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  • Scenarios of global climate change in Europe

    One of the latest new directions in futures studies is interactive simulation modeling. This type of modeling is able to create complex alternatives for the future. This methodological research trend entirely fits this study. It shows how the interactive climate model is scientifically developed. Using the Java Climate Model, it is possible to display the social and the economic consequences of climate change. Using this model, analyses of comparative climate change scenarios can show the possible effects of economic policy on the environment in the short and long term. It also provides data on various regional levels. This study shows two possible non-extreme alternative scenarios for the European continent’s economy and climate, and their consequences. A study has been done by the author recently, showing two extreme alternatives, focusing on the best and worst options, respectively. These new alternatives presenting in this study, however, give realistic options for professionals.

  • Is startup may be the solution for climate change?

    Today, unemployment is caused by environmental and economic changes are burning quite a problem around the world. With startups over the past 10 years, the economy is showing more and more increasing trend, so why not make it against the climate change fight, even while the young entrepreneurs also support the economy. There are many things to do, which is still untapped, including the use of geothermal and renewable energy resources, which not only
    reduced dependence on foreign countries, but also new jobs could be created using environmentally friendly methods. The innovative emerging entrepreneurs’ maybe will soon find a solution for climate change, because this phenomenon is certainly all the inhabitants of the earth directly or indirectly exercise influence.

  • The Instrumental Health Condition Assessment of Two Elderly Sessile Oak Stands in the Börzsöny Mountains and the Gödöllő Hills

    Many of the climate change researchers believe that in this century the average temperature is expected to rise apart from the climate becoming more extreme (Solomon et al., 2007). These weather anomalies can significantly influence the living beings, including the range limits of plants. This could seriously effect our indigenous tree species, some prognoses assume that the 82-100 % of the zonal spread of the sessile oak will have fallen outside the optimum climate area in tthe Carpathian Basin by 2050 (Czúcz et al., 2013). Such and similar forecast make the climate tolerance and health condition examinations of the sessile oak stands particularly important, so that we can measure the changes in plant communities. We have examined the health conditions of two elderly - over the age of 100 years - stands with the FAKOPP +D Acoustic Tomograph. One of the stands can be found in the Börzsöny Mountain, s while the other one in the Gödöllő Hills.

  • The Presentation of the Initial Support Subproject and the Emphasis on the Major Variances Compared to the Tenders Invited Previously for Young Farmers

    In the new framework which came into force from 2014 the main directions of rural development are determined by the protection of the environment, the struggle against climate change and innovation. In addition, within the framework of EU programmes is a more careful attention is paid to young farmers. In the 2014-2020 programme the support of young farmers will also receive a prominent role.

  • Analysis of practice of sustainability reports

    The responsibility of companies to reduce the negative effects of climate change is obvious. The transition from a traditional linear economy to a circular economy means an increasing burden on companies. Besides the adequate financial performance, more and more emphasis is being placed on environmental performance. This study examines the non-financial sustainability reporting practices of 20 companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The analysis used non-financial reports of companies with the highest market capitalization between 2020 and 2022. The analysis results support that the reports of environmentally sensitive companies are more extensive and detailed concerning investigated aspects. The details and length of the companies’ ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) reports increased during the three years examined. The environmental and social aspects of disclosed documents are more detailed for the banks, the oil extraction, and the telecommunication companies. In the company sample examined, it can be observed that most of the reports are prepared according to the GRI regulation. It can also be observed that the companies examined made more detailed and longer reports. The research results also support the fact that the aspects of the ESG report (E, S, G) also depend on the sector in which the companies operate.

  • Moral climate change – moral renewal

    The human is a moral beings - because it does not behave as a moral being, - will come to naught. According the advocates of ethics, the not insight of this fact should lead to a global ecological disaster ( to a second flood). The possibility of survival is standing or falling with the possibility of moral action: are we aware of the existence of good or bad? Are we able to distinguish the two? Is our freedom, to choose the good knowing both? And at the and, do we recognize our
    unavoidable responsibility for our actions? This study is about it.


    Global sustainability efforts of the past decades have been unsuccessful. Humanity is still on track to worst case climate scenario, the Paris Climate Conference, labele d as historic by many, did not prove to be a real breakthrough. Several explanations have been proposed to account for inaction. Few, however, have addressed the question of how a change in world view could be induced in people.