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  • Aspects théoriques de la classification à base de treillis
    La classification est une notion cruciale dans les systémes orientés objets et se fait de plus en plus présente en représentation de connaissances. Elle permet principalement de trouver des regularités dans un grand tableau de nombres. Dans ce sens général, il s'agit donc d'une méthode qui joue un role important dans différents domaines scientifiques oú les connaissances sont á organiser selon certaines hiérarchies (biologie, chimie, etc.). En informatique nous parlons aussi de langages de classes sans mentionner es aspects mathématiques de la classification. Dans cet article l'auteur a pour but de proposer une introduction á la classification á travers la notion de treillis. Nous sommes persuadés que l'étude de la classification permet aux étudiants de familiariser leurs connaissances sur la modélisation et la programmation orientée objet.
    The classification is a crucial notion in the object oriented systems and more and more appears in the knowledge representation. It allows us to find the regularities in a huge table of numbers. In this general sense the classification plays an important role in various domains of science, where knowledge has to be organized into hierarchy (biology, chemistry, etc.) In the computer science the languages of classes are often studied without mathematical aspects of the classification. In this paper the author has the goal to propose an introduction to the classification through the notion of lattices.We are convinced that the study of classification allows students to enlarge their knowledge on the object oriented modelling and programming.
  • Teaching probability using graph representations
    The main objective of this paper is to present an elementary approach to classical probability theory, based on a Van Hiele type framework, using graph representation and counting techniques, highly suitable for teaching in lower and upper secondary schools. The main advantage of this approach is that it is not based on set theoretical, or combinatorial knowledge, hence it is more suitable for beginners and facilitates the transitions from level 0 to level 3. We also mention a few teaching experiences on different levels (lower secondary school, upper secondary school, teacher training, professional development, university students) based on this approach.
  • Metadata and education
    This article is a (possible) conceptual educational model, which introduces data representation, information storage and retrieval possibilities on the Web in a way analogous to the levels of organization of metadata.
    The model uses the traditional library and information systems as a starting point, referring to the levels and types of information organization, and describes directions of its development. General acquaintance with the dominant organizational levels and types helps to understand the information organization on the internet, the coexistence of both structured and unstructured elements, the closedness and deficiencies of the content of information, and also helps to find possible ways of correcting these deficiencies. One of the main advantages of model-driven approaches is that they, by using the well-known classical systems, make tangible the development of physical and content data organization types and levels of organization of information for medical students that usually do not possess informatics knowledge.
    The conceptual model presented in details in the article can provide a basis for a general introduction to metadata and to develop curricula equally appropriate for traditional face to face classes, trainings and online courses.