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  • Carmen - How are we growing old in cyberspace?

    Introduction: Cyberspace is a platform which determines us for many decades. Socialization takes place not only in school, workplace, or family, but also in social media which means that every age group is affected.
    Aim: The aim of the paper is to pop up questions in connection with growing old in cyberspace with the help of a work of art of Stromae.
    Methodology: The videoclip can be considered as a short content of the critical view of Twitter. In Hungary this platform hasn’t been so popular, however, it is a symbol of social media thus it can be interpreted to the tendencies that can be seen worldwide. The materials of the analysis are the pictorial representations of the videoclip, while the analytical tool is the theory and practice of social representations.
    Theoretical background: To analyze the work of art, theories in connection with socialization and social representation are used in order to have a deeper understanding of processes of consumer society while aging. Life events - birthdays, eating out and visiting cinema - are enhanced to see examples of possible individual failures and also the extension of these failures to society.
    Conclusion: The visual representation of pop music plays a socially responsible role that affects all age groups. Raising awareness about responsible use of social media should not only be limited to young people in the future but also extended to the elderly as vulnerable social groups of society.

  • A pozitív életesemények felidézése (narrative care), mint terápiás eszköz az idősellátásban

    Elöregedő társadalmunk egyre égetőbb problémákkal állít minket szembe, amelyek miatt nélkülözhetetlen az idősekkel kapcsolatos kutatások folytatása. Az idő előrehaladtával az egészségromlás általános tendenciája megfigyelhető, mellyel kapcsolatban korábbi kutatások számos olyan tényezőt azonosítottak, amelyek befolyásolják az idősek életminőségét és jól-létét, beleértve a társadalmi környezetet, az életminőséget és a jól-létet (Dobossy, Molnár, & Virágh, 2003; Dimunová et al., 2013; Ferwagner, 2021; Bene & Móré, 2022).

  • Seventies - A dystropia about the Hungarian society

    Introduction: Ageing society is an ever-raising issue, however, not so many movies use critics towards it. The movie Seventies had its debut in Hungary 2014. Its specificity is the lens that were used to show the deficits of the attitudes towards the elderly in Hungary.
    Aim: The aim of the paper is to explore the dystopian nature of the pseudo-documentary in order to show a picture of the possible deficits in Hungarian society with the help of the narratives of the artwork.
    Methodology: In this paper a social psychological approach is considered as the process of affective characterization of movie scenes which are analysed with content analysis.
    Theoretical background: There are two main aspects that are held in the analysis, the cognitive schema theory and the nature of dystopian content as a filter for the interpretative framework. Cognitive schema theory is used for perception and cognition of scenes, canonical set-ups, and interpretation-processes. In the analysis, the focus is on the memory objects, the mental models and the cognitive fields.
    Conclusion: The film experience includes a sort of awareness of the perceived scenes, thus the real world can be divided from imagination. Indeed, subjectivity and the shaping process of our reality are serving the demands of one’s aspects. Therefore, the film can be considered as a valuable starting point of a debate of the future of Hungarian society, highlighting the situation of elderly.

  • Attitudes of Roma/Gypsy Adults Towards the Care of Their Elderly Loved Ones

    Caring for older people is a challenge for all societies. There has been a lot of research on elderly care to help make it as effective as possible. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the Roma/Gypsy elderly care among ethnic minorities, using national and international trends. The choice of the target group in our framework was not accidental - the Roma/Gypsy minority is considered vulnerable in terms of several factors, which means risks for elderly care in terms of inequalities. In addition to the main concepts of elderly care, the paper will address the opportunities and constraints of the legal environment, the relationship between elderly care and health care, and the factors that shape quality of life and well-being, as well as strategies (formal and informal) that are emerging as trends at national and international levels.

  • Attitudes of Roma adults towards the care of their elderly relatives

    Caring for the elderly is a challenge for any society even if it is a family or institution related issue (Bánlaki 2006). Numerous researches on the care of the elderly have been published, which help to make the care of the elderly as effective as possible (Djellal, Gallouj 2006). Within the framework of our research, we undertook to examine the attitudes (Arlotti, Aguilar-Hendrickson 2017) and experiences of the Roma towards elderly care.
    Our aim was to explore the opinions of adult Roma people on the topic, as well as to identify possible cultural peculiarities in this issue (Hajime et al 2006; Da Roit 2010; Kehusmaa et al. 2013; Szabóné 2018).

    We have selected Roma adult people living in Budapest as our target group, most of them perform manual labour, who in the near future are likely to face the issue of caring for their elderly relatives or are already facing it in the capital. We have chosen this target group because there is a wide range of social services in the capital, and this gives us an insight into the confidence or lack of confidence in the social care system. The situation of the Roma elderly in the Hungarian social context is discussed with a nuanced approach based on Roma studies. The opinions and thoughts of 20 Roma adults are highlighted in our presentation, with whom we interviewed. We compiled a semi-structured set of questions for the target group. We tried to capture the attitude of the Roma towards elderly care along different dimensions (Allport, Lindzey 1960; Örkény, Vári 2009): individual responsibility (Nárai 2019) patterns of the family (Bánlaky 2001), financial and other resources (Bourdieu 1999) - assistance, trust in the social care system, readiness for elderly care (Heimlich 2008). Our research was carried out in November 2021 in compliance with the measures associated witht he COVID-19 situation. The interviews took 40-75 minutes long on average per person.
    We compare international trends within formation on elderly care in Hungary and data on the health status of elderly Roma in Hungary (Kodner, 2006).

