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  • Teaching of problem-solving strategies in mathematics in secondary schools
    In the Hungarian mathematics education there is no explicit teaching of problem-solving strategies. The best students can abstract the strategies from the solutions of concrete problems, but for the average students it is not enough. In our article we report about a developmental research. The topic of the research was the explicit teaching of two basic strategies (forward method, backward method). Based on our experiences we state that it is possible to increase the effectivity of students' problemsolving achievement by teaching the problem-solving strategies explicitly.
  • Pólya’s influence on (my) research

    In this article, I outline the influence of George Pólya's work on research in different areas and especially on mathematics education, namely heuristics and models of the problem-solving process. On a more personal note, I will go into some details regarding Pólya's influence on my own work in mathematical problem solving with a focus on the research project for my PhD thesis.

    Subject Classification: 97xxx

  • Probabilistic thinking, characteristic features
    This paper is the first step in a series of a general research project on possible development in probability approach. Our goal is to check with quantitative methods how correct our presumptions formulated during our teaching experience were. In order to get an answer to this question, we conducted a survey among third-year students at our college about their general and scientific concepts as well as about the way they typically think.
  • Teaching probability theory by using a web based assessment system together with computer algebra
    In the course of Maths Basics 2, the Faculty of Economic Science students of Kaposvár University learn the classical chapters of Probability Theory, namely random variables and the well-known probability distributions. Our teaching experiences show that students' achievement is weaker in case of problems concerning continuous random variables. From school year 2012/13 we have had an opportunity to take Maple TA, the web-based test- and assessment system, into the course of education. It is sufficient for the users of Maple TA to have a browser. Maple computer algebra system, which runs on the server, assesses students' answers in an intelligent way, and compares them with the answers that are considered correct by the teacher. In our presentation we introduce some elements of Maple TA system, the didactic considerations the test sheets were made by, as well as our research results concerning the use of Maple TA.
  • Fehleranalyse beim Lösen von offenen Aufgaben Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie in der Grundschule
    Open problems play a key role in mathematics education, also in primary school. However, children in primary school work in many relations in a different way from learner in secondary school. Therefore, the (possibly) first confrontation with an open task could be problematical. Within the framework of an international paper and pencil test it was examined how far children of primary school notice the openness of a task and which mistakes they do during working on that task. In particularly are meant by openness different interpretations of the task, which all lead to a set of numbers with more than one element as a result. For evaluation, a common classification system was adapted by slightly modification of the original system.