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  • Judging Homicide Cases: Legal Rules and Practice of the Regional Court of Appeal of Debrecen

    The Autor examined the sentencing practice of the Regional Court of Appeal of Debrecen in homicide cases. The conclusion of his paper is, based on the examination of relevant case law, that courts regard the medium of the custody range as a basis for sentencing in homicide cares. This practice is independent of the relevant requirements provided by the General Part of the Criminal Code. The author also states, according to the examination mentioned above, that a life impissonment without the possibility of parote, is only exceptionally in the recent practice.

  • Goodbye Exequatur Proceeding

    Am 10. januar 2015 begann eine neue Zeitrechnung für das Zivilprozessrecht der Europäischen Union. Die Brüssel I. Verordnung (44/2001/EG) als wichtigste rechtsquelle wurde mit einer Neufassung (1215/2012/EU) abgelöst. Die neue Verordnung schaffte die Vollstreckbarerklärung (Exequatur) als zwischen der Anerkennung ausländischer Entscheidungen und derer Vollstreckung keilendes Verfahren ab, was in der Rechtsliteratur als Paradigmenwechsel bewertet wird. Aus diesem Anlaß stellt der Verfasser eine Bilanz auf. Ihre Abhandlung befasst sich mit der rechtlichen Natur der Vollstreckbarerklärung, mit der Anwendung der Verfahrensregeln in dem ungarischen Rechtsverkehr und widmet ein Kapitel den Argumenten und Gegenargumenten in Bezug auf die Abschaffung der Vollstreckbarerklärung.

  • Privacy Issues Regarding the Use of Web Cookies

    EU cookie laws have been in place since 2011, but before the entry into force of the GDPR, the conditions for consent were interpreted differently across Europe. Since the GDPR came into effect, there has been a great deal of interest in how it applies to cookies and similar technologies. The GDPR updated the EU’s longstanding digital privacy framework, with key additions including tightening the rules around consent as a legal basis for processing personal data. The purpose of this study is to clarify for data controllers the rules they need to pay attention to, in order to ensure that the use of cookies on its websites is strictly in accordance with applicable laws

  • Textual Empiricism and Analytical Legal Doctrine: Legal Analysis Sub Specie Linguae

    In the article the author outlines the basics of a legal methodology (called textempiricism and analytical legal doctrine), which is consistently language-oriented and empirical. It rests on a relatively simple, seemingly obvious assertion: in order to qualify as scientific proposition, legal propositions need to correlate to authoritative legal texts as empirical linguistic facts. This stance defines the necessary starting point for and primary direction of legal research as well as the terms of legal theorizing, or the methodological foundations of the critique of general legal statements.

  • Current Challenges of Confidentiality and Publicity in the View of Information Security

    The paper analyses the issues of confidentiality and publicity, arising from current information security legislation in Hungary. First of all the information security as a state task is analyzed. In Hungary, the information security controls of state and local government entities are regulated. Afterward, on the one hand, the information security as a tool for data protection regulation, state secrets and freedom of information were discussed. On the other hand, information security can be an object of the law, when the protection of security controls is required. One of the main findings of the research was that the information security controls applied at state entities are generally public data (according to freedom of information regulation). Thus it might not stay confidential. We formed proposals to solve this issue.

  • About the necessity of a new criminal act: or notes on the criminal offense of agreement in restraint of competition in public procurement and concession procedures

    The criminal act included in Subsection 1 Section 420 of Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (hereinafter referred to as Criminal Code) is the only one in the entire Criminal Code where the disposition includes the public procurement procedure as an element of the criminal act. In spite of this, further punishable criminal acts may be associated with the public procurement procedure which are inevitably committed or  completed in terms of the legal stadia of the crime, provided that any criminal relationship is established between the parties when public funds are allocated during the course of a tendering procedure.

    The non-exhaustive examples of the – examined – conduct subject to proceedings show that the basis of an unfair public procurement procedure is the committing of any of the corruption criminal offenses, and then, after the public procurement procedure had been concluded, the felony of agreement in restraint of competition will constitute the criminal act without prejudice to the ne bis in idem principle, i.e. the criminal act specified in Subsection (1) Section 420 of the Criminal Code is not the definition of public procurement corruption. In order to verify this, I will outline what I personally understand as public procurement corruption.