    The uniqueness of our research lies in the fact that we present the strategies of the Roma related to care in the Hungarian social reality, we identify practical problems and challenges, which can even be a breeding ground for future social policy measures (Schwiter et al. 2015). Poverty among the Roma, as well as discrimination and lower life expectancy compared to non-Roma (KSH, 2015) all contribute to the decision-making of Roma adults regarding the care of their elderly relatives, which is confirmed by the answers found in the interviews and the possibilities and strategies formed by the elderly care system (Kovács 2006). Our results showed that access to various social benefits, such as home help and public health care among others is affected during elderly care, and also has a key role to play, but also information among the Roma. In addition to trust in the social care system, financial means or lack of the influence coping strategies for elderly care. The results obtained can be used even for prevention projects aimed at local health preservation, or for any program aimed at improving the health status of the Roma.

    Allport, G. W., Vernon, P. E., Lindzey, G. A. (1960): A study of values, 3rd ed., Boston, Houghton.Mifflin.
    Barbara Da Roit (2010): Strategies of Care. Changing Elderly Care in Italy and the Netherlands. Care and Welfare
    Bánlaky Pál (2001): Családszociológia. Wesley János Lelkészképző Főiskola, Budapest.
    Bánlaky Pál (2006): A család belső működése – A családon belüli kapcsolatok dinamikája. In: Czibere Ibolya (szek.) (2006): Családszociológia szöveggyűjtemény. Debrecen.
    Bourdieu, Pierre (1999): Gazdasági tőke, kulturális tőke, társadalmi tőke. In: Angelusz Róbert (szerk.): A társadalmi rétegződés komponensei. Budapest, Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó, 156-177.
    Faridah Djellal, Faïz Gallouj (2006): Innovation in care services for the elderly. The Service Industries Journal. Volume 26, 2006 - Issue 3
    Hajime Orimo,Hideki Ito,Takao Suzuki,Atsushi Araki,Takayuki Hosoi, Motoji Sawabe (2006): Reviewing the definition of “elderly”. Geriatrics Gerontology, Volume 6, Issue 3 149-158.
    Helmich K. (2008): A generativitás fogalma és a nemzedékek egymásrahatása. In: Gyáni G., Láng M. (szerk.): Generációk a történelemben. Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesülete és a Nyíregyházi Főiskola Gazdasági Társadalomtudományi Kara, Nyíregyháza (2008) 115-120.
    Karin Schwiter, Christian Berndt, Jasmine Truong (2015): Neoliberal austerity and the marketisation of elderly care. Social & Cultural Geography Volume 19, 2018 - Issue 3: Placing care in times of austerity
    Kodner, D., and C. Spreeuwenberg. 2002. “Integrated Care: Meaning, Logic, Applications and
    Implications – A Discussion Paper.” International Journal of Integrated Care Vol. 2 (October-December).
    Kovács Éva (2006): Mari ésaz ő „cigánysága” – avagy a narratíva helye és ereje az etnicitás kutatásában. Tabula, 2006 9 (I):41-52.
    KSH Statisztikai Tükör (2015). A hazai nemzetiségek demográgiai jellemzői. (Utolsó letöltés ideje: 2021. 11. 03.)
    Marco Arlotti, Manuel Aguilar-Hendrickson (2017): The vicious layering of multilevel governance in Southern Europe: The case of elderly care in Italy and Spain. Social Policy Administration, Volume52, Issue3, May 2018, 646-661.
    Margaret McAdam (2008): Frameworks of Integrated Care for the Elderly: A Systematic Review. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
    Nárai Márta (2019): A lokális társadalmi szerepvállalás, felelősségvállalás szereplői – egyesületek, alapítványok a helyi közösségek/helyi társadalom szolgálatában, Ünnepi tanulmánykötet a 70 éves Gáspár Mátyás tiszteletére, Magánkiadás, 151-161.
    Örkény Antal – Vári István: Szempontok és kérdőjelek a magyarországi roma kisebbség tanulmányozásához. Fundamentum, 2009. 2. szám, 5-15.
    Sari Kehusmaa, Ilona Autti-Rämö, Hans Helenius, Pekka Rissanen (2013): Does informal care reduce public care expenditure on elderly care? Estimates based on Finland’s Age Study. BMC Health Services Research 13, 317.
    Szabóné dr. Kármán Judit (2018): A magyarországi cigány/roma népesség kulturantropológiai és orvosantropológiai megközelítésben. Romológiai füzetek 2. DRHE, Debrecen, 5-76.

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution – challenges of the future

    Klaus Schwab (2016): The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Portfolio Pinguin.