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Search Results

  • Seed dispersal and habitat preference of the endangered Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus L.) and larger goose species in the Hortobágy National Park

    Several studies found that waterfowl are important endozoochorous dispersal vectors for plant species. Germination of the seed content of their droppings provides valuable information on their diet and also on their role in seed dispersal. Our aim was to analyse the seed dispersal potential of the critically endangered habitat-specialist Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) in their autumn and spring staging areas in Hortobágy National Park. The study was supported by the LIFE10-NAT/GR/000638 project. We also studied the seed dispersal potential of larger generalist goose species foraging in the same areas, such as Greater White-Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons Scopoli) and Greylag Goose (Anser anser L.). We asked the following questions: (i) Which habitat types are the most frequently used by Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species? (ii) Is the different habitat preference of Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species reflected in the seed content of their droppings? (iii) Are there seasonal differences between the seed content of spring and autumn droppings? We identified the most frequently used feeding habitats. We collected 40 droppings of Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species per site in April and October 2012, in total we collected 720 droppings per species. Droppings were concentrated and spread on trays filled with sterilised potting soil. Samples were germinated in a greenhouse from April to November 2013. In total we germinated 21 plant species from the goose droppings, which suggests that goose species play an important role in seed dispersal. We found that Lesser White-fronted Goose dispersed more species typical to alkali habitats, and fewer weeds compared to larger goose species. Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species used a wide range of feeding habitats, thus, they play an important role in dispersing seeds between habitats along a moisture gradient. Total species number and species number of plant functional groups were higher in autumn droppings. Seed content of the droppings suggests that Lesser White-fronted Goose is confined to natural habitats, thus for the effective protection of this critically endangered species it is crucial to preserve its natural feeding habitats.

  • Reseda inodora Rchb. in the Tiszántúl region (East Hungary)

    On 14 August 2012 a small population of Reseda inodora was found in Hegyes-halom kurgan within the administrative boundaries of the town of Mindszent (Csongrád County, CEU: 9487.3). The approximately 50–100-stem-large population of the species lived on the edge of the kurgan, on the sparsely vegetated, weedy fieldmargin. On 19 July 2014 this species has turned up again in this area. In this case it was the biggest amount with some hundred stems and was located on the edge of the mound, which is in the verge of the neighbouring corn field. The Reseda inodora is a new recent protected vascular plant species within the operation area of the Körös–Maros National Park. We propose this species to be included in the regional red list in the category of „CR” (Critically endangered). Other rare weed or pioneer species (Caucalis platycarpos subsp. muricata and subsp. platycarposErodium ciconiumLappula squarrosaMelica transsilvanicaPapaver hybridum) have already been found in Hegyes-halom kurgan in the last few years. The results show the importance of kurgans not only in the conservation of natural steppe, loess wall vegetation and steppe shrub species, but in the survival of some endangered weed species as well (e.g. some rare archaeophytes).

  • Dactylorhiza traunsteineri (Saut. ex Rchb.) Soó: an unexpected record in the Romanian flora

    Dactylorhiza Necker ex Nevski is a complex genus. The taxonomy of these dactylorchids is widely considered to be complicated due to relatively high morphological variability within species and high frequency of hybridization between species. During a floristic survey of the Valea Morii (Morii Valley, Malomvölgy) Nature Reserve in June 2017, a population of Dactylorhiza traunsteineri (Saut. ex. Rchb.) Soó, a species with uncertain presence in the Romanian flora was found. In the Morii Valley, this narrow-leaved marsh-orchid was encountered in fen-patches, in phytocoenoses of the plant association Orchido-Schoenetum nigricantis Oberd. 1957. Due to the cool and wet microclimate of the Morii Valley, many glacial relicts and other plant rarities (e.g. Tofieldia calyculata (L.) Wahlenb., Swertia perennis (L.), Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich., Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Schoenus nigricans L.) had been able to survive on strongly humid places on calcareous soils. This study reports the first occurrence of D. traunsteineri in Romania confirming the presence of a highly debated taxon. We also discuss the morphological features, habitat preference and conservation status of this new species in the Romanian Flora.

  • The Wildflower of the Year campaign in Hungary

    The paper summarizes the previous history and recent purposes of the ‘Wildflower of the Year’ initiation, established in 2011. The main aim of this initiation is the promotion and familiarization of Hungarian flora, applying a public awareness campaign about the beauty, importance and ecological value of our spectacular wild plants. The ’Wildflower of the Year’ is selected by voting on internet ( Starting from this volume the journal Kitaibelia publishes a monograph about the wildflower of the previous year.

  • New occurrence of Myricaria germanica in a secondary habitat (NE Hungary)

    In this paper, we report a new occurrence of Myricaria germanica (L.) Desf in a secondary habitat from the north-eastern part of Hungary, from the edge of the Bükk Mountains, in a slag dump in Miskolc. The plant is established on a steep wall formed during the extraction of slag. Due to the erosion of the wall, occasionally a few plants fall off. The age of the dead specimens is between 5 and 13 years, based on their growth rings. The population of about 50 individuals is the largest (but perhaps the only) living population of the species in Hungary. Other rare and protected species (Epilobium dodonaei Vill., Dysphania botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H.P. Fuchs, Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth ex Mert.) have also been found in the slag heap area.

