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    The main motive why the “Living Values Education” international program was establish to make alive our goodness/our inner values, to make them the part of our life, in order to show our children a values-system which makes their life qualitative. The program is first of all for teachers, for parents, for grandparents (who are directly around the children) and for children. The article is about experiences of the students and the Teacher who facilitated the curse with the title: “Inner tools of Teachers: Our inner values through our personalities as Teachers” in the frame of “Living Values Education” on Teacher Training Faculty of John von Neumann University in the second semester in 2017-2018 school year.

  • Study of Diversity of Different-Age Groups Sessile Oak Stands in The Börzsöny Mountains

    Coenological based diversity examinai ons were carried out in the Börzsöny off set on the sessile oak dominated stands. To reveal the sylviculture’s eff ects on the biodiversity, in 6 forest stands, characterised by same standard parameters were carried. The Shannon- and Simpson- diversity indices were used for comparison of biodiversity values of diff erent age-groups. Altogether 88 vascular plant species (15 trees, 11 shrubs, 62 herbaceous taxa) were ideni fi ed in the stands of sessile oak woodlands. The diversity of the canopy level was the highest at the 19 year-old stand, and the lowest at the oldest, 92 year-old stand. The diversity of the shrub layer was the highest at the 61 year-old and lowest at the 2 year-old stand. In case of the ground level increasing diversity values were noi ced between the 2 and 61 years old groups, then the diversity values decreased at the stands which are older than 61.

  • The appearance of the conditions of sustainable development in the values of the population of Nagykörű: The results of a Qmethodology research

    One of the aims of sustainable development is to keep the local communities, to ensure their local welfare, which is essential to eliminate or mitigate negative consequences. In our research, we looked for the answer, how the local population relate to sustainable development. What preferences do they have regarding the place of residence? Do they see any inherent risks, threats? How long horizon they think and what problem solving techniques do they see? How do they think about sustainability issues? The responses were looking for with Q-methodology for which we have defined 46 claims in eight topics: local attachment; local cooperation; willingness to act; management; horizon; threats; solutions The Q methodology handles the respondents into factors, according to which claims they prefer more or less. The results are very well suited to understand the attitudes to the sustainability problems.


    While the question of sustainability has received more and more attention and publicity in the past decades, all ecosystems services has been constantly deteriorating during the same period. There is an abyss between theory and rhetoric and meaningful and effective action. Our present-day socio-ecological crisis is the result of a distorted world view which in turn is caused by deep psychological mechanisms affecting the individual and the society. Recognizing these underlying mechanisms, making people aware of how they work might help change the suicidal course that the developed societies based on free market capitalism, neoliberal ideology and excessive consumerism has been on in the last two hundred years. This paper aims to discuss some of the obstacles that seem to have been hindering effective action.


    The operability of Hungarian public utility corporations are presented in the treatise. During the study, I analyzed the liquidity and equity ratio of corporations performing public functions, according to three years. I compared these values with the results calculated of bankruptcy prediction models (Chinese and Indian models). As a result of the investigation, we could realize that the bankruptcy prediction model shows a considerably more pessimistic picture than the values of the indicators.

  • The Culture in Everybody

    The present study searches for the answer to the question: what man means in culture and what culture means in the modern human world. What have people got to do with culture? Does man have any interest in dealing with culture beyond the individual life, politics, and management in those days when man deals with living or getting rich? Is still or yet true that only the educated and virtuous humans should live well?

  • Weakdays's Truths

    This study is about the truth, the inequity, the justice, the injustice. It is looking for an answer to the important question: what is the social justice and what is the social unjust. It presents definition, meaning, scope and diversity of justicee and injustice, treir relationship and context of other social ideals, principles, values.

  • The Importance of Urban Green Areas, the Examination of their Sustainability

    A common characteristic of areas covered by plants is that they play a special role in shaping the environmental endowments of the settlement. The significance of green areas is further increased by urbanisation. We have conducted our research in the settlements of Homokhátság that includes the peculiarities and values of green areas and the prospective plant taxa that can be used with a view to sustainability.

  • Identi ty Awareness in the ’Melti ng-Pot’ - The Sociological Questi ons of the Identi ty of the Croati an Minority in Hungary

    In our research we have applied sociological methods in the investi gati on of the Croati an minority communiti es, of their values or scope of acti ons and their identi ty preservati on methods in the 21st century. As an interesti ng fact of the research, in Vas County communiti es we have found identi fi cati on and diff erenti ati on in and between classical and cultural nati on percepti on. We have investi gated the approach of identi fi cati on and as a result we can state that nati onal symbols are important elements of identi fi cati on. There are associati onal symbols originated from the nati onal past in the communiti es’ collecti ve mind (like fl ag, coat of arms, crown, and anthem). In the aspect of belonging to Hungarians, these dimensions appeared again in the research, but in this evaluati on the abstract concepts are too strong (for example: identi ty, cultural awareness). There was no signifi cant diff erence regarding the judgment criteria as regards who belongs to Croati an or Hungarian communiti es. Belonging to Croati an communiti es is realised by less perceivable abstracti ons.
    Beyond the cultural nati on concept, belonging to Hungarians’ natural elements are the form and traditi on (border, ‘I was born in Hungary’, nati onality).
    These parameters fi t bett er into the state nati on percepti on. These traditi ons are stronger presented among senior citi zens and under-educated populati on.

