogy a meglévő jogi keretek, például az UCP, az eUCP, az ISP98 és az ENSZ akkreditív egyezmény, azok szükséges módosításaival együtt, megfelelő alapot nyújthatnak a blokklánc-alapú akkreditívek kezeléséhez. A blokklánc technológia integrálásával és ezeknek a kereteknek a kihasználásával a kereskedelmi finanszírozás hatékonysága javulhat, az átláthatóság és a biztonság megőrzése mellett.

  • False Confessions

    A tanulmány a hamis tanúzást jogi, pszichológiai és szociológiai aspektusból vizsgálja. Kiemelt figyelmet szentel azon tényezők felkutatásának, melyek közrejátszanak a tárgyalóteremben a hamis tanú kiszűrésében, valamint vizsgálja azokat a motívumokat, melyek a hamis tanúzás elkövetésére vezetnek. Magyarország és az Amerikai Egyesült Államok joggyakorlatát és a jogirodalom vitáit elemzi. Bemutatásra kerül a híres Miranda ügy, annak hazai és amerikai konzekvenciái egyaránt.

  • Fragmentation and changes in Hungarian succession law

    The right to inherit is recognized in the Fundamental Law, the detailed substantive legal rules are laid down in the Seventh Book of the Civil Code. In recent years, the legislator has formulated rules of substantive succession in other legislation beyond our private law code (the Civil Code). According to the Registered Partnership Act, the rules applicable to the spouse apply mutatis mutandis to the registered partner, which means that the registered partner is also a legal heir. The special rules for the acquisition of ownership of agricultural and forestry land by succession by will are laid down in the Land Traffic Act (Act CXXII of 2013). On 1 January 2023, a new law will enter into force (Act CXLIII of 2021), which will supplement the succession law provisions of the Civil Code in the case of joint legal intestate succession of undivided common ownership of agricultural land by several heirs. The designation of a public body to represent the State in succession matters is provided for in a separate ministerial decree. The present article analyzes how all these complex, fragmented regulations make it difficult to enforce the law and the extent to which it hinders the speedy execution of probate proceedings. The present article criticizes the fragmented regulation and proposes the integration of the rules of the separate laws into the Civil Code, as this could contribute to a more efficient application of the law.

  • Possibilities of workplace mediation in the European Union

    The world of labor market and industrial relations is a field where conflicts and disputes are inevitable characteristics of the operation, regardless of the form of employment. Also, labor disputes appear both from an individual aspect, where the disputants are the employer and the employee, and in a collective respect, where the disputes take place between the employer(s) and the collective of the workers, typically represented by an employee organization (union) or a works council. 

    When a conflict or a dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, the law offers dispute resolution mechanisms for the participants. Therefore, several legal mechanisms have been evolved in order to resolve disputes, starting from the classical form of litigation, where a court determines the end of the dispute by its judgement, and other alternative forms of dispute resolution, such as arbitration, mediation and conciliation, where the parties can reach a decision or a settlement outside of the judicial system of the state.

    EU Member States have introduced various legislative rules for labor dispute resolution covering all manner of individual and collective disputes. ADR schemes are also supported by the ILO, as the ILO Recommendation No. 92 (1951) suggests that voluntary conciliation should be made available to assist in the prevention and settlement of industrial disputes between employers and workers. Within the aegis of the European Union, several instruments have emerged with the attempt to elaborate the basic principles for the operation of ADR schemes in the context of cases between businesses and consumers. The Directive 2013/11/EU on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes (the “ADR Directive”) and Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (the “ODR Regulation”) ensured that consumers could turn to quality alternative dispute resolution entities for all kinds of contractual disputes with traders, and established an EU-wide online platform for consumer disputes that arise from online transactions with traders.

    Workplace mediation is widely and successfully utilized in the USA for solely employment purposes both in the private and the public sector. Also, in the United States is a “employment at will” doctrine prevails, that basically means – unless stipulated to the contrary by the parties – the employment relationship can be terminated with immediate effect without any justification (just cause), thus workers do not have access to legal remedies as in the EU where the statutory laws provide a broad protection against arbitrary or unjust termination. Mediation, however, provide an effective solution for employees and workers, even if situated outside the protective scope of labor law.

