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    A németországi mintára szervezett, 1874-1948 között létező Budapesti Philológiai Társaság hét évtizedes fennállása alatt összefogta a klasszika-filológiával és a modern filológiával foglalkozó szakembereket Magyarországon. Tagjai között voltak az összes ókori tudományokat vagy modern nyelveket és irodalmakat oktató professzorok és a középiskolai tanárok közül azok, akik komolyabban érdeklődtek ezen tudományok iránt. Folyóiratában, az Egyetemes Philológiai Közlönyben szinte az összes ilyen szakember publikált. A tanulmány a társaság vezetőségét mutatja be napra pontos adatokkal, nagyrészt a folyóiratban közölt közgyűlési jegyzőkönyvek alapján. A társaságnak voltak magyar és külföldi tudósokból tiszteleti tagjai is, legismertebb közülük Achille Ratti, a későbbi XI. Pius pápa.

  • Emlékezés Visky Károlyra (1908-1984), a római jog nemzetközi hírű művelőjére
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    KÁROLY VISKY WAS AN INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN SCHOLAR OF ROMAN LAW. he present paper describes the life and scholarly activities of Dr. Károly Visky, who was a sub auspiciis scholar of law at the Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen. he paper highlights the fact that Visky achieved a highly respectable scholarly career while working as a practising lawyer. He did not hold an academic chair, yet he became an internationally recognized representative of the study of Roman law in Hungary. he paper introduces the main ideas of his most important scholarly writings.

  • Egy nyugalmazott címzetes rendkívüli egyetemi tanár baráti és tanítványi köre
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    A HONORARY PROFESSOR EMERITUS AMONG HIS ACADEMIC FRIENDS AND STUDENTS. he study reviews the friendships of Ferenc Zsigmond, the private university teacher endowed with the honorary professor emeritus title in the last 15 years of his life. Zsigmond gave lectures until 1934 in Debrecen, then he lived in his birth village until his suicide in 1949. he reclusive scientist sufering from depression, kept up with scientiic developments through his friends and correspondents who played a signiicant role in his life. hese friendships meant a retention force for him, diverted his attention from his illness and postponed its progression. It is not surprising that his illness had turned really serious when he left the capital and moved to his birth village, Kunhegyes, where his regular correspondence ended and the lack of professional discourses weakened the oversensitive scientist.

  • Szalay Sándor – a hazai atommagfizikai alap­kutatások elindítója
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    Sándor Szalay Was the Founder of Basic Research in Nuclear Physics in Hungary. Academian Sándor Szalay, former head of the Department of Experimental Physics at the University of Debrecen as well as the founding director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ATOMKI) was born in 1909. He was a trail-blazing physicist, a dedicated teacher, and his achievements in fundamental and applied science are both substantial and diverse. One of his remarkable legacies was the inititation of nuclear physics research in Hungary. On 24 September, 2009, ATOMKI hosted a symposium to mark the centenary of its founder.

  • Az 1944. április 11–12-én a Vallás- és Közoktatásügyi Minisztériumban tartott rendkívüli értekezlet debreceni emlékeztetője
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    The Debrecen Memo of an Extrordinary Meeting Convened at the Ministry of Religion and Public Education on April 11–12, 1944. In March, 1944, the German military occupation of Hungary plunged the country into a difficult situation, affecting among other things the Ministry of Religion and Public Education responsible for the institutions of higher education. Minister Jenő Szinyei Merse convened a twoday meeting for April 11 and 12, for the purposes of analysing the situation that evolved and for making
    the required decisions. The source material registers the proceedings of this meeting. President János Bognár of Debrecen’s István Tisza University probably had the text copied immediately after he had returned from the capital. The memo consists of twenty-five long and short items and these are about taking sundry measures, mainly pertaining to the simplification of administration for the purposes of an early closure of the academic year and a more severe interpretation of the Jewish laws.

  • Generációm emléktára – Orvostanhallgatók voltunk Debrecenben 1951–1957
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    The Memorial Board of my Generation – We were Students of Medicine in Debrecen, 1951–1957. The author, who is a retired doctor of pediatric, gives us an insight into the everyday life of the students of Debrecen’s University of Medicine in the 1950s. Besides autobiographical references short anecdotes pertaining to the one-time famous professors are offered.

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    Gróf Degenfeld-Schomberg József a Debreceni Tudományegyetem létrejöttéért tett erőfeszítéseit dokumentumokkal bemutató könyvet  Bazsa György és Jenei Zsuzsa szerkesztette. A könyvet ifj Barta János ismerteti.


  • Ünnepi emlékkönyvek és tisztelgő tomusok: gondolatok egyetemtörténeti kötetekről
    147 - 154
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    Jubilarian Academic Writing: Reflections on Commemorative Volumes of Institutional History. The present survey of both the theoretical ramifications and practical dilemmas of jubilarian academic writing attempts to look at the nature, conceptuality, and generic properties of commemorative writing as representative texts of institutional history in the ”groves of academe.” Particular attention is attributed to those personalized and self-contained volumes which have been earmarked as special gifts by peer-group members – most often colleagues and former students – in honour of professors and associate professors in the year of their jubilee, which also tends to be the year of their retirement. In the history of the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen, so far 7 Full Professors (listed in the chronological order of the year of their respective jubilees: László Országh [1993 and 2007: 2 vols.], István Pálffy [1999], Péter Egri [2002], Béla Korponay [1998 and 2008], Zoltán Abádi-Nagy [2010; 4 vols.], Donald E. Morse [2011 and 2012: 2 vols.], Zsolt Kálmán Virágos [2012; 2 vols.]) and 4 Associate Professors (Sarolta Kretzoi [2009], Csilla Bertha [2011], Béla Hollósy [2013], and Péter Pelyvás [2014]) have been the beneficiaries of commemorative volumes as special and honorary gifts. The author of the survey painstakingly documents the bibliographical details of all the respective essays published.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Karának fél évszázada
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    50 YEARS OF THE TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. he study reviews the higher education background of the technology education from 1965–2000 in relation to its teaching and organizational history. It describes the anniversary ceremony of the Technology Faculty organized in May 2015. hrough a selection of the most important statements at this ceremony, the writing shows the reults of the Faculty in the past 15 years.