  • Kunhalmok védelmének helyzete Békés megyében

    Cumanian mounds, „kurgans” have a great importance in the history of the Carpathian Basin from cultural and nature conservai on, landscape, archaeological, botanical and zoological viewpoints. The kurgans are more thousands years nai onal values heritages. In Hungary these appear with the highest number in the fi eld of Great Hungarian Plain. Their size and relai ve height about 1-12 m. Unfortunately, the diff erent agricultural aci vii es resulted in their coni nuous degradai on and their number also decreased over the past centuries. There were remarkable changes in agricultural regulai on concerning Cumanian mounds in the EU – and in Hungary too – in 2010. They were declared protected landscape elements therefore they became part of cross-compliance. In our research we will check the results of the new regulai on in relai on to the changes in the state of Cumanian mounds in Békés County.

  • Verseghy Circle, a Civil Organization in Szolnok

    The Verseghy Circle was established 20 years ago, on 26 November 1993, in Szolnok. The associati on is preserving the cult of Ferenc Verseghy (1757-1820) scholar-poet, nati ve of Szolnok. It also assists and tends to events and acti viti es related to him. Besides traditi ons of language and literature, it also promotes other arts and disciplines. Based on the creati vity of the members, it seeks to explore and promote the values of Szolnok, with very special tools. Thus,
    it strengthens the identi ty and patrioti sm of the inhabitants of Szolnok. The Verseghy Circle is a voluntary NGO, which organizes scienti fi c meeti ngs, local studies and inaugural lectures for its local patriot membership and the general public. This paper is the account of the past two decades by one of the founders, the oldest member of the Circle.


    Nowadays, the protection of the local economy and society is strongly supported not only at the level of nations, but also at the global level. Our study was based on the CETSCALE model of Shimp and Sharma (1987), based on Sumner's (1906) concept of ethnocentrism. The consumer questionnaire survey was conducted in the fall of 2021 as part of an omnibus research on a representative sample (N=1000). The sample reflects the composition of the basic population in terms of gender, age, settlement type and regions. In the course of the research, in addition to descriptive statistical methods, factor and cluster analysis were performed in order to reveal the consumer segments formed along the lines of domestic ethnocentric values. Since in 2014 we already analyzed this set of statements in the framework of a representative large-scale study, we also had the opportunity to compare it with the results of seven years earlier. According to our expectations, the 2020 epidemic increased the commitment to Hungarian products. However, our preliminary assumption was not confirmed, during the analyzes it was revealed that there was no significant change compared to the previous state. Along the lines of the CETSCALE statements, it was possible to identify two factors and with their help to separate three segments, which were named Nationalist, Patriotic and Cosmopolitan based on their alignment with the value groups. It is in the fundamental interest of the actors of the domestic economy that the patriotic behavior is strengthened in the future, for which a strategy must be developed.

  • Lessons of the Value Assessment

    IThe students going into vocati onal schools generally present a poor performance in the primary school, they experience much failure, because they have to repeat classes or their study achievements are hardly bett er than 2 (a pass). According to the results of research works, vocati onal school students are exclusively those, who have been forced into this area by the harsh social determining factors. Their value-orientati on/value-selecti on are greatly infl uenced
    by their starti ng point (family environment). Most of the children admitt ed to vocati onal schools come with signifi cant social and educati onal disadvantage. Most of the gypsy pupils suff er from such a failure at the very beginning of their school studies that they drop out. The failures are expressed in their defi ciency in studies but the sensiti vity, the lack of ability to tolerate failures are also important in case of the gypsy children. Sti ll, the further educati on is the channel of social mobility. Major questi ons of the assessment: can the underprivileged situati on of these young roma people be eliminated using this unique value training programme applying its various teaching mean; will the secondary citi zen feeling be reduced or eliminated through collecti ve work and learning the instruments and methods to be used for promoti ng personal advancement; will the value-programme solve the existi ng confl icts between the young ones, who treat the school as a strange insti tute and the teachers, who consider the young ones who disapprove of the existence of school if they mutually accept the status of being diff erent; will the special value training programme provide enough knowledge to give chance for the parti cipants to be
    competi ti ve on their life. The answer of the four-years assessment is that these young roma ones can be changed.


    BeHidden, black, untaxed or shadow economy, all terms mean the same thing, but even though we have several words about the phenomenon, many people do not know what it is, its extent and there are no exact values about how the black economy is developing in Hungary. A black economy is, in short, the part of the economy after which no tax has been paid, so for example, the activity that takes place or the employment takes place in black is unofficial. We talk a lot about it, and the government is also making more and more efforts to whiten the economy. As a result of a number of measures taken, there are rumors that the shadow economy has been reduced. What exactly is a hidden economy? To what extent is the tax-free economy in Hungary? Can the existence of the black economy be completely abolished, can the economy be completely bleached? I am looking for answers to these questions within the framework of this scientific article. What is the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the hidden economy and what responses might the government have?

  • The Criminal Code and nature conservation

    In my study of the XX. Jubilee International Student Conference on the Environment and Rural Development Programme fittingly made a complation in which the values of conservation and environment-focused collegaue, I wish to offer an insight into the changes in the Criminal Code, in which the position of the legislation, I present to the reader. In the interpretation of the law is an appropriate description of the former Minister's legislation and I reveal to the reader to more easily understood and behaviors penalties for crimes related to the individual nature.