    While the role of customer/consumer ADR and mediation is increasing throughout the whole European Union, workplace and employment mediation still constitutes a “grey zone”.  In many of the legal instruments of the EU and also in several products of the national legislations, consumers and workers are treated with the same legal awareness, thus protective laws compensate their weaker position in their legal relationships, but as far as the utilization and access of dispute resolution schemes are concerned, a significant but not always reasonable differentiation can be detected. Also, while mediation is an available tool for individual employment matters, still has not been utilized considerably, and remained an instrument only to resolve mostly collective conflicts. Therefore, the aim of this paper to present various styles of mediations from a comparative perspective, to express their biggest advantages and to highlight the areas where mediation could be more suitable to use in the context of the individual disputes of the workplace.

  • Patient’s right to self-determination and its interpretation in case law

    The aim of the study is to examine the patient's right to self-determination and the present issues of legal interpretation. The right to self-determination – along with the right to information – is one of the most important patient’s right. It ensures that the patient can be a well-informed person, who is not just a vulnerable subject suffering from lack of information. If this right prevails properly, the patient is able to make decisions based on his own interests and values during his medical treatment.

    The focus is on the narrower interpretation of the right to self-determination, namely the consent to interventions, as well as its limits and the exercise of the right by deputy decision-makers. In addition to the legal content and interpretation of the right, we consider it important to cite examples of recent case law from the last few years and to present the most significant findings. The examination of the right of self-determination is current and necessary, since the legal disputed related to this are still present nowadays, and the case law is constantly evolving in this area.

  • The civil liability of the medical doctor

    The article wish to briefly cover the civil liability of the medic. The actuality of this topic is exemplified well by the fact that court trials for compensation of damages against healthcare providers show an increasing tendency year by year. It is deem important to briefly delineate the drawing of line between the civil and criminal liability during the presentation of the civil liability. After speaking about issues of drawing of line, the study is going to cover the effective liability for damages of the medic. While explaining the liability for damages of the medic, it will cover the concept of legal nature of invasive procedures, matters concerning the liability of healthcare institutions, and the basic topics of tort and contractual liability. The article is going to introduce the issues concerning illegality, the patient’s right to self-determination, his or her right to information, the obligation of medics to disclose information, in addition to matters related to the concept of the legal nature of informed consent along with the connected judicial practice in the chapter about the informed consent of the patient. As for closure, during the analysis of issues regarding evidence, it wish to cover the rules of culpability, the choice for healing methods of medics, and medical documentation, respectively.

  • The Rules concerning Compensation for Expropriation in Hungary

    The regulation of expropriation law is indicative of the sound of rule of law. It shows how the state treats vulnerable groups, and people adversely affected by expropriation. In this paper I will give a short overview of the rules concerning compensation for expropriation, from the inception of expropriation law, right up to 2014. I pay particular attention to the characteristics of the regulation in the socialist era between 1948, and the regime change in 1989/1990. I expand on how Hungary tried to free itself of the burdensome heritage of the socialist regulation of that law, after the regime change of 1989/1990. Then I review the current status of legal regulation concerning compensation for expropriation that gives me a great opportunity to and explain suggestions de lege ferenda.

  • Problems of globalization examining the development of local governments

    In Hungary almost every reform has its reference to the integration in the west, especially European Union. The explanation for failures is the difficulties of adjustment. The dilemma is what kind of reasons result this problem: is it a national feature or the original distress of Hungary. We can say that the root of it is the problem of following patterns. The origin of these patterns are from the western world but these patterns needed years or sometimes ages to reach the present situation. It was an organic development.

    In our modern world we can find plenty of legislative elements of globalization, unifying and harmonizing rules and institutions. Most of the international economic organizations make every effort to harmonize economic institutions, but the example of European Union shows that borders are not as simple as it seems. This harmonization and unification has to surpass it to a wider perspective (e.g. administration, public education, telecommunication or private law institutions, etc.).

    In the study I examine the development of self-governing and local governments. In Hungary over the last years – since the birth of self-governing – many changes could be found. Reforms followed reforms. According to a survey the most important fields of reforms are the following:

    • decentralization
    • privatization
    • decreasing the role of public sector
    • reform of the law for public servants
    • information technology
    • financial and budgetary management.

    Reforms of local governments are part of the globalization especially in those countries where change of the regime has happened. To reach the desired western pattern some lemmas are necessary:

    • constitutional state
    • territorialism of state
    • guaranteed financial sources
    • stability from the perspective of economy and policy.

