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  • The principle of the separation of power in the works of István Bibó

    The purpose of my study is to examine the theories of the separation of powers and its application in different periods. My investigation based on two monograph from Bibó: The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present, and Lawfull and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power.
    The ancient philosophers have already dealed with such theories. Among of them Aristoteles has the largest importance defining the three main powers: the legislation, the executive power, and the iurisdiction.
    The most substantial step in the Middle Ages was creating the moral basis for exercise of powers. The reformation and the development of civil society has improved this conception, Montesquieu attributed the powers with function, and emphasized the separation of them. Nevertheless István Bibó emphasizes not only the separation, but also the struggle against the concentration of power, and the abuse of power. The principle of the separation of powers could prevail clearly only in the USA, but not in Europe. István Bibó explains the causes of
    those in his monograph (The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present).,for example the function of the monarcha or the principle of sovereignty.
    Bibó defined the obstructive factors in realisation of the principle of the separation of powers. These are: bureaucracy and the exorbitant state role in the economic and in the culture.
    In his other monography (Lawful and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power) Bibó describes the necessary elements of lawful and effective administration, like loyality, professionalism and effective enforcement. At the same time, by realisation of these, the risk of the abuse of power could arise, creation of a new power would be therefor necessary. This power might be a regulatory power, which would be able to define the main criteria of exercise of power. Beforehand the church played that role, but in the twentieth century its function became vacant. I think the function of the new power would be similar to the role of the Constitutional Court at national level, or to the role of the European Court of Justice, of the International Court of Justice, and of the International Criminal Court at international level.

  • The lead of the proceedings and the subjectivity of the judges – influence in the courtroom

    The image of the judicial proceeding and the impressions of the participants are defined by various facts. These are important things, because the prestigious environment and the skill-based human approach are key factors in the acceptance of the judgments. The article analyzes the possibilities of the judicial influence through examples: like the condition of the buildings, the appearance and behavior of the employees and the staff. The statements made by the accused during the investigations are also very important within these topics, because they can justify the charge and predict the process of the proceedings. The personality of judge has great importance in the lead of the proceedings – for example tone, questioning style, situation awareness and logic. These things above are definitely specify the way of the proceedings.

  • Metamorphosis of the sanction power of local self-governments

    A tanulmány a magyar közigazgatási szankciórendszer körében végbemenő legújabb folyamatokat mutatja be. Ezek közé tartozik a szubjektív és objektív szankciók között megfigyelhető átrendeződés, ahol egyre inkább tért nyernek az utóbbiak. Végigköveti, hogy a változásokat az Alkotmánybíróság hogyan értékelte és rámutat, hogy az alkotmányos testület álláspontja szerint az államnak – olyan jogi elveket betartva, mint a jogállamiság elve vagy az emberi méltóság követelménye - lehetősége van arra, hogy a szankciórendszer körében a közigazgatási jog érvényre juttatása érdekében változásokat hajtson végre, így akár a szubjektív szankciók közül az objektív szankciók közé soroljon át tényállásokat. Ezen változások között szerepel a nagy vitákat kiváltó objektív közigazgatási bírságok bevezetése is, amely új szabályozást az Alkotmánybíróság a 60/2009 (V. 28.) határozata kifejezetten is alkotmányosnak mondta ki az állam életvédelmi kötelezettségére is hivatkozással. 2012-ben több fontos változás zajlott le egyszerre. Az új szabálysértési törvény a büntetőjog irányába mozdult el, miközben megszüntette a helyi önkormányzatok azon jogát, hogy szabálysértést statuáljanak önkormányzati rendelet által. Ezzel párhuzamosan a Magyarország helyi önkormányzatairól szóló törvény eleinte egy felhatalmazás alapján lehetőséget adott a helyi önkormányzatoknak közösségellenes magatartások szankcionálására, amelyet később az Alkotmánybíróság még ugyanebben az évben elvont a 38/2012. (XI. 14.) AB határozat nyomán, megsemmisítve az említett parttalannak minősített felhatalmazást. A határozat emellett azonban más lényeges megállapításokat is tett, így a hajléktalanság szankcionálásáról történt állásfoglalás mellett részletesen elemezte, hogy az új szabálysértési törvény büntető jellege milyen szabályozási elemekben nyilvánul meg. A tanulmány foglalkozik a döntés hatásával, elemzi, hogy a helyi önkormányzatoknak a jelenlegi jogi keretek között - amelyet az Alkotmánybíróság 29/2015. (X. 2.) határozata is megerősített- milyen lehetőségük van szankcióalkotásra, valamint meghatározza azon szempontokat, amely mentén a jogalkotó a helyzetet rendezhetné. A 2012 után kialakult gyakorlat nyomán ugyanis a helyi önkormányzatok részben felhatalmazás nélkül, részben visszautalva az önkormányzati törvény azon rendelkezésére, amely szerint a közösségi együttélés szabályrendszerét meghatározhatja a képviselő-testület, egyre több ilyen szankcionáló rendeletet alkotott. Ezek jogellenessége nem volt már kezdetben sem magától értetődő, hiszen a képviselő-testület szabályozási joga nyilvánvalóan kiterjedt az említett területre, ugyanakkor a helyzetet nehezítette, hogy a szankcionálás keretrendszerét és sarokpontjait a jogalkotó nem jelölte ki. Minden hasonló anomália ellenére egyre több ilyen rendelet született, amelyek megalkotását az Alkotmánybíróság az említett döntés nyomán immáron legalizálta.

