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    As a result of globalization, the consumption of fish and fishery products also boomed, thanks to the appearance of imported products. It can already be said that many fish species and processing forms are available to consumers every day. Because of this, consumer habits have changed and the consumption of fish products, which are part of a healthy diet, is becoming increasingly prominent. The aim of the article is to present the consumer habits and attitudes related to fish and fishery products at the global, European Union, and domestic level.

  • The Examinati on of Children’s Buying Habits

    The family is the smallest unit of society. According to the classical, ideal interpretati on of family it consists of a father, a mother and at least of one child. According to the traditi onal model the father id the breadwinner, he supports the family; whereas the mother runs the household, she brings up the children; the children’s task is studying, perhaps helping the mother with running the household. On hearing the word ‘family’ ‘unity’ and ‘harmony’ come to mind, whereas each family member has diff erent personaliti es with more or less sameness. They try to solve the problems arising in the family together, but every family member can have their own problems. Family members infl uence one another’s decisions, which can involve economic decisions, too. The number of children exercises the greatest infl uence on economic decisions. In our fast, modern, consumer society children wield the most signifi cant purchasing power. Their needs usually defi ne the family’s purchasing habits. Today children demonstrate their own needs in the market.

  • The Examinati on of Chocolate Consumpti on in Jászság among Young People in their Twenti es

    Nowadays hyper- and supermarkets, which have been opening by the dozen, have been off ering various price ranges and fl avour categories of chocolate for customers. Apart from premium quality chocolate, they also off er their own brands. According to Hungarian manufacturers and retailers in the last couple of years a positi ve shift can be observed towards quality chocolates, fi rst of all chocolate fi gure products made from milk chocolate and exclusive desserts that are
    bought in large quanti ti es despite their high prices. What factors (price, fl avour, and brand) and to what extent infl uence our choice of products? The aim of my paper has been to reveal and analyse the chocolate buying habits of young people in their twenti es.

  • The Examinati on of Consumer Behaviour in the Case of Dairy Products

    In our paper we aimed to examine the milk consuming habits of the Hungarian populati on. We highlight how oft en and what type of dairy products are consumed by the populati on, what are the factors that infl uence their purchasing and consuming habits.

  • New generations – new trends in the spa industry

    Today's tourism market is a scene of rapid changes that equally affect the demand and the supply side. In the spa industry market, due to the presence of both wellness and medical services, a wide range of generations appear as consumers, with different expectations toward the service providers. Therefore, the changes taking place in the present and the upcoming years are worth exploring, which, in addition to the changes in consumer habits, visualize the expansion of consumer needs. Current article attempts to describe the expected spa services by examining the nature of generations and identifying future changes that can be predicted. The author primarily tries to summarize the market trends that contribute significant changes, using international and national secondary resources and the professional experience gained in the industry.