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  • The relation between fish consumption and catering

    Fish consumption is a highly important area in the field of healthy nutrition. It is well known that besides the culinary delights, fish has a very significant physiological effect, which could increase the average lifetime and could help to improve the life quality during a longer life. Therefore it would be essential for the catering industry to improve their role within this field. They should reshape the eating habits of the ones, who are usually dining outside their homes unperceived, by using fish specialties, combining different cooking and preparation methods and possibilities. However, the observation illustrates that guests are only aware of a limited utilization of this ingredient and unfortunately in catering businesses there are only a few experimenting chefs, who replace traditional flavors with fish specialties.

  • Catering in the Dining Cars of the Future

    The examination of catering has become an importantissue for MÁV, the Hungarian Railways again. It plays an extremely outstanding role during longer trips, but it can also increase the comfort of passengers during shorter trips. Numerous good examples can be found worldwide, which can be adopted by Hungary. The present examination and research have started at the request of MÁV Zrt. Railway is the second most significant way of transport, aft er the airlines. However in order to be able to keep this position, railway has to widen its range of services, such as dining cars. We are trying to support the reform of dining cars considering all the relevant professional viewpoints.

  • Guesthouse catering facility as an experience generator in electronic communication of hungarian rural tourism supply

    Based on the model of tourism experience components, the experience basis and experience generators allow the creation of experience promises, the formation of experience imagination and the realization of experience. The catering facilities of rural tourism cannot be considered as a part of the experience basis from the point of view of supply due to the legislative framework i.e. the limited availability of catering services. At the same time, demand considers as an essential supply element the countryside flavours, the tasting of traditional gastronomy in terms of both the endowment and the availability and from the professional point of view, the appearance of a supply element in rural tourism in Hungary is unquestionable. The exploratory research covers the entire range of qualified accommodation based on the FATOSZ (Hungarian National Association of Rural and Agrotourism) electronic communication database, analyses the experience promises based on the aspects developed according to the topic, identifying their experience basis or experience generator characteristics, looking for the relationship between quality and the gastronomic experiences.

  • Tourism Competencies Development – Contradictious Perceptions of Stakeholders

    Tourism and hospitality sector has an important role in the national economy as it has high  labour intensity, generates foreign currency income and improves the local economy by multiplier effect. Tourism labour market employs a wide range of employees from non-qualified to highqualified people. Tourism tertiary educators in Hungary continue their operation by national-level legislation, and accreditation and students who complete tourism courses (should) be capable of professional occupation. The post-Bologna system offered more opportunities in tourism and hospitality education; two distinguished courses were available on the educational market to educate hospitality or tourism experts. After 2006, by launching Bologna system, institutions are allowed to commence just one, Tourism and Catering bachelor programme. A questionnairebased survey was conducted among graduating bachelor students with tourism and catering major, tutors teaching tourism and catering students and actors of tourism market, who going to be the employers of tourism graduates. The main aim of the research was to explore the personal or organizational expectations of stakeholders for professional competence development as a result of tourism and catering bachelor-level education. The bust majority of students stated that their primary aim is to gain professional competencies in tourism and hospitality to be able to fulfil managerial positions or to continue their studies on master-level. Although generic competences as communication skills in foreign languages, social sensitivity, problem solving or creativity have salient influence on job performance, students did not believe that they would be
    essential. However, these factors were thought to be the most crucial by tutors and tourism service providers despite the fact that generic skill development is not in focus in tourism and catering bachelor-level education in Hungary. Not just the educational institutions but tourism companies providing work placement for students were considered to be an appropriate basis for competencies development that raised the question of monitoring and assessment. The findings can be profitable for all stakeholder group or policy decision makers in bachelor-level curriculum development. 

  • The Analysis of Four Star Wellness Hotels’ Websites in Gyula

    Nowadays people have been browsing the websites of accommodati ons before travelling to gather more informati on. A good website can be a good source of informati on and a good adverti sing tool if it is well-structured and easily understandable. That is the reason why resorts need to concentrate not only on their services but also on their own websites. My research study has two disti ncti ve parts. In the fi rst part I introduce the fi ndings of my questi onnaire-based survey focusing on the use of hotel websites by guests. Then in the second part I analyze and classify the websites of the four hotels in questi on. I also assess the
    structure and the content of hotel websites; and fi nd out possibiliti es for their development and improvement.