  • The organisational changes of public administration in the mirror of the system of the authorities of the offences law

    The paper introduces the most recent processes taking place within the Hungarian public administration from a special aspect and follows the system of the authorities of the misdemeanor law from the 19th century to nowadays. It presents the system of the monarchy, the councils and the period after the change of regime. The Constitutional Court with its Resolution no. 63/1997 (XII. 12.) declared the dual nature of offences – being against public administration and bagatelle cases pertaining to criminal law – and although with a different legal reasoning, it prescribed the right of access to court in both cases. The mentioned separation has resulted in conceptual problems exerting their influence to this day, at the same time the majority of authors dealing with this field instead of the majority opinion accepted the concurrent explanation of László Sólyom, to which Constitutional Court Judges János Németh and Tamás Lábady also joined. In 2012, however, several important changes took place simultaneously. The new Act on Offenses shifted towards criminal law while it terminated the right of local governments to regulate offenses. In parallel with this, the Act on Local Governments at the beginning provided an opportunity for the local governments to sanction anti-social behavior which was revoked by the Constitutional Court in the same year. The paper investigates the effect of the decisions of the Constitutional Court and analyzes the opportunities of public administration within the present legal framework to apply sanctions and defines those criteria on the basis of which the legislator could settle the current situation.

  • Historical developments of lease

    The mostly economy-inspired legal institution of lease is a relatively new “multidimensional” formation in our law of obligations. Its evolution and development were mostly influenced by economic factors and motivations, which even today determine the intensity of its development. The historical and present day evolution of lease is closely intertwined with the current environment of tax law, accounting and the economy: favourable legal regulation or economic media may result in increased volumes of lease, while an unfavourable legislatorial decision or economic atmosphere may bring setbacks. Historical development in the event of lease is inseparably intertwined with considerations of economics.

    The essay intends to provide an overview of the historical development of lease. We would like to present the development stages of lease in Hungary and on an international level. Outlining the historical development of lease, our purpose is to represent business, tax law and accounting impetuses that had a definitive role in the development and propagation of lease.

  • Modifying the approach concerning the infliction of punishment - according to the contiguous changes of Act of Criminal Code

    The criminal code has had a number of essential revisions during the past years, which has received distinct viewpoints concerning the improvement of punishments from the judiciary in criminal cases. The reasons of modifications can be explained mainly by the different penalty politics coming into prominence, occasionally having respect for different social approaches. It is periodically distinct which activities are indictable offences, which of the punishments serve the prevention of committing an act of crime the best in the fight against criminality. It is interesting to study how these sweeping changes can appear and effect in the daily legal activities. How far can the changes lobby the judges and prosecutors? Which punishment is ideal in the case - suiting to the aim of punishment – in the interest of the protection of society? As a result, analyzing judgments and interviewing some professional jurists (as far as I can) the different requirementson infliction of punishments do not appear immediately in practice and do not appear in the similar way concerning the functions of judges and prosecutors. It is not machines that pass judgement in a case, which could modify the expectation concerning the result.

