Law & Politics

Issues of Public Social Responsibility in Great Britain and Hungary


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Jakab, N., & Ráczi, Z. (2019). Issues of Public Social Responsibility in Great Britain and Hungary. Pro Futuro, 9(1), 122-136.

Social responsibility has undergone significant development in recent years. The concept has spread into every aspect of life: personal life, the economic sphere and finally the public sector. It is proven that currently many states are struggling with various problems in the public sector. We believe that public social responsibility is one of the guidelines that is able to help, for example, in the realization of a comprehensive public administration reform. This paper examines public social responsibility in Great Britain and Hungary. Even though we have the example of the United Kingdom to follow, their way of practicing PSR may not be suitable for the rest of the European countries because of the fundamental differences in our legal systems and mindsets.

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