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  • Overview of the accessibility of webpages, related research, advantages, guidelines and recommendation
    The essay aims to provide a survey of web accessibility, introduce the relevant research results along with describing the advantages of obstacle free webpages. Furthermore, I will attempt to promote the awareness of the significance of accessibility and equal access to information in case of educational webpages especially in the higher education sphere. My primary audience are educational policy makers and leaders of higher education institutions along with in-service teachers who regularly use webpages during their daily work with students struggling with various impairments. The article's focus is expanded onto the relevant professional and legal background, the most important accessibility principles in addition to discussing the tools assuring accessibility and the presentation of best practices for web developers elaborating the electronic learning environments for higher education institutions.
  • Virtual worlds in education – best practice, design and research considerations
    The article briefly describes and characterizes the virtual worlds, different kinds of virtual worlds and possibilities of their use in education. The virtual worlds beyond the passive learning opportunities offer active, constructive and collaborative learning possibilities as well. In the middle section of this article we present the most common ways of different kinds of learning methods, which are illustrated by practical examples as well. In the final sections of the article we deal with the design research approach of 3D virtual worlds.
  • Statistical inference in school
    The paper explains a classroom example for convincing students about the utility and applicability of statistical methods in learning getting people's opinions. The emphasis is on convincing instead of proving. The necessary statistical data may be obtained from the Internet as a digital text.
  • Computer cooking vs. problem solving

    Computer cooking is a task-related phenomenon where students (end-users) must blindly follow a long list of orders without any connection to the content of the problem, if there is any. Despite its low efficacy, this method is widely used and accepted in informatics both in the learning-teaching process and testing. The National Base Curriculum 2020 in Hungary is in complete accordance with the ‘Informatics Reference Framework for Schools’, but the course books hardly use the latest results of computer education research. The present paper provides examples of how the results of computer education research can be integrated into teaching-learning materials and classroom practices and discusses the effectiveness and consequences of the different solutions, where tool-centred approaches are compared to problem-focused solutions.

    Subject Classification: 94-01

  • Differentiated instruction not only for Mathematics teachers

    The aim of differentiated development in a heterogeneous group of learners (DDHG) is to reduce school leaving without education, using an adaptive and innovative teaching-learning environment and using the most effective strategies, methods and techniques. Furthermore, this strategy helps in developing skills for learners and building cooperation between learners in heterogeneous classes through the use of the special, status-management educational procedure, and finally its strength is to sort the status ranking among learners, and to change the social structure of the class. Our goal is to figure out how to share best practices with teachers. One of the effective ways to renew teaching practice is through further training for teachers. As a trainer of the Logic-based subprogram of the Complex Basic Program (CBP) the author of the paper has experienced how well logic-based and decision-making strategies work in other subjects as well as in mathematics.

    Subject Classification: 97D40