    The primary aim of the study is to support the argument that the delict referred to above is unable to fulfil the intention of the legislator, namely decreasing public procurement corruption. As a secondary focus,  the reasons behind the necessity of a new criminal act are referred to.

  • Editorial

    Editorial of the second issue of the journal.

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Financial Support System of EU – EFTA (Member States) cooperation

    The economic cooperation between the EU and EFTA states constitutes a special cooperation form in several ways: the actors of cooperation (economic integrations and their Member States), the legal and institutional framework and the budgetary relations also have unique features. In our study the rules and changes of the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism, as well as the Swiss Contribution are analyzed from aspect of integration theories and financial law. In the framework of historical analysis and comparative method the financial instruments of EFTA states are compared with the EU Cohesion and Structural Funds with the help of evaluating statistical data.

  • Neighbouring Rights of Press Publishers: Issues Relating to Transposition

    Press publishers spend billions on producing quality journalism each year. While the costs of producing well supported, quality journalism manifest in producing the original content, i.e. the very first copy, further costs – due to digitization – are negligible. Parallel to this, prosperous business models thrive on re-using articles in press publications, as well as optimizing them for search and social media platforms attractive enough to generate huge amounts of advertising revenue. But not for the those who actually make the content. The European Union seeks to persuade large digital companies to take part in the financing of European content, mainly through competition law or by taking steps to improve the competitive position of European companies. The rules relating to press publishers of the EU Copyright Directive of 2019 intend to serve this purpose and will be analysed in this paper.

  • The Question and the Means of Tax Liquidity in Tax Law System

    The paper scrutinizes the definition, the general and the legal characteristics of tax liquidity. It is a very essential question as to whether taxable persons have enough money to fulfill the obligation of taxpaying, secure their abilities to pay taxes in the future. The tax liquidity can be analyzed specially in the field of duties, ordinary and extraordinary taxes of wealth and natural justice. The legislator can regulate different legal institutions to fulfill the requirement of tax liquidity: it can prescribe for example various allowances, the possibility of deduction or it can ensure different possibilities in the field of fairness.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • White Book and Strategy: AI Regulation Initiations in the European Union and Hungary

    Artificial Intelligence (AI), alongside green solutions and the suddenly exploding COVID-19 pandemic, is one of the most important buzzwords of the 21st century in a growing number of areas of society and economy. Despite this, the regulation of technology is still in its infancy in all parts of the world, and neither the European Union nor Hungary are exceptions. But there are already documents and proposals that will form the basis for future legislation in the aforementioned territories. This article analyses these from several perspectives, as well as comparing them with the hopeful goal of bringing them closer to each other.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Editorial Preface

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor. In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • The Role of the Local Goverments in the Changed System of Environmental Public Administration

    This study investigates the transformation of environmental protection as a specialized administrative duty in Hungary, with special attention on the (changing) roles of local self-governments in this area. Following the outline of the general correlations within the topic, the study inspects several individual administrative fields, with attention given to the relationship with environmental protection policies. Our plan is to extend this analysis in the future, in hopes of covering additional specialised administrative areas as well. Our firm opinion is that the solutions provided by the sectorial approach inherent in our administrative system proved to be ineffective insolving today’s global issues. To ensure an effective environmental protection strategy, the organizations of public administration must be involved with larger roles assigned to them. Although the methods of regulation in this area are diverse, the most widespread approach proves to be the direct administrative intervention, even nowadays.

