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    This paper highlights the philosophical and sociological aspects of safety and the economic aspects of security. Although catastrophic potential inherent in (post-)modern risks is not the main cause of the rise of security debates nowadays, these have only gone viral as universal societal problems in the late 20th and the early 21st centuries. Actually, political discourse has always operated with the safety concept from the Roman rhetors to modern state leadership, often using it for manipulative purposes. Security-focused policy campaigns target the ancient, visceral fear of deaths like magic, rites, and religions providing false promises to satisfy our desire for safety. However, this desire shares the utopian character with such notions like freedom, equality or justice: all of them are unattainable. No government or institution can guarantee our safety but our security. While safety is a public or private good which is not for sale as it only has an ideal value, security is a common ware which has its price. Security is the economic aspect of safety. It is a commonplace that safety is costly, but lack of safety could be even more costly. Measuring costs of lacking safety and willingness-to-pay for security measures are crucial for the economic aspects of  safety. 

  • The Management and Development of Regional Clusters in the Russian Economy

    The present paper draws attention to the urgency of the problem related to the formation of tourism clusters. Then the current state and the specific features of the object of study are described. Then we expand upon the scientific basis of the proposed research methodology. Finally we offer guidelines on the implementation of the expected results. The development of initiative in the implementation of cluster projects in the territories of the administrative-territorial and municipal entities of the Russian Federation has been intended to promote the concentration of existing and attracted resources that will improve the efficiency provided for socio-economic measures.

  • Innovative Biodiesel Production

    The importance of the research of the biofuels is moti vated according to the Hungary’s Renewable Energy Acti on Plan, on the other hand the Europe 2020 also emphasizes the smart and sustainable growth. The direct objecti ve of the research program is to investi gate the applicati on of microwave pre-treatment for bio-energeti c, the indirect objecti ve is to ensure security of energy supply. Based on the experiences, the microwave energy is preferably used for intensifi cati on of certain chemical reacti ons. Pre-experimental experiences have shown that microwave irradiati on in the transesterifi cati on of vegetable oils (transesterifi cati on with methanol and NaOH catalyst) results in reducti on of ti me and energy demand of the process. Producti on of vegetable oil-based is made with microwave-assisted technology under diff erent method, operati onal and process parameters. As a result of the experiments established that the
    transesterifi cati on reacti on ti mes of the microwaved transesterifi cati on are reduced signifi cantly compared to the conventi onal transesterifi cati on reacti on ti me, however, further investi gati on of compositi on of treated mixture and dielectric characteristi cs of the components are necessary to optimize the procedure for energy aspects.

  • Common Aim - Seperate Way? posztszocialista átmenet Európában

    The study analyses the transition of the East-Center-European and Baltic Countries after the change of the regime up to now. It tries to place these countries in the presented mixed economic models and examines how they comply with the conditions of the sustainable development. The extent of state involvement in the economic and the social processes is key issue because its determines economic growth. The author of the study concludes there is no economic growth without an adequate institutional system and the stability if the state budget. Another conclusion makes it clear that the countries mentioned above cannot be grouped and have met the criteria of sustainability in a specific way so far.


  • Foreign trade possibilities of the Fruit – Vegetable sector in the future

    Hungary can be considered as a small, open economy, therefore the domestic market doesn’t provide enough possibility to sell the grown and produced agricultural products, exportation is vital. In the year of 2010 Hungary had trading activity on the field of agricultural products with 151 countries, which has grown to 164 countries by 2013. According to the Strategy of the Fruit- Vegetable Sector the production target is 3,5 million tons for the year of 2020. This target has already been reached in 1990, since then the average production is 2 – 2,5 million tons yearly. We can increase our foreign trade only if the properly classified, carefully packed products can be delivered in the requested quality on the contracted time. Perhaps this is the most sensitive territory where the Hungarian producers are falling back from the international trends. Due to the lack of cash and capital the technological and technical development of the is missing, the trade channels are getting more and more narrow, which will lead to loosing of the market. Nowadays the main problem of the Hungarian Vegetable-Fruit sector is the diminishing quantity of marketable goods, despite of the fact, that the sector could remain a net exporter. The presence of the black market is overwhelming in Hungary which makes the sector vulnerable and hard to regulate. Despite of several good examples and successful enterprises it is still true that the majority of the producers are lacking the needed technological, marketing, management and trade knowledge. They insist on using their obsolete methods, and not willing to learn and change. There is a problem in the forecast of the expected yield. The Vegetable-Fruit sector is the
    most export driven part of the Hungarian agricultural sector as it is selling more than the 50% of all production abroad. In order to be sustain this share it would be fruitable to have a more favorable tax policy and the revision, cancellation of the „Primary producer” system. In each case the main problem is that there is no common base and trust between the trader, producer and management. This is why it might happen that a member of the TÉSZ is willing to sell his product outside the system, because this way he thinks to have safe income. As the organization doesn’t have a safe base of products for sale they can not develop the market and if they have no safe market, due to the missing trust there will be no safe base of products for sale, and the circle is closed and the whole problem starts again.



    In the European Union, the population uses 26% of the energy. Due to the strategic goal of achieving climate neutrality and the crises of recent years, investment in the use of renewable energies has accelerated. In order to support this process, the Circular Economy Analysis Center of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) started the development of a so-called multidisciplinary smart map, which shows the possibilities of renewable energy sources that can be used locally, and the selection of the optimal energy production mix based on the location of residential buildings and buildings. The purpose of this article is to present the selection of test sites necessary for the development of the map, highlighting their geographical, meteorological, economic, and social characteristics. Based on the applied multi-criteria system, the selection of testing locations and tasks is a complex task. The investigations are summarized in five chapters. The first one describes the introductory thoughts related to the initiation and development of the project. The second deals with Hungarian residential energy consumption in the light of international data. The third presents the principles of smart map development and defines the criteria for testing locations. And the fourth one analyzes and presents the principles and possibilities of selecting locations. The fifth part summarizes the location selection process, describes the methodology of the applied analyzes and describes the results of the location selection. The described procedure can guide the examination of these factors in other international projects.


    A few decades ago dynamic pricing was a magic word in hotel industry. It was considered a mythic activity, and therefore, operators and owners expected that its introduction would result in a drastic increase in profitability. Then it turned out that it required systematic data collection, the best possible IT background in terms of the resources, and the presence of specialists. It can be accepted as a fact, that those who stayed out were left behind. However, which direction did those who joined take? What did they achieve? It became an independent activity with several trends and connection points. It can rightly be called the cornerstone of hotel industry yield management. In my review, I intend to show the present state of the hotel industry in the area of dynamic pricing. However, the representatives of each trend have a common goal: maximising their revenues in the long term.

  • The Applicability of Controlling at the SMEs in the Construction Industry

    This model was created mainly for those SMEs from the building industry which have such industrial specialties like low capitalization and tight liquidity. Due to these factors the fast management information system and the focus on operational and financial issues are essential. Based on the facts mentioned above I have tried to provide a technical assistance for the owners/CEOs of these SMEs. Although they have no controlling department they need the fast information flow to support their business processes and to base their decisions aiming for a profitable operation and a sustainable liquidity.