
The Children’s Role in the Food Purchase Decision-Making Process


Copyright (c) 2012 College of Szolnok

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Földi, K., Bajdó, A., Balogh, B., Halász, J., & Ecsédi, L. (2020). The Children’s Role in the Food Purchase Decision-Making Process. Economica, 5(Különszám), 78-86.ülönszám/4492

In our present paper we wish to give a closer picture of store, product and brand choice in the food purchase decision-making process. We examined the role played by children in the family purchase decision-making process, especially in store, product and brand choice at daily and big shopping. In our research we applied - apart from bibliography review and secondary research - primary qualitative (deep interview) research. On the basis of our qualitative research findings children play an important role in the family purchase decision-making process, but this role is not dominant. According to our research findings children play a bigger role in the store choice at big shopping and in the product choice when they choose the product for their own consumption.