
Branding Hungary as a Health Tourism Destination: Asynchrony Problems


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Lengyel, A. (2020). Branding Hungary as a Health Tourism Destination: Asynchrony Problems. Economica, 8(1), 68-72.

Branding a country as an attractive tourism destination is an extremely complex and long-term endeavour. There are several brand assessment systems using diverse methodology for creating brand indices for countries. In the Bloomberg brand indexing system Hungary is ranked 20th in Europe and by Future Brand 23rd in 2014. These placements are indicators of a relatively poor performance of Hungary as a nation brand and warrant an integrated image building effort
independent from the changing political power structure. There are certain basic principles to adhere to in branding a tourism destination be it settlement, regional or country level. One of the keys to succesful branding is synchronising marketing efforts on different levels. Asynchronous communication and strategies lead to confusion in image perception, hence the weakening of the brand. The present paper aims to examine some of the asynchronies in the branding of Hungary as a health tourism destination.