  • Data to the flora and vegetation of Hungary I.

    The present study reports the occurrence data of 54 vascular plant taxa, collected at various localities in Hungary during floristic, vegetation and ecological field surveys between 2000 and 2013. In some cases, phytosociological relevés were prepared to characterize the local coenological properties of the species. Many of these species are included in the „Red list of the vascular flora of Hungary” (e.g. Carthamus lanatus, Sedum caespitosum, Spiranthes spiralis and Trifolium micranthum). Some of them (e.g. Apium repens, Dianthus diutinus, Epipactis bugacensis and Ranunculus psilostachys) are rarities in the whole country. Our findings suggest that conservationists should focus not only on the maintenance of semi-natural habitats but also on the investigation of secondary habitats (e.g. river embankments, temporary pools on arable fields) in order to maintain the total species diversity of the landscape.

  • Distribution of Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler in the Southern Nyírség (E Hungary)

    This study presents the current distribution of narrow small-reed (Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler) in the southern part of Nyírség (E Hungary). Beyond the efforts to confirm previously known occurrences, a high number of potential habitats were surveyed. Field work was carried out from late autumn to early spring taking advantage of the better perceptibility of dry foliage. The species was detected in 43 localities inside the boundary of 15 settlements, which considerably exceeded our expectations. Although most of the populations were quite small, in some cases their extent reached over 1000 m².  Populations around the settlements of Penészlek, Fülöp and Nyírábrány were the most frequent and the largest in size. The endangered status of the species is caused by the insufficient water supply of suitable habitats in the region. Besides habitat change, desiccation can also amplify the effect of anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. ploughing, fishpond development), which poses a further threat to populations.

  • Habitats and protected plants of Cuha-valley (Bakony Mts, W-Hungary)

    Floristic data were collected and habitat mapping was performed between 2009 and 2011 in the valley of Cuha-creek. During the field work occurrences of 423 vascular plant species (including 31 protected taxa) were recorded. Potentilla indica represents a previously unknown alien taxa of the study area. The dominant vegetation type of the Cuha-valley is beech forest. Further characteristic, important habitats are scree, ravine and hilltop forests. On the southern part of the valley – in close proximity of the Cuha-creek – expansion of several alien plants (Impatiens glandulifera, Fallopia spp., Heracleum mantegazzianum) were observed.

  • Contributions to the flora of kurgans in the Middle Tisza region

    Kurgans are ancient burial mounds built by nomadic steppic cultures. Embedded in the heavily transformed landscapes of the Carpathian Basin they often serve as last refuges for rare and endangered plant species. In our paper we publish floristic data collected on 82 kurgans located in the area of the Hortobágy National Park Directorate. Our dataset covers 64 CEU quarter quadrates, and the territory of 45 settlements. We provide data on 39 taxa that are either protected (e.g. Anchusa barrelieriCentaurea solstitialisRanunculus illyricus and Phlomis tuberosa) or regionally rare (e.g. Aegilops cylindricaAstragalus austriacusGlaucium corniculatum and Trifolium diffusum). Our records demonstrate that kurgans have a vital role in maintaining the populations of rare and endangered grassland species even in transformed landscapes.

  • Data to the flora of Sopron Hills and its foreground

    The present study reports additional records to the flora of Sopron Hills and Sopron Basin. The records were collected during our field surveys between 2010 and 2014 and contain occurrence data of 19 vascular plant taxa. The genus Orobanche is represented by 5 species. Two taxa are new for the flora of Sopron Hills (Amaranthus blitoides, Orobanche teucrii), others are interesting because of their old or uncertain indication (e.g. Dianthus superbus, Myosotis sparsiflora, Orobanche lutea, Orobanche purpurea).

  • Discovery of a new large population of Prunus tenella on a young old-field suggests remarkable regeneration ability of the species

    Kurgans are ancient burial mounds built by nomadic steppic cultures across Eurasia.
    These monuments are important cultural landmarks, and often also preserve the remnants of dry grasslands even in intensively used agricultural landscapes. In the past centuries, many kurgans have been ploughed and their vegetation has been destroyed. Due to their recent inclusion in the agrienvironmental schemes in Hungary, crop production has been ceased on many kurgans in the past years. Here we present an interesting botanical discovery which we made during our country-scale survey of spontaneously recovering grasslands on kurgans. We discovered a large population of approximately 15,000 shoots of the protected loess grassland plant Prunus tenella Batsch (syn.: Amygdalus nana L.) on the Fekete-halom kurgan near Tiszainoka, in the centre of the Great Hungarian Plain. The mound had been used as an intensive cropland until 2014. Most probably, the plants could re-establish from some hidden shoots that could persist in the refuge provided by the concrete elements of a geodesic mark, and after the cessation of ploughing it could expand onto the north and west-facing slopes of the mound by sprouting and by germination from the persistent soil seed bank. Besides the conservation importance of this floristic discovery, it also suggests that spontaneous regeneration can be an effective restoration measure and that kurgans abandoned from agricultural cultivation can serve as suitable habitats for rare and endangered species.