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  • Some thoughts on a student survey
    The paper analyzes a survey of college students and describes its major findings. The object of the survey, involving 154 students, was to discover and highlight the problems that arise in taking the course Economic Mathematics I. The paper, as the summary of the first phase of a research project, wishes to present these problems, ways that may lead out of them, and possible means of help that can be offered to those taking the course.
  • Smartphones and QR-codes in education - a QR-code learning path for Boolean operations
    During the last few years new technologies have become more and more an integrative part of everyday life. The increase of the possession rate of smartphones by young people is especially impressive. This fact asks us educators to think about a didactically and pedagogically well designed integration of smartphones into our lessons and to bring in ideas and concepts. This paper describes a specific learning path where learners can work step by step on the topic Boolean Operations with QR-Code scanners which have been installed on their smartphones. Student teachers for mathematics who completed the learning path took part in a survey where they were asked questions about their willingness to integrate smartphones into their lessons. The results of the survey are presented in the second part of the paper.
  • An examination of descriptive statistical knowledge of 12th-grade secondary school students - comparing and analysing their answers to closed and open questions

    In this article, we examine the conceptual knowledge of 12th-grade students in the field of descriptive statistics (hereafter statistics), how their knowledge is aligned with the output requirements, and how they can apply their conceptual knowledge in terms of means, graphs, and dispersion indicators. What is the proportion and the result of their answers to (semi-)open questions for which they have the necessary conceptual knowledge, but which they encounter less frequently (or not at all) in the classroom and during questioning? In spring 2020, before the outbreak of the pandemic in Hungary, a traditional-classroom, “paper-based” survey was conducted with 159 graduating students and their teachers from 3 secondary schools. According to the results of the survey, the majority of students have no difficulties in solving the type of tasks included in the final exam. Solving more complex, open-ended tasks with longer texts is more challenging, despite having all the tools to solve them, based on their conceptual knowledge and comprehension skills. A valuable supplement to the analysis and interpretation of the results is the student attitudes test, also included in the questionnaire.

    Subject Classification: 97K40, 97-11, 97D60

  • Taking learning styles into consideration in e-learning based education
    In improving electronic teaching material processes we should take the student's learning styles or methods into consideration. The ways learners receive information may be shared into three categories (modalities): visual, auditory, kinesthetic (tactile). In this paper I present some pedagogical questions of the electronic teaching-learning environment, offer a brief survey of the different learning style theories and emphasise the importance of the modalities in encoding information. The electronic teaching material should encourage the learner to choose an appropriate form of syllabus by which his knowledge can become more efficient.