  • The Financial Intermediation System in the Service of Environmental Protection or Green Financial Solutions

    In the present study, we have presented the activities and measures of the financial sector that support environmental protection and take into account climate change. To this end, existing international organizations have adopted documents to promote the use of climate-neutral green financial solutions by consumers, and new international organizations have been set up specifically for this purpose. The most successful of such organizations is NGFS, which currently has more than a hundred members. We have seen that the Hungarian National Bank has also taken a number of measures, announcing a program to green the financial sector.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • The Legal Status of Titanic

    It has been ten decades now since the luxurious, unsinkable ship started its first and last voyage. The centenary of the tragedy has put ancient shipwrecks into the centre of attention and denoted the legal gaps and anomalies of national and international legal efforts to regulate their legal status and to protect them from treasure hunters. The essay aims to define the legal status of R.M.S. Titanic as being one of the most famous shipwrecks of our time, its story and legal situation might be the object-lesson for the problems and deficiencies of the legal issue of international protection of underwater cultural heritage, the sovereignty and ownership of historical objects found at sea and the anomalies of customary international law concerning shipwrecks.

  • The Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Cultural Identity in the Case-law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

    The present paper examines the protection of cultural identity in the case-law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), where this question has primarily been dealt with in connection with the rights of indigenous peoples. Although not expressly guaranteed in the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR), the right to cultural identity is found to be protected in the treaty due to the IACHR’s evolutionary interpretation of the right to life and the right to property, as well as other first-generation human rights contained in the ACHR. Issued in the Spring of 2020, the IACHR decision in the case Lhaka Honhat vs Argentina puts into a new perspective the protection of the right to cultural identity. Unlike before, it was clearly established that cultural rights are autonomous and judicially enforceable under Article 26 of the ACHR. At the same time, the ICHR’s revolutionary approach provides new opportunities for the judicial protection of environmental rights claims based on Article 26 of the ACHR as well.

  • Imposing Punishments in Practice: The Practice of Imposing Sentences on Drink Driving Based on File Research

    I researched the practice of imposing punishments on drink driving in the area of authority of the Court of Debrecen, as a major part of a comprehensive study of the imposition of sentences. The main aim of the research was to collect data about the imposition practice regarding offences which are committed en masse, and result in uncomplicated judgements. Another aim was to study how detailed was the exploration of the factors concerning the personality of the offender, and to what extent the judge could take into account such information during the individualised imposition process. This study describes the results of the file research, primarily focusing on the observations regarding the imposition of certain types of sanctions.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Looking for Solutions of the Hungarian Legislation of Public Procurement

    The Hungarian public procurement law will be renewed from 1th January 2012. Because of the new Act on Public Procurement (PPA) the development of the legislation of the last years should be reviewed. What kind of problems did the legislature have to solve? How could the specificities of an adequate public procurement act be defined? How does the judicature affect the legislature? This study tries to give answers from the point of view of the judicature. It examines the results of legislation, the experiences of practice, the earlier amendments and the most essential attributes of the new PPA.

  • Agricultural irrigation in Hungary, with special regards to the water resources levy and agricultural water supply fee

    The price of the agricultural irrigation is determined by the water resources levy and agricultural water supply fee, which are regulated under Article 15/A. (1) and Article 15/F. (1) of the Act LVII of 1995 on Water Management. A kind of dualism concerning the price of the irrigation can be observed in Hungary. On the one hand, the necessity to irrigate has to be reflected in the price due to the negative impacts of drought on crop production, although irrigation scores low on the hierarchy of water uses. On the other hand, the price must also express the value of water as an irreplaceable natural resource with limited renewable capacity. Based on the analysis of the said provisions, it can be concluded that though allowing derogations from paying for the agricultural irrigation can be justified in many cases,  concerns can be raised regarding their uniform application without involving discretion regardless, among others factors, of the differences in the economic situation of the farmers.

  • Punishable Children

    In Hungary from the 1990s in line with the international tendencies a number of studies were published in the literature urging the reform of the criminal law dealing with juvenile crime. Simultaneously one can establish that among others due to the increasing criminal rate the reasoning for the reduction of the lower age limit of punishability to the age of 12 has started. During the codification process a number of arguments were given for and against the alteration of the age limit of punishability. However setting the lower age limit of punishability below fourteen can be found in the criminal law regulations of Hungary and also of other European countries. This paper examines the antecedents, reasons and possible amendments of the regulation of the new Criminal Code on the age of punishability.