    These foundational criterions are spread by international organizations like NAFTA, GATT, WTO, IMF, WB, OECD or EU itself. Plenty of recommendations exist on this field for administration and local governments. The Council of Europe has a basic document, the Charta of European Local Governments.

    If we examine the problem closer we can see that in spite of every recommendation or regulation, local governments are in trouble for example in Hungary. There are exact rules or principles to ensure the liberty or free space for them, but financial problems always exist.

    In the essay I analyzes the way of following patterns in typical countries and try to show how hard is to introduce a pattern from a moment to another that has prestigious past.

  • Thoughts about the new directions of European contract law

    On the field of contract law the European Union started a wide legislative effect at the end of the 20th Century. Despite of the originally economic and public legal goals of the Communities recently the competence of the EC institutions conquest a major field in the area of private law. To ensure the fast and non-problematic acceptance of these directives concerning to contract law EC chose two important solutions. Most of the directives focus on the neglected area of the so-called atypical contracts (hawk contracts, e-commerce contracts, leasing contracts, factoring contracts, etc.). As these contractual forms were born in the hands of business actors, most of the European civil codes do not deal with them in an explicit way. As a gap of law this area is the best approach to create unified legal institutions in all Member States’ legislation. The other relevant factor is the law of consumer protection. This is not only a fashionable topic in Europe but a rather underdeveloped issue in – especially – the new Member States. Almost all legal institutions in the EC directives in connection with contract law contain a strong link to protecting customers. As and indirect effect, these new institutions (such as consumer’s right to withdrawal) found their ways in the national codes to be flagships applicable for all consumer contracts. This essay contains thoughts about these relevant changes in approaching contract law from the rather unique EC perspective.

  • The Legal Aspects of the Hungarian Health Sectoral Wage Rise Through the Eyes of a Practising Labour Lawyer

    My essay analyses the rules of the wage-rise in the Hungarian health service system performed in two stages in 2012 and 2013. The difficulties of applying the rules and the continuous changes in the law are presented from a practical viewpoint.

    The personal and material scope of the raise in the health sector was the same circle: higher education institutions and religious institutions performing public mission that provide for in- and out-patient care. The wage-rise affected the employees having service relations with the above mentioned institutes in civil servant and commissionaire positions.

    In 2012 altogether86.000 persons benefitted from the raise (67.978 of them were directly involved in the healthcare), and 95.000 persons in 2013. The Act LXXXIV of 2003 distinguishes three groups of employees regarding the continuous and retroactive (ex post facto) raise of wages: doctors, graduates, pharmacists and health workers. In the case of these groups no uniformed wage scale exists, so different rules must be applied.

    The retroactive wager is in the case of the doctors depended on their salary, and the continuous rise was realized by a new wage scale. Other graduates and pharmacists gained a fixed rise. The retro active rise of the health workers was also fixed, the continuous wage rise was realized through a new wage scale and it depended whether their legal relation with the employer was established before or after the 1st of the July 2012.

    The complicated and frequently inaccurate regulation was corrected by the legislator, when a uniformed wage scale was directed to each group of employees in the September of 2013. A new sectoral wage scale was applied for the doctors and the health workers, and for other graduates and pharmacists the old public wage scale must be applied.

    Contrary to the uniformed regulation, there still remained legal institutions where the day/night duty, readiness, shift bonus, overtime must be specified according to the legislations in force on the 30th of June, 2012.

    Summing up, the legislator finally prevented the emigration of the highly qualified specialists by the execution of the wage rise in the last two years.

  • A franchise rendszer

    Without abstract.

  • The accused as a personal evidence and the confession in the criminal procedure

    According to our criminal procedure rights which are in force at persent we have to keep in mind the equality of the tools of argumentation and tehir parity. In the sense of this thesis all the proofs must be measured with the same weight excluding the fact that we make distinction between their values, „straingths” from any aspects.

    Examining the practise of criminal produred law we can see that they are in total contrast, namely in the balance of argumentative tools there is still an argumentative tool of personal nature, which breaks this order, this parity. This is nothing else but the statement of the accused person.

    When I chose this topic I thought of the above mentioned ambivalent consideration of the ambivalent statement of the accused person.

    First I would like to outline briefly the connection between the confessions of the accused person and the other argumentative tools, then I want to examine the fact that the accused person must be warned to their right to silence in connection with the „Miranda – decision”.

    After that I would like to describe the right to statement and to silence of the accused as well as the special procedural froms which are in force concerning my topic.