  • A roma és a nem roma együttélést zavaró bűnözés

    Geschichte über eine Gemeinschaft und ihr Los. Die, einen schweren Weg zurücklegen haben, trotzdem sind sie nie nach Hause angekommen und haben nie ihre Heimat gefunden. Geschichte über die, wir so wenig wissen, aber alles glauben. Über die, die meisten denken, dass sie nur durch Unterstützung und Kriminalität leben, scheuen die Arbeit und geben die meisten Aufgaben den Polizisten. Es ist die Geschichte von den Zigeunern. In meiner Artikel möchte ich die Antwort suchen, warum verbindet man die Zigeuner mit der Kriminalität wohl oder übel. In dieser Hinsicht der Vorurteile versuchte ich das Thema durch die Historie der Zigeuner beleuchten, natürlich nur die wesentliche Tatsachen erwähnt. Das Thema ist sehr weit, und heutzutage allgemein beliebt. Das Problem interessiert viele Menschen, und viele probieren es lösen. An Hand von dieser strebte ich mich eine Vorstellung zu machen, welche diese Vorurteile sind, wie die öffentliche Meinung beeinflussen, sowie einige Lösungen empfehlen, natürlich objektiv.

  • Die Garantien der Erreichung von eGovernment

    Der Artikel beschreibt die Garantien der Erreichung von eGovernment, das heisst was sind die Faktoren, mit deren Stärkung und Unterstützung elektronische Verwaltung verwirklicht ist. Unter den Hürden gibt es sowohl psychologische, als technische und finanzielle Barrieren auch. Das zentrale Element is die Strategie-Schaffung, die die einzelne Hindernisse abbauenden Massnahmen festlegt, Verantwortliche ernennt, und den finanziellen Hintergrund für die Entwicklung bestimmter Gebiete versichert.

    Die Beteiligung der Bevölkerung, die Entwicklung und Stärkung der Rolle von Verwaltungspersonal in eGovernment, die IT-Entwicklungen, die Prozessoptimierung und Reorganisation, die organisatorische Erneuerung, die Umwandlung der rechtlichen Rahmen und deren Konvertierung an die neue, veränderte Umgebung und Lebenssituationen erfordern strategischen Ansatz und brauchen die Schaffung kurz-, mittel- und langfristiger Strategien. Die Strategien sollen ebenfalls flexibel, anpassungs- und erneuerungsfähig sein. Der Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Elementen einer idealen Strategie.

    Die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Informationsgesellschaft haben sich in unseren Alltag verwurzelt und sie sind auch ein integraler Bestandteil der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Landes. Allerdings sind Finanzierungsmittel auch nötig zur Umsetzung der oben genannten Aufgaben, deshalb bedeutet die strategische Planung die exakte Projektierung der EU-Mittel, die sieben JahreimVoraus die Richtungen definiert, die die Unterstützungen abzurufen fähig und geeignet sind. Die Bedeutung von 2020 Széchenyi liegt in der Tatsache im Bereich des E-Government, dass getrennte Priorität in diesem Bereich zugeordnet hat.

  • A „távollétes ügyek” egyes elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései a büntetőeljárásban

    The idea of simplification of the law of criminal procedure has been an interesting topic in the science of law for a long time. Practical necessities, namely the overburdening of the criminal courts and the new challenges of the criminal law called this concept into life. Finishing up a procedure in a reasonable time limit is a very crucial interest – as it was pointed out several times by the Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers and also the Hungarian Constitutional Court. As the international principle declared in the Human Rights says everyone has the right to plead its case within a reasonable period and it can only be achieved that way.

    Because of the reasonable time limit required for a procedure, various simplifications of methods have been introduced into the national systems of criminal procedure. As a part of this process several legal institutions were introduced in the Hungarian law system aiming to accelerate the legal procedure. One of them, which is called special procedure against absent accused, is regulated by Chapter XXIV. of the Law of Criminal Procedure.

    This essay deals with this special procedure in details. Firstly I show through a short international outlook how the procedure against absent accused appears in the practice of the European Council and the European Union. Hereafter a certain case is examined in details where the European Court for Human Rights considered the necessity of the accused person’s appearance. The Court established a principle if the absence of the accused had hurt the requirements of the fair trial. According to this the appearance of the accused person is necessary if it could play a role in the forming of the Court’s opinion.

    Next, I examine the problems connected to the Hungarian regulations because recently serious constitutional worries have appeared related to this legal institution. As a result of this the Constitutional Court made its decision (n. 14/2004) and found many paragraphs of the then existing legal institution unconstitutional. Based on this Decision I go through in details all the problems and requirements related to this procedure. In the light of this, the regulation effective from the 1st of January, 2005 is described, which – according to my opinion – meets the requirements made by the Constitutional Court, so it is exceptional and provisional.

