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    One of today’s most important social and economic phenomena is the fourth industrial revolution, the effect of which is that digitalization can significantly transform business processes. The corporate controlling area cannot avoid transformation either, its methods and tools will change. Just as controlling itself, its changes can also differ between sectors, especially in the extremely diverse service sector. The aim of the research is to examine, on a domestic sample, whether there are differences in this respect between companies with a main commercial activity and the rest of the service sector. The data of the questionnaire research conducted with 46 controllers and managers were evaluated by means of cross-tabulations, averages and statistical tests. There are no differences in the digital development of the key performance indicators that form the basis of controller work, in the use of ERP systems, automation solutions and language algorithms. In the commercial group of the sample, the use of business intelligence tools providing advanced planning and analysis options is significantly more common. The two groups of the sample do not differ in terms of the factors encouraging the digitalization of the controlling area, but the companies with a commercial main activity differ in terms of the importance of the factors hindering the process: they are more averse to new technologies, more afraid of their usual positions, but perceive the financial aspects of the development to be less important.

  • A change in the organizational role of controllers – the Hungarian situation based on a questionnaire survey

    Based on the literature, the author presents the development of the corporate controlling function, its basic tasks, and the development of the role of the controller. Based on the results of the literature, a questionnaire survey was conducted among Hungarian controllers and managers. Based on the answers of the respondents, the author gives an idea of ​​the situation of the work of controller. According to the results of the descriptive, non-representative, guiding research, the respondents think about the ideal role of controlling similarly to those described in the literature, but it differs from those experienced during work. Controllers mainly take the role of reporters in the organizations of respondents, the roles of decision supporter navigators and advanced business partners are less frequent. Respondents tend to agree that the future may bring changes to controller tasks, and their role will be strengthened.

  • Controlling characteristics of SMEs in the Észak-alföldi Region

    Since the regime change in Hungary, the main federal task has been to strengthen the small and medium-sized ventures. The size of the category plays an important role in the employment as well as in the GDP production. Those areas that make businesses strong and reduce the risk of their activities are in the center of attention in this hardly predictable economic era. One of those areas is the views and methods of controlling which is still hardly adoptable to most of the CEOs in businesses. The introduction and the use of these operations give concrete results within a relatively short period of time, making the decision makers’ job easier at the companies. The study includes the examined SMEs, the design of business characteristics, the valuation of suppliers and customers, the production and the prime costs of the service. The vision of SMEs that characterizes the application of the tools and methods of controlling are also included.

  • The Relationship between the Strategy of Change and Controlling

    Present papers - as a preliminary study to a subsequent one- describes a research programme, which examines the system of connections of change and controlling embracing several companies. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the role of strategic controlling in the implementation of company strategy, avoiding an unsuccessful strategy, defining reversible processes and points of intervention, and also in providing feedback, while devoting a special attention to the formation of strategy-oriented organisation.

  • Controller szerepkör és szaktudás változása az Ipar 4.0 hatására

    The aim of my publication is to introduce the foundation and development of controller’s role in respect to the recent changes in the last 10 years due to implementation of Industry 4.0. This is connected to the exponential development of information technology, what made possible to store, proceed and analyze much more data (Big Data) than ever before. The new business information (BI) systems help reporting and analysis processes with interactive dashboard-based reports. New possibilities opened also in forecasting, due to more available data and higher computer capacities, where forecasting algorithms can be run rapidly and so more frequently, and more accurate forecasts can be prepared. The changes of course influence the requested professional skills and the role of the controllers in the companies, what I demonstrate in more details in my paper. At the end of my publication, I introduce the results of my empirical questioner based research about requested IT knowledge of controllers and their connection with automatization of company’s controlling processes.


    Entering the digital age, business conditions have changed. The social and economic effects of Industry 4.0 surround humanity. Systems that work together in the cyber-physical space move companies and create value. Naturally, the management wants to evaluate these processes and wants to see reports about them. New times, new winds, that is, the activities of a company based on digital technology require a new kind of reporting technique and methodology. The study briefly introduces the tools we use for this purpose. These tools (methods) also raise a number of ethical issues, while controlling and reporting must also meet the pressure of efficiency, that is, we have to increase the efficiency of reporting.

  • The Applicability of Controlling at the SMEs in the Construction Industry

    This model was created mainly for those SMEs from the building industry which have such industrial specialties like low capitalization and tight liquidity. Due to these factors the fast management information system and the focus on operational and financial issues are essential. Based on the facts mentioned above I have tried to provide a technical assistance for the owners/CEOs of these SMEs. Although they have no controlling department they need the fast information flow to support their business processes and to base their decisions aiming for a profitable operation and a sustainable liquidity.

  • Controlling Methods for SMEs’ Risk Reduction

    A substantial proportion of entrepreneurs strive to reduce the risk of their activity, which means they refer to a number of methods known, but rarely applied by them. Risk reduction activities can be totally interconnected with the ‘controlling’ approach and methods that are still not well known to a lot of company executives, but the introduction and application of those methods provide tangible results for business decision-makers within a relatively short period of time. The paper presents the size, activity, financial process characteristics, planning features, suppliers and buyers' evaluation practices of the investigated SMEs using correlation analysis methods. The study is a continuation of a research topic that has been going on for many years and is based on data collection from the years 2015 and 2016. We have evaluated the planning and management features of a total of 53 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises by questionnaire processing.


    In the literature the way innovation shakes an industry or social subsystem shows up as ‘digital transformation’, or ‘disruptive technology’. Digital transformation impacts the whole company, especially finance and accounting. These function areas, on one hand, are following the changes brought about by digital transformation, while supporting decision-making process, and, on the other hand, new opportunities are opening up to make these areas more effective. These environmental changes demand an in-depth examination of the development of competency expectations and responsibilities of employees working these function areas. The aim of this paper is to determine how the revealed processes and tendencies affect the organizational and the individual level, and how the expectations of the future controller change.

  • The Impact of Corruption and Hidden Economy on the Operation of the SME Sector

    Corrupti on is a complex phenomenon related to hidden economy, which is also a barrier to economic development and hinders the outbreak from the crisis. Corrupti on is becoming a more sophisti cated instrument of hidden economies and is present in every country parallel to the ever intense accelerati on of our globalized world. Its extent depends on, among other things, economic dispariti es, social deformati ons, unequal burden-sharing, the rather ingenious forms of tax evasion, social morality, the country’s economic development, controlling mechanism and, more importantly, the subtle relati ons of economic crime with the prevailing powers. Hidden economy and corrupti on are interrelated phenomena. Uneven economic development, unemployment, social insecurity, contradicti ons of the legal regulati ons, and lack of transparency all provide an incenti ve to the violati on of ethical business practi ces, the exploitati on of the benefi ts of economic crime, the reinvestment of such profi ts into the business sphere and the appearance of corrupti on in the politi cal decision-making. Corrupti on is a social symptom, a subsistence constraint, a deviant form as well as a status security instrument, the mild (moral) judgment of which encourages parti cipati on in the hidden economy and economic crises. If the state or the politi cs seeks to infl uence the development of the economy and assumes excessive responsibility or procurer function, it diminishes the principle of public burdens and supports the expansion of corrupti on and the operati on of hidden economy at the sametime.