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  • Rotary-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    The weight of these flying devices ranges from some dekagrams to ten tons. They can be used even in cases when the mission is too dangerous to risk the life of human beings, so the main field of their application is the military aviation (reconnaissance, observati on, and even armed att ack). The practical solutions of their airframe structure are more colourful than that of the traditional manned aircraft airframe structures. It is understandable considering that even extraordinary soluti ons can be tried with relati vely small financial risk. The airframes of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are smaller and their designers are not so keen for conventional solutions. By their airframe structure, three diff erent categories can be separated: fi xed wing, rotary wing and hybrid. By the takeoff and landing solutions, also there are three categories: Horizontal Take Off and Landing – HTOL), Vertical Take Off and Landing – VTOL) and their combination. The objective of this paper is to introduce the performance of VTOL types and to present their possible applicability as well as their limitations.

  • Energy Resources of Unmanned Aircrat Vehicle

    Aviai on is the quickest and most praci cal way of locomoi on, to which people have been paying at eni on for thousands of years. Today – on account of air traffi c, energy crisis and environmentalism – the power source of the aircrat became a key issue. In addii on to fl ight safety, there is a growing emphasis on environmentally friendly operai on. The ineffi cient burning of fossil fuels comes hand in hand with the signifi cant pollutant emission and noise pollui on which bother even those living far from the airports. Nowadays the most important objeci ve of researchers and developers is to create an effi cient, clean and quiet airplane, thus as a new idea they at empt to ui lize electricity in this form on board the aircrat . The ari cle presents some various energy resources through some example of unmanned aerial vehicle.

  • Air and Ground Maintenance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Human error will pose a threat to the operati on of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), just as it does in other fi elds of aviati on. If UAVs are to be permitt ed to operate in the Nati onal Airspace System (NAS), it will be necessary to understand the human factors associated with these vehicles. The aim of this arti cle is to give recommendati ons for the safe and effi cient airport operati ons management methods, processes, and examines of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles gained over the past use of air and ground experience.

  • Trends in the Development of Weapon Systems

    Nowadays the defence industry and the development of new technologies have been intertwined. Recently weapons and weapon systems have been tested that, little before, only science-fiction fans could believe to be possible and it was but a few professional insiders, mainly developers, who were encouraged to have anything like this on their design desks. Today the development of the defense industry is synonymous with that of new technologies from which societies benefit in at least two ways: (1) they improve the social and national safety and security, and (2) provide new tools for everyday use. The article aims to introduce readers to some features of the evolving change being presently experienced in modern warfare through some examples of the up-to-date weapons, weapon systems and technologies, and let them have a glance also at their possible forms of use in the near future.