    In the next chapter certain practical experiences of the procedure against absent accused are examined. Here it is stated that the application of this legal institution is the rarest among the legal institutions aiming the acceleration of legal procedures. I explain it by the fact that this is a relatively young legal institution and there was not enough time since it was introduced to give certain conclusions, moreover the application is limited concerning the range of individuals. As a conclusion it can be stated that the application is more common in those cases where the accused is abroad but does not stay in an unknown place. I call the attention to some problems emerged in the practice as the protection of the accused, or the delivery of the copy of indictment and summons, etc.

    As a final conclusion it can be stated that using this legal institution is not so common but the importance of this will increase in the future by joining to the EU because of the easier way of crossing the boards. Hopefully the regulation, which suits to the requirements of the Constitutional Court, will be proper to gain its original aim, namely to simplify and accelerate the legal procedure.

  • PPP: Kicsi többlet?- „Kicsit több lett. Maradhat?”

    In this paper the past and present of public private partnership (PPP) was discussed in Hungary. The primal source-strings were reported of Interdepartmental Committee of PPP, which was been abolished at last year. Committee was more governmental and less professional. Instructive information was held by its bulletin. Amount which was applied for PPP’s projects was increased by actual government year to year. The growth reason was not overspend of central government. Financial limit was not exploited. The reason: more and more public functions were materialized in PPP.

    Nowadays PPP’s support has been left off. New attitude is shown by modification of act, institution cessation (vide: Interdepartmental Committee of PPP) and realignment of departments. This form is refused by new political theory. Its negative attributes are emphasized without real disquisition. PPP has advantageous qualities too what are underplayed. Potential positive qualities could be prominently useful to manage financial problems.

    PPP’s categorical refused without any monitoring would be a thoughtless decision. Have to take into account several factors to make deliberate verdict. For example:

    · PPP could take up as credence.

    · Post socialist countries are had special characteristics, like Hungary. (for instance: high national debt)

    · PPP is an administrative contract, which mixes element of public and private law.

    ·  It came from a foreign legal system. Its use is not been trouble free in continental system.

    More experiences, information, professionals are needed to create a final scientific notion about PPP.

  • Az ember alkotta szabályok és azok objektív korlátai

    Diesem rechtsphilosophischen Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Kontaktsystem, das zwischen den Natur-, und Gesellschaftsgesetze, außer dem noch den juristischen Gesetze aufsteht. Der Verfasser in diesem Zusammenhang untersucht die natur-, und gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschungserfolge, die philosophischen, rechtsphilosophischen und die rechtsgeschichtlichen Werke eben so wie, die gesellschaftlichen und rechtlichen Praxis auch. Aus dieser Untersuchung die Schlussfolgerung vom Verfasser ist die Folgende: Die rechtlichen Gesetze und Rechtsregelungen, die der Mensch mit dem Macht im politischen Praxis verfasst, müssen die natur-, und wirtschaftsgesetzliche Anforderungen im Anspruch nehmen. Diese Ansprüche fassen die globale Umweltgesetze, Pflanzen-, und Tiernaturgesetze und in der menschlichen Gesellschaft die soziologische, politische und sozialpsychologische Gesetze um, die unabhängig von der Menschheit wirken. Deswegen die juristischen Gesetze müssen zu diesen objektiv wirkenden Gesetzen anpassen. Diese Objektivsgesetze widerspiegeln im sog. Naturrecht, das mit dem Positivsrecht harmonisieren soll. Wenn diese Harmonisierung fehlt, das Positivsrecht widerspricht der allgemeinen Interesse von der Gesellschaft.

  • „Kormányablakok a kirakatban” Az integrált ügyintézési pontok hazai fejlődésének legfontosabb állomásai

    The ever-increasing pace of development, experienced in all aspects of life, has become a major factor of our times. Public administration is no exception to this tendency. I have chosen the government windows (and other miscellaneous administrative bodies operating alongside them) established in the past five years as the topic of my study exactly because of this – their development is expected to remain unbroken in the future as well. During my research, I paid special attention to past and current legal changes, aiming to provide a comprehensive view on the establishment, operation, and evolution of the integrated administration points in Hungary. My study also covers the current state and the expected developments of domestic e-Administration solutions. Finally, I also offer some conclusions and recommendations regarding the large-scale deployment of the planned single-window administrative system.