  • Árvay Emléknap 2017. május 26.
    155 - 160
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    Árvay Memorial Day. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the University of Debrecen organised a memorial meeting in honour of its former director, Professor Sándor Árvay, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his death. The text presents the events of the memorial day (the inauguration of the statue of Professor Árvay, a memorial scientific sitting, a meeting of the retired colleagues), the major events of Professor Árvay’s life and his merits.

  • Az 1912. évi XXXVI. törvénycikk „A Debreczeni és a Pozsonyi Magyar Királyi Tudomány Egyetem felállításáról” szövege és miniszteri indokolása
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    The Text and Ministerial Preamble of Article XXXIV of 1912 ”About the Foundation of Hungarian Royal Universities in Debreczen and Pozsony”. The objective of this source publication is nothing else but the bill and its preamble, through which in 1912 the universities of Debrecen and of Pozsony, respectively, came to be established. The preamble signed by Minister of Religion and Public Education János Zichy well reflects all the aspirations and controversies which characterized Hungarian educational and higher educational policy at the end of the 19th century, and the path, punctuated by manifestations of zeal and regression, finally led to the foundation of the third and fourth university in Hungary. The thorough preliminary professionalism pervading the preamble which, despite the disunity of the political spectrum, made a success of the bill can be regarded as exemplary.

  • Magyarországi orvostanhallgatók Bázelben készült disszertációinak szerepe a hazai orvostársadalom ismereteinek alakításában a 18. században
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    THE ROLE OF THE DISSERTATIONS OF HUNGARIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS IN BASEL IN THE KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT OF HUNGARIAN MEDICAL COMMUNITIES IN THE 18TH CENTURY. Medical professionals acquired new knowledge for the medical practice not from scientiic journals, as today, but from books, academic thesis, disputes, dissertations received through the correspondence with Western-European professors and the mediation of students studying abroad. he university in Basel was popular among modern Hungarian protestants, but only some studied medicine, and only 5 people wrote a medical dissertation. Presumably students distributed these works amongs themselves, and they were not particularly used in the every day work of medical practicioners. hese dissertations were included in few Hungarian collections (Debrecen, Sárospatak) opposed to more popular theological works.

  • Agrárörökségünk: az alföldi parasztgazdálkodás a 18–19. században (kiállításismertető)
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    OUR AGRICULTURAL HERITAGE: PEASANT ECONOMY IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES. In joint co-operation between the Agricultural and Economic Centre of the University of Debrecen and the Board of Directors of the Museums of Hajdú–Bihar County (Déri Museum), in April, 2013, a permanent exhibition was opened at the Agrarian Centre with the title ”Peasant Economy of the Plains Region in the 18th and 19th Centuries”. The permanent display of the museum presents the traditions of the plains-region economy from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century in the most characteristic areas of a primarily market-town economy: agriculture, animal husbandry, and viniculture. he text printed here treats original objects, archival photographs and graphic material made at the beginning of the 20th century.

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    Surányi Béla könyvismertetése Tenk Antal :" Dicső múltunk III. A Magyaróvári Gazdasági Akadémia szerepeMezőgazdaságunk 200 éves fejlődésében  (1818-2018)

  • Pozsonyi protestáns joghallgatóból katolikus jogászprofesszor Linzben: Johann Ferdinand Behamb
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    Pozsonyi protestáns joghallgatóból katolikus jogászprofesszor Linzben (Johann Ferdinand Behamb). A 17. század magyarországi származású jogi írói közül mind termékenységével, mind ismertségével kiemelkedik a pozsonyi származású Johann Ferdinand Behamb, aki rekatolizálása után Linzben lett jogtanár a felső-ausztriai rendek szolgálatában. A tanulmány megkísérli rekonstruálni Behamb tanulmányait és tanári tevékenységét, felhívva a figyelmet egy sajátos korabeli felsőfokú iskolatípusra (Landschaftschule) is.


  • Gyires Béla élete és tudományos munkássága
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    THE LIFE AND WORK OF BÉLA GYIRES. he research activities of the professor emeritus of the University of Debrecen, and one of the doyens of Hungarian mathematicians included the matrix theory, linear algebra, probability theory, and mathematical statistics. He was one of those outstanding mathematician who did not draw a rigid line between applied and theoretical mathematics. His most important and widely known results were int he ield of linear statistics. Many of his achievements are cited in books and textbooks.

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    Magyar történészek egy csoportja báró Radvánszky Béla vezetésével 1883-ban hozta létre a Magyar Heraldikai és Genealógiai Társaságot, amely a történelmi segédtudományok (elsősorban családtörténet, címertan, pecséttan) művelőit fogta össze. Folyóiratuk, a Turul évente többször is megjelent. A társaság és annak vezetősége néhány tudományos kutató mellett mecénás főurakból, amatőr családtörténészekből és levéltárosokból állott. A II. világháború után a politikai támadások és az anyagi források miatt ellehetetlenült és 1951 elején megszűnt. A családtörténet és a címertan tiltott tudománnyá vált évtizedekre a kommunista rezsim alatt. A tanulmány a társaság vezetőségét mutatja be napra pontos adatokkal, nagyrészt a folyóiratban közölt közgyűlési jegyzőkönyvek alapján.

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