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    The consumer asserts that his or her decisions are consistent and rational. Basically, we must distinguish between real and presumed awareness. Real awareness is rooted in the knowledge of consumer rights, while presumed awareness exists only in the consumer’s belief in himself. The purpose of my research is to assess the level of consumer protection knowledge of the respondents and to draw conclusions about the consumers’ awareness, i.e. to measure awareness in terms of consumer protection on the online markets. I can state that the rules of the 14 day period of withdrawal without stating reasons when shopping
    online and the VAT and customs duty obligations of foreign webshops are less known by online customers.

  • The Value of Engineering and Technology, Agricultural, and Informatics Degrees on the Labour Market

    Nowadays the rising unemployment rate for newly graduated students poses a considerable problem. Although obtaining a degree and a certificate is not enough on the labour market, it is a fact that college graduates' unemployment rates overall are still lower than the national average. In this paper we focus on the value of engineering and technology degrees, agricultural degrees and the informatics degree on the labour market.

  • Consumer etnocentrism in aspect of trade marks

    In the last few years a new tendency seems to stand out: Hungarian products are in vogue, more than ever. This tendency overwhelming the whole society so much, that it could not be unnoted. All type of products printed with kitschy Hungarian motives, even at the post office you are surrounded with “Hungarian products” when queuing. What is the reason for the popularity of Hungarian products? Why we are sticked to our nationality so much nowadays? It is just a drug for us or there much more behind the scenes? One thing is sure: the market reacting very intensively and fast to this “national” need. In our paper we try to find answers to all these questions. We examine the role of trademarks and try to segment the market by the ethnocentrism of consumers. 

  • The Fat Tax in 2011 and in 2012

    Approximately 119 million of the US population, that is 64.5 percent of the adult US population are either overweight or obese. 17.5 million young, obese people live in the European Union. The proportion of overweight or obese people is higher than 60% in Hungary. It causes a dramatic increase in health expenditure. Possible solutions include the introduction of a fat tax. Hungary introduced the fat tax in 2011. The rate of fat tax has increased in 2012.

  • The Effects of Product Placement of Commercial Television Channels on Hungarian Consumers

    Nowadays consumers can encounter a new adverti sing practi ce. The programmes of Hungarian television channels contain an increasing number of product placements perceived by consumers. Product placement is markedly different from the classical component of marketing-mix, so the opinions on product placement vary from country to country. In our present research we have observes the effects that encourage advertisers to use product placement in their advertising activity. Our goal is to provide a short overview of the influence of product placement on the buying habits of customers.

  • The Mother’s Role in the Health Conscious Consumer Socializati on of Children

    In our research we were looking for a relati onship between childhood obesity and the mother’s body type, lifestyle. We have examined the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of respondent mothers with the use of Cramer’s V coeffi cient. The opinion of respondents does not refl ect the reality in Hungary. The Cramer’s V coeffi cient, which measures the relati onship between body type according to BMI and own opinion of mothers was medium: 0.519, which means that the respondents cannot assess their own BMI and body type. The body type of children perceived by their mothers was also inaccurate. According to our research we can state that body type of mothers exercises infl uence on the body type of children. The extent of infl uence depends on the age of children (3.6 – 8.5%).


    Warranty is the essential tool in consumer protection. We can presume that consumers know the most important rules of warranty regulation because everyone is affected by it. I think if the consumer has no accurate information on the warranty in this case, consumer awareness can be questioned. According to my research (sample size is 2182 persons) the respondents are convinced that an obligatory guarantee shall be due on a HUF 4,999 technical product (hairdryer). Only 19.7% of the respondents knew this was not really the case. It is striking that only 56.3% of the respondents were able to say that the mandatory legal guarantee period for a technical product (television) was 12 months. All kinds of figures appeared in the responses relating to the warranty period (6, 18, 36, 60 months). We can state that the knowledge of consumer rights is very poor in Hungary.

  • Food Labels from the Point of View of Consumers

    On the basis of our secondary research fi ndings it can be stated that the majority of young Hungarians are intensive consumers of foods with a high level of fat, salt and sugar. We can state that they do not understand the noti ons of food labels, and are not aware of the signs’ meaning on product packages. Only half of the young read the list of ingredients on the back of products. The situati on is even more aggravated as only 40% of respondents are aware of the eff ects of components (by their own avowal). There are no food labels supporti ng consumer decisions in Hungary. It is necessary to take other countries’ practi ce into considerati on, for example the practi ce, the food labels of the USA and the idea of the Hungarian Nati onal Heart Foundati on.