  • From the patient's right of contact

    Man is a social animal, it is important for colleagues to meet, create a relationship with them, to communicate, ideas, exchanging information. Human relationships are determined by the identity of a specific person, place in society, so it should be a fundamental right for all people in contact with the law. However, in certain life situations exercising these rights is necessarily limited, undermined, need frameworks. One of those situations in life with participation in health care in which the patient has to adapt in health care provider operating schedule, however, the Trustee is required to ensure the exercise of the right contacts.

    The most prominent of patients' rights to human dignity, which is inferred from a mother right, from which a number of other important rights. One of these is the right to self-determination, which guarantees freedom of action of the human as an individual incapacity depending autonomous. For patient care recipients should be subject to the fundamental distinction that whether it is inpatient or outpatient care. In the latter case, it also suffers from significant limitations on the patient's right to self-determination , including personal freedom, opportunities for contact with other people. The right to self-determination in a specific part of the realization of rights is thus involved in the regulation of the contact, as during inpatient care plays an important role.

    In today's modern society, the means of communication, networks of past explosive development, get more involved in the exercise of the right to life, human relations than before, with the elimination of the technical obstacles the spatial and temporal obstacles easily can be prevented. Life situation of the theme chosen exercise of the right of communication is of particular importance, because the patient's recovery depends not only on only physical but also mental condition, recovery can define what social relations, quality, intensity. The correspondence law of the health care law more the privileges include such other persons entitled to take the patient's inpatient sanitation place either in writing or orally to maintain contact, to receive visitors, the people he set out to exclude the visit , prohibit the fact of his treatment or the other information related to medical treatment reveals other.

    The context of the law of correspondence can be said that relatively little addressed by legislators and by expanding the scope of the practice of law in the content, but would consider appropriate where more attention is added. It would be good detailed arrangements for the exercise of creating the right framework for the so - to clarify the scope of everyday objects, to establish rules for their use of health services that are appropriate for the task to allow the exercise of these rights - the first line telecommunications.

  • Specialities of public works in criminal law as a punishment

    In Hungary there are two types of punishments: principal punishments and supplementary punishments. I examined the labour in the public interest, which is one of the principal punishments. Judges use this punishment barely than imprisonment, fine. Difficult to use this punishment, because it needs many preliminary works. I examined the labour in the public interest’s ruling from the 1950.:II. Criminal Code of General Part to nowadays.

    In Hungary a person sentenced to labor in the public interest is obligated to perform the work defined for him in the court sentence. Only such work may be ordered as work in the public interest which the convict, in light of his health condition and education, is presumed to be capable of performing. There are many problems in rule of the labour in the public interest, for example one day of work in the public. As rule of the Criminal Code punishment shall be six hours of work, but other rule is, punishment shall be 4-8 hours of work for one day.

    Other interesting rule is, the imprisonment substituting labour in the public interest or the remaining part thereof shall be established in such a way that one day of labour in the public interest shall correspond to one day of imprisonment. In my opinion it would be better, if the imprisonment substituting labour in the public interest or the remaining part thereof shall be established in fine.

    On the other hand I suggested to use this punishment if a person younger than 18 years old. I think if a person is 16 years old, this punishment can be more effective than other punishments.

    I found many differences, and many similarities between Hungarian and international Criminal Codes, Propositions, and finally I wrote some important, new point to change the rules.

  • A tévedés jelentőségének egyes aspektusai az élet, testi épség elleni bűncselekmények körében

    I examined one of the grounds for the preclusion of punishability and grounds for the termination of punishability, which is error. Grounds for the preclusion of punishability and grounds for the termination of punishability, mean that punishability shall be precluded.

    The error means- 27.§- the perpetrator shall not be punishable for a fact, of which he was not aware on perpetration. The person, who commits an act in the erroneous hypothesis that it is not dangerous for society and who has reasonable ground for this hypothesis, shall not be punishable. Error shall not exclude punishability, if it is caused by negligence, and the law also punishes perpetration deriving from negligence.

    I examined how often the judge accept an error, if the person believe that he’s in the right, because he was attecked, or direct emergency menace. Or maybe he believes, that he is in danger of his life.   Is it exceptional or not? What examine judge? It isn’t only hypothetical question, because very complicated task for the judge.