Short communications

Asplenium ceterach s.str. and Polystichum aculeatum on the ruins of the copy of Eger Castle, in the Pilis Mts

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Csiky, J., Csiky jun., J., Kornokovics, M., Telek, A., & Telek, J. (2021). Asplenium ceterach s.str. and Polystichum aculeatum on the ruins of the copy of Eger Castle, in the Pilis Mts. Kitaibelia, 26(1), 93-94.

In the company of a single individual of Asplenium trichomanes L., several individuals of Asplenium ruta-muraria (L.) Hoffm. and a single individual of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, 15 individuals of Asplenium ceterach L. (s.str.), and a single individual of Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth were found on a NW facing mortared sandstone wall of the copy of Eger Castle in the Pilis Mts. Asplenium ceterach s.str. is new to the flora of the Pilis Mts. The source population of this stand is probably located in the Buda Mts (Remete gorge) and this fern may have appeared on this wall 5–10 years ago at the latest.